Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

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Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric

2nd EditionLawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

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Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking

1st EditionCarol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

1,697 solutions

Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

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Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric

2nd EditionLawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

661 solutions

Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

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Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C

David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith

304 solutions

Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture quizlet?

The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric

2nd EditionLawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

661 solutions

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Strategic control

the process of monitoring and correcting a firm's strategy and performance

Informational control

a method of organizational control in which a form gathers and analyzes information from then internal and external environment in order to obtain the best fit between the organization's goals and strategies and the strategic environment

Behavioral control

a method of organizational control in which a firm influences the actions of employees through culture, rewards, and boundaries

Traditional approach to strategic control

a sequential method of organizational control in which (1) strategies are formulated and top management sets goals, (2) strategies are implemented, and (3) performance is measured against the predetermined goal set.

Contemporary control systems must have 4 characteristics to be effective:

1. The focus is on constantly changing information that has potential strategic importance.
2. The information is important enough to demand frequent and regular attention from all levels of the organization.
3. The data and information generated are best interpreted and discussed in face-to-face meetings.
4. The control system is a key catalyst for an ongoing debate about underlying data, assumptions, and action plans.

Organizational culture

a system of shared values and beliefs that shape a company's people, organizational structures, and control systems to produce behavioral norms (how we do things around here)

Reward system

policies that specify who gets rewarded and why

Boundaries and constraints

rules that specify behaviors that are acceptable and unacceptable

Corporate governance

the relationship among various participants in determining the direction and performance of corporations. The primary participants are (1) the shareholders, (2) the management (led by the chief executive officer), and (3) the board of directors

The two central aspects of strategic control are ___ control and ___ control.

informational; behavioral

Which of the following are part of the traditional approach sequence?

-Strategies are formulated and goals are set by top management
-strategies are implemented
-performance is measured against the predetermined set of goals

Which of the following statements are true about the traditional approach to strategic control?

-It is also referred to as "single-loop" learning
-It is often tied to an annual planning cycle
-It is based on a feedback loop comparing performance to a predetermined goal

Which of the following are appropriate conditions for using the traditional approach to strategic control?

-the environment is relatively simple
-the environment is table
-goals and objectives can be measured with certainty

True or false: Informational control is primarily concerned with whether the organization is "doing the right things."


Which of the following statements regarding informational control are correct?

-It deals with internal environment and the external strategic context
-It reviews goal and strategies in the context of the current environment
-It considers assumptions that create the foundation for an organization's strategy

The ___ approach to strategic control is sequential.


The role of ___ control is to challenge the organization's beliefs and goals and to continuously monitor, test, and review strategies.


In the traditional approach to strategic control, control is based on ___.

comparing actual performance to a predetermined goal

Which of the following are characteristics of a contemporary control system?

-the focus is on information that changes and may have strategic importance
-the control system should spur ongoing discussion about underlying data and assumptions
-the data generated are best interpreted and discussed in face-to-face meetings

The traditional approach is the most appropriate when ___.

the objectives can be measured, goals are simple, and the environment is stable

The three elements of behavioral control are culture, rewards, and ___.


Which type of contemporary strategic control focuses on whether the organization is "doing things right"?

behavioral control

What are reasons for emphasizing culture and rewards in a system of behavior controls?

-the competitive environment is complex and unpredictable
-organizations are downsizing and faced with an increasing need to coordinate across boundaries
-there are no long-term contracts between the organization and its key employees

The control system that addresses the assumptions that form the foundation of the organization is ___ control.


A system of shared values and beliefs that shape a company's people, organizational structure, and control systems to produce behavioral norms is ___.

organizational control

The control process that continuously updates and challenges assumptions that underlie the organization's strategy is ___ control.


Which of the following are true regarding the role that culture plays?

-culture can lead to employees who are more engaged in their job and in the company as a whole
-a strong culture can be more effective than the traditional rewards-and-threats system
-employees who buy into a positive culture are less likely to exhibit selfish behavior

Effective contemporary control systems focus on ___.

constantly changing information

Which of the following statements about creating and maintaining a strong organizational culture are true?

-a strong commitment by leaders is critical to maintaining a strong organizational culture
-storytelling is a way to reinforce an organization's culture
-a strong organizational culture takes time to cultivate

Culture, rewards, and boundaries are key "levers" of ___ controls.


Policies that specify who gets praised and recognized and why is called the ___ system.


