Which role is responsible for assisting team members to clear obstacles and unblock their work

Which role is responsible for assisting team members to clear obstacles and unblock their work

Agile Project Management 

Weekly Challenge 3 Quiz Answer

Weekly Challenge 3

Question 1)

Which of the following best describes why Scrum Teams refer to the Product Backlog as a living artifact?

  • The stakeholders can add items at any time.
  • The team only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
  • The Product Owner only adds items at the end of a Sprint.
  • The Product Owner adds items at any time.

Question 2)

A Product Owner writing a user story needs the story to fit within the planned Sprint. If the user story is too large, they break it down into multiple, scaled-down stories in order to meet which of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story writing criteria?

  • Valuable
  • Small
  • Negotiable
  • Independent
  • Estimitable

Question 3)

As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog for a small number of items. You’d like your team to reach a consensus on the number of items, and you’d also like to incorporate the Fibonacci sequence. Which effort estimation technique should you use?

  • Dot Voting
  • The Bucket System
  • Affinity Mapping
  • Planning Poker™

Question 4)

Fill in the blank: The amount of work a Product Owner plans for the Sprint is based on _____.

  • the future capacity of the team
  • direction from the stakeholders
  • the historical capacity of the team
  • direction from the customer

Question 5)

Which of the following is a key deliverable of Sprint Planning?

  • Retrospective notes
  • The Sprint Backlog
  • The project charter
  • A burndown chart

Question 6)

Which role is responsible for assisting team members to clear obstacles and unblock their work? 

  • Scrum Master
  • Key stakeholder
  • Product Owner
  • Another teammate

Question 7)

What does the Scrum Team reflect on during a Sprint Retrospective? Select all that apply.

  • What’s working or not working for the team regarding the people, the processes, and the tools?
  • Who was at fault for not accomplishing a story?
  • What updates should the team make to user stories in the next Sprint?
  • What improvements are worth exploring in the next Sprint?
  • Were the improvements in the last Sprint helpful or not?

Question 8)

What stakeholder benefit does a team provide when they have a stable velocity and refine their Product Backlog? 

  • Able to compare the team to other teams at the company
  • Verify if the team is productive 
  • Able to alter the project’s goals, milestones, and deliverables
  • Know approximately how long it will take to complete the Backlog

Question 9)

How would you best compare a Kanban board to a Scrum board?

  • They’re essentially the same tool with minor differences
  • A project team has less use for a Kanban board
  • The Scrum board is more visual
  • The Kanban board is better for tracking Sprint tasks

Question 10)

Which tool is helpful for documenting Backlog and item information?

  • Spreadsheets 
  • Presentations
  • Email
  • Video chat

Extra Question

Question 11)

Fill in the blank: As a Product Owner writing a user story, you want every task to have a clear Definition of Done. A clear Definition of Done helps the team better understand how much effort it will take to complete an item. Including a Definition of Done in a user story makes it _____, one of the I.N.V.E.S.T. story-writing criteria.

  • independent
  • negotiable
  • valuable
  • estimitable
  • small

Question 12)

As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog items. You and your team have over 100 items to estimate and less than one hour to do it. Because of the time limit, you need a technique that will help your team quickly sort items by complexity. Which effort estimation technique should you use?

  • Planning Poker™
  • The Bucket System
  • Affinity Mapping
  • Dot Voting

Question 13)

Which of the following typically happens during a Sprint? Select all that apply.

  • The project scope is clarified with the Product Owner as more is learned.
  • The Product Backlog is refined by the Product Owner as needed.
  • The Sprint Goal is changed by the Product Owner as needed.
  • The work quality improves—or at least stays the same—when compared to the last Sprint.

Question 14)

Which of the following may indicate a task meets the Definition of Done? Select all that apply.

  • The Product Owner accepts the story.
  • The product meets half of the acceptance criteria.
  • The product passes all testing requirements.
  • An independent peer group reviews the product.

Question 15)

Fill in the blank: Retrospectives in Scrum happen _____ a traditional project.

  • as often as in
  • less often than in
  • more often than in

Question 16)

What’s the overall goal of a burndown chart?

  • Provide a way to compare productivity among teams
  • Serve as a communication tool for outside stakeholders
  • Quantify performance for individual team members
  • Keep the team aware of how they’re doing against their goals

Question 17)

What typically occurs during the Sprint Review? Select all that apply.

  • Explore which items should be considered done in the Backlog.
  • Demonstrate and inspect the product.
  • Discuss how to better work as a team.
  • Synchronize and prioritize activities for the team. 

Question 18)

Fill in the blank: When a team conducts Sprint Planning, they use the average velocity of _____ to determine how many items they can safely add to their Sprint Backlog.

