Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

Authentication Systems

Christophe Kiennert, ... Pascal Thoniel, in Digital Identity Management, 2015 Typology of network attacks

Attacks on networks may be classified and differentiated by type in order to obtain a more detailed judgment of the solidity of protocols and architectures, notably those used for authentication. These attacks may be grouped into two complementary categories: active attacks, which involve an injection of traffic by the attacker, and passive attacks, based on spying on communications.

Passive attacks are relatively scarce from a classification perspective, but can be carried out with relative ease, particularly if the traffic is not encrypted. There are two types of passive attacks:

eavesdropping (tapping): the attacker simply listens to messages exchanged by two entities. For the attack to be useful, the traffic must not be encrypted. Any unencrypted information, such as a password sent in response to an HTTP request, may be retrieved by the attacker.

traffic analysis: the attacker looks at the metadata transmitted in traffic in order to deduce information relating to the exchange and the participating entities, e.g. the form of the exchanged traffic (rate, duration, etc.). In the cases where encrypted data are used, traffic analysis can also lead to attacks by cryptanalysis, whereby the attacker may obtain information or succeed in unencrypting the traffic.

Active attacks take a wider variety of forms, with an almost endless number of possibilities. In an active attack, the attacker is involved in a communication, either by sending or modifying messages. The main types of active attacks are as follows:

replay: this attack consists of recording a series of messages exchanged by two entities, typically a client (the victim) and a server, in order to play them back as-is to the same server with the aim of obtaining access to protected resources, for example. This attack type works on encrypted conversations, unless additional countermeasures have been taken. These countermeasures generally take the form of random number exchanges or time stamping.

denial-of-service: in this case, the attacker aims to exhaust the network or system resources of a machine. One well-known variant is the distributed denial of service (DDoS), where a large number of zombie (malware-compromised) machines are used to generate a very large amount of traffic for a given target.

man in the middle (MITM): in this case, the attacker relays communications between victims, in each case pretending to be the other legitimate correspondent. The attacker therefore intercepts all messages and is able to modify them before transmission to the true recipient, as shown in Figure 3.1. MITM attacks are hard to prevent from a theoretical perspective. When designing a protocol including countermeasures, these measures lead the protocol to question the identity of the correspondent during the authentication process itself; this prevents production of a proof of identity. By definition, all password-based protocols, including OTPs, are therefore vulnerable to MITM attacks.

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

Figure 3.1. Man in the middle principle

Brute force attacks also fall into this category. In this case, the attacker aims to obtain a secret code by testing all possible combinations; this is only efficient in cases with a relatively limited number of possibilities. Dictionary attacks also fall into this category, targeting passwords by testing dictionary terms and close derivatives.

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Vulnerability Identification

Thomas Wilhelm, in Professional Penetration Testing, 2010

System Identification

Now that we know what ports are open on our target systems, we can try and identify the OS of our target. Most application exploits are written for a specific OS (even language pack in some cases), so finding out the OS is essential if we want to identify possible vulnerabilities on our target.

Active OS Fingerprinting

Nmap can scan a system and identify the OS based on various findings. In Figure 10.16, we see the result of an OS scan against the target Nmap has identified the OS as Linux 2.6 and gives us a range of versions to work with.

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

FIGURE 10.16. Nmap OS Scan

Another tool we can use is xprobe2, which performs similar tasks as Nmap. In Figure 10.17, we can see a portion of the scan results using xprobe2 when given the command: xprobe2 –p tcp:80:open The results are confirmed as before – it seems the target is using a version of Linux 2.6.

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

FIGURE 10.17. Results of xprobe2 Scan

An additional method of identifying a host OS is to look at the applications running on the host itself. We will see an example of an application providing OS information later in this chapter.

Passive OS Fingerprinting

Identifying a target system's OS passively requires a lot of patience. The objective behind passive OS fingerprinting is to capture TCP packets stealthfully, which contain window's size and Time to Live (TTL) information, and then analyze the packets to guess the OS manually. The problem is passive attacks on a network are sometimes difficult – unless the target system needs to communicate with the attack system directly (which pushes the attack out of the definition of “passive”) or the attacking system is able to collect all packets traveling across the network, there is no easy way to obtain the data needed.

