Which of the following statements characterizes the state of the Republican Party in Congress at the beginning of the Taft administration?

APUSH 18, 19, & 20 TEST REVIEW

The prominent political movements between the end of Reconstruction and World War I ignored which of the following goals?
a. Limiting the power of big business
b. Ameliorating poverty
c. Promoting social justice
d. Bringing full equality to blacks

d. Bringing full equality to blacks

In general, progressives differed from labor and farm advocates because the progressives
a. were mostly middle-class urban reformers.
b. were often more radical.
c. generally had less success on the national level.
d. were part of a much more unified and

a. were mostly middle-class urban reformers.

Between 1876 and 1892, Americans could be described as
a. highly partisan and politically active.
b. apathetic about politics.
c. independent-minded voters.
d. reluctant to join parties.

a. highly partisan and politically active.

The Pendleton Act of 1883
a. created the Civil Service Commission, which filled some government jobs by examination.
b. provided temporary benefits for families left without their breadwinner.
c. gave financial assistance to elderly Americans living in po

a. created the Civil Service Commission, which filled some government jobs by examination.

Which of the following was the first federal law ever passed to regulate trusts?
a. Sherman Antitrust Act
b. Pendleton Act
c. Interstate Commerce Act
d. Clayton Antitrust Act

Why did Congress abandon efforts to enforce black voting rights and fair elections in the South after 1892?
a. The Supreme Court had ruled that such efforts were unconstitutional.
b. Continued southern resistance persuaded Congress that such efforts were

d. Voters largely rejected Republicans and their policies in 1890, giving control of Congress and the presidency to the Democrats.

In their 1892 Omaha Platform, Populists called for
a. women's suffrage.
b. public ownership of factories.
c. a federal income tax.
d. a tighter monetary policy.

Which segment of the American population drove the creation and success of the People's Party in the early 1890s?
a. Urban workers
b. Farmers
c. Middle-class managers
d. Immigrants

How did the federal government respond when jobless men marched on Washington in 1894?
a. President Cleveland listened to them sympathetically.
b. Congress passed a measure to provide temporary relief to the unemployed.
c. Their leader Jacob Coxey was arr

c. Their leader Jacob Coxey was arrested and their demands were not met.

Which of the following explains the inability of the Populists to become a major national political party alongside the Republicans and the Democrats in the late 1890s?
a. Their refusal to reach out to African American voters
b. Their embrace of women's s

c. The economic depression of the 1890s

In which of the following ways did American politics change during the mid-1890s?
a. Southern blacks regained some access to voting and political rights.
b. Democrats became almost the only political party in the South for decades.
c. Democrats dominated

b. Democrats became almost the only political party in the South for decades.

Which of the following was a result of the laws passed to disenfranchise blacks across the South in the 1890s and early 1900s?
a. The Republican Party was able to regain near parity with the Democrats once it no longer pursued black southern voters.
b. Vo

d. Segregation laws barring blacks from public and private places such as hotels, parks, and public drinking fountains were passed.

What did William Jennings Bryan mean when he stated, "You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold" in his famous 1896 speech?
a. The United States should abandon the gold standard to stimulate industry.
b. The upper classes had become wealthy by the

a. The United States should abandon the gold standard to stimulate industry.

While William Jennings Bryan promoted free silver; McKinley
a. called for lower tariffs and an income tax.
b. backed away from moral issues and courted new immigrants.
c. supported women's suffrage and the protection of voting rights for all Americans.

b. backed away from moral issues and courted new immigrants.

To bring big coal companies to the negotiating table during the 1902 coal strike, President Theodore Roosevelt threatened to
a. arrest and jail the companies' workers and owners.
b. nationalize the coal companies.
c. promote the use of natural gas nationw

b. nationalize the coal companies.

In a landmark decision regarding the Northern Securities Company, the U.S. Supreme Court
a. declared the Sherman Antitrust Act unconstitutional.
b. declared unconstitutional the establishment of the Bureau of Corporations.
c. ordered the Northern Securiti

c. ordered the Northern Securities Company railroad trust dissolved.

What was the outcome of the Supreme Court's decision in the 1911 Standard Oil case?
a. The Standard Oil trust remained in place for several more decades.
b. The monopoly was broken up into several competing companies.
c. The longstanding "rule of reason

b. The monopoly was broken up into several competing companies.