In today's complex competitive environment with weakened employee loyalties, the two levers of behavioral control that are the most effective are culture and ___.


Which of the following are reasons incentives can go wrong in a company?

They may cause issues between organizational departments due to differing goals
-they can demotivate employees if compensation is not directly related to their actions
-they may lead to a dysfunctional outcome if the reward is too closely tied to an individual's work

The set of unwritten standards of acceptable behavior in an organization is called organizational ___


Which of the following are characteristics of an effective reward system?

-reinforces basic core values
-perceived as "fair and equitable"
-enhances cohesion and commitment to goals

True or false: a strong culture can be a primary source of competitive advantage.


Which of the following would be the most likely to motivate employees to perform well on the job?

being given the opportunity to lead a project

Which of the following is an effective technique for maintaining organizational culture?


Boundaries and constraints play a valuable role in focusing ___

a company's strategic priorities

A system that focuses and motivates employee efforts on high-priority tasks I called a ___ system


Which one of the following is an attribute of effective short-term objectives?

be specific and measurable

Rule-based controls are most appropriate for organizations that have which of the following?

-unskilled and interchangeable employees
-stable and predictable environments
-great need for consistency in product and services

Enhanced cohesion and reinforcement of basic core values are part of an effective ___ system.


The type of behavior control used in an organization is often based on internal and ___ controls.


Which of the following statements about rewards systems are correct?

-employees respond well to managerial praise and financial rewards
-employees feel rewarded when given new responsibilities
-employees often respond better over the long-term to non financial motivators

Which of the following statements regarding controls in a bureaucratic organization are correct?

-employees are expected to complete their tasks in a specific manner
-controls depend on employees following a formalized set of rules and regulations

Rules that specify behaviors that are acceptable and unacceptable are called ___.

boundaries and constraints

Hiring the right people, training, management role models, and rewards are part of evolving from ___ to culture.


Which of the following statements regarding short-term objectives and actions plans are true?

-short-term objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, and challenging
-organizations enhance their performance when objectives are difficult, yet achievable
-action plans play a critical role in implementing strategies

___ governance is when shareholders, management, and the board of directors work together to align their goals.


For stable organizations with a largely unskilled workforce and a need to provide a consistent product or service, ____-based controls are the most important.


Managers consider both external and internal factors to determine how to achieve appropriate ___ control over the individuals who work for the organization.


Which of the following is the most likely to lead to superior financial performance of a company?

good corporate governance

In a bureaucratic organization, ____

desired behaviors can be specified in a detailed manner

A mechanism created to allow for different parties to contribute capital, expertise, and labor for the benefit of each party is called a(n) ____


Which of the following are steps that organizations can take to evolve the organization from boundaries to rewards and culture?

-hire the right people
-make training an important part of the organization
-develop a reward system that is clearly aligned with organizational goals

___ deals with the relationship between principals (owners) and their agents (managers/employees)


The relationship between various participants, including shareholders and management, in determining the direction and performance of corporations is called ___.

corporate governance

Shareholder activism and an involved and committed board of directors are mechanisms of ___

corporate governance

Which of the following has a fiduciary duty to ensure that the company is run consistently with the long-term interests of the business owners or shareholders and to act as an intermediary between the shareholders and management?

the board of directors

Which of the following statements are true regarding the role that good corporate governance plays on the decision to invest in companies?

-major institutions often choose to purchase stock of companies known for their good corporate governance practices
-the premium is larger for firms in countries where corporate governance is highly
-positive governance practices often lead to superior financial performance

Which of the following are attributes of an effective board of directors?

-directors provide strong oversight
-directors rigorously evaluate senior managers, the company's strategic plan, and new senior management hires
-directors are actively involved

In a(n) ____, shareholders have limited liability as well as limited involvement with the businesses' operation.


True or false: Research of boards of directors shows that simple restrictions, such as a requirement that a majority of the board members be outside directors, is enough to make the operations of the board effective


Agency theory is concerned with ___.

varying agents' performance

Which of the following are ways in which institutional investors are ending in shareholder activism?

they act aggressively to protect and enhance their investments

Two means of monitoring the behavior of managers through corporate governance mechanisms are through a committed board of directors and ___.

shareholder activism

Which of the following are ways that a board of directors can incentivize managers to make decisions that are in the company's shareholders' interest?

