Which of the following statements about organizational forms of a business is not correct

Articles of Organization Form Instructions

The instructions are listed in numerical order to align with the form.

The name of a limited liability company must be written in the alphabet used to write the English language and may include Arabic and Roman numerals and incidental punctuation.

  1. NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: [Must contain the words "Limited Liability Company" or the abbreviations "LLC" or "L.L.C." ]

  2. DURATION: ​(Is there a date when the business will be dissolved or will it be perpetual?)

  3. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: Physical street address. The principal office may not be a commercial mail receiving agency, a mail forwarding business or a virtual office.

  4. REGISTERED AGENT: Name of the person who is going to accept legal service for this business.

  5. OREGON STREET ADDRESS OF THE REGISTERED AGENT:The address must be in Oregon and must match the address of the registered agent's business office. The registered office may not be a commercial mail receiving agency, a mail forwarding business or a virtual office.


  7. HOW WILL THE LLC BE MANAGED? Will this limited liability company be managed by its members (owners) or by the managers?

  8. LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES:If you provide a licensed professional service or services, describe the services you provide. ORS 58.015(5)(m)

  9. OPTIONAL PROVISIONS: (Attach another sheet if necessary.), BENEFITS COMPANY (The Limited Liability Company) is a benefit company subject to ORS 60.750 - 60.770. (additional requirements apply), INDEMNIFICATION The Limited Liability Company chooses to indemnify its directors, officers, employees and agents for liability and related expenses under ORS 58.185 or 60.387 - 60.414.10.

  10. ORGANIZER Name and address of each person who is forming this business.

  11. MEMBERS/OWNERS: List the names and addresses of the members / owners. This section is optional. It may be required by your bank.

  12. MANAGERS: List the names and addresses of the managers. This section is optional. It may be required by your bank.​

  13. INDIVIDUAL WITH DIRECT KNOWLEDGE (Name and Address) List the name and address of at least one person who is a member or manager of the LLC or an authorized representative with direct knowledge of the operations and business activities of the LLC.

  14. EXECUTION / SIGNATURE OF EACH PERSON WHO IS FORMING THIS BUSINESS: (Organizer) Signer must declare as authorized signer, under penalty of perjury, that this document does not conceal fraudulently, fraudulently alters or misrepresents the identity of the person or any members, managers, employees or agents of the limited liability company. This document has been examined and true, correct and complete. Making false statements in this document is against the law and can be penalized with fines, imprisonment or both.​


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LO 1.1: Describe various organizational forms and business decision makers

LO 1.2: Describe the purpose, structure and content of the four basic financial statements

LO 1.3: Explain how financial statements are used by decision makers

LO 1.4: Describe factors that contribute to useful financial information (US GAAP)

  • FASB Codification - FREE Basic Access

    Get FREE access to the basic FASB Codification. Professional access is a paid subscription service.

  • FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)

    The organization that establishes US GAAP Standards.

  • Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)

    The PCAOB oversees the audits of public companies and SEC-registered brokers and dealers in order to protect investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, accurate, and independent audit reports.

  • US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

    The SEC enforces the securities laws to protect the more than 66 million American households that have turned to the securities markets to invest in their futures—whether it’s starting a family, sending kids to college, saving for retirement or attaining other financial goals.

LO 1.4: Describe factors that contribute to useful financial information (IFRS)

  • International Accounting Standards Board

    The organization that establishes International Financial Reporting Standards

  • Who uses IFRS?

    See the list of countries that use IFRS.

  • Use of IFRS by Jurisdiction

    Many jurisdictions that maintain their own local GAAP claim that their local GAAP is "based on" or "similar to" or "converged with" IFRSs. In some cases the wording changes seem minor, and in other cases the wording is quite different. Sometimes, the jurisdiction's local GAAP is not in English. Often, not all IASs/IFRSs have been adopted locally. Often there is a time lag in adopting an IFRS as local GAAP. We are not in a position to compare national or regional GAAPs to IFRSs in detail. Therefore, this table only reports direct use of IFRSs in individual countries or regions. Direct use means that the basis of preparation note and the auditor's report will refer to conformity with IFRSs.

  • iasplus.com

    Brought to you by Deloitte. International Accounting News.

  • Global Journal of Management and Business Research: D

    Article: The Similarities and Differences between the Financial Reporting Standards under United States. GAAP versus IFRS By Prof. Edel Lemus, M.I.B.A., Carlos Albizu University, United States

LO 1.S1: Describe examples where accounting helps in pursuing other business careers

LO 1.S2: Describe the decision to become a public company and explain the implications for accounting

Which of the following is not needed in order for information to be considered a faithful representation?

The answer is C. Materiality. Materiality is not one of the ingredients of the fundamental quality of faithful representation.

Which of the following is typically considered a disadvantage of sole proprietorships?

Among one of the biggest disadvantages of a sole proprietorship is unlimited liability. This liability not only spans the business but the business owner's personal assets.

Which of the following would not affect a company's net income?

The payment of dividends will not affect the amount of net income, instead, this will only affect the amount of retained earnings and will be reflected in the statement of changes in equity.

What is a system that collects and processes financial information about an organization and reports that information to decision makers?

Accounting is a system that collects and processes (analyzes, measures, and records) financial information about an organization and reports that information to decision makers.