Which part of the embryonic brain ultimately becomes the cerebrum and lateral ventricles?

the brain

a. is the center of both motor and sensory processing
b.is the center of emotion, intellect, memory, and behavior
c. is composed of trillions of neurons and thousands of neuroglia
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b and c are correct

each of the following is considered a major part of the brain except:

a. brain stem
b. cerebellum
c. cerebrum
d. diencephalon
e. hypothalamus

which part of the embryonic brain ultimately becomes the cerebrum and lateral ventricles


how do the cranial meninges differ from the spinal meninges

a. the cranial meninges have one layer instead of two

b. there is no epidural space between the dura and the bones of the skull

c. the cranial meninges do not enclose vascular sinuses, but the spinal meninges do
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b, and c are correct

which blood vessels supply the brain with blood

a. vertebral arteries
b. internal carotid arteries
c. external carotid arteries
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b, and c are correct

which is true of the adult brain

a. it uses about 2% of the body’s O2 at rest
b. it is dependent on fatty acid metabolism for energy
c. its functions are impaired by even transient interruptions of blood flow
d. it represents about 20% of the body’s mass

the blood brain barrier

a. lets lipid-soluble substances, such as O2, CO2, and many anesthetic agents enter the brain
b. is formed by oligodendrocytes
c. allows creatinine, urea and most ions to pass more quickly than water and glucose
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b and c are correct

cerebrospinal fluid

a. is an opaque, yellowish fluid
b. provides some mechanical protection for the brain
c. contains red blood cells
d. is found in the blood vessels of the CNS
e. is made by microglia

the brain stem includes all of the following except the

a. medulla oblongata
b. pons
c. midbrain
d. diencephalon
e. reticular formation

the cerebrum

a. is located posterior to the brain stem and inferior to the cerebrum
b. initiates voluntary skeletal muscle contractions
c. communicates with the cerebrum through three pairs of cerebellar peduncles
d. has a superficial layer of white matter
e. all of the above

the hypothalamus

a. initiates voluntary movements
b. produces the hormone melatonin
c. controls and integrates autonomic nervous activity
d. is regulated by the pituitary gland
e. plays a major role in the maintenance of homeostasis

the hypothalamus

a. communicates with the anterior pituitary gland via axons
b. regulates appetite and thirst
c. cannot detect glucose levels
d. communicates with the posterior pituitary gland via release of hormones
e. cannot process olfactory or visual

the cerebrum

a. is the thinking part of the brain
b. is the smallest part of the brain
c. is characterized by a grey matter core surrounded by a thin white matter cortex
d. is characterized into five hemispheres and two lobes
e. is characterized by raised

the thalamus does all of the following except:
a. serves as a major sensory relay station
b. contributes to motor functions
c. relays information from one area of the cerebral cortex to another
d. gives precise location information for sensations of pain and touch
e. helps regulate autonomic activities

how does cerebrospinal fluid pass from the 3rd ventricle into the 4th ventricle
a. through the interventricular foramen
b. through the median aperture
c. through the cerebral aqueduct
d. through the median aperture
e. through the central canal

the medulla oblongata
a. is the site of descussation of many motor tracts
b. is involved in the regulation of heart rate and blood pressure
c. contains the nuclei for cranial nerves VII through XII
d. sets the basic rhythm of respiration
e. all of the above

what are the 12 cranial nerves and dictate whether or not they are motor or sensory

(I) Olfactory - Purely sensory; carry afferent impulses for sense of smell
(II) Optic - Purely sensory; carry afferent impulses for vision
(III) Oculomotor -Chiefly motor; direct eyeball, raise upper eyelid, cause constriction of pupil, control lens shape for focusing
(IV) Trochlear - Primarily motor; “eye pulley”
(V) Trigeminal - (3 branches): sensory fibers to the face and motor fibers to the chewing muscles
(VI) Abducens - Primarily motor; abducts the eyeball (turns it laterally)
(VII) Facial - facial expression, amongst other things, motor and sensory (taste)
(VIII) Vestibulocochlear - Mostly sensory for hearing and balance, and small motor component for adjusting sensitivity of sensory receptors
(IX) Glossopharyngeal - innervation of tongue and pharynx, sensory (taste), and motor
(X) Vagus - thorax and abdomen, sensory and motor
(XI) Accessory - Primarily motor, move head and neck
(XII) Hypoglossal - Primarily motor, innervates tongue muscles

