Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects quizlet?

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Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects quizlet?

Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

5th EditionJack T. Marchewka

346 solutions

Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects quizlet?

Human Resource Management

15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

249 solutions

Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects quizlet?

Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology

7th EditionJames Fitzsimmons, Mona Fitzsimmons

103 solutions

Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects quizlet?

Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

12th EditionBarry Render, Chuck Munson, Jay Heizer

1,698 solutions

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Test 4, CH. 10,11,12,14

Terms in this set (84)

Managing a project and leading a project are two different things. Project leadership is about coping with


Many poor-performing project managers are guilty of management by wandering around.


The level of leadership required to successfully complete a project may depend on the level of uncertainty involved.


In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies, providing friendship, giving emotional backing, and listening to others' concerns and issues are examples of _______-related currencies.


Ethics are an absolute - what is ethical for your organization will be ethical for all others.


Inspiration-related currencies derive from people's burning desire to make a difference and add meaning to their lives.


One advantage of creating a dedicated project team is that it reduces dependencies, especially within the organization.


An effective project manager will choose to have an "open door policy" and use project management metrics to assure projects are running smoothly.


Which of the following groups of stakeholders place constraints on project work such as requiring permits to be secured, that work is built to code, or that safety standards are met?

Government agencies

Which of the following would be defined as the ability to lead and manage yourself by establishing a sense for who you are, what you stand for and how you should behave?

Personal integrity

Optimism, integrity, and even being proactive are not developed easily if there is not already a predisposition to display them.


Project success or failure often is reliant upon the contributions of all the following groups of stakeholders EXCEPT


It is impractical for a subordinate to "manage" a superior.


Which group of stakeholders defines the scope of the project and ultimately determines whether or not the project is successful?


A high-ranking manager who advocates the project and uses her or his influence to gain approval of the project is a project


A well-defined project that encounters no significant surprises would require little


The ability or skill to perceive, assess and manage the emotions of one's self and others is called _________ intelligence.


An individual's character alone is adequate to generate trust.


Research consistently points out that project success is strongly affected by the degree to which a project has the support of top management. The following are ways a project manager can manage upward relationships EXCEPT

never ignore the chains of command.

________ naturally compete with each other for resources and support from top management.

Project managers

During which stage of team development do members accept that they are part of a project group but resist the constraints that the project and the group put on their individuality?


The first step in facilitating group decision making is to

identify the problem.

Over the course of a project, the sources of conflict often change.


When project managers impose a solution to dysfunctional conflict after listening to each party, they are __________ the conflict.


When reaching a decision during the group decision-making process, the project manager must build a consensus among the group and can do this by all of the following EXCEPT

if time becomes a factor, they must make an informed final decision after everyone's ideas have been heard.

During which stage of team development do team members establish ground rules and try to find out what behaviors are acceptable and what performance expectations are?


When a project manager intervenes and tries to negotiate a resolution by using reasoning and persuasion and suggesting alternatives, he or she is ___________ the conflict.


When project teams get accustomed to not having to go through normal approvals to get things done, this is called

bureaucratic bypass syndrome.

Establishing a team identity is facilitated by

All of these are facilitators of establishing a team identity.

A project manager responsible for building a new office building that started this week has noticed some unusual behavior amongst the team. Team members are trying out different behaviors to see what is acceptable to the project and personal relations. Which stage of development is the team in?


One important factor that a project manager must acknowledge when recruiting project members is the management structure being used to complete the project.


During which stage of team development is the team fully functional and accomplishing project goals?


Lump-sum cash bonuses are the most effective group reward for project teams.


Which of the following is commonly associated with high-performing project teams?

Mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learning.

When a member of a team sees themselves as a high-performer and able to meet all the needs of the team, this is a characteristic of synergy.


Project managers play a key role in developing high-performance project teams. Which of the following is NOT a contributing factor to this role?

Report progress to top management

Overcoming cultural difference can pose a challenge to geographically distributed teams.


A high school basketball coach has noticed that some close relationships have formed as well as feelings of camaraderie and shared responsibilities for the team's success. Which stage of development is the team in?


Symbolic actions at the project level that can contribute to a unique team subculture are called team ________.


When a project team will only consider a couple of solutions and ignore alternatives, this is ___________, which is a symptom of Groupthink.

whitewash of critical thinking.

During which stage of team development do team members establish ground rules and try to find out what behaviors are acceptable and what performance expectations are?


When a project manager intervenes and tries to negotiate a resolution by using reasoning and persuasion and suggesting alternatives, he or she is ___________ the conflict.


When project teams get accustomed to not having to go through normal approvals to get things done, this is called

bureaucratic bypass syndrome.

Establishing a team identity is facilitated by

All of these are facilitators of establishing a team identity.

Toyota and DaimlerChrysler collaborating with suppliers to develop new automobile platforms is an example of outsourcing.


