Which of the following statements best summarizes the characteristics of effective feedback?

This section presents some sample exam questions for you to review as part of your preparation for the exam. To demonstrate how each competency may be assessed, sample questions are accompanied by the competency that they measure. While studying, you may wish to read the competency before and after you consider each sample question. Please note that the competency statements do not appear on the actual exam.

Nội dung chính

  • Domain I—Leadership of the Educational Community
  • Domain II—Instructional Leadership
  • Multiple-Competencies Passages
  • Which of the following statements best describes how technology is integrated into school classrooms quizlet?
  • Which of the following statements most accurately describes how technology is integrated into school classrooms Group of answer choices?
  • Which of the following statements best describes the concept of technological convergence?
  • Which of the following statements summarizes Seymour Sarason's conclusion about how organizational cultures in K 12 schools affect educational change efforts?

For each sample exam question, there is a correct answer and a rationale for each answer option. The sample questions are included to illustrate the formats and types of questions you will see on the exam; however, your performance on the sample questions should not be viewed as a predictor of your performance on the actual exam.

Domain I—Leadership of the Educational Community

Competency 001—The superintendent knows how to act with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner in order to promote the success of all students.

1. Ms. Conyer is the superintendent of a school district that has recently experienced rapid growth in the number of minority families moving to the community. Some teachers are having difficulty assimilating the minority families into their existing view of the school community. Which of the following is the superintendent’s best initial action for building a culture that celebrates diversity?

  1. Familiarizing herself with the values and traditions of the minority cultures within the community
  2. Reviewing district curriculums to determine areas where multiculturalism and cultural awareness can be best integrated
  3. Having conversations with teachers to acknowledge cultural differences and the influence they can have on educational outcomes
  4. Directing campus principals to maintain expectations that teachers demonstrate bias-free instructional practices
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded Option C is correct because an essential outcome in the initial phase is helping teachers become effective in a highly diverse environment. In this way the superintendent leads by example. Option A is incorrect because, while increasing her own knowledge regarding changing demographics and student needs is helpful, the superintendent is not addressing the perceptions of teachers. Option B is incorrect because teacher attitudes and perceptions should be addressed before altering the curriculum. The superintendent must first build trust and expand teachers’ understanding of cultural competence in order to transform instructional practices. Option D is incorrect because, while establishing an expectation that teachers will meet the needs of all student groups is important, the superintendent must first help teachers acknowledge bias and perception rather than directing campus principals to take action without appropriate support for the action.

2. The superintendent of a rapidly growing school district plans to initiate a bond election to fund school construction and renovation. Two previous bond elections were not successful because of disagreement among the community about the value, purpose, and feasibility of the bond. Which of the following actions by the superintendent is most effective for building support for the new bond proposal?

  1. Surveying superintendents in other districts who have been successful in getting bond elections passed
  2. Increasing the superintendent’s visibility by joining community organizations and attending community events
  3. Seeking input from community stakeholders when publicizing the need for the bond and when drafting the proposal
  4. Providing the public with a detailed breakdown of how bonds are formulated and the process of putting one up for election
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because superintendents must work to build long-term relationships with their local communities based on open communication and mutual trust. They must allow stakeholder input to build mutual investment in the purpose and value of the bond. Option A is incorrect because the communities of the successful superintendents may not have the same issues and needs of the superintendent's district. Option B is incorrect because, while being visible is important, the superintendent must take more direct actions to explain the district needs to build support for the bond. Option D is incorrect because the public (voters) are unlikely to be concerned about the details of how a bond is formulated and the process it undergoes. Voters need to be invested in the purpose of the bond.

Competency 002—The superintendent knows how to shape district culture by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the educational community.

3. A new superintendent finds the district’s existing mission statement too general to be useful in its execution and plans its revision. Which of the following elements must the revised statement include to ensure that it is of most use for accomplishing the school district’s mission?

  1. History of the district’s objectives and accomplishments
  2. Direction and guidelines for achieving the district’s vision
  3. A description of the constituents that the district serves
  4. Ground rules for the district’s relationship with its community
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because a useful mission statement indicates how the members of the organization should specifically work toward achieving the district’s vision. Option A is incorrect because although reviewing the history of the district’s objectives and accomplishments is an important part of the strategic planning process, the history is not the most important element of an effective mission statement. Option C is incorrect because although an important element of a mission statement is a description of the constituents that the district serves, the description does not ensure that the district’s mission will be accomplished. Option D is incorrect because although expectations related to the district’s relationship with its community are important to discuss when drafting a mission statement, the elements of an effective mission statement should focus on prompting change and growth to help staff and students achieve the district’s vision.

4. Which of the following practices by a superintendent best facilitates the development and implementation of a shared vision that focuses on teaching and learning?

  1. Keeping priorities flexible and negotiable to respond to changing situations
  2. Implementing the change process for district and campus staff members
  3. Ensuring that staff involvement in improvement efforts aligns with district goals
  4. Requiring that teachers monitor student progress frequently
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because involving the staff in the strategic planning processes facilitates the accomplishment of data-based district goals for improvement. Option A is incorrect because setting negotiable goals for school improvement does not foster a shared vision. If priorities are allowed to be flexible and negotiable, the target will always be moving, making it difficult to reach goals. The goals must be nonnegotiable. Option B is incorrect because initiating the change process is a crucial step in implementing a shared vision for student success. If the superintendent is the one implementing the change, there will be less buy-in from district and campus staff members. Option D is incorrect because while monitoring progress toward student performance goals is important to benchmark achievement during the implementation phase, this focus is too narrow to ensure a shared vision that focuses on teaching and learning.

5. A superintendent plans to hold several planning forums during the summer to allow parents and community members to participate in the planning process of district activities. The goal is to build support among stakeholders for the district’s mission and goals. Which TWO of the following methods will most effectively and efficiently reach the greatest number of stakeholders with information about the forums?

  1. Providing a notice of the meetings through the local media
  2. Sending announcements about the forums home with students
  3. Announcing the forums at open school-board meetings
  4. Using automated phone messages and information hotlines from the district office
  5. Posting the dates of forums on the parent portal of the student information system
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOptions A and D are correct because since the purpose is to reach the broadest audience, the outreach should not be limited to only those in the immediate school community. The local media as well as hotlines and robocalls are available to both community and parent stakeholders. Option B is incorrect because although sending announcements about the forum home with students is a valid means of communication, it is limited to parents only. With school out for the summer, the communication would not be timely. Option C is incorrect because announcements made about the forums during open school-board meetings will be of use only to those attending the meetings. Option E is incorrect because posting the dates of forums on the parent portal of the student information system will be beneficial only to parents who routinely check the system during the summer when school is not in session.

Competency 003—The superintendent knows how to communicate and collaborate with families and community members, respond to diverse community interests and needs and mobilize community resources to ensure educational success for all students.

