Which portions of the large intestine are of prime interest with the left lateral projection?


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Which portions of the large intestine are of prime interest with the left lateral projection?

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Large Intestine BE

where does the large intestine begin the right iliac region, where it joins the ileum of the small intestine
what are the 4 main parts of the large intestine cecum colon rectum anal canal
how long is the large intestine approx 5'
what is the main function of the large intestine reabsorption of fluids and eliminate waste products
which part of the large intestine is pouch like cecum
what is the approx length and width of the cecum 2. 1/2 " long 2"in diameter
the appendix is also know as vermiform appendix
what is attached to the end of the cecum vermiform appendix
what are the divisions of the colon ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid portion
where is the ileocecal valve located just below the junction of the asending colon and the cecum it guards the opening b/t the ileum and the cecum
what is the radiograph of the large intestine also called BE-barium enama BaE and lower GI
what connects the ascending and the descending colon right colic flexure(or haptic) left colic flexure(oe splenic)
what is volvulus twisting
what is intussusception telescoping of the bowels
what can be best visualized with double contrast barium enema visualization of the mucous lining colitis diverticulosis/diverticulitis neoplasms
what would be 2 contraindications for a BE possible perforated hollow viscus possible large bowel obstruction
what is the time frame for dietary restriction for a BE NPO 24 or 12 hrs before
what should be done to the enema bag prior to tip insertion shake it to prevent separation from barium sulfate from water
true or false retention ballon tip should only be inflated under fluoroscopic control true
true or false Barium can be administered by anyone false
what are the technical considerations for single contrast study 100-110kvp 110 is standard
what are the technical considerations for double contrast study 90kvp is standard
what are the technical considerations for iodinated contrast media 80-90kvp 80 is standard
what should the water temp be for contrast media mixing room temp 85-90ºF
What is the CR for Barium Enema PA or AP perpendicular to the IR at the level of iliac crest
What is the SS for Barium Enema PA or AP large intestine, including left coli flexure transverse colon filled with barium (if double you will see the air too)
how many images do most adult require for Barium Enema PA or AP 2 if the left colic is to be included
What is the CR for Barium Enema LPO RPO (AP) perpendicular to IR at 1" lateral to midline of the body at THE ELEVATED SIDE, at the level of crest (upside opens)
What is the SS for Barium Enema LPO (AP) right colic flexure and ascending and recto-signmoid portions upside opens
What is the SS for Barium Enema RPO (AP) left colic flexure and descending portions should appear open up side opens on an AP
What is the pt rotation for Barium Enema LPO / RPO (AP) 35-45º
What is the CR for Barium Enema RAO/LAO (PA) perpendicular IR at 1" lateral to midline of the body at THE ELEVATED SIDE, at the level of crest (down side open)
What is the pt rotation for Barium Enema RAO/LAO (PA) 35-45º
what is the SS for Barium Enema RAO (PA) right coli flexure, ascending portion and sigmoid portion downside opens
for Barium Enema /LAO (PA) left colic flexure and the descending colon downside opens
what is the CR for the PA axial BE centered to the IR and entering 30-40ºcaudal (down) and sexting at the level of ASIS and MSP
what is the SS for the PA axial BE recto-sigmoid colon
what is the SS for the AP axial BE recto-sigmoid colon
what is the CR for the AP axial BE directed 30-40º CEPHALD (up) entering 2" inferior to the ASIS
what is the CR for the right/left decubitus PA/AP projections BE horizontal and perpendicular to IR entering to the level of Iliac crest
what is the SS for the right/left decubitus PA/AP projections BE Up side is air filled just include the entire colon Air side must not be over penetrated
what is the CR for the left lateral projections BE perpendicular to the IR entering the midcoronal plane at the level os ASIS
what is the SS for the left lateral projections BE rectum and distal sigmoid
where is the PT centered for the left lateral BE projection center midcoronal plane to IR
PA post evacuation BE SS large intestine with residual amount of contrast
PA post evacuation BE CR perpendicular at the level of crest
PA post evacuation BE is done with the emema tip _______ and most contrast _______ out drained
Which two structures of the large intestine are demonstrated primarily with the PA oblique projection, LAO position? Left colic flexure and descending colon
To which level of the patient should the IR be centered for the PA oblique projection, LAO position? Iliac crests
Which portions of the large intestine are of prime interest with the lateral projection Sigmoid and rectum
TRUE OR FALSE The entire colon should be demonstrated for the AP projection. TRUE
The AP oblique projection, LPO position, produces an image similar to the ____________ projection (____________ position). PA oblique projection RAO position
Large intestine: For the AP oblique projection, LPO position, which side of the patient (right or left) should be elevated away from the x-ray table? RIGHT
Which flexure (right colic or left colic) should be well demonstrated with the AP oblique projection, LPO position? Right colic flexure
How many degrees should the patient be rotated from the supine position for the AP oblique projection, RPO position? 35 to 45
Which flexure (right colic or left colic) should be well demonstrated with the AP oblique projection, LPO position? Right colic flexure
where does the esophagus start c6

Which portion of the large intestine continues along the left side of the body until it curves to form the sigmoid colon?

The transverse colon continues as the descending colon. The two are demarcated at the splenic flexure. The descending colon is a retroperitoneal organ and related to paracolic gutters on either side. It terminates into the sigmoid colon, which is the fifth part of the large intestine.

Which two structures of the large intestine are demonstrated primarily with the PA oblique projection Lao position?

Which 2 structures of the large intestine are demonstrated primarily with the PA oblique projection, LAO position? PA Oblique Projection, RAO position of the large intestine. PA Oblique Projection, LAO position of the large intestine.

Which portion of the large intestine is demonstrated on the PA projection?

Positioning LGI.

What is the term of the large intestine that is on the left side?

The descending colon follows the transverse colon and splenic flexure. It is on the left side of the abdomen. The sigmoid colon is the last part of the colon and connects to the rectum.