Which of the following is a reason for organizations to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace?

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1.Which of the following is a reason for organizations to create and maintain a safeand healthy workplace?a. It is provided to show an organization's sophistication.b. It encourages employees to work for extended hours.c. It is provided to effectively understand the needs of employees in terms of compensation.d. It is an organization's ethical and social responsibility to provide safety.

2.Which of the following is an example of a health hazard?

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3.Which of the following is true of common workplace hazards and threats?

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4.The ________ is responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Occupational Safetyand Health Act (OSHA) through the enforcement group known as the OccupationalSafety and Health Administration.

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5.Managers of organizations frequently feel that the Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration (OSHA) represents unnecessary regulation of their activitiesbecause:a. it is very expensive to implement the various standards.b. it publishes lengthy and voluminous reinterpretations of various existing standards each year.c. it brings in a completely new set of standards for various industries each year.d. it releases highly specific standards that are seldom applicable to all industries.

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Which of the following is a reason for organizations to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace?

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Macroeconomics for Today


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6.Which of the following examples illustrates a pleasant work setting for anindividual that can influence his or her attitude?

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7.Brian, a senior executive of the production department of a fabric company, quithis job without prior notice. Susan, a new recruit and a junior executive of thesame department, was assigned the tasks normally performed by Brian along withher usual duties. This situation demanded Susan to work through the weekends tocomplete her work on time. In this scenario, Susan is most likely to experiencestress due to ________ .

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8.Stress due to interpersonal demands is caused when ________ .

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Which of the following is a reason for organizations to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace?

The document you are viewing contains questions related to this textbook.

Macroeconomics for Today


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Why is health and safety important in the workplace?

Safety and Health procedures in the workplace can reduce the employee illnesses and injuries which leads to minimizing potential death to be happened. These procedures can help the employer and employees to understand the potential hazards in their work environment.

Which of the following is a benefit for having a safety and health program?

Safety and health programs help businesses: Prevent workplace injuries and illnesses. Improve compliance with laws and regulations. Reduce costs, including significant reductions in workers' compensation premiums.

How do you maintain health and safety in the workplace?

Maintaining Your Health and Safety in the Workplace.
Correct Your Posture. ... .
Be Aware of Your Surroundings. ... .
Take Regular Breaks. ... .
Report Unsafe Conditions. ... .
Wear the Correct Safety Equipment. ... .
Reduce Workplace Stress..

Which of the following departments is responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act?

OSHA is a division of the U.S. Department of Labor that oversees the administration of the Act and enforces standards in all 50 states.