6. Which of the following practices by a superintendent is most useful for assessing the district’s culture and climate?

  1. Analyzing results from periodic inventories distributed to stakeholders
  2. Selecting topics for professional development based upon teacher evaluations
  3. Visiting the schools frequently to observe student conduct in classes and noninstructional spaces
  4. Strategizing with principals regarding personnel decisions at the end of the year
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because according to research, effective superintendents understand, value, and are able to analyze the district climate using inventories. Option B is incorrect because selecting topics for professional development based on teacher evaluation results does not assess climate or culture. Option C is incorrect because visiting and observing in classroom and noninstructional spaces in a school may not provide the specific data needed to assess the climate and culture of the school or the district. Option D is incorrect because strategizing with principals on personnel decisions does not provide information regarding district climate or culture.

7. Which TWO of the following are the most effective district-wide actions a superintendent can take to reduce student dropout rates?

  1. Scheduling home visits with the families of all students who are at risk of dropping out
  2. Ensuring that parents and students are aware of laws regarding compulsory attendance
  3. Assisting students in exploring alternative placements that are designed for at-risk students
  4. Partnering with community organizations to provide at-risk students with mentoring and tutoring
  5. Providing students with access to innovative programs that strengthen academic opportunities
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because research shows that providing alternative placement programs designed to meet the needs of at-risk students is a key part of a multifaceted approach to reducing dropout rates. Option D is correct because research shows that students who have a strong support system in which their physical and emotional needs are met have a lower dropout rate than students who do not have such support systems in place. Option A is incorrect because although scheduling home visits with families can be helpful, the focus should be on ensuring actual implementation of the visits with authentic family engagement, follow-up, and active learning by the student. Option B is incorrect because there is no correlation between compulsory attendance law and dropout prevention. Compulsory attendance law is in effect, and districts still have high dropout rates. Option E is incorrect because best practices in dropout prevention should be multifaceted to include elements of school-community collaboration, safe learning environment, family engagement, mentoring/tutoring, alternative schooling, active learning, and career-based skills.

Competency 004—The superintendent knows how to respond to and influence the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context, including working with the board of trustees, to achieve the district’s educational vision.

8. While attending a high school basketball game, a superintendent observes a school board member shouting insults at the referees whenever he disagrees with their decisions. Which of the following should be the superintendent’s most appropriate first response?

  1. Sending the board member a formal letter of reprimand pointing out that such behavior violates the school’s tradition of sportsmanship
  2. Speaking to the board member privately about the importance of serving as a positive role model for students
  3. Suggesting that the board member complete a course in anger management before his next evaluation by the superintendent
  4. Taking no action at this time but planning to monitor the board member’s behavior at future sporting events
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because, as this is the first occurrence the superintendent is aware of, speaking to the board member privately provides timely feedback at the lowest level to best maintain a positive working relationship. Options A and C are incorrect because these are more appropriate follow-up steps if talking with the board member does not remedy the situation. Option D is incorrect because, as a board member is a representative of the district, actions at a school-sponsored event should align with the district’s expectations. Therefore, the board member’s actions should be addressed.

9. Because of changing demographics in a growing city, community members believe some changes are needed to the district’s career-oriented curriculum. Which of the following is the most appropriate role of the office of the superintendent in developing an effective career-oriented curriculum for a district?

  1. Conducting research into current principles of best practice and pedagogical approaches for career training
  2. Disseminating a survey to students and parents to identify specific career goals
  3. Drafting a provisional list of course offerings for review by principals and teachers
  4. Acting as a liaison with business coalitions in identifying specific skills applicable to success in the workplace
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because the superintendent acts in a facilitative role during curriculum development. When information is needed from the community, the superintendent should work with business leaders to better understand the needs of the workforce. Options A, B and C are incorrect because conducting best-practices research, disseminating a survey to students and drafting course offerings are all detailed curriculum work that should be delegated to leadership in the curriculum department. This work should be completed in collaboration with expert teachers.

10. Which of the following describes the primary role of a board of trustees in implementing a new vision and strategic plan for a school district?

  1. Identifying sources of funding to enable the district to achieve its vision and goals
  2. Communicating to stakeholders the underlying values and beliefs of the district’s vision and goals
  3. Identifying operational practices and procedures to help achieve the district’s vision and goals
  4. Developing policies that provide guidance for accomplishing the district’s vision and goals
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because developing policies, a primary responsibility of the board of trustees, should be executed in a manner that supports the district’s goals and vision. Options A, B and C are incorrect because identifying sources of funding, communicating with stakeholders and establishing operational procedures are the responsibilities of the superintendent, not the school board.

11. A school board has gained four new members as a result of a recent election. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for the superintendent to take for promoting team building among board members?

  1. Scheduling training with the state association of school boards for all members to generate collaborative operating procedures
  2. Meeting with the new board members individually to discuss their work styles and the work styles of existing members
  3. Composing a plan with the new members to address the actions they proposed during their campaigns
  4. Pairing each new member with an existing member to serve as a mentor
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because board operating procedures ensure a proper framework for working toward consensus as a team. Option B is incorrect because a board functions as a group and any orientation to the group should occur with other group members. Option C is incorrect because composing a plan to address their campaign promises would be done with the entire board. Option D is incorrect because existing board members may not be appropriate mentors. They may have different viewpoints or ways of operating that the superintendent may not want to promote. Even if they are exemplary members, mentoring is not team building; it is a one-on-one activity.

12. A superintendent receives a report that a school board member is influencing a search committee to hire a relative of the board member for an open administrative position. Which of the following is the most appropriate first step for the superintendent to take in response to the situation?

  1. Discussing the situation in executive session
  2. Informing the board president of the report
  3. Holding a training session on ethics before the next board meeting
  4. Asking the search committee chair to speak to the board member
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because the most appropriate first step is for the superintendent to inform the board president of the report regarding the board member. As board president, it is best for him or her to be made aware of the situation as early as possible. Option A is incorrect because the superintendent should always communicate with the board president first then develop a plan to address the situation. Option C is incorrect because while training is important, this step does not address the situation directly. This is an appropriate action to take once the issue at hand has been dealt with. Option D is incorrect because it is not appropriate to have the search committee chair address the board member. The superintendent should handle this type of communication with the board.

13. Which of the following is a superintendent’s highest priority when preparing and recommending a policy to the school board for approval?

  1. Ensuring that the policy facilitates student achievement
  2. Eliminating the shortcomings of previously enacted policies
  3. Streamlining the process to facilitate implementation of the policy
  4. Providing evidence that the district staff supports the policy
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because the highest priority focus by the superintendent and the school board should be working together to make decisions that will positively affect student achievement. Option B is incorrect because while eliminating the shortcomings of previous policies may be helpful, policies must continue to be revised or be newly developed to address the changing needs in the district. Option C is incorrect because although implementation is important, how the policy is implemented is not its most important focus. Option D is incorrect because although support is valuable, it is not the most vital focus at this stage of the policy.

