Which of the following is a suggested method for summarizing a speech in the conclusion?


Introductions should secure audience attention and interest, orient listeners to the plan and content of the speech and set expectations.

  • Get the audience’s attention with a story, quotation, personal experience, etc.
  • Identify the topic and indicate why it is relevant, important, or interesting.
  • Establish your credibility through words or behavior.
  • Provide context, background, and definitions listeners might need.
  • State your purpose, thesis, or research question.
  • Preview the body of your speech.
  • Make a transition to the first point in the body of the speech.
  • Start with “um" or "OK.”
  • Apologize for weaknesses in your content, preparation or speaking ability.
  • Complain about food, accommodations, equipment, facilities or other speakers.
  • Use “humor” that might disparage, offend or alienate your listeners.
  • Use cheap tricks to get attention.
  • Go on about how hard it was to choose a topic.


Conclusions should reinforce the message and give the speech unity and closure.

  • Summarize the main points of your speech.
  • Restate your purpose or thesis.
  • Create closure, a sense of finality.
  • In persuasive speeches, make a final call for commitment or action.
  • Open new areas of discussion or argument.
  • Change position or viewpoint.
  • Resort to feeble closing phrases like “and that's all I have to say.”
  • Say “thank you” just because the audience doesn't seem to realize that your speech is over.


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Which of the following is a suggested method for summarizing a speech in the conclusion?