Which of the following statements characterizes President Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the nation's natural resources?
a. He was a preservationist who opposed the exploitation of natural resources.
b. An ardent outdoorsman, he became a convert to cons

d. He was a conservationist who tried to balance commercial and public interests.

Which of the following statements characterizes the state of the Republican Party in Congress at the beginning of the Taft administration?
a. Republicans in Congress united solidly behind Taft's presidency.
b. It was deeply divided between Roosevelt's adm

c. Conservatives opposed further reforms while progressives sought more radical change.

Which of the following issues did most middle-class, grassroots progressives ignore in the early 1900s?
a. Cleaning up government and breaking the power of corrupt political machines
b. Fighting for the civil and political rights of blacks and new immigra

b. Fighting for the civil and political rights of blacks and new immigrants

The Supreme Court's 1908 decision in Muller v. Oregon upheld a law
a. forcing employers to provide day care for workers' children.
b. limiting the workday for women to ten hours.
c. prohibiting child labor.
d. establishing a minimum-wage law for women.

b. limiting the workday for women to ten hours.

Between 1910 and 1917, all the industrial states enacted laws that
a. banned child labor in factories.
b. gave full voting rights to women.
c. provided insurance for on-the-job accidents.
d. limited foreign immigration.

c. provided insurance for on-the-job accidents.

Mary White Ovington and W. E. B. Du Bois were both founders of the
a. YMCA.
c. New York Consumers' League.
d. Progressive Party.

Which of the following was promoted by Republican governor Robert La Follette (1901-1905) as the Wisconsin Idea?
a. Greater government intervention in the economy
b. Smaller government with less intervention in the economy
c. Expanded voting rights for al

a. Greater government intervention in the economy

In the early 1900s, the Industrial Workers of the World were committed to achieving
a. government regulation of trusts.
b. wage and hour concessions for workers.
c. a new society run by and for workers.
d. support for the American Federation of Labor.

c. a new society run by and for workers.

What was the outcome of the 1912 presidential election?
a. Wilson won with a minority of the popular vote because Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote.
b. Wilson won a bare majority of the popular vote but an overwhelming majority of the electoral

a. Wilson won with a minority of the popular vote because Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote.

Which of the following is correctly matched?
a. Adamson Act�eight-hour workday for railroad workers
b. Elkins Act�workmen's compensation for federal employees
c. Hepburn Act�prohibited discriminatory railway rates that favored powerful customers
d. Newlan

a. Adamson Act�eight-hour workday for railroad workers

Which of the following Progressive reforms amended the Sherman Act to prevent trusts from curbing competition?
a. Federal Reserve Act
b. Clayton Antitrust Act
c. Newlands Reclamation Act
d. Pendleton Act

c. Newlands Reclamation Act

What was the lasting legacy of the Progressive movement in America?
a. It successfully challenged the institutionalized systems of racism and discrimination in the South.
b. Progressives drew the blueprint for the powerful American state suited to an indu

b. Progressives drew the blueprint for the powerful American state suited to an
industrial era.

How did working-class women gain access to the fine department stores in the United States in the late nineteenth century?
a. Working-class domestics accompanied their female employers into the stores.
b. They could enter the stores only if they dressed a

c. Working-class women gained access as clerks, cashiers, and store messengers.

Which of these late-nineteenth-century U.S. Supreme Court rulings settled the question of African Americans' access to regular first-class seats on American railroad cars until the 1950s?
a. Wabash v. Illinois
b. Montana Railway Co. v. Warren
c. Plessy v.

Which of the following describes the consumer culture that emerged in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth-century United States?
a. Modern and innovative
b. Politically progressive
c. Feminist and egalitarian
d. Separate but equal

Which of the following phenomena spurred changes in Americans' understanding of masculinity in the late nineteenth century?
a. Baseball
b. Urban life and work
c. The "new woman"
d. Exclusive male city clubs

The growth of the YMCA in late-nineteenth-century American cities resulted from which of the following factors?
a. People newly arrived in cities needed an outlet for entertainment.
b. There was a greater need to train athletes for professional sports car

d. The YMCA prompted "muscular Christianity" for white-collar workers.

By the early 1900s, many business leaders encouraged their male workers to participate in sports to
a. exhaust workers' competitive instincts.
b. adjust to the demands of the industrial clock.
c. counter the influences of domesticity.
d. maintain their co

b. adjust to the demands of the industrial clock.

