Which refractive error describes the vision of a patient for whom nearby objects are clear but objects at distance are blurred?

Which refractive error describes the vision of a patient for whom nearby objects are clear but objects at a distance are blurred?





The individual with myopia (nearsightedness) can see nearby objects clearly, but objects at a distance appear blurred. The individual with hyperopia (farsightedness) can see distant objects clearly, but close objects appear blurred.

The nurse is educating a patient about the importance of wearing sunglasses when exposed to ultraviolet light. Which abnormality is associated with the chronic exposure of the eye lens to ultraviolet light?




Yellow discoloration of the sclera


A patient is exhibiting deviation of eye position in one or more directions. Which abnormal visual system finding does the nurse document is occurring with this patient?






The nurse documents a patient's Snellen chart reading as: Right eye: 20/30; Left eye: 20/40. What does the nurse determine is the correct interpretation of this reading?

The patient likely has presbyopia.

The patient does not have color blindness.

The vision acuity is stronger in the left eye.

The patient has a refractory error consistent with myopia.

The patient has a refractory error consistent with myopia.

A patient reports pain in the left eye, and the healthcare provider is using a fluorescein stain to assess the eye. What is a priority for the nurse in the care of this patient?

Monitor for extravasation

Monitor for retinal detachment

Monitor the patient for nausea and vomiting

Report yellow-orange discoloration of the urine

Monitor for extravasation

The nurse is performing an assessment of cranial nerve VII. What determination will the nurse make when assessing this nerve?

If the pupil constricts equally to light

If there is control of light entering the eye

If the patient can close and open the eyelid

If there is bending of light entering into the eye

If the patient can close and open the eyelid

oh, oh, oh, to touch and feel very good velvet, such heaven.

A patient is diagnosed with astigmatism and asks what this will mean for their vision. What is the best response by the nurse?

"Astigmatism is a clouding of the lens causing problems with glare."

"Astigmatism causes distorted vision because of corneal unevenness."

"Astigmatism limits visual acuity because of damage to the optic nerve."

"Astigmatism is elevated pressure within the eye caused by excess fluid."

"Astigmatism causes distorted vision because of corneal unevenness."

A nurse is interviewing a patient with irritation of the eyes. To assess eye health, the nurse should ask what sleep hygiene-related question?

"What time do you go to sleep at night?"

"What position do you generally sleep in?"

"What kind of dreams do you generally have?"

"How many hours of sleep do you get in 24 hours?"

"How many hours of sleep do you get in 24 hours?"

A patient has a hemorrhage in the fundus area of the eye. Where does the nurse determine that blood is accumulating?

In the aqueous humor

In the retinal background

Between the cornea and the lens

In the space between the iris and the lens

In the retinal background

A nurse is assessing a patient with dilator muscle atrophy of the eye. The nurse expects to find what clinical manifestation?

Formation of cataracts

Excessive dryness of the eyes

Slow recovery of pupil size after light stimuli

Changes in perception of colors, especially blue and violet

Slow recovery of pupil size after light stimuli

A patient suspected of having glaucoma reports blurred vision, headache, and pain. For which diagnostic study will the nurse prepare the patient?



Stereoscopic vision

Ultrasonography B-Scan


Which tool is used in the physical assessment of the retina and optic nerve?






A patient has a milky white and grayish ring encircling the periphery of the cornea, and the laboratory reports of the patient reveal a total serum cholesterol of 220 mg/dL. Which condition is present?




Arcus senilis

Arcus senilis

The nurse is preparing a patient for ultrasonography of the eye. What should the nurse inform the patient while explaining the test procedure?

"You will not experience pain during the test."

"You may have nausea and yellow-orange urine after the test."

"You may have difficulty focusing on near objects for three to four hours after the test."

"You should fixate on the center dot and record abnormalities of the grid lines during the test."

"You will not experience pain during the test."

The nurse observes that a child has an asymmetric position of the eye. What condition is suspected?






Which refractive error describes the vision of a patient for whom nearby objects are clear but?

Nearsightedness (myopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly, but objects farther away are blurry. It occurs when the shape of your eye causes light rays to bend (refract) incorrectly, focusing images in front of your retina instead of on your retina.

What are the 4 refractive errors?

There are 4 common types of refractive errors:.
Nearsightedness (myopia) makes far-away objects look blurry..
Farsightedness (hyperopia) makes nearby objects look blurry..
Astigmatism can make far-away and nearby objects look blurry or distorted..
Presbyopia makes it hard for middle-aged and older adults to see things up close..

What is blurred vision called refractive errors?

Refractive error means that the shape of your eye does not bend light correctly, resulting in a blurred image. The main types of refractive errors are myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), presbyopia (loss of near vision with age), and astigmatism.

What is uncorrected refractive error?

Uncorrected refractive error refers to refractive errors that could be corrected with spectacles but have not been. Myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia are the four most common refractive errors.