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Which of the following search engines is a vitual library that features high-quality information produced by scholars and vetted by information specialists? Academic info
The (blank) refers to information that does not readily appear in general search engines Invisible web
When searching for credible sources on the Internet, be careful to distinguise between accurate information and data that has been misconstrued to be inaccurate or false, including all of the options are correct
An example of an individual search engine that compiles its own database of Web pages is all of the options are correct
Which of the following search engines can scan a variety of individual search engines meta-search engines
How do you locate a specialized search engine that is geared to your speech topic? Type the topic term, "AND", and "search engine"
Which of the following is a searchable catalog of Web sites organized into categories and edited by a human being? Subject directory
When advertisers pay search engine companies for a higher rank within search results, it is called paid placement
To search for an exact phrase on the Internet, you should surround the phrases with quotation marks, such as "white wine"
Which of the following is an example of a Boolean operateor, placed between key words in a search to eliminate potential items that are unrelated to the search All of the options are correct
Using the keywords "exact phrase," "at least one," and "without filter your search is a method of field searching
For which of the following does a speaker decide how to organize main points? Arrangement
Through which of the following processes can a speaker locate weaknesses in the argument in the argument or organization of his or her speech? Outlining
(blank) is a skill required for speeches that can also be a valuable life skill. Organization
The structure of a speech follows which order of parts? Introduction, body, conclusion.
Which of the following express the key ideas and major themes of a speech? Main points.
When creating main points for a presentation, what should you do first? Identify the central ideas of the speech
When a speaker makes fewer main points in a speech, the odds are greater for keeping the audience's attention
What could it mean if your speech contains too many main points? The speech topic has not been sufficiently narrowed
What does stating the main points of your speech in parallel grammatical form accomplish? It helps listeners retain points
Which of the following speech elements help speakers to substantiate or prove a thesis with examples, narratives, facts, or statistics? Supporting points
How should supporting points usually be enumerated in an outline? Indent them below the main points and identify with capital letters
In a written outline, ideas that are (blank) are given equal weight and aligned parallel to each other; an idea that (blank) to another is given relatively less weight and indented below the more important points coordinate; subordinate
Which part of a speech should be the longest? Body
Which of the following is not a function of transitions? To provide support
What are the words or phrases "similarly," "likewise," "just as," "as a result," and "in conclusion" all examples of? Transitions
When choosing an organizational pattern for your speech, you should consider the audience's needs and the specific purpose of the speech
If you want to inform your audience of the sequence of events that led up to the 9/11 attacks, you would likely utilize which of the following organizational patterns? chronological
If your speech is about the arrangement of an office space or the design of engine, it might be best to use which of the following organizational patterns? spatial
If you want to inform your audience of what could happen if global warming continues, which organizational pattern would you utilize? Causal
A speech about the explosion of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, might follow which kinds of organizational arrangement? Cause-effect
In order to persuade your audience to take a certain action, it is useful to first outline specifically the root of the problem and then present your proposed action. This approach is an example of which organizational pattern? Problem–solution
When each main point is a subtopic of the speech topic, which organizational pattern is the most ideal? Topical
Which of the following organizational patterns requires the speaker to paint a vivid picture for the audience, with the use of plots and characters? Narrative
When you lead your audience down a track of logical reasoning that shows how one idea continuously leads to another, you are utilizing which organizational pattern? Circular
A spatial pattern of arrangement would probably be most useful in describing which of the following? The architecture of the Vietnam War Memorial
When organizing a speech with the causal or cause–effect pattern of arrangement, one possible order to put main points in is __________. All of the options are correct.
hich of the following would be the most effective arrangement for explaining the remedy for the common cold? Problem–solution
A topical pattern of arrangement would probably be most useful in describing which of the following? Features of Chicago that make it a good city in which to establish a career
“During the early 1900s, oil drilling was a lucrative business in the southwestern part of the United States, but it was not an easy job.” This is an example of what pattern of arrangement? Narrative
A circular pattern of arrangement would probably be most useful in describing which of the following? How friendships influence physical and mental well–being and how well–being, in turn, influences friendships
While developing a speech, a speaker will create both __________. a working outline and a speaking outline
A working outline allows you to __________. All of the options are correct.
Which of the following outlines is most appropriate when the speaker is so familiar with the speech that a glance at a few words associated with each point will serve as a reminder of exactly what to say? Phrase
Why is it so important to select the appropriate outline format? Your outline format will affect the delivery of your speech.
Which of the following outlines allows greater freedom of movement and eye contact during the speech? Key word
When precise wording is necessary, especially when presenting a speech on a highly controversial topic, a __________ outline is recommended. sentence
Which of the following outlines would be least helpful to a speaker who has forgotten what she plans to say next during a speech? . Key word
When developing a working outline, it is recommended that you do which of the following? Separate the introduction and conclusion from the body
Where do you place the main points of the speech when preparing a working outline? Between the preface and the epilogue
In the process of outlining your speech, when do you begin keeping track of where you need to credit a source? As you are creating your working outline
The final step in the outline process, __________, communicates the essence of the speech and will invite the audience to listen. creating a title
What are transitions, pauses, vocal changes, and presentation aids examples of? Delivery cues
Which kind of outline is least conspicuous to the audience? Key word
What reminders must you always clearly indicate on your speaking outline? Delivery cues
You can use delivery cues for speech elements such as __________. All of the options are correct.
Which of the following is not a function of an introduction? To introduce new information
What is one of the most important guidelines for developing an introduction for your speech? Write it after you’ve developed the body of the speech.
What sources would you rely on for attention–getting quotations for your speech? All of the options are correct.
This attention–getting device gets the audience thinking without the expectation that they will actually respond. Posing a rhetorical question
When posing a rhetorical question, you should be sure your audience knows which of the following? That your speech will attempt to answer the question
If you want to gain your audience’s attention with powerful and meaningful statistics, you should present this information in __________. a startling statement
Which of the following techniques can help you build rapport with your audience and place them immediately at ease? Using humor
Which of the following is generally considered the safest form of humor to use in a speech? Self–deprecating