Are You Owned?

Passive Attacks

Passive attacks during a penetration testing project are a great way to stay undetected by network and system administrators. Unfortunately, it is also used extensively by malicious attackers as well. To defend against passive attacks, make sure that the network is a “switch” network, ensuring packets are properly directed to the correct system – not sent to all systems in the network.

If we are lucky enough to obtain access to TCP packets (by having access to a router or another system), we would see the results found in Figure 10.18 using the p0f application.

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

FIGURE 10.18. p0f Scan

Another technique we could use is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) poisoning to force the target system to talk with us. Repeating the above scenario, we will use an additional tool – arpspoof. In Figure 10.19, we make arpspoof announce to our target ( that our attack system is the network gateway ( We would let arpspoof run until p0f confirmed the OS; in Figure 10.19, we see what happens when arpspoof is terminated – the ARP table of the target system is given the correct Media Access Control (MAC) address of the gateway (as seen in Figure 10.5), clearing the target's ARP cache.

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

FIGURE 10.19. ARP Poisoning Attack

To verify that the ARP poisoning actually works, we can look at the target system's ARP cache, as seen in Figure 10.20. We see that our target system believes that the attack system and the gateway have the same MAC address. The result is that any time our target wants to send data through the default gateway, it will instead send data to our attack system and then the attack system will send it out to the correct gateway system acting as a man-in-middle to avoid detection.

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

FIGURE 10.20. ARP Cache of Target System

Given enough time, we will gather enough packets that we will get similar results as those found in Figure 10.18. Until then, we are unfortunately creating a denial of service attack against the target system. Unless we establish a communication tunnel with the actual gateway, effectively creating a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack, we increase our chances of discovery.


Depending on the criticality of the target system, ARP cache poisoning may be unacceptable. ARP poisoning is an aggressive method of intercepting data and can easily cause denial of services. If the objective is to simply identify the OS, ARP poisoning may be too aggressive unless you use it as a man-in-middle scenario.

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Security for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Raja Datta, Ningrinla Marchang, in Handbook on Securing Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure, 2012

7.4.1 Passive Attacks

Some types of passive attacks are release of message content and traffic analysis. A malicious node in MANET executes a passive attack, without actively initiating malicious actions. In traffic analysis, the malicious node attempts to learn important information from the system by monitoring and listening on the communication between nodes within the MANET. For instance, if the malicious node observes that the connection to a certain node is requested more frequently than to other nodes, the passive attacker would be able to recognize that this node is crucial for special functions within the MANET, like for example routing. The attacker may then switch its role from passive to active, and attempt to launch an active attack so as to put the crucial node out of operation. It could do so, for example, by performing a DoS attack, to collapse parts of or even the complete MANET. On the other hand, it may pass on the information to an accomplice, which launches the attack.

At other times, a passive attacker might attempt to eavesdrop on traffic between nodes communicating in a MANET to extract information. For instance, the enemy could try to launch such an attack to spy on secret information flowing in a MANET deployed in a battlefield.

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SIP Trunking and PSTN Interconnection

Dan York, in Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks, 2010


Along with the more passive attack of eavesdropping, an attacker could of course try to get in a position to modify the contents of communication that are flowing across the SIP trunk. As you learned in Chapter 3, “Eavesdropping and Modification,” an attacker needs to get directly in the middle of the communication path, but, once that is done, can make changes to whatever flows through the path. Consider, again, the idea of a company interacting with their customers who have called in from the PSTN. What if the attacker were to, for instance, inject profanity or insults into the audio stream heard by the customers?

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Session Hijacking

In Hack Proofing Your Network (Second Edition), 2002


Dsniff is a suite of tools that allow passive attacks and sniffing on TCP sessions. Certain functions, webmitm and sshmitm, also allow this program to do “double duty” for MITM attacks on both SSH1 and SSL connections. It does this by first implementing DNS spoofing (see the “UDP Hijacking” section earlier) with dnsspoof to fool the participating host into thinking that that the Secure HTTP (HTTPS) or SSH connection is indeed the host to which they intended to connect.