The Gibson Girl of the 1890s personified which of the following female images?
a. Prostitutes in urban brothels who were patronized by middle-class men
b. Young working-class women who worked as servants for the middle-class
c. College-educated career wom

d. The middle-class "new woman"--public spirited and athletic

As the United States industrialized, the outdoors lost its association with danger and hard work and became newly associated with
a. pollution.
b. sexuality.
c. renewal.
d. religion.

Which of the following is correctly matched?
a. Lacey Act�celebrated the austere beauty of the California desert
b. Audubon Society�oversaw many of the nation's national parks
c. Sierra Club�founded by John Muir to preserve the environment
d. U.S. Forest

c. Sierra Club�founded by John Muir to preserve the environment

Elizabeth Cady Stanton's speech to Congress in 1892 on the "solitude of self" referred to the
a. importance of women's autonomy in modern society.
b. growing practice of meditation and relaxation.
c. loneliness many experienced when they moved to large ur

a. importance of women's autonomy in modern society.

Which of the following statements characterizes family life in the late 1800s?
a. Family size continued its steady decline because middle-class children in cities were not needed for work.
b. The birthrate remained stable because of the different cultural

a. Family size continued its steady decline because middle-class children in cities were not needed for work.

The Comstock Act took effect in 1873 and
a. legalized the use of contraceptive devices made of vulcanized rubber.
b. prohibited the circulation of any information about sex and birth control.
c. criminalized any activity that resulted in the creation of p

b. prohibited the circulation of any information about sex and birth control.

Why did the rate of college attendance quadruple between the 1880s and the 1920s?
a. State universities began to adopt classical curricula.
b. Private colleges began to emphasize practical pursuits.
c. The public university system expanded.
d. Increasing

c. The public university system expanded.

Which of the following statements summarizes Booker T. Washington's approach to racial change in the United States?
a. Washington advocated education for African Americans to end poverty and segregation.
b. He promoted industrial education for blacks as a

b. He promoted industrial education for blacks as a strategy for lessening white prejudice.

Between 1880 and 1920, higher education for women was
a. banned in most of the South.
b. unheard of in most parts of the country.
c. almost universal among the middle class.
d. mostly at single-sex institutions in the Northeast and South.

d. mostly at single-sex institutions in the Northeast and South.

Which of the following describes the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) in the late nineteenth century?
a. The organization confined itself exclusively to work on the liquor question.
b. It supported woman suffrage as a tool that could challenge th

b. It supported woman suffrage as a tool that could challenge the liquor interest.

The Women's Christian Temperance Movement (WCTU) was the first national movement to
a. identify and fight against domestic violence.
b. demand a constitutional amendment to ban alcohol.
c. be led by a woman.
d. call for woman suffrage.

a. identify and fight against domestic violence.

The National Association of Colored Women was effective in its efforts to improve the life of African Americans because it
a. gave lectures throughout the country.
b. focused its attention on community issues such as public health.
c. rejected the traditi

b. focused its attention on community issues such as public health.

What did the term petticoat rule mean when it was used by antisuffragists in the early twentieth century?
a. If granted the right to vote, women might cancel husband's votes.
b. Women would become hungry for political office if given the right to vote.

a. If granted the right to vote, women might cancel husband's votes.

In the late nineteenth century, Social Darwinists, such as William Graham Sumner, believed that
a. businesses should be regulated.
b. "inferior" people should be discouraged from reproducing.
c. millionaires were the fittest Americans.
d. government shoul

c. millionaires were the fittest Americans.

Which of the following authors rejected romanticism and Victorian sentimentality in their works?
a. Andrew Carnegie
b. Stephen Crane
c. George Bellows
d. Harriet Beecher Stowe

Which of the following authors is correctly matched with one of his works?
a. Stephen Crane�"To Build a Fire"
b. Theodore Dreiser�Letters from the Earth
c. Jack London�Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
d. Mark Twain�A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

d. Mark Twain�A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Which of the following is the correct chronological order of the literary movements in the United States during the late 1800s and early 1900s?
a. Naturalism, romanticism, realism, modernism
b. Modernism, realism, romanticism, naturalism
c. Romanticism, r

c. Romanticism, realism, naturalism, modernism

Which of the following is true of religion in the city at the turn of the twentieth century?
a. Protestantism was easily accepted by city dwellers.
b. The Catholic Church incorporated ethnic differences in urban areas.
c. Immigrant Catholics abandoned eth

b. The Catholic Church incorporated ethnic differences in urban areas.

