Which of the following statements about childrens cognitive development and concrete Operationalabilities is correct?

15. Which of the following statements about children’s cognitivedevelopment and concrete operational abilities is correct?A.Children’s cognitive development closely follows the stages describedby Piaget.B.Development of concrete operational abilities depends ongenetic inheritance and it cannot be influenced by training.C.Culture hasno influence on children’s overall cognitive development.D.Someconcrete operational abilities do not appear in synchrony during childhood.

APA LO: 1.2 Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom’s Taxon omy: Un derstan dDifficulty: MediumLearn in gObjective: 12 .1: Discuss Piaget’s stage of con crete operation al thought an d apply Piaget’s theory to education .Topic: Con crete Operation al Stage

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Which of the following statements about childrens cognitive development and concrete Operationalabilities is correct?

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16. Neo-Piagetians believe that

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APA LO: 1.2 Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom’s Taxon omy: Un derstan dDifficulty: MediumLearn in gObjective: 12 .1: Discuss Piaget’s stage of con crete operation al thought an d apply Piaget’s theory to education .Topic: Con crete Operation al Stage

17. According to Jean Piaget, children learn best when they

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APA LO: 1.2 Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom’s Taxon omy: Un derstan dDifficulty: MediumLearn in gObjective: 12 .1: Discuss Piaget’s stage of con crete operation al thought an d apply Piaget’s theory to education .Topic: Con crete Operation al Stage

18. Which of the following is an educational implication of Piaget’s theory?

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APA LO: 1.2 Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Bloom’s Taxon omy: Un derstan dDifficulty: MediumLearn in gObjective: 12 .1: Discuss Piaget’s stage of con crete operation al thought an d apply Piaget’s theory to education .Topic: Con crete Operation al Stage

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Which statement is a characteristic of the concrete operational stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

One of the key characteristics of the concrete-operational stage is the ability to focus on many parts of a problem.

Which statement is a characteristic of the concrete operational stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development quizlet?

2. Which behavior is most characteristic of the concrete operations stage of cognitive development? Inability to put oneself in another's place is characteristic of the preoperational stage (ages 2 to 7 years). Increasingly logical and coherent thought processes are characteristic of concrete operations.

Which behavior is most characteristic of the concrete operations stage of cognitive development quizlet?

Which behavior is most characteristic of the concrete operations stage of cognitive development? C. Increasingly logical and coherent thought processes are characteristic of concrete operations.

Which of the following would a concrete operational child be able to do?

The child is now mature enough to use logical thought or operations (i.e. rules) but can only apply logic to physical objects (hence concrete operational). Children gain the abilities of conservation (number, area, volume, orientation), reversibility, seriation, transitivity and class inclusion.