Domain II—Instructional Leadership

Competency 005—The superintendent knows how to facilitate the planning and implementation of strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment among curriculum, curriculum resources and assessment; use the current accountability system; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance.

14. A school superintendent meets with elementary principals to review the results of the state assessment for each campus. Which of the following actions best promotes active and focused engagement in the collaborative examination of the assessment data?

  1. Asking each principal to share a detailed analysis of his or her school’s performance
  2. Organizing the data into tables or graphs prior to the meeting for easy reference
  3. Targeting the discussion on what the schools’ assessment data have in common
  4. Organizing data analysis around essential questions about student performance
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because using essential questions focuses the analytic process on what the data reveals about student strengths and needs, and it promotes active engagement on the part of the principals as they are then required to carefully review their data. Option A is incorrect because having each principal share the student assessment data one by one does not promote collaborative discussion. It increases the likelihood that some participants may lose interest in the discussion. Option B is incorrect because organizing the data to be reviewed into tables or graphs may make it easier to view the assessment results but would not necessarily promote discussion. Option C is incorrect because focusing on what the schools have in common may overlook each school’s specific needs, and this may drive the discussion into a different area, losing sight of the original purpose.

Competency 006—The superintendent knows how to advocate, promote and sustain an instructional program and a district culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

15. A superintendent reviews the Texas Education Agency report for the spring administration of the state accountability test. The results were favorable in all areas, with the exception of one elementary school that was identified as "Improvement Required." To best promote school improvement, the superintendent should require the elementary principal to first

  1. reassign the teachers in the grade levels tested to grade levels not tested.
  2. engage the teachers in professional development on test-taking strategies for students.
  3. utilize the research-based resources available through the Texas Accountability Intervention System.
  4. contact a neighboring school district in a similar situation to request assistance in determining areas needing improvement.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because the Texas Accountability Intervention System is supported by multiple research-based resources and documents that guide districts and campuses through school improvement. Option A is incorrect because the principal should not move teachers to different grade levels without more data to support the decision. Option B is incorrect because professional development on test-taking strategies alone would not follow the research on best practices for school improvement. Option D is incorrect because the principal would not be required to contact a neighboring school district for assistance in determining the areas of need.

16. A superintendent receives several complaints from parents questioning the number of students not being accepted into the district’s gifted and talented program. Which of the following actions is essential for ensuring that the process for identifying students for participation in a gifted program is equitable?

  1. Applying a broad base of eligibility criteria over a long period of time
  2. Using predetermined cutoff scores in standardized measures
  3. Setting quotas for the number of minority students included in the program
  4. Assigning the greatest weight to self-recommendations and parental recommendations
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because broad-based comprehensive identification systems should apply multiple techniques over a long period of time. Option B is incorrect because using a standardized measure with a fixed cutoff score is likely to disadvantage students who are not within the mainstream culture. Option C is incorrect because inclusion in the gifted program should be based on the application of equitable, culturally sensitive criteria, not quotas. Option D is incorrect because self-recommendations and parental recommendations are subjective, and although part of the criteria, they should not receive the greatest weight.

17. A new superintendent wants to facilitate the effective implementation of health services for students in the school district. Which of the following actions by the superintendent best meets the goal?

  1. Asking the support services director to provide a report on the current status of student health services
  2. Distributing information about students’ medical conditions and the health services they receive to the faculty at the beginning of each school year
  3. Forming a committee of health professionals and other stakeholders to examine student needs and establish and maintain student health services
  4. Creating a list of health professionals in the community to provide supplementary health services if needed
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because having a team of stakeholders to coordinate implementation of multiple and comprehensive services is critical to meeting students’ health services needs. Option A is incorrect because asking for a report on the status of student health services will provide information but will not facilitate the implementation of the services. Option B is incorrect because distributing a list of students with medical conditions provides information but does not facilitate implementation of health services. In addition, providing specific information on students and their health conditions to all of the faculty may violate student privacy rights. Option D is incorrect because the health services program should not rely on a supplemental list; ongoing services should be in place.

Competency 007—The superintendent knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system and select appropriate models for supervision and staff development to improve the performance of all staff members.

18. Elementary school teachers in a district have just finished attending a series of professional development sessions on classroom-based observational assessments. Which of the following actions by district administrators will best ensure that students reap the greatest possible benefits from their teachers’ participation in the sessions?

  1. Creating a program of follow-up activities and consultation to support all participants’ application of new skills
  2. Asking teachers who participated to make presentations at their own schools on the basics of observational assessment
  3. Sending out bimonthly follow-up questionnaires asking participants to report their current use of observational assessment
  4. Requiring that all participants pass a test on the principles and applications of observational assessment
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because research shows that teachers involved in professional development activities that include theory, demonstration, practice and follow-up are more likely to transfer technology skills into teaching. Option B is incorrect because all elementary school teachers in the district attended the sessions, so presentations by teachers are not needed. Option C is incorrect because, while follow-up is important, a questionnaire is not the strongest avenue for ensuring implementation. Follow-up strategies should address concerns about implementation and provide support. Option D is incorrect because, while a proficiency standard may be helpful in assessing teachers’ current understanding, a test alone will do little to ensure implementation.

19. A new superintendent reviewing personnel records from the past five years observes a trend of well-qualified, effective novice teachers leaving the district to pursue other professions due to a lack of collegial support. Which of the following superintendent actions will best address the loss of the novice teachers?

  1. Advocating with the board for higher salaries for entry-level teachers
  2. Selecting teacher candidates who explicitly express commitment to the profession
  3. Holding exit interviews with all teachers who leave the district
  4. Making a mentoring program the foundation of the teacher induction process
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because offering a mentoring program reduces the rates of teachers who resign during the first five years. Mentoring provides new teachers with the necessary support to succeed in the classroom. Options A and B are incorrect because these actions do not address the teachers’ concerns. Option C is incorrect because an exit interview occurs after a teacher has already decided to leave. The interview may be informative, but it is not preventative.

Multiple-Competencies Passages

Practice questions 23–33 refer to the case study located in the Preparation Manual: Superintendent Supplemental Booklet. Practice questions 34–39 refer to the TAPR report, also located in the preparation manual supplement. Note: Some of the documents are meant to reflect types of materials produced by the state and do not necessarily reflect current reporting formats. It is important that you use only the materials in this chapter to answer the questions.

Questions 23–33 refer to the case study material in the Preparation Manual: Superintendent Supplemental Booklet.

Dr. Bugle is the superintendent of Sweetville Independent School District (SISD), a small suburban district with eight schools. One of the middle schools, Sweetville Middle School, a Title I school, has received notification from Texas Education Agency (TEA) that the campus is rated as “Improvement Required” due to poor mathematics performance. Dr. Bugle coordinates with the principal, Ms. Akon, to respond to this information and begin developing professional learning communities (PLCs) for all district schools.

