Which of the following kinds of RFID tags contains a battery that runs the chips circuitry and broadcasts a signal to the RFID reader?

Domain 2

Eric Conrad, ... Joshua Feldman, in CISSP Study Guide (Second Edition), 2012


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology used to create wirelessly readable tags for animals or objects. There are three types of RFID tags: active, semi-passive, and passive. Active and semi-passive RFID tags have a battery, and an active tag broadcasts a signal. Semi-passive RFID tags rely on an RFID reader's signal for power. Passive RFID tags have no battery and also rely on the RFID reader's signal for power.

Active RFID tags can operate via larger distances. Devices such as toll transponders (that allow automatic payment of highway tolls) use active tags. Passive RFID tags are more inexpensive; they are used for applications such as tracking inventory in a warehouse.

RFID signals may be blocked with a Faraday cage, which shields enclosed objects from EMI. Electricity will seek to go around a conductive object rather than through it (e.g., when lightning hits a car the occupants inside are usually unharmed). A Faraday cage is a metal cage or enclosure that acts as the conductive object, protecting objects inside. This blocks many radio signals, including RFID.

The cage can be as simple as aluminum foil wrapped around an object. Instructions for building a Faraday cage wallet (designed to protect smart cards with RFID chips) out of aluminum foil and duct tape are available at http://howto.wired.com/wiki/Make_a_Faraday_Cage_Wallet.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781597499613000030

RFID Security

Chunming Rong, Erdal Cayirci, in Computer and Information Security Handbook, 2009

Publisher Summary

Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems use RFID tags to annotate and identify objects. When objects are processed, an RFID reader is used to read information from the tags attached to the objects. The information is then used with the data stored in the back-end databases to support the handling of business transactions. In RFID systems, tags are attached to or embedded in objects to identify or annotate them. An RFID reader sends out signals to a tag to request information stored on the tag. The tag responds to the request by sending backs the appropriate information. With the data from the back-end database, applications can then use the information from the tag to proceed with the business transaction related to the object. In RFID systems, objects are identified or described by information on RFID tags attached to the objects. An RFID tag basically consists of a microchip that is used for data storage and computation and a coupling element for communicating with the RFID reader via radio frequency communication, such as an antenna. Some tags may also have an on-board battery to supply a limited amount of power.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123743541000133

V2I-Based Multi-Objective Driver Assistance System for Intersection Support

Jianqiang Wang, ... Keqiang Li, in Advances in Intelligent Vehicles, 2014

Vehicle positioning method

RFID is a technology that uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag, called an RFID tag or label, through a reader attached to an object for the purpose of identifying and tracking the object. Some RFID tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader. RFID has many applications. Logistics and transportation are major areas of implementation for RFID technology. For example, yard management, container shipping, and freight distribution use RFID tracking technology. Transportation companies around the world pay great attention to RFID technology due to its impact on business value and service efficiency.

Here, a real-time RFID-based vehicle positioning method is described. A series of passive RFID tags are mounted in the middle of lanes on the road surface, and store position information, distance information to intersection, lane number, lane direction and road curvature, gradient, etc. When the vehicle passes over an RFID beacon, the RFID reader and antenna carried by the vehicle activate the tag and read the information. Then the On-Board Unit (OBU) uses the information acquired from the RFID beacon to identify the vehicle’s current position. Such a configuration is opposite to what is commonly used – the reader is fixed and the beacon is on the vehicle. It is this new configuration that brings significant advantages for much more accurate vehicle positioning that many other sensor technologies cannot provide.

The layout of the RFID beacons and the reader in the vehicle is depicted in Figure 9.5. Although more tags in the road will improve the positioning accuracy, only two RFID tags in each lane near the intersection are assumed to reduce costs (e.g. one is at the stop line and the other one is 150 m upstream).

Which of the following kinds of RFID tags contains a battery that runs the chips circuitry and broadcasts a signal to the RFID reader?

Figure 9.5. Layout of RFID Beacons and Reader.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123971999000094

Transforming pharma logistics with the Internet of things

Anjali Jain, Deepak Kumar Sharma, in An Industrial IoT Approach for Pharmaceutical Industry Growth, 2020

3.5.2 Installing radio frequency identification tags

RFID is a technology which has gradually gained popularity as a facilitator for the IoT and its many applications [21]. Technically, RFID tags are small transponders that respond to queries from a reader by wirelessly transmitting a unique identifier which could be a serial number. They are widely used to track items in production environments and to label items in supermarkets. They are usually thought of as an advanced barcode. RFID got its first major boost when it was used for toll-tax collection on highways in Norway and a few states in the United States. RFID tags consist of the following four components: an antenna, a microchip, a case, and a battery which is needed only for active tags [30]. In most cases, the size and configuration of the microchip depend upon the antenna and the frequency at which the RFID tag will be operating. The microchip’s size also depends upon the area required for the chip to meet all of its necessary components. The size ranges within a few millimeters. Some RFID tags also possess rewritable memory, where new information about identifiers and any updates between consecutive readings of the RFID tag can be stored.