In the late nineteenth century, many native-born, prosperous American Jews embraced
a. Orthodox Judaism.
b. nativism.
c. Reform Judaism.
d. atheism.

Iowans created the American Protective Organization in 1887 to
a. protect Midwestern women from urban sex trafficking.
b. oppose the influence of Catholics in the United States.
c. prevent African Americans from moving into their state.
d. protect black I

b. oppose the influence of Catholics in the United States.

Protestant churches that espoused the Social Gospel
a. extended the principles of the Gospel of Wealth to religion.
b. warned that society outside the church was contrary to God's plan.
c. urged congregations to focus on each other's personal salvation as

d. taught that Christians should fight for social justice and the public welfare.

The urban revivalism of Billy Sunday represented
a. the fundamentalism movement.
b. the continuing appeal of Calvinist theology in American culture.
c. a strong example of the Social Gospel.
d. a Catholic challenge to Protestantism.

a. the fundamentalism movement.

What accounted for the relocation of manufacturing operations into urban areas post-Civil War?

By 1900, which of the following was the primary means of urban mass transit in the US?

Which of these statements describes the newly rising American middle class around 1900?

Many preferred to live in suburbs bc of the safety and space

Which of the following made the growth of skyscrapers possible?

steel girders, plate glass, elevators

Which of these inventions made residents feel safer in urban areas in the late 19th century?

Which of the following statements describes immigrants' accommodation to city life in the US around 1900?

Many relied on native language newspapers, the conviviality of saloons, and the assistance of mutual aid societies

Around the turn of the century, AfrAms moving to cities in the North experienced which of the following?

More discrimination than even the most downtrodden European immigrants

Which of the following describes the tenements typical of urban areas in the early 20th century?

buildings that housed many families in cramped, airless apartments

Which of the following phenomena emerged as an important new influence on urban entertainment in the early 20th century?

The rise of nickelodeons, amusement parks, dance halls, vaudeville, and other cheap amusements in the late 19th century cities had which effect?

challenging traditional courtship rituals

Which of the following describes metropolitan newspapers post-Civil War?

expanded to include human-interest stories and society and sports sections

William Randolph Hearst's and Joseph Pulitzer's style of reporting?

Which of the following statements characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's attitude toward muckrakers

Appalled, they overemphasized negatives

Correctly matched muckraker to reform area?

Lincoln Steffens - corruption of US urban govts

Which of the following describes the urban ptx machines of the late 19th century

social service agencies providing assistance in times of trouble

George Washington Plunkitt

Tammany ward boss who courted all ethnic groups to win support

Around 1900, if an ordinary American citizen either immigrant or not needed a favor, they would've turned to

Which of the following statements characterizes urban ptx reform efforts in late 1800s and early 1900s

Some reform mayors modeled their reform efforts on European efforts in Glasgow and Dusseldorf

What spurred many big cities' pursuit of state of the art sewage and drainage systems at the end of the 19th century?

attempts to build more/better urban park spaces, including playgrounds and gardens

How did the early 20th century campaign against urban prostitution affect prostitutes?

Closed brothels = worsened working conditions

What did women like Jane Addams seek to provide to the working class through settlement houses in the early 20th century cities?

stronger sense of civic enterprise and moral conviction

What caused Congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906?

Upton Sinclair's realist novel The Jungle

What did the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of 1911 cause?

NY passed the most advanced labor code in the country of its time

Organized in 1905, the Niagara Movement embraced
a. environmental protection, including clean water.
b. a ten-hour workday for public utilities workers.
c. equal opportunity for African Americans.
d. federal payments to impoverished women and children.

c. equal opportunity for African Americans.

Which of the following statements characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the nation's natural resources quizlet?

Question : Which of the following statements characterizes President Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the nation's natural resources? Student Answer: He was a preservationist who opposed the exploitation of natural resources.

What was President Cleveland's greatest public relations failure during his presidency?

Which of the following was President Cleveland's greatest public relations failure during his presidency? backed away from moral issues and courted new immigrants.

What was the outcome of the Supreme Court's decision in the 1911 Standard Oil case quizlet?

What was the outcome of the Supreme Court's decision in the 1911 Standard Oil case? The monopoly was broken up into several competing companies.

Which of the following statements characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the nations national resources?

Which of the following statements characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the nation's natural resources? He was a conservationist who tried to balance commercial and public interests.