Which of the following is an advantage of staffing host country nationals HCNs in top positions of a company?

No problems with language and culture.

  • Reduced hiring costs.
  • No work permits required.
  • Continuity of management improves, since HCNs stay longer in positions.
  • Govt. policy may force hiring of HCNs.
  • Promotional opportunities not limited – so higher morale among HCNs.
  • What is host country nationals?

    A host-country national (HCN) is an employee who is a citizen of a country in which an organization’s branch or plant is located, but the organization is headquartered in another country. An impediment to hiring HCNs is that such employees may not understand the parent company’s culture.

    What is host country nationals examples?

    (HCN) In an international firm, an HCN is a person whose nationality is the same as that of the country in which the company is operating: for example, a UK manager working for a UK-based subsidiary of a Japanese company.

    What are the advantages of parent country nationals?

    PCN advantages: • Knowledge of Firms culture and products • Loyalty • Influence at headquarters • Easier to access • Foreign Image • Groom executives for top management • International exposure to promising managers.

    Which of the following is a disadvantage of using home-country nationals?

    Types of Staffing Strategy

    Home-Country National
    Advantages Cultural understanding
    Morale builder for employees of host country
    Disadvantages Adapting to foreign environment may be difficult for manager and family, and result in less productivity
    Expatriate may not have cultural sensitivity

    What are the benefits of global staffing?

    International Hiring 101: Business Benefits

    • Increased Talent Pool.
    • Competitive Advantage.
    • Cultural Understanding.
    • Understand Local Labor Requirements.
    • Work with Local Experts.
    • Make a Long-Term Employee Retention Plan.

    What is host country effect?

    Host country effect is the change that a company has to adopt in terms of hr practices, legal bindings, business policies etc when it sets up its business in another country or the host country. Host country is the country where a multinational company establishes its subsidiaries to grow its business.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of employing third country nationals for a global organization?

    Several disadvantages can be identified as well (“Global Human Resource Management”): 1. Difficulty of achieving effective communication between HCN managers at subsidiary level and PCN managers at corporate headquarters.

    What is PCN and HCN?

    PCN (Parent-country nationals) are employees whose nationality is the same as that of the firm headquarters — for example, a German employee of a German company who is working at a Chinese subsidiary. 2. HCN (Host-country nationals) are employees who have the same nationality as the local subsidiary.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an expatriate Salesforce?

    Usually are able to effectively communicate with and influence headquarters personnel. Disadvantages of an expatriate sales force are the high cost, cultural and legal barriers, and the limited number of high caliber personnel willing to live abroad for extended periods.

    What is the main disadvantage of hiring local nationals in the sales force?

    The main disadvantage of hiring local nationals for an international sales force is the tendency of headquarters personnel to ignore their advice. In relationship-oriented cultures, sales representatives tend to be on the bottom rung of the social ladder.

    What are the disadvantages of hiring home country nationals?

    • Headquarter may have less control over operations. • Home Country Nationals may still have limited career opportunities outside the subsidiary. • Hiring Home country Nationals limits opportunities for others to gain overseas experience.

    What are the advantages of hiring a host-country national?

    The advantage, as shown in Table 14.4 “Advantages and Disadvantages of the Three Staffing Strategies”, of hiring a host-country national can be an important consideration when designing the staffing strategy. First, it is less costly in both moving expenses and training to hire a local person.

    What is Host Country Nationals? A host-country national (HCN) is an employee who is a citizen of a country in which an organization’s branch or plant is located, but the organization is headquartered in another country. Who Makes Up the Labour Market?

    Should you hire a host country or a third country national?

    Host-country nationals are likely to bring familiarity with the local business environment and culture to the table and to provide invaluable advice, but they may not be as familiar with the company’s own culture and standards. Third-country nationals should be judged on a case-by-case basis depending on their specific expertise.

    Which of the following is an advantage of staffing parent country nationals PCNs in top positions of a company?

    Which of the following is an advantage of staffing parent-country nationals (PCNs) in top positions of a company? Control by headquarters is facilitated.

    What are the advantages of choosing a host country national staffing strategy?

    One advantage of this type of strategy is easier application of business objectives, although an expatriate may not be culturally versed or well accepted by the host-country employees. In a host-country strategy, workers are employed within that country to manage the operations of the business.

    Which of the following is an advantage of the polycentric staffing approach?

    Which of the following is an advantage of the polycentric staffing approach? Local managers tend to be instrumental in staving off or more effectively dealing with problems in sensitive political situations.

    Which type of international employee is a parent country national who works at a foreign subsidiary?

    Arnold is considered a parent-national, also known as an expatriate. An expatriate is a citizen of a company's home country working abroad at one of the company's foreign subsidiaries.