Some teachers have voiced concerns regarding the teacher selection process for the new professional learning communities. A teacher at Sweetville Middle School, Susan Martin, has filed a grievance as a result of the teacher selection process for the PLC planning committee. Mr. Bugle plans to review all the pertinent information and respond appropriately.

Examine the following documents and respond to the questions:

  • Letter from superintendent to Sweetville Middle School parents
  • Superintendent’s memo to principals with article on professional learning communities
  • Level I grievance from a campus department chair, Susan Martin
  • Level I grievance response from principal
  • Level II appeal notice from Susan Martin
  • District grievance policy

Competency 010—The superintendent knows how to apply organizational, decisionmaking and problem-solving skills to comply with federal and state requirements and facilitate positive change in varied contexts.

23. Dr. Bugle wants to ensure that all employees understand the state accountability system in order for students to be successful on state assessments. Which of the following statements by Dr. Bugle best addresses this goal?

  1. When considering state accountability, schools can change their rating from one year to the next by closing the achievement gap between sub-populations.
  2. When a school misses the target in two or more areas of the state assessment, TEA determines the rating for that school to be “Improvement Required.”
  3. TEA looks at student achievement, student progress, closing performance gaps and postsecondary readiness when determining a school’s rating.
  4. School districts should address the issues in the lowest-performing schools, as a way to increase student performance on the state accountability system.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because the foundation of the state accountability system is measured by the four areas of student achievement, student progress, closing performance gaps, and postsecondary readiness. Option A is incorrect because the rating is determined by measurement of four separate areas of performance. Option B is incorrect because missing the target in only one area will determine the rating of "Improvement Required." Option D is incorrect because communicating to staff that the state accountability system is intended to address only low-performing schools will not best encourage all campuses to use data to help all students succeed.

Competency 005—The superintendent knows how to facilitate the planning and implementation of strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment among curriculum, curriculum resources and assessment; use the current accountability system; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance.

24. As the district plans to implement PLCs, Dr. Bugle wants to ensure that all principals understand how to use student performance data to improve instruction at their campuses. Which of the following provides Dr. Bugle with an opportunity to share compiled district data trends with principals while demonstrating the use of PLCs?

  1. Forwarding the data directly to principals and directing them to improve scores in the next year
  2. Providing a memo to leadership teams that expresses the opinions of campus principals on the data and their implications
  3. Distributing the data at a general meeting of principals and providing time for them to collaborate on solutions for problem areas
  4. Working in vertical teams to review all the data with the representative campus teachers and campus leaders
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because PLCs are about establishing a collaborative, reflective community of stakeholders. Therefore, reviewing data trends with vertical teams, inclusive of teachers and campus leaders, best demonstrates the use of a PLC. Option A is incorrect because providing information to principals and directing them to find solutions is a better example of top-down, directive leadership. Option B is incorrect because providing a memo with options and implications does not exemplify empowerment of the community as supported by PLCs. Option C is incorrect because administrative meetings fulfill a managerial purpose rather than being reflective and collaborative as recommended by PLCs.

Competency 006—The superintendent knows how to advocate, promote and sustain an instructional program and a district culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

25. According to the article provided by Dr. Bugle to principals and their staff, which of the following adjustments to their practice is most appropriate?

  1. Grouping students by achievement levels
  2. Modifying the courses or grade levels taught
  3. Adjusting instruction to meet student needs
  4. Scoring assessments according to a bell curve
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because strong PLCs use student data to determine changes necessary for enhancing instructional practice and student achievement. Option A is incorrect because grouping students by achievement level is not the focus of PLCs. Option B is incorrect because data analysis within PLCs is not focused on the course assignments of teachers but rather on seeking changes needed to improve instructional practice. Option D is incorrect because assessing students based on an established content and a common passing standard is better aligned with data analysis within PLCs.

Competency 001—The superintendent knows how to act with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner in order to promote the success of all students.

26. Which of the following strategies should Dr. Bugle implement to best address Susan Martin’s concerns?

  1. Paying all teachers the same amount for participation in the selection process
  2. Hiring only nontenured teachers to participate in the selection process
  3. Including teacher representation in determining the selection process
  4. Identifying participants by principal recommendation to be part of the selection process
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because Susan Martin’s concerns are with the selection process completed by the principal. By allowing other teachers to be part of the selection process, the principal can make a more collaborative, unbiased selection. Options A and B are incorrect because both paying all teachers the same amount and hiring only nontenured teachers would aggravate the existing problem, not solve it. Option D is incorrect because allowing only principals to establish the selection process led to the grievance itself.

Competency 001—The superintendent knows how to act with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner in order to promote the success of all students.

27. In accordance with board policy, which of the following responses by Dr. Bugle to Susan Martin’s Level II grievance is most appropriate?

  1. Instructing her principal to meet with her to address her concerns
  2. Meeting with her himself to address her concerns and providing a follow-up memo summarizing the conference
  3. Instructing the assistant superintendent to meet with her and include a follow-up memo summarizing the conference
  4. Waiting to reply to the teacher until a district decision has been made regarding the implementation of the new initiative
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because, in a Level II complaint, the next immediate supervisor, above the principal, should meet with Ms. Martin. Option A is incorrect because the principal met with Ms. Martin to address her Level I complaint, which she is now appealing. Option B is incorrect because, according to board policy, the superintendent would not meet with Ms. Martin until Level III. Option D is incorrect because board policy requires a response within ten days. This strategy is also rarely effective and usually damages relationships within the organization.

Competency 001—The superintendent knows how to act with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner in order to promote the success of all students.

28. If Susan Martin appeals the Level II decision, what is the most appropriate next step for Dr. Bugle to take?

  1. Denying the appeal so that the complaint goes to the board
  2. Reviewing the appeal himself and providing a written response
  3. Forwarding the appeal to the district legal team to consider
  4. Sending the appeal back to the principal for a resolution
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because, according to board policy, the superintendent hears Level III grievances. Option A, C and D are incorrect, because, according to board policy, the superintendent should meet with Ms. Martin within ten days and hear her concern.

Competency 008—The superintendent knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to district budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management and technology applications.

29. A group of teachers from Sweetville Middle School sends a letter to Dr. Bugle outlining their intention to join Susan Martin in her pending grievance. If their grievance is officially filed, which portion of SISD’s board policy addresses how Dr. Bugle should respond?

  1. Guiding principles
  2. Notice to employees
  3. Jurisdictional referral
  4. Consolidating complaints
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because information on procedures for addressing the same or similar complaints by several people with the same supervisor is titled “Consolidating Complaints” in the board policy provided. Option A is incorrect because the portion of board policy that addresses guiding principles is merely a general statement about the complaint process. Option B is incorrect because the notice to employee portion of the board policy addresses the district’s responsibility to inform employees. Option C is incorrect because jurisdictional referral refers to the handling of complaints from individuals without a common supervising principal. Because all the complaints are from the same campus, this scenario does not apply.