For example, after an entry for the SSL domain the hacker wants to spoof is added to the dnsspoof hosts file, the webmitm component presents a self-signed certificate to the user with webmitm relaying the sniffed traffic to the real domain. The legitimate domain's reply is sent through the attacker back to the host that requested the session. All subsequent communication on this channel takes place through the attacker's system.

A typical dnsspoof host file contents look something like this:

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

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De-Anonymization Techniques for Social Networks

B.K. Tripathy, in Social Network Analytics, 2019

3 De-Anonymization Attacks

There are three types of attacks possible on an anonymized social network such as the following:

Privacy breach

Passive attack

Active attack

3.1 Privacy Breach

Privacy breach deals with identifying nodes and learns the edge relations among them. Passive attack is to observe the released anonymized social network without interfering and is undetectable. Active attack creates some new nodes (e.g., new email accounts) and (patterned) edges among new nodes and to victim nodes. It is hard to detect.

3.2 Passive Attack

A network is studied carefully for loose points or points which can be captured under control easily. The information is gathered about a target node such that except for collecting the information no changes are made in their value or structure. Similar nodes form a group H in a network and an intruder can involve itself as a member in the community which is small and can be identified easily. The intruder can come to a secret understanding with the other k − 1 nodes so that it becomes easier to know about other nodes which are in contact with the nodes in H. Of course, in order that such an attack can be fruitful, all the nodes in H should be aware of themselves and the connectivity inside H such that the members of H know the identity of the nodes outside their group.

3.3 Active Attack

In active attack, before releasing the anonymized network G of n − k nodes an attacker does the following:

selects a set of b-targeted users

creates a subgraph H containing k nodes

attaches H to the targeted nodes

Creating such a subgraph H is called structural steganography.

After the anonymized network is released it performs:

Find the subgraph H in the graph G

Follow edges from H to locate b target nodes and their true location in G

Now, it is determined that all edges among these b nodes lead to the breach of privacy.

Finding a subgraph H should have the following characteristics:

Subgraph H must be uniquely and efficiently identifiable regardless of G

No other subgraph S ≠ H in G such that S and H are isomorphic

Subgraph H has no automorphism

3.3.1 Broad Category of Active Attacks

There are two types of active attacks proposed in Ref. [3]. These attacks are concerned with anonymizing social networks using privacy of edges. These attacks are conceived on the notion that the structure and size of the social network can be changed by the adversaries before the network is published. The set of nodes for which the intruder wants to violate their privacy is identified and by creating a few factious accounts it connects to all of the target nodes in such a manner that after the publication of the anonymized version, this structure can be easily identified. The intruder creates Sybil nodes (that is nodes which claim multiple identities in a social network), whose outgoing edges help reidentify nodes. The two categories of active attacks are as follows (Fig. 1):

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

Fig. 1. Scenario

walk-based attack

cut-based attack

In walk-based attack, the steps are:

Generate subgraph H = {x1, x2, …xk} with k = θ(logn)

Link each targeted node wi to distinct subset of nodes in H

Create each edge within H with a probability of 0.5

Number of compromised nodes b = θ((logn)2)

Construction of H can be carried out such that

H = set of nodes X size k = (2 + δ) log n (δ > 0)

W = set of targeted users size b = O((logn)2)

External degree for node xi is Di, where Di ∈ [d0, d1] such that d0 ≤ d1 = O(logn)

Each wi connects to a set of nodesNi ⊆ X.

Set Nj must be of size at most c = 3 and are distinct across all nodes wj.

Add arbitrary edges from H to G − H to make it Di for all xi.

Add internal edges in H: edge {xi, xi + 1}.

Add additional internal edges connecting {xi, xj} with probability 0.5.

Therefore, each node xi has total degrees of Di' = Di + # (internal edges).

In cut-based attack, the steps are:

Theoretical asymptotic lower bound for #new nodes: Ωlogn.

Randomly generate subgraph H = {x1, x2, …xk} with k=Ologn.

Number of compromised nodes b=θlogn .

Construction of H can be carried out as follows:

For W = {w1, w2, …wb} is the set of targeted users,

Create X = {x1, x2, …xk} where k = 3b + 3 nodes.