Installing RFID tags into packages and equipment finds utility in the pharmaceutical industry as this can help manufacturers track the location of a package by checking where and when the attached RFID tag was scanned. To achieve this, an RFID system is constructed which has the ability to both collect and store information. The RFID system is composed of two major systems: a tag system and a reader system. A chip and an antenna make up the tag system. The chip works as an identification label and saves the tag data. The antenna energizes the RFID tag by absorbing external electromagnetic radiation. The RFID reader system scans tags and then forwards the information to the back-end database onto the application interface where relevant computations can be performed. Fig. 3.8 further shows a block diagram of an RFID system.

Which of the following kinds of RFID tags contains a battery that runs the chips circuitry and broadcasts a signal to the RFID reader?

Figure 3.8. Structure and working of an RFID system.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128213261000036

RFID Security

Chunming Rong, ... Hongbing Cheng, in Network and System Security (Second Edition), 2014

RFID Readers

An RFID reader (transceiver) is a device used to read information from and possibly also write information into RFID tags. An RFID reader is normally connected to a back-end database for sending information to that database for further processing.

An RFID reader consists of two key functional modules: a high-frequency (HF) interface and a control unit. The HF interface can perform three functions: generating the transmission power to activate the tags, modulating the signals for sending requests to RFID tags, and receiving and demodulating signals received from tags. The control unit of an RFID reader has also three basic functions: controlling the communication between the RFID reader and RFID tags, encoding and decoding signals, and communicating with the back-end server for sending information to the back-end database or executing the commands from the back-end server. The control unit can perform more functions in the case of complex RFID systems, such as executing anticollision algorithms in the cause of communicating with multitags, encrypting requests sent by the RFID reader and decrypting responses received from tags, and performing the authentication between RFID readers and RFID tags [4].

RFID readers can provide high-speed tag scanning. Hundreds of objects can be dealt with by a single reader within a second; thus it is scalable enough for applications such as supply chain management, where a large number of objects need to be dealt with frequently. RFID readers need only to be placed at every entrance and exit. When products enter or leave the designated area by passing through an entrance or exit, the RFID readers can instantly identify the products and send the necessary information to the back-end database for further processing.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124166899000125


M. Paul Pandian, in RFID for Libraries, 2010

What is RFID?

Technology, over time, allows for the improvement and creation of better products and devices. Often the new technology is phased in over long periods of time while still being refined. However, on occasion there is a new technology so potent that it is implemented in a flurry, and so quietly and pervasively that the typical user may be using it without understanding how it works or what are its possible implications. Perhaps there is no better example of such a situation than with the current and future utilization of RFID, which will soon exist in every object created. RFID is a rapidly emerging technology that will surely have a dramatic global impact on how goods are exchanged and how authenticity and security are provided, so much to the point that the technology will become integrated into people’s daily lives and help drive business for the next few decades (Gragg, 2003).

At first glance, the concept of RFID and its application seems simple and straightforward. But in reality, the contrary is true. RFID is a technology that spans systems engineering, software development, circuit theory, antenna theory, radio propagation, microwave techniques, receiver design, integrated circuit design, encryption, materials technology, mechanical design, and network engineering, to mention a few.

RFID stands for radio frequency identification. Considered as a wireless AIDC technology, RFID refers not only to the tag containing a chip but also to an antenna for sending and receiving data, an interrogator, also called reader, and its antennas to communicate through radio frequency with the tag, and finally, a middleware that manages, filters, aggregates and routes the data captured. All these elements are essential to constitute a ‘basic’ RFID system (Asif and Mandviwalla, 2005).

