Which of the following is more likely to occur when there are high barriers to entry in an industry

Which of the following is more likely to occur when there are high barriers to entry in an industry
Which of the following is more likely to occur when there are high barriers to entry in an industry
Barriers to entry are factors which prevent or deter the entry of new firms into an industry even when incumbent firms are earning excess profits.

There are two broad classes of barriers: structural (or innocent) and strategic. These two classes are also often referred to as economic and behavioural barriers to entry. Structural barriers to entry arise from basic industry characteristics such as technology, costs and demand. There is some debate over what factors constitute relevant structural barriers. The widest definition, suggests that barriers to entry arise from product differentiation, absolute cost advantages of incumbents, and economies of scale. Product differentiation creates advantages for incumbents because entrants must overcome the accumulated brand loyalty of existing products. Absolute cost advantages imply that the entrant will enter with higher unit costs at every rate of output, perhaps because of inferior technology. Scale economies restrict the number of firms which can operate at minimum costs in a market of given size.

A narrower definition of structural barriers suggests that barriers to entry arise only when an entrant must incur costs which incumbents do not bear. This definition excludes scale economies as a barrier.

Source Publication:
Glossary of Industrial Organisation Economics and Competition Law, compiled by R. S. Khemani and D. M. Shapiro, commissioned by the Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs, OECD, 1993.

Statistical Theme: Financial statistics

Created on Thursday, January 3, 2002

Last updated on Friday, March 15, 2002

A barrier to entry is something that blocks or impedes the ability of a company (competitor) to enter an industry. A barrier to exit is something that blocks or impedes the ability of a company (competitor) to leave an industry.

In general, industries that are difficult for new competitors to enter may enjoy periods of good profitability and limited rivalry among competitors. Conversely, industries that are easy to enter attract new companies into the industry during periods of profitability. So, rivalry among competitors can be intense. On the other end, industries that are difficult to exit have more rivalry than industries that are easy to leave.

Some of the common barriers to entry and exit are listed below.

Typical Barriers to Entry

  • Economies of size - The need for a large volume of production and sales to reach the cost level per unit of production for profitability is a barrier to entry.
  • Capital intensive - A large capital investment per unit of output in facilities tends to limit industry entry.
  • Intellectual property - Patents and other types of proprietary intellectual property are very effective in limiting industry entry.
  • High switching costs - The tendency for buyers of an industry’s products to be reticent about switching to a new supplier tends to limit entry.
  • Established brand identity - Industries dominated by branded products are difficult to enter due to the large amount of time and money required to create a competing branded product.
  • Permitting requirements - Industries where permitting and licenses are required to establish production tend to have limited entry.
  • Government standards - Industries where rigid industry standards exist tend to have limited entry.

Typical Barriers to Exit

  • Investment in specialist equipment - Investments in specialized equipment that cannot readily be used in other industries tends to be an impediment to leaving the industry.
  • Specialized skills - Highly specialized skills by industry participants that cannot be utilized in other industries tend to be an impediment to leaving the industry.
  • High fixed costs - High levels of dedicated fixed costs tend to be an impediment to leaving an industry

If we combine entry and exit, we can predict industry rivalry, stability and profitability. As shown in Figure 1, an industry that is easy to enter but difficult to leave has intense industry rivalry and low profitability. At the first sign of excess profitability in the industry, competitors flock to the industry. However, when profitability falls, it is difficult to leave the industry so profitability remains low.

Which of the following is more likely to occur when there are high barriers to entry in an industry

Conversely, an industry that is difficult to enter but easy to leave is shown in Figure 2. It has limited industry rivalry and tends to have good profitability. Competitors have a difficult time entering the industry during times of good profitability. However, during period of low profitability, competitors leave the industry easily.

Which of the following is more likely to occur when there are high barriers to entry in an industry

Conversely, an industry that is difficult to enter but easy to leave is shown in Figure 2. It has limited industry rivalry and tends to have good profitability. Competitors have a difficult time entering the industry during times of good profitability. However, during period of low profitability, competitors leave the industry easily.

Which of the following is more likely to occur when there are high barriers to entry in an industry

Industries that are difficult to enter and difficult to exit are shown in Figure 4. The size and composition of the industry is static and changes slowly. Supply changes slowly due to market signals so price responds strongly to changes in demand. The amount of rivalry can change radically due to changes in demand.

Which of the following is more likely to occur when there are high barriers to entry in an industry

Don Hofstrand, retired extension value added agriculture specialist,

Which of the following are considered barriers to entry?

Common barriers to entry include special tax benefits to existing firms, patent protections, strong brand identity, customer loyalty, and high customer switching costs. Other barriers include the need for new companies to obtain licenses or regulatory clearance before operation.

Which of the following are common barriers to entry in a market that has a monopoly?

Which of the following is a common barrier to entry in a monopoly market? A patent on a new product. (Examples of barriers to entry include patents, monopoly franchises, regulation, economies of scale, and control of key inputs.)

Is economies of scale a barrier to entry?

One of the primary ways that economies of scale act as a barrier for new firm entry is that the new companies will face a cost disadvantage relative to much larger existing companies.