Competency 003—The superintendent knows how to communicate and collaborate with families and community members, respond to diverse community interests and needs and mobilize community resources to ensure educational success for all students.

30. A group of teachers tells a local television station that they are being discriminated against based on their age. A news story is broadcast during which the group recounts a rumor that Dr. Bugle is allowing principals to hire younger teachers to serve on the PLCs planning committee in order to keep personnel costs down. The group calls the actions ageism, and the teachers threaten to file a federal discrimination lawsuit. Which of the following is the most appropriate response from Dr. Bugle?

  1. Ignoring the news story and moving forward with the planned selection process for the planning committee, and then later calling the newspaper with the correct information
  2. Informing the school board president of the news story, explaining the planned selection process to all employees and board members, and providing the media with the details of the process
  3. Providing the media with the details of the selection process, calling school board members to inform them of the situation, and meeting with the teachers for a question-and-answer session
  4. Asking the school board president to act as the district’s official spokesperson to the media for the selection process and then report back to the superintendent
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because contacting the board president is essential to maintaining a good superintendent-board relationship. Next, squelching rumors by informing all employees and board members of the facts is an effective communication strategy. Then, providing similar information to the media addresses the topic in the community proactively. Option A is incorrect because responding to the media in a timely manner is essential to maintaining credibility in the community. Option C is incorrect because the board president should be informed and knowledgeable about the incident to best maintain a collaborative working relationship and to build trust. Option D is incorrect because the board president is not the best person to speak directly to the media on this topic.

Competency 007—The superintendent knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system and select appropriate models for supervision and staff development to improve the performance of all staff members.

31. According to the principles discussed in the article provided by Dr. Bugle, which of the following sets of professional development topics best supports the implementation of PLCs?

  1. Curriculum, pedagogy and assessments
  2. Curriculum, alignment, articulation and design
  3. Mission, vision, values and goals
  4. Historical perspective, practice and pedagogy
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because the campus is just beginning to initiate PLCs and better understanding how to create a culture of shared purpose in which the staff learns to habitually work together toward a greater purpose. Options A and B are incorrect because, while staff will likely address changes to curriculum, practice, alignment, design and assessments within their PLCs, these are not the building blocks of an effective PLC. Option D is incorrect because studying the historical perspective of PLCs is not the most important element of effectively implementing them. Studying practice and pedagogy will likely be discussed within PLCs, but these are not the building blocks of PLCs.

Competency 007—The superintendent knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system and select appropriate models for supervision and staff development to improve the performance of all staff members.

32. Dr. Bugle believes that PLCs will not be sustainable if the change initiative is not embedded in the culture of the schools. To change the district and campus culture, the school leadership team will need to address how to

  1. assign staff, schedule classes and discipline students.
  2. articulate shared values, facilitate reflective dialogue and create time to celebrate.
  3. create district benchmarks, common assessments and time for data desegregation.
  4. plan professional development activities and timely follow-up strategies.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because addressing school culture in a manner that facilitates its change will require the campus to address the assumptions, beliefs, values and habits that shape how the staff think and act. Options A, C and D are incorrect because staff assignments, class schedules, student discipline, assessments and professional development do not address the core elements of campus culture as identified by the superintendent.

33. After several months of implementing PLCs, district staff and principals begin to see improvements with the district-created common assessments and increasing excitement from teachers involved. Which of the following strategies is the most appropriate first step for Dr. Bugle to take to communicate these successes and foster continued improvement?

  1. Providing the local media with a press release stating that the initiative has been successful and reinforcing that the successes occurred despite the selection process controversy
  2. Sending the data and feedback to campus principals and requesting they share it with the teachers who were involved in the controversy surrounding the planning committee selections
  3. Requesting the director of curriculum to compile the data and share it with campus principals at the next regular meeting as a checkpoint for the initiative and for distribution to their faculties
  4. Sharing the data with the school board president and asking that the subject be placed on the agenda for the next regular board meeting as consideration for future budget decisions
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because implementing a process to communicate the early successes of the initiative through data will garner the support of participants for the continuation of PLCs. Option A and B are incorrect because they focus feedback toward the group of people who were unhappy with the initiative, but communication of early successes should be communicated across the board to leadership so they can share them with all staff. Option D is incorrect because this strategy communicates early successes to school board members for monetary purposes, but communication should be directed toward employees for a longer period of time. At a later time, program evaluation for monetary considerations would be appropriate.

Questions 34–39 refer to the Texas Academic Performance Reports in the Preparation Manual: Superintendent Supplemental Booklet.

The superintendent of Davis Independent School District plans to meet with district leaders, teachers, parents and community members to review data and plan to support school improvement. The superintendent plans to analyze the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) for the district and its campuses. Specifically, the superintendent wants to analyze the performance of Westbury Elementary, a K–6 school, and Rockfort Elementary, a PK–4 school, to see whether effective strategies at one school can be applied to the other in order to narrow the achievement gap between the schools.

NOTE: The sample TAPR data reports provided are intended to be representative only. The sample reports do not necessarily reflect the current reporting formats.

Competency 010—The superintendent knows how to apply organizational, decisionmaking and problem-solving skills to comply with federal and state requirements and facilitate positive change in varied contexts.

34. The TAPR data for the district best support establishing a goal of increasing students’ performance

  1. in writing to 90 percent mastery for all grade levels.
  2. on end-of-course assessments to exceed state averages.
  3. in reading and mathematics to 90 percent mastery for all grades.
  4. on the advanced standard for mathematics to exceed the state average.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because writing is clearly the weakest content area with 84% achieving satisfactory performance as compared to reading (90%), math (92%), science (90%), and social studies (88%), based on the district TAPR. Option B is incorrect because the end-of-course assessment scores already demonstrate higher achievement than the state and region in all content areas. Option C is incorrect because reading and mathematics achievement are currently at or above 90%. Option D is incorrect because the district has 34% of students achieving at the advanced standard in mathematics, while the state is at 17%.

Competency 006—The superintendent knows how to advocate, promote and sustain an instructional program and a district culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

35. Which of the following statements regarding the performance of special populations is best supported by the district TAPR?

  1. Reading and mathematics scores of special education students steadily increase as students progress through each grade level.
  2. English-language learner scores for all grades are above state average in mathematics but below state average in all other test subjects.
  3. Reading and mathematics scores of economically disadvantaged students for all grades are consistently lower than scores from special education students.
  4. Reading, mathematics, and writing scores for bilingual students in all grades are lower than state averages for the same population.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because the ELL achievement rate in mathematics is 81%, which is above the state average of 78%. The achievement rates for ELL students are below the state average in the other content areas: reading is 71%, writing is 70%, science is 60%, and social studies is 43%. Option A is incorrect because the reading and math scores of special education students do not steadily increase through the grade levels. Option C is incorrect because economically disadvantaged students consistently scored higher than special education students. Option D is incorrect because reading, writing, and math scores for bilingual education students are higher than the state averages.

