Which order should parents introduce new foods to a 5 month old who is now eating fortified cereal quizlet?

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trust vs. mistrust
nfants trust that others will meet their feeding, comfort, stimulation, and caring needs.
Infants' reflexive behavior (attachment, separation recognition/anxiety, and stranger fear)
influences their social development.
Attachment, when infants begin to bond with their parents, develops within the first month,
but actually begins before birth. The process is optimal when the infant and parents are in good
health, have positive feeding experiences, and receive adequate rest.
Separation recognition occurs during the first year as infants recognize the boundaries between
themselves and others. Learning how to respond to people in their environment is the next
phase of development. Positive interactions with parents, siblings, and other caregivers help
establish trust.
Separation anxiety develops between 4 and 8 months of age. Infants protest loudly when
separated from parents, which can cause considerable anxiety for the parents.
Stranger fear becomes evident between ages 6 to 8 months, when infants are less likely to
accept strangers

Solid food is appropriate around 4 to 6 months.
Indicators for readiness include voluntary control of the head and trunk and disappearance of the extrusion reflex (pushing food out of the mouth). Introduce iron-fortified rice cereal first.
Start new foods one at a time over a 5- to 7-day period to observe for signs of allergy or
intolerance (fussiness, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation). Vegetables, fruits, and meats
follow, generally in that order.
Delay milk, eggs, wheat, citrus fruits, peanuts, peanut butter, and honey until the second half
of first year of life, as they can trigger allergies, and honey can also cause infant botulism.
Appropriate finger foods to introduce around 9 months include ripe bananas, toast strips,
graham crackers, cheese cubes, noodles, and peeled chunks of apples, pears, and peaches.
Remind parents that solid food is not a substitute for breast milk or formula until after 12 months.

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Your brother and his wife have asked you to watch your 18-month-old niece, Lila, while they enjoy a weekend getaway at the lake to celebrate their anniversary. Before they drop her off, you make a trip to the grocery store to pick up some kid-friendly foods. Lila does not have any food allergies, but your brother warned you that she has gotten into some picky eating behaviors.

Answer the following questions to find out which foods would be appropriate and acceptable for your little house guest.

For dinner, you prepare roasted chicken breast, steamed green beans, and mashed potatoes. When it is time to eat, Lila refuses to eat the green beans. You should

offer her ice cream if she eats her green beans.
make her sit at the table until she cleans her plate.
let her decide how much of her dinner to eat.
chop the green beans and mix them into the potatoes.

The nurse explained how to position an infant with tetralogy of Fallot if the infant suddenly becomes cyanotic. Which statement by the father leads the nurse to determine he understood the instructions

a. "If the baby turns blue, I will lay him down on a firm surface with his head lower than the rest of his body."

b. "If the baby turns blue, I will hold him against my shoulder with his knees bent up toward his chest."

c. "If the baby turns blue, I will put the baby in supine position with his head elevated."

d. "If the baby turns blue, I will immediately put the baby upright in an infant seat."

2. Playing serves as a medium for children to release frustration. Pretend play allows children to learn to understand others' points of view, develop skills in solving social problems, and become more creative. Some children have imaginary playmates. Imaginary playmates are a sign of health and help children distinguish between reality and fantasy. Television, videos, electronic games, and computer programs support development and the learning of basic skills. There should be limited use of these for preschoolers, but these need not be completely avoided. On the other hand, television, electronic games, and computer programs have lasting negative effects on a toddler's language development, reading skills, and short-term memory.

4. The WHO defines health as a "state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Pender, Murdaugh, and Parsons (2011) explains that all people free of disease are not healthy. Pender, Murdaugh, and Parsons (2011) suggest that for many people, health is a condition of life rather than pathological state. Life conditions such as environment, diet, or lifestyle choices can have positive or negative effects on health long before an illness is evident. Pender, Murdaugh, and Parsons (2011) define health as the actualization of inherent and acquired human potential through goal-directed behavior, competent self-care, and satisfying relationships with others.

Which order should parents introduce new foods to a 5 month old who is now eating fortified cereal mixed with formula?

After 4 months you start to introduce iron fortified baby cereal. c. Then at 5 months, strained baby food vegetables are introduced and at 6 months any non-citrus baby foods and juices are introduced.

Which of the following would be an appropriate first solid food for a baby?

Solid foods may be introduced in any order. However, puréed meats, poultry, beans and iron-fortified cereals are recommended as first foods, especially if your baby has been primarily breastfed, since they provide key nutrients.

What month do you begin giving iron fortified cereal mixed with breast milk formula or water to an infant quizlet?

Terms in this set (16) -The baby will get all of its nutrition from breast milk or an iron fortified infant formula until they are 4-6 months old. There is no need to supplement with water, juice, or cereal at this time.

Which toys would the nurse suggest to the parent of a 4 month old infant to help promote the child's growth and development quizlet?

What toys should a nurse suggest to the parent of a 4-month-old infant to help promote the child's growth and development? Soft, noisy squeeze toys are appropriate for a 4-month-old; the infant enjoys squeezing and hearing the squeak.