Create links between each pair {xi, xj} with probability = 0.5.

Choose arbitrary b nodes {x1, x2, …xb}.

Connect xi to wi.

A comparison between active and passive attack is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparison Between Active and Passive Attack

Passive AttackActive attack
Attackers may not be able to identify themselves after seeing the released anonymized networkMore effective. Work with high probability in any network
The victims are only those linked to the attackersCan choose the victims
Harder to detectRisk of being detected

The applicability of active attack is limited to small-sized networks and cannot be applied to offline networks.

The intruder has control over the edges coming out of the nodes and has no control over other types of edges. In fact, the legal nodes are not likely to connect these Sybil nodes. So, it provides an indication to the network administrator about something fishy and hence he may anticipate about a Sybil attack [3].

The next limitation in these attacks is related to the link structure. The social networks which are online work on the principle that the connections between nodes should be both ways so that the information can be available. But, the connections from the added nodes to the existing nodes do not show up in the published network. If the size of active attacks increases, the number of Sybil nodes also increases in a huge way, which makes the process infeasible practically.

Again, the passive attacks were also considered in Ref. [3] so that a small group of nodes form an alliance among themselves so that the nodes around them (in a small neighborhood) can be identified by using the existing knowledge and structure of the nodes in the anonymized network. Again, the size of the network to which such attacks can be applied should be very small.

The algorithm proposed in Ref. [3] can be applied to larger sized networks and does not have the assumptions made above and requires a few Sybil nodes to be added.

The privacy protection techniques proposed so far are not that efficient as either they have some heavy assumptions like the intruders have restricted efficiency or the networks used for testing are small or synthetic ones which are different from the story when it comes to real social networks. One can take for instance the anonymization algorithm proposed in Ref. [4]. It does not take into consideration the background knowledge of the intruder. However, somewhat better architectural approaches are used in Refs. [5, 6], an idea which depends on a more sound architecture based on the server-side Facebook application.

For privacy, perhaps the most popular technique used is anonymity. In Ref. [7], the users represented by tokens drawn randomly are taken into consideration instead of the users themselves. Similarly, the approach in Ref. [2], unidentifiable graphs are generated from the information hold by the respondents and used in instead of them so that the information of social network will not be disclosed during the analysis process.

An idea where a group of p nodes are treated to be equivalent through an automated procedure such that a heavy requirement like the graph generated maps the nodes into one another is used in Ref. [5]. This heavy requirement is used in the case of very strong invaders. The concept of edge addition is used in Ref. [8] so that groups of p 1-neighborhoods are made to be similar through isomorphism to p − 1 other 1-neighborhoods and are anonymized as a group. Here a liberal assumption is made that the attacker knows only the 1-neighborhood information of the nodes. The disadvantage in this case is that the process of addition of edges requires a high amount of nodes being used and it varies directly with the degrees of the nodes sharply.

Several conclusions are derived in Ref. [3]. We present them below.

It may be noted that k-anonymity criteria even when it is satisfied we cannot guarantee anonymity of the network as it is a syntactic property.

Another problem with these algorithms is that a lot of restrictions are imposed on the properties of the social network and also the knowledge of the attackers is supposed to be limited to a certain extent. This is a heavy restriction and in reality cannot be satisfied.

Moreover, the restriction that the information available with the intruders is to only 1-neighborhood is very strong and in most of real life situations it is much wider than this assumption.

The above observations encouraged the authors in [1] to develop an algorithm, which uses the background knowledge of the intruders to de-anonymize or reidentify the nodes after the anonymization is done by using any algorithm to this extent. This is a cyclic process as once some of the nodes are identified, more information gets available and this is added to the background knowledge of the adversaries to identify further nodes.

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Cellular Network Security

Peng Liu, ... Kameswari Kotapati, in Network and System Security (Second Edition), 2014

Cross-Infrastructure Cyber Cascading Attacks

When cascading attacks cross into cellular networks from the Internet through cross-network services, they’re called cross-infrastructure cyber cascading attacks. This attack is illustrated on the CFS in Figure 11.7.

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

Figure 11.7. Cross-infrastructure cyber cascading attacks on call-forward service.