the pons
a. contains the nuclei for cranial nerves VI through VII
b. lies posterior to the medulla oblongata and superior to the cerebellum
c. contains axons that link the left and right sides of the cerebrum
d. contains apneustic and pneumotaxic ceners that help control breathing
e. inclludes the pyramids and the olives of the brain stem

which of the following is (are) not part of the midbrain
a. superior and inferior colliculi
b. nuclei of cranial nerves V and VI
c. substantia nigra
d. red nuclei
e. nuclei of cranial nerves III and IV

the reticular formation
a. consists of large clusters of nuclei punctuating wide bands of white matter
b. extends from the superior end of the diencephalon into the cerebrum
c. contains sensory axons that help maintain conscuousness

which of the following are functions of the cerebellum
a. appears to be involved in cognition
b. helps maintain posture and balance
c. helps coordinate actual with intended contractions of skeletal muscles
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b and c are correct

which symptom might a patient with a tumor on an inferior cerebellar peduncle experience
a. loss of vision
b. loss of balance
c. loss of voluntary movement
d.a and b are correct
e. a, b and c are correct

which thalamic nuclei are involved in emotion
a. anterior
b. medial
c. lateral
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b and c are correct

which of the following is not part of the hypothalamus
a. infundibulum
b. supraoptic region
c. mammillary body
d. pulvinar nucleus
e. preoptic region

which of the following involve the hypothalamus
a. sexual arousal
b. feelings of rage, aggression, pain and pleasure
c. sleep and wake cycles
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b, and c are correct

which is not true of the epithalamus
a. it lies inferior and anterior to the thalamus
b. it includes the pineal gland and habenular nuclei
c. it produces a hormone associated with sleep
d. it is involved in emotional responses to olfaction
e. it contains tissue that functions as an endocrine gland

the basal ganglia
a. are collectively called the corpus striatum
b. are involved in regulating the beginning and ending of a movement
c. are located outside the brain
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b and c are correct

all of the following are true of the basal ganglia except that they
a. interact with the cerebral cortex, the thalamus, and midbrain
b. are uninvolved in initiating or terminating a cognitive functino such as attention
c. communicate with the limbic system
d. help control subconsious muscle contractions as in laughing and yawning
e. help regulate skeletal muscle tone required for movements

the limbic system
a. includes structures on the inner wall of the cerebrum and floor of the diencephalon
b. is involved in memory and in the sense of smell
c. is involved in recognitino and display of emotions
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b, and c are correct

chronic use of marijuana results in damage to the hippocampus. Which behavior of “pot heads” could be attributed to this damage
a. lack of short-term memory
b. constant desire to eat
c. increased desire to sleep

associate areas of the cerebral cortex are involved in each of the following except:
a. memorizing the cranial nerves
b. feeling pleased after mastering a difficult concept in anatomy
c. moving your fingers as your type a paper
d. judging whether the correct phrase to use is “lay the book down” or “lie the book down”
e. establishing your basic temperament as competitive or noncompetitive

which of the following is true of sensory areas of the cerebral cortex
a. secondary sensory areas help integrate sensory information into meaningful patterns
b. the primary sensory areas are anterior to the central sulcus
c. the primary sensory association areas have the least direct contact with sensory receptors

is your nose itches, which primary sensory area receives that information
a. visual
b. olfactory
c. gustatory
d. auditory
e. somatosensory

cranial nerves
a. enter the brain through foramina in the skull
b. are numbered with roman numerals in anterior to posterior order
c. are named for their disstribution or function
d. a and b are correct
e. a, b and c are correct

Which part of the neural tube becomes the cerebrum and cortex?

The telencephalon includes the cerebral cortex (cortex is the outer layer of the brain), which represents the highest level of neuronal organization and function (Figures 1.2A and 1.2B).

What embryological formation gives rise to the cerebral cortex?

Normal Prosencephalic Development The prosencephalon refers embryologically to the telencephalon and the diencephalon, the future forebrain. The telencephalon gives rise to the cerebral hemispheres; the diencephalon gives rise to the thalamus and hypothalamus.

What is the order of embryonic brain development?

As the embryo develops, the anterior part of the neural tube forms three primary brain vesicles, which become the primary anatomical regions of the brain: the forebrain (prosencephalon), midbrain (mesencephalon), and hindbrain (rhombencephalon).

What does the midbrain develop into?

Unlike the other two vesicles – the forebrain and hindbrain – the midbrain does not develop further subdivision for the remainder of neural development. It does not split into other brain areas. while the forebrain, for example, divides into the telencephalon and the diencephalon.