Which one of the following statements best illustrates the concept of reciprocal causation?

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  • What is the term for the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes?
  • Which of the following statements best illustrates social cognitive theorist notion of reciprocal causation?





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Terms in this set (63)

________ is defined as the ability to discern another's inner psychological state.

Role reversal
Perspective taking

Perspective taking

Eleven-year-old Meagan has some doubts about Ian's claim that he is the smartest student in the school. This is likely due to

the jealousy that she feels regarding Ian's intelligence.
an attempt to improve her own social desirability.
her increased skepticism regarding others' claims.
the increase in social competitiveness that occurs in middle and late childhood.

her increased skepticism regarding others' claims.

The global evaluation we make of ourselves is called



Children with high self-esteem are more likely than other children to be

socially unaccepted by their peers.
intellectually gifted.
securely attached to their parents.
held accountable for their actions.

securely attached to their parents.

As compared to younger children, children in middle to late childhood would be more likely to describe themselves as



Which term refers to the ability to assume other people's points of view and understand their thoughts and feelings?

perspective taking
social comparison
psychological adjustment
cognitive inflexibility

perspective taking

Which of the following describes the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes?



What two executive functions are most called on when children engage in perspective taking?

Emotion regulation
Cognitive inhibition
Cognitive flexibility

Cognitive inhibition
Cognitive flexibility

"I am a good person" is a statement that refers to a person's self- __________ (concept/esteem). "I am a good football player" is a statement that refers to a person's self- ________(concept/esteem).

esteem, concept

Nine-year-old Aaron used to get really angry with his classmates, but that is not the case now. This particular example illustrates that in middle-to-late childhood, children learn to

experience more than one emotion in a particular situation.
suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions.
tie their emotional reactions to other people.
express their emotions in an unfiltered manner.

suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions.

Self-esteem and self-concept are rooted in

moral development.
parent-child interaction.
intellectual functioning.
biological determinants.

parent-child interaction.

Ten-year-old Karla describes herself as a "cheerleader." Which of the following changes in self-understanding does this best reflect?

social descriptions
psychological characteristics
social comparison
real self and ideal self

social descriptions

______ cognitive stages of development serve as the underpinnings for ______ theory, but in the latter model there are three levels of moral development.

Piaget's; Kohlberg's
Erikson's; Piaget's
Kohlberg's; Erikson's
Kohlberg's; Piaget's

Piaget's; Kohlberg's

Question Mode
Multiple Choice Question

Ten-year-old Blake tells his classmate, "I know I can figure out this math problem if I work at it." Blake is demonstrating high



True or false: In middle and late childhood, children become less skeptical and more accepting of claims made by others, particularly those that involve social desirability.


According to Kohlberg, as individuals progress through the levels of moral development, their morality

is externalized.
is increasingly based on immanent justice.
becomes more connected to punishment and reward.
becomes more internal.

becomes more internal.

The preconventional reasoning has sometimes been described as _____.

"What's in it for me?"
"What goals should I pursue?"
"How can I add value to the society?"
"How should I lead my life?"

"What's in it for me?"

Piaget's cognitive stages of development serve as the underpinnings for Kohlberg's theory, but in this Kohlberg's model suggested that there were three levels of

preoperational thought.
moral development.
intellectual development.
operational thought.

moral development.

Kohlberg's conventional reasoning level is characterized by which of the following?

exploring alternative moral courses
fear of punishment
expectations about social roles
internal standards of morality

expectations about social roles

How did Kohlberg formulate his theory of moral development?

He did experimental research on a large group of children and studied their moral preferences.
He performed natural observation.
He interviewed children, giving them theoretical moral dilemmas to solve.
He did correlational research.

He interviewed children, giving them theoretical moral dilemmas to solve.

_________ reasoning is the highest level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.


Based on answers that interviewees gave for the moral dilemmas that they were presented, Kohlberg described ______ levels of moral thinking.



True or false: Kohlberg believes that the give and take among peers gives children an opportunity to identify the perspective of another person.


_______ reasoning is the lowest level of moral reasoning, according to Kohlberg.



_________ reasoning is the second, or intermediate, level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.


True or false: Critics think Kohlberg's theory stresses moral behavior too much and does not stress moral thought enough.

FALSE; Kohlberg's theory has been criticized for overemphasizing moral thought and not putting enough emphasis on moral behavior.

In the postconventional reasoning level, morality is more



In Haidt's view, much of morality begins with

moderate but deliberate evaluation of circumstances.
slow, thoughtful evaluation and then judgment.
rapid evaluative judgments.

rapid evaluative judgments.

T/F: Most people have begun to reason in postconventional ways by early adulthood.

FALSE; By early adulthood, only a small number of individuals reason in postconventional ways.

Recent research indicates that emotion

is unrelated to moral thinking.
was wisely avoided by Kohlberg.
boosts the efficacy of moral thinking.
plays an important role in moral thinking.

plays an important role in moral thinking.

According to Kohlberg, development of ______ is not ensured by a child's advances in cognitive development.

emotional stability
moral reasoning
social stimulation
cultural sensitivity

moral reasoning

Carol Gilligan questioned Lawrence Kohlberg's __________ perspective of moral development and argued for a ____________ perspective which views people in terms of their connectedness with others.

justice; care

What is a major criticism of Kohlberg's theory?

