Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies quizlet?

Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies?

- The best way to motivate employees is to offer pay raises, bonuses and other financial incentives to employees who meet or exceed clearly specified goals.
- Worker motivation is unimportant in determining the level of worker productivity, because productivity is primarily determined by external factors such as the speed of the machinery the employees operate.
- Employees are more motivated if they are part of a special group or project
- Worker motivation will fall significantly if lighting conditions, temperature, and other elements of the physical environment are not kept at their optimal levels.

What was the most important impact of the Hawthorne studies quizlet?

The most important impact of the Hawthorne studies was that it: changed the direction of research away from Taylor's scientific management toward the study of human-based management. In the Hawthorne studies, employees were involved in the planning of the experiments.

Which of the Hawthorne studies found that employees?

The Hawthorne studies found that employees in the experimental group: were more productive than other employees regardless of the level of lighting.

Which statement is the best description of how scientific management viewed employees quizlet?

Which of the following statements is the best description of how the scientific management approach viewed workers? Workers were like machines that must be programmed to perform in a certain way.

Which of the following are examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity?

Which of the following examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity during Hawthorne studies? Worker involvement in managerial decisions, social group membership and informality, management respect and interaction.