Competency 010—The superintendent knows how to apply organizational, decisionmaking and problem-solving skills to comply with federal and state requirements and facilitate positive change in varied contexts.

36. Which of the following is the most accurate conclusion that can be drawn from analyzing district dropout and graduation rates?

  1. Graduation rates among all ethnic groups improved from the previous year.
  2. The dropout and graduation rates of the economically disadvantaged population are improving.
  3. The percentage of students receiving a General Educational Development certificate decreased from the previous year.
  4. The four-year longitudinal rate shows that the district performed better than the region and state in all categories.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because the district performed better than the region and state in all categories. The district achievement rate is 96.2%, compared with 87.4% for the region and 88% for the state. Option A is incorrect because the graduation rate for African American students fell from 97.3% to 95.8%. Option B is incorrect because the dropout rate among economically disadvantaged students rose from 5.1% for the class of 2012 to 7.4% for the class of 2013. Option C is incorrect because it showed a slight increase from 0.3% to 0.4%.

Competency 005—The superintendent knows how to facilitate the planning and implementation of strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment among curriculum, curriculum resources and assessment; use the current accountability system; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance.

37. Last year, Rockfort Elementary implemented a small-group mathematics program in third and fourth grades that has been successful at Westbury Elementary. Based on Rockfort’s changes in mathematics scores from last year to the current year, the school should

  1. discontinue the program at all grade levels and search for new alternatives.
  2. continue the program in fourth grade only, because this is the only grade showing improvement.
  3. discontinue the program at third grade because this grade continues to have the lowest scores.
  4. continue implementing the program at all grade levels, building on the progress in third grade.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because third grade was the lowest performing grade at 51% and saw large gains, 11%, in one year. Fourth grade was the highest performing group at 71% and lost 3%. All grades, at 66%, saw modest gains of 2%. So, with only one year of implementation, the program should be given more time with a focus on identifying and building on the aspects that made it so successful for third grade. Option A is incorrect because significant gains were seen in third grade and overall as a school. It is too soon to discontinue a new program with only one year of implementation. Option B is incorrect because third grade was the lowest and saw great gains. One year is too short a period to evaluate a program as successful. Demonstrable change and gains take time to develop. Option C is incorrect because while third grade does have the lowest scores, it was the grade that showed vast improvement, with 11% in one year. Something is improving the performance of that grade, so it would not be prudent to discontinue in that grade level.

Competency 008—The superintendent knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to district budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management and technology applications.

38. The superintendent evaluates the staffing patterns at Rockfort and Westbury Elementary Schools with the leadership team. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based on the data?

  1. Both campuses have a large percentage of beginning teachers and need more experienced teachers on staff.
  2. Both campuses need to focus on diversifying the teaching staff to better reflect the student population.
  3. Both campuses should consider increasing the school leadership staff to meet district and state averages.
  4. Both campuses should consider increasing the number of educational aides to meet district and state averages
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because the data show that Rockfort has 77% White and 21% Hispanic teachers, while the student population is about 45% White, 40% Hispanic, and 8% African American. Westbury has 95.5% White and 2.2% Hispanic teachers, while the student population is about 51% White, 39% Hispanic, and 6% Asian. Option A is incorrect because both campuses have low numbers of beginning teachers. Option C is incorrect because administrative school-leadership staff exceeds the percentage for region and state. Option D is incorrect because the percentage of educational aides exceeds the percentage for region and state.

Competency 007—The superintendent knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system and select appropriate models for supervision and staff development to improve the performance of all staff members.

39. Based on the data, which of the following professional development strategies is most needed?

  1. Mentoring first-year teachers at both elementary schools
  2. Implementing a positive-behavior support system at both elementary schools
  3. Providing small-group academic instruction at Westbury Elementary
  4. Using culturally relevant instructional strategies to meet the needs of Rockfort Elementary
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because the student data indicate achievement gaps in learning for diverse populations at Rockfort. The achievement gap in third-grade reading is 53% (Hispanic students) and 85% (White students); the achievement gap in third-grade mathematics in 56% (Hispanic students) and 70% (White students). A gap between Hispanic students and White students also exists in fourth-grade reading and mathematics. Option A is incorrect because both campuses have a low number of first-year teachers, so providing classes on how to mentor new teachers would not be a priority. Option B is incorrect because both schools have a low number of students with disciplinary placements, so this also would not be a priority. Option C is incorrect because Westbury is achieving high scores on the standardized tests, so this would not be a priority.

Questions 40–43 refer to the following information.

Over the summer, Dr. Sarah Yin, the superintendent of Blackburn Independent School District (BISD), receives a letter from the Texas Education Agency that contains the near-final Summary of Finances (SOF) and other related reports for the district. Dr. Yin is working with the director of finance to examine the budget for the current year. At the same time, she is also collaborating with her staff, the district site-based decision-making committee and the school board to develop a budget for the next school year. To balance the budget for the next school year, Dr. Yin is considering an increase in the tax rate for maintenance and operations, which will require voter approval. The increase is needed to cover salaries and offset the decline in transportation revenue and average daily attendance monies.

Competency 002—The superintendent knows how to shape district culture by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the educational community.

40. Dr. Yin wants members of the district site-based decision-making team to be familiar with the Summary of Finances report from the TEA and understand its value in shaping the budget and associated district goals. Which of the following best explains how superintendents use this document?

  1. Calculating local funding elements that will supplement state aid
  2. Estimating state revenue using projected and actual data from the previous year
  3. Providing an accurate account of money spent in each expenditure area
  4. Supporting the locally generated budgets with aid from the federal government
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because the near-final SOF provides superintendents with stat funding data from the current year. Superintendents can plan for the effect of the settle-up on the district’s next-year budget. As well, without significant changes to district needs and state law, the SOF information can be used to estimate what to expect in state aid for the next budget year. Option A is incorrect because the SOF provides data on state funding, not local funding Option C is incorrect because the SOF is not an expenditure report but rather a state revenue report. Option D is incorrect because the SOF does not provide data on federal revenue.

Read the following excerpt of the 2014–15 SOF.

State Aid by Funding SourceLegislative Planning EstimateNear-Final
Fund Code/Object Code – Funding Source
199/5812 – Foundation School Fund 3,795,237 dollars 3,641,225 dollars
199/5811 – Available School Fund $162,546 162,546 dollars 162,546 dollars
599/5829 – Existing Debt Allotment 0 dollars 0 dollars
599/5829 – Instructional Facilities Allotment (Bond) 33,173 dollars 35,981 dollars
199/5829 – Instructional Facilities Allotment (Lease Purchase) 0 dollars 0 dollars
Total FSP/ASF State Aid 4,009,765 dollars 3,858,400 dollars

Competency 008—The superintendent knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to district budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management and technology applications.