-by requiring CEOs become substantial owners of company stock
-through structured salaries, bonuses, and stock options to provide rewards for superior performance over a long-term horizon
-by dismissing poor performing CEOs and other senior managers

The duties of the ___ involve reviewing the organization's financial objectives and major strategies, providing advice to top management, and reviewing systems to ensure compliance with laws and regulations

board of directors

Which of the following duties are primary responsibilities of a board of directors?

-evaluate senior managers' performance
-take control of the management secession process
-rigorously scrutinize strategic plans

Which of the following statements about CEO duality is true?

It is one of the most controversial issues in corporate governance

Which of the following actions can have a positive influence on the dynamics of the boards of directors?

-bringing in the right expertise on the board
-choosing directors who have time to dedicate to their duties on the board

which of the following are components fo the unity-of-command perspective on CEO duality?

-a CEO has a clear focus on both objectives and operations
-a CEO can act more efficiently and effectively when holding both positions
-confusion and conflict is limited between the CEO and chairman

Actions by large shareholders to protect their interests when they feel they are not receiving value maximization is called ___

shareholder activism

Which of the following is the agency theory perspective on CEO duality?

There should be separation of power between the CEO and the chairman

True or false: a corporation's board of directors has little control over the amount bonuses and stock options that the corporation's CEO receives for his or her performance


Government regulatory bodies, auditors, public activists, and the media are all ___ governance control mechanisms


The board of directors functions as a "go between" for the

owners and controllers of the corporation

One form of opportunistic behavior that managers exhibit is engaging in excess product-market ___, which reduces their employment risk.


The leadership structure where the CEO acts as both chief executive officer and the chair of the board of directors is called CEO ___.


___ is one external mechanism that provides a solution to opportunistic behavior by managers.

The market for corporate control

True or false: unity-of-command advocates believe that a CEO can act more efficiently and effectively when holding the positions both of CEO and chairman of the board


The risk of being acquired by a hostile raider is often referred to as the ___ and deers opportunistic behavior by management

takeover constraint

The ___ theory perspective on CEO duality is based on the separation of power.


___ are independent, certified professionals who verify the firm's books of accounts to unearth financial irregularities and ensure good accounting practices


Which of the following are external governance control mechanisms?

-banks and analysts
-market for corporate control

___ are external control mechanisms that ensure that the firm's finances are in order and loan covenants are being followed.

Banks and analysts

Which of the following are examples of how managers can exhibit opportunistic behavior?

-engaging in on-the-job consumption by spending large sums on executive luxuries
-shirking responsibilities
-taking on excessive product-market diversification through corporate acquisitions

Public corporations must disclose financial information to government ___ bodies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission


Which of the following is an external control mechanism in which shareholders dissatisfied with a firm's management sell their shares?

Market for corporate control

Which of the following has an indirect role as an external control mechanism?

the media

The takeover constraint refers to the risk of being acquired by which of the following?

hostile raider

Conflicts between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders are called principal-___ conflicts.


Which of the following statements about external auditors are true?

-they often have lucrative consulting contracts with the firms they audit
-they often fail to catch accounting irregularities

Which of the following is the best description of the expropriation of minority shareholders?

When controlling shareholders have personal gains that exceed their losses from their firm's lowered performance

Which of the following statements about stock analysts are true?

-they make recommendations to there clients to buy, hold, or sell
-they conduct ongoing studies of the firms they follow
-they are often more optimistic than they should be and do not often make "sell" recommendations

Which of the following provides external oversight of companies?

government regulatory bodies

An example of the role that public activists have played as an external control mechanism is pressuring companies to refuse to deal in valuable minerals known as ___ minerals, which rebel groups trade to buy weapons


Principal-principal conflicts are conflicts between controlling shareholders and __ shareholders


When controlling shareholders conduct activities that enrich the controlling shareholders at the expense of the minority shareholders, they are engaging in ___

expropriation of minority shareholders

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What are the four methods for maintaining corporate culture quizlet?

The four main strategies for merging different corporate cultures are integration, deculturation, assimilation, and separation.

What is corporate culture quizlet?

Definition. 1 / 10. Corporate Culture refers to the shared values, ingrained attitudes, core beliefs, and company traditions that determine norms of behaviour, accepted work practices, and styles of operating.

Which of the following statements is true of corporate culture?

Answer and Explanation: The correct option is c) Put simply, culture is just how things are done in any organization. Corporate culture reflects how management and employees interact and handle business activities. It refers to the shared practices and values of a company's employees.

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