Which of the following is the most important question for a teacher to consider when reading the results of a study on an instructional intervention?

Students are given assignments on the basis of their ability levels and provided with frequent opportunities for success.- Erikson

Students are encouraged to eat if hungry, provided with a safe environment, and made to feel accepted in the classroom- Maslow

Students are given a reward for positive behavior and academic success and a consequence for negative behavior and lack of academic progress.-Watson

Students are assessed and encouraged to work at their own pace as they are introduced to new information one step at a time-Thorndike

Which of the following practices by prekindergarten teacher best reflects an assets based approach to reading instruction?

Which of the following practices by a prekindergarten teacher best reflects an assets-based approach to reading instruction? Option A is correct because an assets-based approach to reading instruction focuses on what children know rather than on what they do not know.

What purpose can questions serve in teaching?

Questioning techniques is important because it can stimulate learning, develop the potential of students to think, drive to clear ideas, stir the imagination, and incentive to act. It is also one of the ways teachers help students develop their knowledge more effectively.

Which of the following best describes the primary function of classroom assessment?

Which of the following best describes the primary purpose and function of classroom reading assessment? Correct Response: A. In a standards-based curriculum, student performance standards inform assessment, which in turn informs instructional planning and practices.

Which of the following texts would be the best choice to accurately assess a third grade ELL student's reading comprehension?

Which of the following texts would be the best choice to accurately assess a third grade ELL student's reading comprehension? A story set in school would be a good choice because it is a context with which most students would be familiar.