RFID has been around for some 50 years, but lack of relevant technological knowledge prevented its development. Now, thanks to recent achievements in information and communication technologies, RFID can be used in many more situations, particularly in business processes (Smith, 2004). RFID technology builds a bridge between the physical world of a product and the virtual world of digital data (Heng, 2004). Although it is often thought that RFID and barcodes are competitive technologies, they are in fact complementary in some aspects. RFID helps overcome some of the drawbacks associated with barcode technology. Barcodes have one significant downfall – they require line-of-sight technology. That means the scanner has to see the barcode to read it, which usually means items have to be manually oriented towards the scanner for it to be read. Compared to barcodes, RFID tags are ‘smarter:’ the information on the microchip can be read automatically, at a distance, by another wireless machine. This means RFID is easier to use and more efficient than barcodes: there is no need to pass each individual object/animal/person in front of a scanner to retrieve the information contained in each tag. Following are significant advantages to using RFID tags:

RFID tags can be read rapidly in bulk to provide a nearly simultaneous reading of contents, such as items in a stockroom or in a container.

RFID tags can be read in no-line-of-sight conditions (e.g. inside packaging or pallet).

RFID tags are more durable than barcodes and can withstand chemical and heat environments that would destroy traditional barcode labels. Barcode technology does not work if the label is damaged.

RFID tags can potentially contain a greater amount of data compared to barcodes, which commonly contain only static information such as the manufacturer and product identification. Therefore tags can be used to uniquely identify an object.

RFID tags do not require any human intervention for data transmission.

RFID tags can be placed on all kinds of objects such as consumer goods, shipping containers, high-value equipment, and even human beings so that their movement and location can be easily tracked. RFID systems also can be linked with video security systems. Linking video and access control are good ideas for night applications. A camera can pan-tilt-zoom and also link the access control transaction history with camera data to look at events triggered in the systems.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B978184334545950001X

RFID issues

M. Paul Pandian, in RFID for Libraries, 2010


RFID has come a long way but arguably still has some way to go before it lives up to the original hype. With all these promises, it is not easy to separate truth from hype. Technical reality changes constantly, and within hype might be found a note of reality. We must walk the fine line between believing the benefits of the technology touted by vendors, and knowing how it will solve real-world business issues. Vendors with heavily invested RFID resources obviously promote the existing, future, and even dreamed-up advantages of RFID, but they seldom shed light on obvious and much lower-costing alternatives. The key to finding the optimal use for RFID is to begin at the beginning and first consider your organization’s strategic objectives. RFID must be applied in a balanced way that takes into consideration strategic objectives, without being carried away by the hype of RFID (Brooke, 2005). RFID offers significant potential benefits, but one must consider the entire picture of an organization in order to see the greatest benefit. Additionally, do not mistake the best solution to be the one with the highest price tag. Expensive solutions are not the answer. Another way RFID will change is in its architecture. Today, the common model for RFID employs a tag that communicates with a reader, but there is no tag-to-tag communication. Having tags that talk to each other creates some interesting possibilities. When all is said and done, there is only one certainty: RFID will change.

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RFID implementation in libraries

M. Paul Pandian, in RFID for Libraries, 2010


There is never a ‘best time’ to adopt any new technology – today’s facilities are always better, cheaper and faster than yesterday’s, but whatever is bought today is almost guaranteed to have been superseded by something even more ideal by the time tomorrow comes. In the end, we just have to proceed when the time seems right for us – when what is available will adequately fulfill the requirements for the short to medium term.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is currently gathering a lot of interest within many industrial sectors and particularly in the case of a library enabling some of the more simplistic tasks such as checkout and check-in. Libraries have implemented RFID applications in collection management, circulation services, and in inventory operations to employ the functions of identification, rapid response to increase efficiency and accuracy. However, selecting the right RFID technology solution involves myriad options in terms of frequencies, tag configurations, types of antennas and readers, and systems – each with a potentially significant effect on the capabilities of the overall system. For example, systems using higher frequencies to communicate between the tag and the antenna provide more reads per second but can be limited in terms of practical read distance, while lower-frequency systems can read from a distance but can miss many tags. Active tags dramatically increase read distance but cost much more than the passive tags and have shorter lifespans. And antennas that are effective in the lab can miserably fail when deployed in the real world due to unforeseen radio-frequency interference. Choosing and using RFID requires detailed effort, from initial investigation and vendor selection through planning and implementing the conversion to ongoing maintenance and evaluation. While it is common now for libraries to have information technology expertise within their organizations, RFID with its blend of radio technology and electronics may appear unfamiliar and unique. It can be difficult for library professionals to evaluate vendor solutions and to weigh features and benefits since RFID is not one single technology. The way RFID readers communicate with RFID tags varies from application to application, as does the frequency at which they communicate. The good news is that within the library world almost all systems operate at the same frequency and use the same or very similar principles. But the important questions are these (Butters, 2006):

Do we really know what we want RFID to deliver in our library or can we devise a process to find out?

Are there systems on the market that can deliver what we want?