As the CFS forwards calls based on the emails received, corruption is shown to propagate from the mail server to a call-forward (CF) server and finally to the MSC. In the attack, using any standard mail server vulnerabilities, the adversary may compromise the mail server and corrupt the email data source by deleting emails from people the victim is expecting to call. The CF server receives and caches incorrect email from the mail server.

When calls arrive for the subscriber, the call-forwarding service is triggered, and the MSC queries the CF server on how to forward the call. The CF server checks its incorrect email cache, and because there are no emails from the caller, it responds to the MSC to forward the call to the victim’s voicemail when in reality the call should have been forwarded to the cellular device. Thus the effect of the attack on the mail server propagates to the CF service nodes. This is a classic example of a cross-infrastructure cyber cascading attack, whereby the adversary gains access to the cross-network server, and attacks by modifying data in the data source of the cross-network server. Note that it has become highly simplified to launch such attacks due to easy accessibility to the Internet and subscriber preference for Internet-based cross-network services.

Isolating Vulnerabilities

From the abstract model, the major vulnerable-to-attacks network components are: (1) data sources; (2) agents (more generally called service logic); and (3) signaling messages. By exploiting each of these vulnerabilities, data items that are crucial to the correct working of a cellular network can be corrupted, leading to ultimate service disruption through cascading effects.

In addition, the effect of corrupt signaling messages is different from the effect of corrupt data sources. By corrupting data items in a data source of a service node, all the subscribers attached to this service node may be affected. However, by corrupting a signaling message, only the subscribers (such as the caller and called party in case of call delivery service) associated with the message are affected. Likewise, corrupting the agent in the service node can affect all subscribers using the agent in the service node. Hence, in the three-dimensional taxonomy, a vulnerability exploited is considered as an attack dimension, since the effect on each vulnerability is different.

Likewise, the adversary’s physical access to a cellular network also affects how the vulnerability is exploited and how the attack cascades. For example, consider the case when a subscriber has access to the air interface. The adversary can only affect messages on the air interface. Similarly, if the adversary has access to a service node, the data sources and service logic may be corrupted. Hence, in the three-dimensional taxonomy, the physical access is considered a category as it affects how the vulnerability is exploited and its ultimate effect on the subscriber.

Finally, the way the adversary chooses to launch an attack ultimately affects the service in a different way. Consider a passive attack such as interception. Here the service is not affected, but it can have a later effect on the subscriber, such as identity theft or loss of privacy. An active attack such as interruption can cause complete service disruption. Hence, in the three-dimensional taxonomy, the attack means are considered a category due the ultimate effect on service. In the next part of the chapter, we detail the cellular network specific three-dimensional taxonomy and the way the previously mentioned dimensions are incorporated (see checklist: “An Agenda For Action When Incorporating The Cellular Network Specific Three-Dimensional Attack Taxonomy”).

An Agenda for Action when Incorporating the Cellular Network Specific Three-Dimensional Attack Taxonomy

The three dimensions in the taxonomy include Dimension I: Physical Access to the Network, Dimension II: Attack Categories and Dimension III: Vulnerability Exploited. In the following, we outline each dimension (check all tasks completed):


Dimension I–Physical Access to the Network: In this dimension, attacks are classified based on the adversary’s level of physical access to a cellular network. Dimension I may be further classified into single infrastructure attacks (Level I–III) and cross-infrastructure cyber-attacks (Level IV–V):


Level I: Access to air interface with physical device. Here the adversary launches attacks via access to the radio access network using standard inexpensive “off-the-shelf” equipment [26]. Attacks include false base station attacks, eavesdropping, and man-in-the-middle attacks and correspond to attacks previously mentioned.


Level II: Access to links connecting core service nodes. Here the adversary has access to links connecting to core service nodes. Attacks include disrupting normal transmission of signaling messages and correspond to message corruption attacks previously mentioned.


Level III: Access core service nodes. In this case, the adversary could be an insider who managed to gain physical access to core service nodes. Attacks include editing the service logic or modifying data sources, such as subscriber data (profile, security and services) stored in the service node and corresponding to corrupt service logic, data source, and node impersonation attacks previously mentioned.