  • at least three Sprints 
  • at least three days
  • at least three story points
  • at least three weeks

Question 19)

Work in progress (WIP) limits place constraints on how many items a team works on at any given time. What Scrum value do WIP limits encourage for a team?

  • Focus
  • Openness
  • Commitment
  • Courage

Question 20)

As a Product Owner, you need to organize and visualize your Backlog. What is an example of a tool that would make this task easier?

  • Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Gmail or Slack
  • Zoom or Google Chat
  • Jira or Trello

Question 21)

As a Product Owner, you set the initial Sprint duration the team has to work on their items. This refers to what Scrum concept? 

  • Interval
  • Schedule
  • Time frame
  • Timebox

Question 22)

As a Product Owner building a Backlog, what three pieces of information should you include for each item?

  • The level of effort to complete the item
  • A clear description from the perspective of the customer
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the item
  • The date the item is due
  • A set value for each item, such as dollar signs 

Question 23)

During what Scrum event will the Scrum Master ask questions like: What has been our average velocity? Who on the team has any upcoming vacations or work conflicts? Who is responsible for what Sprint tasks? 

  • Daily Scrum
  • Sprint planning
  • Sprint Retrospective
  • Sprint Review

Question 24)

During the Sprint Review, what does the team unveil that demonstrates what they produced in a given Sprint that is considered releasable?

  • product increment
  • Product Backlog
  • user story
  • acceptance criteria

Question 25)

As a Product Owner hosting a Sprint Retrospective, you ask the team, “Where did we notice success?” This question reflects which Retrospective best practice?

  • Take action
  • Be blameless
  • Balance negative with positive
  • Change up the format

Question 26)

Utilizing tools in Scrum helps make the team fully aware of progress and updates. This embodies which Scrum pillar?

  • Adaptation
  • Commitment
  • Transparency
  • Inspection

Question 27)

How do Product Owners typically organize items in the Backlog?

  • From simplest to most complex
  • From most to least time-consuming
  • From highest to lowest priority
  • From easiest to most difficult

Question 28)

Why would a Scrum Team use a Kanban board? Select all that apply.

  • To make it easier to notice work-in-progress (WIP) limits
  • To visualize tasks
  • To give a better sense of the team’s flow of work
  • To take fewer notes

Question 29)

As a Product Owner building a Backlog, what three pieces of information should you include for each  item? Select all that apply.

  • A set value for each item, such as dollar signs
  • The level of effort to complete the item
  • A clear description from the perspective of the customer

Question 30)

As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog items. You and your team have over 100 items to estimate and less than one hour to do it. Which effort estimation technique should you use?

  • The Bucket System

Question 31)

Which of the following exhibit the best practices for formatting a user story? 

  • Paint the client’s home because they want to increase the value of their home and protect its exterior surface.
  • As the homeowner, I want my home painted, so that it increases the value of my home and protects the exterior surfaces.
  • Paint the client’s home to increase its value and protect its exterior surfaces.
  • Paint my home because as a homeowner, it will increase its value and protect its exterior surfaces.

Question 32)

As a Product Owner, you need to add estimates to your Backlog items. Your team has a small number of items to estimate. Overall, you’d like to have group consensus, and you’d also like to incorporate the Fibonacci sequence. Which effort estimation technique should you use?

  • Planning Poker™

Question 33)

As a Product Owner hosting a Sprint Review, you ask the team, “Where did we notice success?” This question reflects which Retrospective best practice?

  • Balance negative with positive

Question 34)

As a Product Owner doing story estimation, you tell your team to keep their initial estimate private. This allows team members to form an independent opinion before sharing. Which effective estimation characteristic does this refer to?

  • Promote inclusivity
  • Avoid anchoring bias    
  • Build team trust
  • Lead to effort discovery

Who is responsible for removing the obstacles in the path of the team so that they are able to deliver the sprint goal deliverables in an agile project?

#3) Removing Impediments – The Scrum Master is also responsible for removing the impediments that impact the team's productivity in delivering business. Any impediment that the team members cannot resolve on their own comes to the Scrum Master for resolution.

Who is responsible for facilitating and removing impediments for the development team?

According to the Scrum Guide one of the Scrum Master services to the Development Team is removing impediments to the Development Team's progress. As a servant leader, the Scrum Master guides the Development Team towards self-organization and cross-functionality.

What is the Scrum Master responsible for?

Summary: The scrum master helps to facilitate scrum to the larger team by ensuring the scrum framework is followed. He/she is committed to the scrum values and practices, but should also remain flexible and open to opportunities for the team to improve their workflow.

What are the 3 Scrum roles?

Scrum has three roles: product owner, scrum master and the development team members.