Can we construct a positive and realistic business case to demonstrate the benefits?

Do we have the skills and experience, or access to them, to make the right system evaluation/selection?

The RFID implementation in general is more than just establishing potential locations of RFID reader and antenna. It involves requirement analysis, process analysis, technical assessment, budget analysis, technology selection, pilot case, and evaluation. It also involves integrating RFID components into network infrastructure and environmental influence that may affect the implementation. The deployment of RFID requires forming a team, which consists of subject matter experts, applications developers, and communications engineers. The team should work together in all stages. The RFID deployment may consist of the following stages (Al-Muhamed, 2007):

Processes analysis. To establish a baseline by identifying and analyzing the current process called ‘As-Is.’ The result of the analysis will be used to optimize the processes by eliminating non-added value tasks and redesign the processes called ‘To-Be.’

Site survey. To collect information on RF interference, environmental issues, network infrastructure, physical location of the RFID devices and power.

Technology selection. To identify the RFID functionally, frequency selection, RFID tags type (passive, active), data rate, read range, RFID protocol, standards, and middleware selection, centralize management and RFID network security. This stage is considered as the most important and critical stage from the whole lifecycle of the RFID deployment.

Implementation. To integrate middleware to existing applications, install RFID devices, connect devices to networks and perform equipment configurations.

Test. To define success factors that indicate the expected result is achieved by performing different test scenarios starting by testing the readers’ connectivity, tag reach by the readers, middleware ability to filter tags, etc.

Maintenance. RFID devices require continuous maintenance and monitoring with updates and new features deployment.

A typical RFID implementation in a library would involve tagging every item in the library (books, tapes, CDs, DVDs, magazines, etc.) with an RFID tag. This tag contains an identification number that uniquely identifies the item. It can also contain additional information such as shelf location, whether or not the item has been checked out, title, author, or any other useful data. Also, circulation stations are equipped with tag readers that can be used to query the database or checkout books. The entrances and exits to the library are equipped with sensor gates that read the RFID tags on the library-owned items when the patron enters or exits the library. An alarm sounds if an item is detected going through the gates without being checked out. The inventory and shelf management are supported with a handheld RFID reader and personal data assistant. A typical RFID implementation in a library is given below as a case study to demonstrate the processes at various stages of implementation.

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In RFID+ Study Guide and Practice Exams, 2007

Preparing for the RFID+ exam

According to CompTIA, the skills and knowledge measured by this examination are derived from an industry-wide job task analysis (JTA) and have been validated by Subject Matter Experts from around the globe. The CompTIA RFID+ certification proves that you have the foundational RFID knowledge, and a minimum of 6 to 24 months of experience in

RFID or a related industry with competencies including the following:

Installation, configuration, and maintenance of RFID or related hardware and device software

Site survey/site analysis

RFID design selection

If you are a beginner, you will learn RFID while preparing for the exam because this book is not a mere exam cram. On the other end of the spectrum, even an RFID expert may fail this exam if not prepared for it properly. So, experts can use this to make sure they don't miss any exam objective. From the exam point of view, pay special attention to the following items while preparing for the exam:


Carefully read the exam objectives in the beginning of each chapter.


Make sure you understand the Notes, Cautions, and Exercises in each chapter.


Study the review questions at the end of each chapter.


Take the practice exam that comes with this book toward the end your exam preparation.


Review the Exam's-Eye View sections during the last hours of your preparation.

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Which of the following kinds of RFID tags contains a battery that runs the chip's circuitry and broadcasts a signal to the RFID reader?

Active RFID tags have a battery. This runs the microchip's circuitry and broadcasts a signal to a reader. Passive tags have no battery. They draw power from the reader, which sends out electromagnetic waves.

Which of the following kinds of RFID tags contain a battery?

Active RFID tags have a battery and periodically transmit signals, useful in location tracking applications. Because the battery in active tags can boost signal strength, they tend to have a longer read range (up to 100 meters). Passive tags remain dormant until they receive a radio signal from a reader.

What are the types of RFID tags?

Types of RFID systems.
RFID frequencies. Frequency refers to the size of the wave that is used to communicate the different components of the system. ... .
Low frequency (LF) RFID. ... .
High frequency (HF) RFID. ... .
Ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID. ... .
Passive and active RFID systems and BAP..

What is passive and active RFID?

Whereas a passive tag has no internal power source, an active RFID tag comes equipped with its own battery and internal transmitter in the form of a beacon or transponder. This means that an active tag is able to continuously transmit signals to an RFID reader up to 150 metres away, depending on frequency levels.