Security issues on an outsourced project can be mitigated with a properly written contract.


When using the partnering approach to manage contracted relationships, ________ is shared jointly among the partners, which encourages innovation and continuous improvement.


A value of 1.5 is the optimal target for the Met-Expectations model of customer satisfaction.


A prime consideration in choosing outsourcing vendors is to assess the fit with their project management system.


Not only can contracted project work be cheaper, it can also be done __________.


When considering principled negotiation, both buyers and sellers relying on the blue book to establish price parameters of a used car would be an example of

using objective criteria.

When you call your Internet provider to solve a technical problem and you end up talking to a technician in India or Romania, you have just experienced


Disadvantages of outsourcing project work may likely include all of the following EXCEPT

increased costs.

When separating the people from the problem, negotiators don't react to the emotional outburst, but try to find the issues that triggered it.


Successful firms are very careful in selecting the work to be outsourced. If expectations and requirements are fuzzy or open to debate, working together can become very difficult. The following are ways to clarify requirements and procedures EXCEPT

make sure communication is well structured and interactions are managed to avoid confusion.

Regarding outsourcing, the most effective way to avoid problems with schedules and deadlines is to

add a penalty clause to the contract.

Co-location is less relevant for independent work that does not require ongoing coordination between professionals from different organizations.


Which of the following is part of the traditional approach to managing contracted relationships?

Structured communications

Advantages of outsourcing project work may likely include all of the following EXCEPT

reduced conflict.

The following are differences between the partnering approach and the traditional approach to managing contracted relationships EXCEPT

contracts establish long-term commitments in the partnering approach while single project contracting is normal in the traditional approach.

Why are extensive training and team building activities important when managing contracted relationships?

So team members are provided with a theoretical understanding of the barriers to collaboration as well as the skills and procedures to be successful.

Increased conflict and loss of coordination are typical disadvantages of outsourcing project work.


The following are ways a project manager can manage a customer's expectations and perceptions EXCEPT

delay communicating problems that you feel can be resolved without involving the customer.

Fisher and Ury champion the ________ negotiation approach to negotiation because it emphasizes win/win solutions while protecting yourself against those who would take advantage of your forthrightness.


__________ of lessons learned are designed to improve performance on current and future projects.


Which of the following is not a major activity associated with project closure?

Returning project players to an 'on the beach' status.

Motivation can be the chief challenge when wrapping up closure activities.


The audit report typically includes profit made on the project.


Project managers should wait to give feedback to the project team and team members until the project has been completed. Giving feedback throughout the project can distract project teams.


When the project may be completed early with some parts of the project eliminated this is considered ___________ closure.


A project that finishes within budget, on schedule and with full functionality goes through _____ closure, whereas a project whose technology did not work and got canceled goes through a _______ closure.

normal, failed project

When conducting post-project audits, the main tool a facilitator uses is _____.


When a project starts as a high priority but its rank erodes or crashes during its project life cycle resulting in closure of the project is an example of changed priority project closure.


Expectations, standards, supportive organizational culture, and constraints must be in place before project implementation; if not, the effectiveness of the evaluation process will suffer.


Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects?

Lessons learned

Because of circumstances beyond the control of the project team, many projects are easy for a review group to close down. This type of project closure is called

failed project.

Which of the following is NOT a wrap-up closure activity that might be found on a checklist?

Evaluation of team performance

A 360-degree performance evaluation includes feedback from peers, project managers, subordinates, and even customers.


When conducting performance reviews of individuals, begin the process by informing him or her what the team has noticed/observed about his performance.


Which part of the audit report summarizes risks and issues encountered on the project and how they were addressed?


Usually audit recommendations represent ________.

major corrective actions that should take place

The following are general tips for conducting performance reviews EXCEPT

use other team members' performance as a method to compare and evaluate.

Two views (perspectives) are collected when the audit questionnaires are collected and two sets of questions are used for each view. What are those two views?

Organization view and project team view

In organizations where projects are managed within a functional organization, the team member's area manager, not the project manager, is responsible for assessing performance.


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Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects quizlet?

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Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects quizlet?

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Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects quizlet?

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Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful in future projects?

Terms in this set (20) Which part of the audit report is designed to be the most useful on future projects? failed project. Expectations, standards, supportive organizational culture, and constraints must be in place before project implementation; if not, the effectiveness of the evaluation process will suffer.

Which of the following summarizes project performance and provides useful information for?

Feedback: The final project report summarizes project performance and provides useful information for continuous improvement.

Are lessons learned are designed to improve performance on current and future projects?

Retrospectives of lessons learned are designed to improve performance on current and future projects. 58. When a project may start with a high priority but see its rank erode or crash during its project life cycle as conditions change this is an example of change changed priority.

What is included in a project audit?

essentially a thorough examination of the management of a project, the methodology and procedures, records, properties, budgets/expenditures, and the degree of completion (finished or terminated).