“My fellow Americans, on this day I vow with all my power to maintain peace, democracy, and liberty for all.” With these words, the speaker is attempting to __________. establish common ground
When you open a speech with the following statement: “We are all here today to remember the life of an honored soldier,” you are __________. referring to the occasion
In the introduction to a speech, after you’ve gained the audience’s attention, the next step is to __________. preview the topic and purpose that you’ll elaborate on within the speech body
Why might a person include her credentials and previous work with pediatric cancer patients in the introduction of a speech? To establish credibility as a speaker
“I have felt passionate about conservation issues ever since I started volunteering with the city’s local chapter of the Nature Conservancy four summers ago.” This statement is intended to help the speaker __________. establish credibility
A technique to help the audience mentally organize your speech is to __________ in the introduction. preview your main points
__________ is not a way to motivate your listeners to accept your goals. Omitting information and cultivating a sense of mystery so that the audience is left wanting more
Which of the following is a function of a conclusion? All of options are correct.
The conclusion to a speech should be approximately how long? About one–sixth of the overall speech length
How should a speaker alert the audience that the speech is coming to an end? By using transitional signals
“I’ve covered a lot of ground here today, but as I draw to a close, I’d like to stress four things.” What does this statement signal? A summary of the main points and goals
Which of the following is true about summarizing the main points of your speech in your conclusion? It can help your audience remember the speech better.
When you __________, you give your audience an opportunity to evaluate how well they comprehended the central theme of your speech. reiterate the speech purpose
A well–developed conclusion __________. challenges your audience members to respond
At the conclusion of a speech about the importance of voting, you pass out voter registration cards and ask the audience members to fill them out. What is this an example of? Challenging the audience to respond
Which of the following words best describes an effective conclusion to a speech? Memorable
Listeners are most likely to remember and act on a speech that __________. makes a lasting impression
To capture your audience’s attention in the conclusion, use the same devices that are used to make introductions interesting and effective, including __________. quotations, stories, and rhetorical questions
What should you do at the end of your speech to give the audience a sense of having come full circle? Link back to the introduction
“How long can we ignore the dangers of groundwater contamination?” This is an example of what type of concluding device? Rhetorical question
The rules for writing an effective conclusion include all of the following except __________. provide additional support for the thesis
What can be said about repeating the main points in the introduction, the body, and the conclusion of a speech? Rhetorical question
The rules for writing an effective conclusion include all of the following except __________. provide additional support for the thesis
What can be said about repeating the main points in the introduction, the body, and the conclusion of a speech? It helps the audience to remember the main points.
To ensure that you connect with the audience and help them to understand, believe in, and retain what you say, carefully chose the right words and images to communicate your message—also known as __________. style
Which of the following statements about spoken communication is not true? It is less interactive than written communication.
Which of the following may demonstrate your expertise in a certain field, but may also hinder the audience from understanding your message? Jargon
Which of the following is an example of concise wording that is typically used by English speakers? Contractions
Which of the following, although normally avoided in written communication, may help add punch to an oral message? Sentence fragments
__________ language may serve the purpose of conveying a broad meaning, but to ensure that your audience adopts the same meaning you intend with your words, you should use __________ language. Abstract; concrete
Which of the following will likely help your listeners visualize, identify with, and understand your ideas? Figures of speech
Which of the following is an example of a simile? She slept like a baby.
Which of the following will help your audience members see relationships between two ideas or objects by describing one thing as actually being the other? A metaphor
Which of the following is the best way to build trust and credibility as a speaker? Speak appropriately and accurately
Which of the following is an example of a malapropism? Their lives were wrought with problems.
Which of the following should you use to engage your audience members and foster a sense of inclusion? “I” language
A speaker might inadvertently make speakers doubt a statement by doing which of the following? Adding hedges to introduce an idea
__________ such as “Pull the bull by its horns” or “Pick yourself up by your bootstraps” can add to your presentation only if the audience recognizes and understands these culturally bound phrases. Idioms
Which of the following is an example of a gender–neutral term? News anchor
Which of the following is not a topic for an informative speech? The causes and possible solutions for global warming
The goal of an informative speech is to __________. increase listeners’ awareness and understanding by imparting knowledge
In order to present an effective informative speech, you must __________. gauge the audience’s informational needs
It is beneficial to incorporate __________ information in your presentation because audience members are generally seeking to learn something. new
Which of the following is not a suggestion for helping your audience retain information? Present simple information that is familiar to the audience.
A presentation about the War of 1812 would fall under the category of __________. speeches about events
If you give a speech to increase the audience’s understanding and awareness of a topic that is readily disputed, you have chosen to speak about a(n) __________. issue
When you attempt to clarify for the audience the theory of evolution, you are presenting a speech about a(n) __________. concept
A speech that defines something by explaining what it does is conveying information through what method? Operational definition
“Houdini was not supernatural” is an example of which type of definition? Definition by negation
If you want your audience to understand an eating disorder, you might choose to convey this through __________, which will help the audience to visualize what you are talking about. description
Stripping furniture, beading jewelry, applying for a loan—these are topics for what kind of informative speech? Demonstration
Which of the following titles most likely represents a speech of demonstration? It’s Easy as Pie: How to Make the Perfect Pastry
When presenting new information to an audience, you can help them grasp the concepts by using __________, which link the unfamiliar with the familiar. analogies
If you want someone with a kinesthetic learning style to understand your presentation, you should make sure to __________. include an activity that will give them a hands–on experience

What are some methods used for an effective speech conclusion?

Here are 9 tips and examples for concluding a speech..
1) Plan Your Closing Remarks Word for Word. ... .
2) Always End a Speech With a Call to Action. ... .
3) End a Speech With a Summary. ... .
4) Close with a story. ... .
5) Make Them Laugh. ... .
6) Make It Rhyme. ... .
7) Close With Inspiration. ... .
8) Make it Clear That You're Done..

Which of the following should you include in the conclusion of a speech?

An effective conclusion contains three basic parts: a restatement of the speech's thesis; a review of the main points discussed within the speech; and a concluding device that helps create a lasting image in audiences' minds.

Which of the following are functions of the conclusion of a speech?

The purpose of a conclusion is to briefly summarize your speech, to leave the audience with a clear takeaway, and to signal the end of your speech.

What is the conclusion of a speech called?

The last component you will need is a closing statement. This statement is what leaves the audience with a lasting impression of your speech.