Which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for appraising employee performance a ranking B graphic rating scales C Critical Incident method D bars?

Which of the following terms refers to the process of evaluating an employee's current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards?

The primary purpose of providing employees with feedback during a performance appraisal is to motivate employees to ________.

remove any performance deficiencies

Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended guidelines for setting effective employee goals?

administering consequences for failure to meet goals

SMART goals are best described as ________.

specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely

All of the following are reasons for appraising an employee's performance EXCEPT

creating an organizational strategy map

In most organizations, which of the following is primarily responsible for appraising an employee's performance?

employee's direct supervisor

Which of the following is most likely NOT a role played by the HR department in the performance appraisal process?

conducting appraisals of employees

What is the first step in the appraisal process?

When designing an actual appraisal method, the two basic considerations are ________.

what to measure and how to measure

Which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for appraising employee performance?

Which performance appraisal technique lists traits and a range of performance values for each trait?

All of the following are usually measured by a graphic rating scale EXCEPT ________.

performance of co-workers

Which performance appraisal tool requires supervisors to categorize employees from best to worst on various traits?

alternation ranking method

The most popular method for ranking employees is the ________ method.

Which performance appraisal tool is being used when a supervisor places predetermined percentages of ratees into various performance categories?

Which of the following measurement methods is similar to grading on a curve?

Which of the following is one of the primary complaints regarding the use of the forced distribution method for performance appraisals?

Which performance appraisal tools requires a supervisor to maintain a log of positive and negative examples of a subordinate's work-related behavior?

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the critical incident method for performance appraisal?

comparing and ranking employees within a group

Which appraisal method combines the benefits of narrative critical incidents and quantified scales by assigning scale points with specific examples of good or poor performance?

behaviorally anchored rating scale

Which of the following best describes a behaviorally anchored rating scale?

combination of narrative critical incidents and quantified performance scales

The first step in developing a behaviorally anchored rating scale is to ________.

generate critical incidents

What is the primary disadvantage of developing a behaviorally anchored rating scale?

Which of the following terms refers to setting specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically reviewing the progress made?

It is most important that supervisors who choose management by objectives as a performance appraisal tool use ________.

All of the following are benefits of using computerized or Web-based performance appraisal systems EXCEPT ________.

enabling managers to monitor employees' computers

Which of the following enables supervisors to oversee the amount of computerized data an employee is processing each day?

electronic performance monitoring system

Graphic rating scales are subject to all of the following problems EXCEPT ________.

Which of the following terms refers to an appraisal that is too open to interpretation?

Which of the following is the best way for a supervisor to correct a performance appraisal problem caused by unclear standards?

using descriptive phrases to illustrate traits

Which of the following is a performance appraisal problem that occurs when a supervisor's rating of a subordinate on one trait biases the rating of that person on other traits?

A supervisor who frequently rates all employees as average on performance appraisals most likely has a problem known as ________.

The best way to reduce the problem of central tendency in performance appraisals is to ________.

Which performance appraisal problem is associated with supervisors giving all of their subordinates consistently high ratings?

The ________ problem occurs when supervisors tend to rate all their subordinates consistently low.

The best method for reducing the problems of leniency or strictness in performance appraisals is to ________.

impose a performance distribution

Which of the following has most likely occurred when a supervisor conducting a performance appraisal is influenced by a subordinate's individual differences such as age, sex, and race?

Which of the following is LEAST likely to cause a supervisor's performance appraisal of a subordinate to be biased?

location and time of the appraisal

All of the following guidelines will most likely improve the effectiveness of a performance appraisal EXCEPT ________.

using a graphic rating scale to ensure fair and consistent ratings

Which of the following is the primary advantage of using graphic rating scales as performance appraisal tools?

provides quantitative rating for each employee

All of the following are considered best practices for administering fair performance appraisals EXCEPT ________.

using subjective performance data for appraisals

Which of the following terms refers to several peers agreeing to rate each other highly?

Which of the following would most likely result in a legally questionable appraisal process?

basing appraisals on subjective supervisory observations

Who is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employee's performance for the purposes of a performance appraisal?

Employee performance appraisals are conducted by all of the following EXCEPT ________.

Peer appraisals have been shown to result in a(n) ________.

reduction of social loafing

In most firms, a rating committee used for performance appraisals consists of ________ members.

What usually occurs when employees rate themselves for performance appraisals?

Ratings are higher than when provided by supervisors.

Which of the following terms refers to the process of allowing subordinates to rate their supervisor's performance anonymously?

Upward feedback primarily helps top-level managers to ________.

diagnose management styles

Which of the following terms refers to a performance appraisal based on surveys from peers, supervisors, subordinates, and customers?

Which of the following best describes the purpose of an appraisal interview?

making plans to correct employee

You are conducting an appraisal interview with an employee whose performance is satisfactory but for whom promotion is not possible. Which incentive listed below would most likely be the LEAST effective option for maintaining satisfactory performance in this situation?

When conducting an appraisal interview, supervisors should do all of the following EXCEPT ________.

compare the person's performance to that of other employees

When a supervisor must criticize a subordinate in an appraisal interview, it is most important for the supervisor to ________.

provide specific examples of critical incidents

When an employee's performance is so poor that a written warning is required, the warning should ________.

identify the standards by which the employee is judged

Based on corporate surveys, which of the following is a true statement?

Most employers require a review and feedback session during the appraisal process.

The continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning their performance with the organization's goals is known as ________.

Which component of performance management refers to communicating a firm's higher-level goals throughout the organization and then translating them into departmental and individual goals?

Certainly, the most popular method of evaluation used in organizations today is the graphic rating scale. One study found that 57 percent of the organizations surveyed used rating scales, and another study found the figure to be 65 percent.
Here are the 10 Best Performance Appraisal Methods.
Paired Comparison. ... .
Checklist Method. ... .
Critical Incidents Method. ... .
Management by Objectives (MBO) ... .
Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) ... .
The OKR Method. ... .
360-Degree Appraisal. ... .
Cost Accounting Method..
The forced distribution method is the simplest and most popular technique for appraising performance. In the paired comparison method, the manager places predetermined percentages of ratees into performance categories.

Which is an easy method of performance appraisal?

The essay appraisal method is the easiest method of performance appraisal. In this the manager has to write about the strengths and weaknesses of the employees' behaviour. It is a non quantitative method.