His theory emphasizes relationships rather than abstract principles.
There are not enough stages in his theory of moral development.
His stage of industry versus inferiority does not adequately explain what occurs in middle and late childhood.
There is too much emphasis on moral thought, not moral behavior.

There is too much emphasis on moral thought, not moral behavior.

The fact that not all of Kohlberg's levels have been found in all cultures indicates that

moral reasoning is not influenced by cultural context.
some cultures lack moral reasoning.
moral reasoning may be more culture-specific than he thought.
moral reasoning is universal.

moral reasoning may be more culture-specific than he thought.

Kohlberg's theory has been criticized for placing ______ emphasis on moral thought and ______ emphasis on moral behavior.

no; some
not enough; too much
some; no
too much; not enough

too much; not enough

Kohlberg argued that family processes are _______ in children's moral development.

totally unimportant
essentially unimportant

essentially unimportant

True or false: According to Haidt, one of the major flaws in Kohlberg's theory is that it posits that moral thinking is deliberative and individuals spend time reasoning about morality.

TRUE; Haidt argues that in Kohlberg's theory individuals spend time reasoning about morality, which does not necessarily translate to moral behavior.

Which concept of moral development states that children's and adolescents' moral, social conventional, and personality knowledge and reasoning emerge from their attempts to understand and deal with different forms of social experience?

justice perspective
care perspective
domain theory
Kohlberg's theory

domain theory

According to Kohlberg, emotion

has negative effects on moral reasoning.
is involved only at the highest level of moral reasoning.
positively benefits moral reasoning.
is completely unrelated to the process of moral reasoning.

has negative effects on moral reasoning.

Which of the following types of reasoning focuses on rules established to control behavior and maintain the social system?

social conventional

social conventional

A person with ______ does not want to go against his or her moral notions and commitments because it would violate the integrity of the self.

moral fairness
moral cognition
a moral commitment
a moral identity

a moral identity

According to Kohlberg, the effect of family on moral development is

equally important as peer relations.
not as important as peer relations.
more important than peer relations.
the most influential factor.

not as important as peer relations.

A broad category that reflects generalizations and widely held beliefs about females and males is known as a

gender similarity.
care perspective.
heteronomous morality.
gender stereotype.

gender stereotype.

In the _________ theory of moral development, children's and adolescents' moral, social conventional, and personality knowledge and reasoning emerge from their attempts to understand and deal with different forms of social experience.


T/F: Differences between the sexes stem from primarily biological factors.

FALSE; Differences may be due primarily to biological factors, sociocultural factors, or both.

As compared to conventional rules, which of the following are true about moral rules?

They are widely accepted.
They are arbitrary.
They involve concepts of justice.
They focus on ethical issues.
They are concepts of social organization.

They are widely accepted.
They involve concepts of justice.
They focus on ethical issues.

Compared to men, women have about ______ the body fat.

three times
four times


Individuals have a moral ______ when moral notions and commitments are central to their life.



When gender differences in the brain have been revealed, in many cases they _______
psychological differences.

have explained known
have proven to cause significant
have been directly linked to
have not been directly linked to

have not been directly linked to

Which of Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning have NOT been found in all cultures?

level 3
level 1
level 2

level 3

Research has shown that in general, girls and women have ______ verbal skills than boys and men.

much better
slightly better
slightly worse
much worse

slightly better

Five-year-old Billy should like to rough-house and play with trucks, while his twin sister, Becky, is supposed to be kind to others and enjoy playing with dolls. These are examples of gender



Research has revealed ______ gender differences in general intellectual ability.



T/F: Research suggests boys tend to have better visuospatial skills, important for geometry and geography, than girls.


As children move into the middle and late childhood years, parents spend __________(more/less) time with them.


In middle and late childhood, parents begin to function more as



In a(n) __________stepfamily structure, otherwise known as a complex stepfamily structure, both parents bring children from previous marriages to live in the newly formed stepfamily.


Which of the following statements about parent-child interaction during middle and late childhood is accurate?

Some control is transferred from parent to child.
Children receive more physical discipline than when they were younger.
Parents cease acting as gatekeepers in children's lives.
Parents play less of a role in children's academics.

Some control is transferred from parent to child.

Who is most likely to undertake a managerial role in parenting?

care provider


Because learning occurs during give and take, as children move through elementary school

peer reciprocity becomes less important.
peer reciprocity becomes increasingly important.
peer status becomes less important.
peer status becomes increasingly important.

peer reciprocity becomes increasingly important.

Studies have shown that insecure attachment is likely to result in greater ______ during middle and late childhood.



Developmentalists have distinguished five ________ statuses: popular, average, neglected, rejected, and controversial.


Which of the following is true of autonomy in middle and late childhood?

A major shift occurs, as children become completely autonomous.
Children rebel as parents try to cede them more control.
Control is coregulated by both child and parent.
Children are not yet ready for any type of autonomy.

Control is coregulated by both child and parent.

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What is the term for the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes?

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Which of the following statements best illustrates social cognitive theorist notion of reciprocal causation?

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