Level IV: Access to links connecting the Internet and the core network service nodes. This is a cross-infrastructure cyber-attack. Here the adversary has access to links connecting the core network and Internet service nodes. Attacks include editing and deleting signaling messages between the two networks. This level of attack is easier to achieve than Level II.


Level V: Access to Internet servers or cross-network servers: This is a cross-infrastructure cyber-attack. Here the adversary can cause damage by editing the service logic or modifying subscriber data (profile, security and services) stored in the cross-network servers. Such an attack was previously outlined earlier in the chapter. This level of attack is easier to achieve than Level III.


Dimension II–Attack Type: In this dimension, attacks are classified based on the type of attack. The attack categories are based on Stallings [27] work in this area:


Interception. The adversary intercepts signaling messages on a cable (Level II access) but does not modify or delete them. This is a passive attack. This affects the privacy of the subscriber and the network operator. The adversary may use the data obtained from interception to analyze traffic and eliminate the competition provided by the network operator.


Fabrication or replay. In this case, the adversary inserts spurious messages, data, or service logic into the system, depending on the level of physical access. For example, via a Level II access, the adversary inserts fake signaling messages; and via a Level III access, the adversary inserts fake service logic or fake subscriber data into this system.


Modification of resources. Here the adversary modifies data, messages, or service logic. For example, via a Level II access, the adversary modifies signaling messages on the link; and via a Level III access, the adversary modifies service logic or data.


Modification of resources. Here the adversary modifies data, messages, or service logic. For example, via a Level II access, the adversary modifies signaling messages on the link; and via a Level III access, the adversary modifies service logic or data.


Denial of service. In this case, the adversary takes actions to overload a network results in legitimate subscribers not receiving service.


Interruption. Here the adversary causes an interruption by destroying data, messages, or service logic.


Dimension III–Vulnerability Exploited: In this dimension, attacks are classified based on the vulnerability exploited to cause the attack. Vulnerabilities exploited are explained as follows:


Data. The adversary attacks the data stored in the system. Damage is inflicted by modifying, inserting, and deleting the data stored in the system.


Messages. The adversary adds, modifies, deletes, or replays signaling messages.


Service logic. Here the adversary inflicts damage by attacking the service logic running in the various cellular core network service nodes.


Attack classification. In classifying attacks, we can group them according to Case 1: Dimension I versus Dimension II, and Case 2: Dimension II versus Dimension III. Note that the Dimension I versus Dimension III case can be transitively inferred from Case 1 and Case 2.

Table 11.1 shows a sample tabulation of Level I attacks grouped in Case 1. For example, with Level I access an adversary causes interception attacks by observing traffic and eavesdropping. Likewise, fabrication attacks due to Level I access include sending spurious registration messages. Modification of resources due to Level I access includes modifying conversations in the radio access network. DoS due to Level I access occurs when a large number of fake registration messages are sent to keep the network busy so as to not provide service to legitimate subscribers. Finally, interruption attacks due to Level I access occur when adversaries jam the radio access channel so that legitimate subscribers cannot access the network. For further details on attack categories, refer to [22].

Table 11.1. Sample Case 1 Classification.

InterceptionFabrication/InsertionModification of ResourcesDenial of ServiceInterruption
Level I

Observe time, rate, length, source, and destination of victim’s locations.

Using modified cellular devices, the adversary can send spurious registration messages to the target network.

With a modified base station and cellular devices, the adversary modifies conversations between subscribers and their base stations.

The adversary can cause DoS by sending a large number of fake registration messages.

Jam victims’ traffic channels so that victims cannot access the channels.

With modified cellular devices, eavesdrop on victim.

Likewise, using modified base stations, the adversary can signal victims to camp at their locations.

Broadcast at a higher intensity than allowed, thereby hogging the bandwidth.

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Secure and Resilient Routing: Building Blocks for Resilient Network Architectures

Deep Medhi, Dijiang Huang, in Information Assurance, 2008

Outsider wiretapping attack (a).