41. In comparing the legislative planning amount estimate with the near-final total state aid amount for Blackburn ISD’s 2014–15 SOF, which of the following should Dr. Yin consider when planning the 2015–16 budget?

  1. The positive impact the settle-up will have on the 2014–15 budget
  2. The negative impact the settle-up will have on the 2014–15 budget
  3. The positive impact the settle-up will have on the 2015–16 budget
  4. The negative impact the settle-up will have on the 2015–16 budget
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because the TEA’s practice has been to withhold the settle-up for any one year until the next budget year. So the settle-up impact for 2014–15 will be on the 2015–16 budget. Based on the data table, the stat provided $4,009,765 to the district as the planning estimate. Now the state’s final calculations show that the district should receive $3,858,400. This will negatively affect the district because it owes the state the difference. Options A and B are incorrect because based on TEA practices, the 2014–15 settle-up affects the next budget year, 2015–16. Option C is incorrect because the district received more money than it qualifies for and will owe money back to the state. A positive impact would be realized if the final SOF showed that the state owned the district more than it provided in the legislative planning estimate.

Competency 008—The superintendent knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to district budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management and technology applications.

42. During the school board budget hearing, a board member asks, “How will raising local taxes generate revenue in Tier I and Tier II?” Which of the following is the most appropriate response from Dr. Yin?

  1. Maximizing the interest and sinking tax rate will generate revenue in both tiers by increasing additional property tax revenue locally
  2. Increasing the maintenance and operations tax rate can generate more revenue for both tiers using the basic allotment and the guaranteed yield
  3. Generating funding for the local budget through increased taxes will confirm how supportive taxpayers are regarding a tax ratification election
  4. Increasing the total tax rate will automatically generate useable increases in revenue for both tiers
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because Tiers I and II are funded through a combination of formulas, district characteristics, basic allotments and guaranteed yields that produce a minimum foundation program and revenue for enrichment. The maintenance and operations tax rate funds Tiers I and II. The amount of the compression rate funds Tier I, and the extra pennies fund Tier II. Option A is incorrect because the interest and sinking tax rate applies only to debt service and has no bearing on revenue generated in Tier I and Tier II. Option C is incorrect because making a statement about confirming the support of taxpayers does not answer the board member’s question. Option D is incorrect because the total tax rate includes both the interest and sinking rate and the maintenance and operating tax rate. There is no automatic increase because the increase is based on the amount of each rate.

Competency 010—The superintendent knows how to apply organizational, decisionmaking and problem-solving skills to comply with federal and state requirements and facilitate positive change in varied contexts.

43. After the new budget is approved, which of the following is Dr. Yin’s most appropriate next step?

  1. Submitting the budget to the TEA for approval
  2. Requesting that the board approve the tax rate supporting the budget
  3. Filing the budget with the county appraisal district office
  4. Allocating funds for projects with next year’s budget money
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because TEA outlines a specific budgetary calendar that school districts must follow. After the board approves the budget, the next step is for the board to approve the tax rate that supports the budget. Option A is incorrect because submitting the budget to the TEA is the final step in the budget process and usually occurs around November of the following school year. Option C is incorrect because there is no TEA requirement to file the budget with the county appraisal district. Option D is incorrect because projects cannot be funded until both the budget and the tax rate have been adopted.

Questions 44–46 refer to the following information.

A school district has grown in size over the last decade, leading to overcrowding at its aging elementary school. To address the problem, the board proposes to replace the existing school and hires an architectural firm to draw up plans and estimate final costs for a new school. Although the state has agreed to pay for part of the cost of building a new school, the rest of the money must be raised through a bond issue that requires the approval of a majority of district voters. The bond issue is strongly opposed by a group of district residents.

Competency 009—The superintendent knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the district’s physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.

44. During the planning stage for the design of the new school building, which of the following trends should be weighed most heavily?

  1. Changes in the size of the state’s overall budget for construction of new public school facilities
  2. Projected changes in the cultural and ethnic makeup of district communities
  3. Possible long-term changes in state mandates regarding facilities devoted to special education
  4. Projected increases in the population of district communities over the next ten years
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because, during the design phase, the district will want to ensure that the capacity of the school meets the district’s long-term needs. Thus, a thorough analysis of enrollment projections is prudent. Option A is incorrect because, while project costs are a factor in any construction project, once the decision is made to move forward, the most important factor is to ensure that the new building best meets the needs of the district. Option B is incorrect because considering the cultural and ethnic makeup of the community is better addressed in curriculum staff development and school culture. Option C is incorrect because the contractor will adhere to all current building code requirements, but second guessing what requirements may be enacted in the future would not be the priority in the design of a new school.

Competency 009—The superintendent knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the district’s physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.

45. When school districts are planning for a new school building’s construction, Texas Administrative Code requires the districts to

  1. use construction materials produced in the United States whenever possible.
  2. hire an outside design professional or consultant experienced in school planning and design.
  3. allow for input from teachers, other school campus staff, and district program staff in developing the educational specifications.
  4. obtain reduced prices for the same products and services utilized in previous construction projects.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct. TAC 61.1036 requires school districts to provide teachers, campus staff and district program staff an opportunity to provide input in the educational specifications on new school construction. Option A is incorrect because use of materials made in the USA is not mandated. Option B is incorrect because TAC 61.1036 states that a district is required to hire an outside consultant only if it doesn’t already have staff with this type of expertise. Option D is incorrect because obtaining reduced prices for products and services based on previous construction projects is not required. There are competitive bidding requirements that guide this area for school districts.

Competency 010—The superintendent knows how to apply organizational, decisionmaking and problem-solving skills to comply with federal and state requirements and facilitate positive change in varied contexts.

46. Which of the following is the most important responsibility of the superintendent with regard to the bond election?

  1. Advocating for students to ensure that their educational needs are met
  2. Mediating between community members who are on opposite sides of the debate
  3. Organizing proponents of the bond issue to lobby for its passage
  4. Acting as an intermediary between the board of trustees and the community
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because, while the superintendent plays many roles in the school district, the primary responsibility of the superintendent is to ensure that the educational needs of students are met. Options B, C and D are incorrect because, while the superintendent can provide facts regarding the district’s needs in order to ensure that voters are informed before they vote, the superintendent’s primary responsibility is to the students and their needs.

Decision Set Begins Here


Dr. Trenessa Louis is the new superintendent of Hutchins Ridge ISD (HRISD). Shortly after beginning work in the district, she holds individual meetings with district principals to discuss, among other topics, the strengths and needs of the district in terms of technology use and availability. Following are some of the key points Dr. Louis notes during these meetings.

  • There is no district-wide technology plan.
  • Several schools mention the use of technology in their Campus Improvement Plans; however, these uses are very limited.
  • Technology resources are limited and are distributed unevenly district-wide.
  • District libraries are only partially automated and need updating.
  • The district has limited networking capability.
  • Relatively few teachers district-wide have received staff development in the use of the latest types of instructional technology.

