Which of the following is the person responsible for accomplishing an organizations goals by planning organizing staffing leading and controlling personnel?

How do you want to study today?

Answer: B
Explanation: B) Human resource managers in today's workforce still need skills in areas such as employee selection, training, and compensation, as HR managers in the past did. However, modern HR managers also require broader business knowledge and proficiencies, which can be gained through an MBA program. For example, to assist top management in formulating strategies, the human resource manager needs to be familiar with strategic planning, marketing, production, and finance. He or she must also be able to "speak the CFO's language," by explaining human resource activities in financially measurable terms, such as return on investment and cost per unit of service.

What are the three main categories used in the
Dictionary of Occupational Titles
to rate,classify, and compare different jobs?
A) reasoning, language, mathematics
B) skills, communication, education
C) data, people, things
D) people, skills, reasoning

Red Robin Gourmet Burgers is a national restaurant chain with nearly 36,000 employee that began as a small restaurant in Seattle. Over the years, Red Robin has attempted to develop a reputation as a fun, family restaurant that offers both excellent food and service. Red Robin'score values -- honor, integrity, having fun, and continually seeking knowledge -- serve as the basis for all of the firm's decisions and are even embroidered on the sleeves of every employee's uniform. As Red Robin continues to expand, executives are considering adding tests to the screening process.Which of the following, if true, would best support the argument that Red Robin should use personality tests in the employee selection process?
A) Red Robin encourages employees to participate in the firm's environmental stewardship program to show community support.
B) Red Robin seeks outgoing, motivated, and compassionate employees to enhance the experience of its customers.
C) Red Robin offers monetary incentives to managers who meet quarterly sales targets and exceed performance expectations.
D) Red Robin desires employees with extensive knowledge of the restaurant industry and at least two years of experience serving customers.

Red Robin Gourmet Burgers is a national restaurant chain with nearly 36,000 employee that began as a small restaurant in Seattle. Over the years, Red Robin has attempted to develop a reputation as a fun, family restaurant that offers both excellent food and service. Red Robin'score values -- honor, integrity, having fun, and continually seeking knowledge -- serve as the basis for all of the firm's decisions and are even embroidered on the sleeves of every employee's uniform. As Red Robin continues to expand, executives are considering adding tests to the screening process.Which of the following, if true, would most likely undermine the argument that Red Robin should use achievement tests in the employee selection process?
A) Red Robin receives so many applications that it only considers individuals with previous job experience in the restaurant industry.
B) Red Robin provides a two-week training session to all new hires, which are frequently college students with little experience in the restaurant industry.
C) Red Robin expects applicants for management positions to understand current EEO laws and be aware of ADA requirements.
D) Red Robin requires applicants for cashier positions to take typing tests to assess their speed at the cash register.

SMART goals are best described as ________.
A) specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely
B) straightforward, meaningful, accessible, real, and tested
C) strategic, moderate, achievable, relevant, and timely
D) supportive, meaningful, attainable, real, and timely

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Which one of the following is the person responsible for accomplishing an organization's goals by managing the efforts of the organization's people?

Manager: the person responsible for accomplishing the organization's goals, who does so by managing the efforts of the organization's people. Giving specific tasks, establishing departments, delegating authority, establishing channels of authority and communication, coordinating work.

Which of the following represents the five functions of planning organizing staffing leading and controlling?

The five basic functions are planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Planning activities include establishing goals and standards, developing rules and procedures, and developing plans and forecasts.

Who performs the following functions planning organizing leading and controlling?

It is the responsibility of management to see that essential activities are done efficiently (in the best possible way) and effectively (doing the right thing). The management process consists of four primary functions that managers must perform: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Which of the following includes five basic functions planning organizing Staffing Leading and controlling quizlet?

Which of the following includes five basic functions--planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling? Explanation: C) The management process includes five basic functions--planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.