PLC or ILC can be used to prevent outsiders from sniffing packets containing routing information. This is a straightforward method to prevent passive attacks. When PLC is provided for the entire IP payload, the outsider would not know general information, such as link-state type, advertising router, and sequence number, that is contained within the routing packet header. This information can help an attacker to derive network topology and traffic patterns. ILC cannot prevent an attacker from knowing the information within the routing packet header, but it can prevent subverted routers from decrypting the routing information when they use different encryption/decryption keys. The combination of PLC and ILC provides strong security features to guard against ineligible entities.

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Distributed Information Resources

Randall J. Atkinson, J. Eric Klinker, in Advances in Computers, 1999

10.1 Threats and Issues

Unfortunately, neither rlogin, rsh, nor telnet provides confidentiality to data sent over the network or authentication of the session endpoints [17]. When passive attacks first became widespread, many users changed from using reusable disclosing passwords to using one-time passwords to reduce risk [42, 43]. Even before then, many users were concerned about rlogin and rsh because they use the concept of unauthenticated trusted hosts as part of their authorization and authentication scheme. In short, rsh and rlogin simply trusted that packets received with a source IP address that was in the list of trusted IP addresses were valid. No further checks were performed. Unfortunately, it is easy to forge an IP packet. In this era of inexpensive PCs, IP packet forgery is quite commonplace, making the concept of trusted hosts entirely unworkable. Other issues with the rlogin command have been discovered over the years [21].

Other users worked to enhance the existing remote terminal applications or worked to develop new applications to provide greater security through cryptographic techniques. Several efforts were undertaken to provide an encryption option to telnet. Unfortunately, telnet option negotiation itself was not protected by most of these projects, so the adversary could defeat the encryption by forging a telnet control packet disabling that option. Since most telnet client implementations do not permit users to see the option negotiation, users were not aware that their telnet encryption had been disabled. One such project had the misfortune of an implementation error in key management that caused security to be compromised.

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Side-Channel Attacks

Swarup Bhunia, Mark Tehranipoor, in Hardware Security, 2019

8.2.1 Taxonomy of Side-Channel Attacks

Based on the level of control that an attacker may have on a device prior to performing SCAs, they can be classified into passive and active attacks. Passive attacks (such as power, timing, or EM SCAs) do not require an attacker to interfere with the functionality or the operation of the device under attack [10]. The attack is usually launched in a manner that allows the system to behave normally as if the attack is not in effect. On the other hand, active attacks aim to interfere with the operation of the device under attack, where an attacker tends to influence how the device behaves, and what operation it performs. By actively controlling the behavior of the device, an attacker gains the advantage of selectively extracting side-channel information that can help break a cryptographic module, or extract the secret key.

Each side-channel attack can be done in many ways. Typically, a simple nonexhaustive approach has been introduced first, and then a refined and more complex approach is developed to enhance the amount and quality of extracted side-channel information. In case of power analysis attacks, as mentioned earlier, an adversary can perform a simple analysis, where a power signal is simply visually inspected. In a more sophisticated version of the attack, namely, DPA, multiple power traces are statistically analyzed to derive more robust information about the secret key.

Figure 8.4 shows the taxonomy of SCAs. Depending on the general source of side-channel information, there are several forms of SCA. They are: power SCA, EM SCA, fault injection attack, and timing SCA. Each SCA can be classified according to specific attack method: applied analysis methods, such as simple observation and statistical methods; side-channel signal generation methods, such as voltages and clocks; or analysis granularity, such as microarchitecture and system level analysis. [11].

Which of the following security protections is used to prevent passive attacks?

Figure 8.4. Taxonomy of general side-channel attacks.

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Which of the following is a type of passive online attack quizlet?

Which of the following are considered passive online attacks? Shoulder surfing, keyboard sniffing, and social engineering are considered: nontechnical attacks.

Which one is a passive attack quizlet?

Passive attacks involve monitoring of a system, and does not include any modification of data on the system being attacked. Active threats will modify data on the system that is being attacked. List and briefly define categories of passive and active network security attacks.

Which of the following security measures can detect a bit flipping attack?

A keyed message authentication code, digital signature, or other authentication mechanism allows the recipient to detect if any bits were flipped in transit.
WPA2 - Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) is the most secure protocol listed for connecting to wireless networks.