After gathering the background information, Dr. Louis decides that two of her primary goals during her first year as superintendent of HRISD will be to ensure that a comprehensive district technology plan is developed and that implementation of the plan is begun. She will begin by forming a technology planning committee (TPC).

Competency 003—The superintendent knows how to communicate and collaborate with families and community members, respond to diverse community interests and needs and mobilize community resources to ensure educational success for all students.

47. To make sure that the new district technology plan is realistic and has the greatest chance for success, Dr. Louis should ensure which of the following related to the technology planning committee?

  1. It is directed by an objective outside consultant who has expertise in the area of instructional technology
  2. It comprises members of all constituent groups, including people with varying backgrounds in and attitudes toward technology
  3. It is encouraged to develop a technology plan that requires a minimum of financial support from the district
  4. It bases its plan closely on the technology plans developed by other Texas school districts
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because seeking input from many segments of the school community with varying perspectives and skill levels will better help the committee meet a wide range of needs and build support for changes. Options A and D are incorrect because members of the staff and administration understand the culture and unique needs of students and teachers best. While outside expertise from a vendor and comparative information from similar districts may be helpful in certain circumstances, this information is secondary to the input of the campus community. Option C is incorrect because the technology plan should be developed based on need first, with a plan to work through budgetary constraints.


Once the new technology vision for the district has been established by the TPC and approved by the board of trustees, Dr. Louis encourages the TPC to develop specific student goals and an implementation plan.

Competency 002—The superintendent knows how to shape district culture by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the educational community.

48. The opening line of the mission statement in the new district technology plan states: “HRISD is committed to preparing all students to be successful workers and ongoing learners in the information age.” The district could best fulfill its stated mission by establishing which of the following goals for all students to achieve by the time they graduate?

  1. Being active users of a variety of technologies that support communication and problem solving
  2. Being fluent in one or more programming languages commonly used in the modern workplace
  3. Being able to store, retrieve and manipulate numerical data through the use of technology
  4. Being proficient in the use of databases and CD-ROM resources to support research
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because the mission statement provided seeks to prepare students for the global workplace. Therefore, preparing students to be active users of a variety of technologies that support common skills, such as communication and problem solving, best supports the mission statement. Options B, C and D are incorrect because each is too specific to achieve the mission but each might be appropriate as one of many individual skill statements.

Competency 005—The superintendent knows how to facilitate the planning and implementation of strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment among curriculum, curriculum resources and assessment; use the current accountability system; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance.

49. Which of the following guidelines should be included in a successful professional development plan in the area of instructional technology?

  1. Teacher trainers should be selected from among the most highly skilled math, science and business education teachers in the district
  2. Training opportunities should be varied to take into account different learning styles and needs
  3. Training should be supported through grant dollars from national education foundations
  4. Teachers should be supported in visiting schools and workplaces in which current technologies are utilized
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because, like students, teachers learn best in different ways and come with varying levels of technology proficiency. Considering how best to provide training for the beginning-level learner through expert-level learner is important to ensure that each teacher’s needs are being met. Option A is incorrect because certain expert content-area teachers may not be the most effective technology trainers. Consideration should be taken for technology understanding, ability to communicate the concepts to all levels of participants, knowledge of content areas utilized in training and being respected among peers. Option C is incorrect because selecting professional development to support the technology plan should be based on campus need rather than grant money available. Option D is incorrect because, while this may be helpful in certain situations, many times it is cost prohibitive. For most circumstances, professional development supporting the plan can be implemented on campus.

Decision Set Ends Here

Competency 009—The superintendent knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the district’s physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.

50. A school board reviews bids from several vendors to provide food services to district schools. One vendor’s bid is substantially lower than the rest, but a board member expresses reservations based on some negative comments she has heard about the vendor’s work. In this situation, the best action for the superintendent to take next is to

  1. contact other consumers who have used the low-bidding vendor to inquire about the quality of the vendor’s services.
  2. recommend that the board accept the low bid in conformity with state law requiring acceptance of the lowest bid to provide goods and services.
  3. reopen the bidding process after informing all participating vendors of the amount of the lowest bid.
  4. recommend that the board reject the lowest bid and award the contract to a higher-bidding but more reputable vendor.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because TEC 44.031 allows school districts to consider many factors, including the reputation of the vendor, when selecting a vendor for contract services. Because the district is considering eliminating the lowest bidder based on poor quality, it should ensure that due diligence is completed by contacting other consumers who have used the low-bidding vendor to inquire about the quality of services. Option B is incorrect because state law does not require school districts to accept the lowest-bidding vendor without exception. Option C is incorrect because it is not necessary to reopen the bidding process. A decision can be made based on submitted bids and due diligence. Option D is incorrect because the district has a fiscal responsibility to act on substantiated information about the lowest-bidding vendor rather than rumor. Therefore, research should be completed to verify the lack of quality in services by the lowest-bidding vendor before this action is taken.

Which of the following statements best describes how technology is integrated into school classrooms quizlet?

Which of the following statements best describes how technology is integrated into school classrooms? It requires a teacher mindset that is focused on changing and improving educational practices with technology.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes how technology is integrated into school classrooms Group of answer choices?

Which of the following statements most accurately describes how technology is integrated into school classrooms? It follows from teacher mindsets that are focused on improving educational practices with technology.

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of technological convergence?

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of technological convergence? Multiple features and functions are combined in one digital tool.

Which of the following statements summarizes Seymour Sarason's conclusion about how organizational cultures in K 12 schools affect educational change efforts?

Which of the following statements summarizes Seymour Sarason's conclusion about how organizational cultures in K-12 schools affect educational change efforts? Educational change initiatives lacking teacher buy-in and support tend to fail to achieve their goals.

Which of the following is a characteristic of effective feedback?

“To be effective, feedback needs to be clear, purposeful, meaningful, and compatible with students' prior knowledge and to provide logical connections” (Hattie & Timperley, 2007, p. 104). Task specific – feedback requires learning context and therefore needs to be task specific.

Which are characteristics of effective feedback quizlet?

Terms in this set (7).
Goal-referenced Effective feedback requires that a person has a goal, takes action to achieve the goal, and receives goal-related information about his or her actions; ... .
Tangible and transparent. ... .
Actionable. ... .
User-friendly (specific and personalised) ... .
Timely. ... .
Ongoing. ... .

Which of the following statements best describes a formative assessment?

Which of the following statements best describes a formative assessment? Formative assessments measure what students know along the way.

Which of the following is the LPAC Language Proficiency assessment Committee responsible for quizlet?

Which of the following is the LPAC (Language Proficiency Assessment Committee) responsible for? The LPAC committee is responsible for identifying ELL students, program placement, instructional needs, assessment, and reclassification.