Which of the following methods would not be appropriate according to the due process model?


Procedural due process refers to the constitutional requirement that when the federal government acts in such a way that denies a citizen of a life, liberty, or property interest, the person must be given notice, the opportunity to be heard, and a decision by a neutral decision-maker.

Procedural due process is one of two of the components of due process, with the other being substantive due process.

Due Process Clause

In the U.S. Constitution, the phrase "due process" appears twice: in the Fifth Amendment and in the Fourteenth Amendment. Both Amendments guarantee due process when someone is denied "life, liberty, or property."

Possibly Guaranteed Procedures

Judge Henry Friendly, in this article titled "Some Kind of Hearing," created a list of required procedures that due process requires. While this list is not mandatory, it remains highly influential, both in its content and relative priority of each item. 

  1. An unbiased tribunal.
  2. Notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it.
  3. Opportunity to present reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
  4. The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses.
  5. The right to know opposing evidence.
  6. The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses.
  7. A decision based exclusively on the evidence presented.
  8. Opportunity to be represented by counsel.
  9. Requirement that the tribunal prepare a record of the evidence presented.
  10. Requirement that the tribunal prepare written findings of fact and reasons for its decision.

Further Reading

For more on procedural due process, see this University of Miami Law School International Repository article, this Duke Law Review article, and this Columbia University Law Review article. 

journal article

Two Models of the Criminal Process

University of Pennsylvania Law Review

Vol. 113, No. 1 (Nov., 1964)

, pp. 1-68 (68 pages)

Published By: The University of Pennsylvania Law Review



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Founded in 1852 as the American Law Register, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review is the nation's oldest law review. The Law Review has both a professional and an educational mission. It serves the legal profession, the bench, the bar, and the academy by providing a forum for the publication of original legal research of the highest quality. We accept and scrutinize approximately 2,000 written submissions annually to select approximately twelve articles in each volume.

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The University of Pennsylvania Law Review is published six times a year (November, December, January, April, May, and June) by students of the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

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Herbert Packer, a Stanford University law professor, constructed two models, the crime control model and the due process model, to represent the two competing systems of values operating within criminal justice. The tension between the two accounts for the conflict and disharmony that now is observable in the criminal justice system.

The crime control model should prevail

The following assertions are the key concerns of the crime control model:

  1. The repression of crime should be the most important function of criminal justice because order is a necessary condition for a free society.

  2. Criminal justice should concentrate on vindicating victims' rights rather than on protecting defendants' rights.

  3. Police powers should be expanded to make it easier to investigate, arrest, search, seize, and convict.

  4. Legal technicalities that handcuff the police should be eliminated.

  5. The criminal justice process should operate like an assembly‐line conveyor belt, moving cases swiftly along toward their disposition.

  6. If the police make an arrest and a prosecutor files criminal charges, the accused should be presumed guilty because the fact‐finding of police and prosecutors is highly reliable.

  7. The main objective of the criminal justice process should be to discover the truth or to establish the factual guilt of the accused.

The due process model should prevail

Packer's due process model is a counterproposal to the crime control model. It consists of these arguments:

  1. The most important function of criminal justice should be to provide due process, or fundamental fairness under the law.

  2. Criminal justice should concentrate on defendants' rights, not victims' rights, because the Bill of Rights expressly provides for the protection of defendants' rights.

  3. Police powers should be limited to prevent official oppression of the individual.

  4. Constitutional rights aren't mere technicalities; criminal justice authorities should be held accountable to rules, procedures, and guidelines to ensure fairness and consistency in the justice process.

  5. The criminal justice process should look like an obstacle course, consisting of a series of impediments that take the form of procedural safeguards that serve as much to protect the factually innocent as to convict the factually guilty.

  6. The government shouldn't hold a person guilty solely on the basis of the facts; a person should be found guilty only if the government follows legal procedures in its fact‐finding.

Evaluating the crime control and due process models

To declare that one of these models is superior to the other requires one to make a value judgment. The crime control model reflects conservative values, while the due process model reflects liberal values. Political climate determines which model shapes criminal justice policy at a specific time. During the politically liberal 1960s, the principles and policies of due process predominated in criminal justice. From the mid 1970s to the early twenty‐first century, conservatism has held sway as the dominant political philosophy, and conservatives have formulated criminal justice policies in the image of the crime control model.

What is the due process model?

The due-process model focuses upon the rights of the defendant, who is presumed innocent until proven guilty, and aims at individualizing rehabilitation programs for those found guilty.

What are three primary traits of the due process model?

His model consists of the following arguments: Ensuring fundamental justice under criminal law. Criminal justice should focus on the defendant's rights. The power of the police should be restricted to prevent the official suppression of individuals.

What is weakness of due process model?

Which, means the disadvantage of the due process model in this particular question would be the innocent who are having their rights violated. The due process model is supposed to protect the innocent and this would be a huge violation to most citizens if this were to happen today.

What is the due process model quizlet?

- the central premise of due process rights is the presumption of innocence. It is the most important principle of the due process model, requiring all accused persons to be treated as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.