Which of the following is a power of the Texas House of Representatives Quizlet

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Terms in this set (37)

Which of the following BEST describes the power dynamic among the three branches of Texas government?

All three branches of Texas government were designed to be weak, with the legislative branch the least weak of the three.

What are the two central functions of the Texas Legislature? Choose the BEST answer.

To allow the representation of various interests and to provide a forum where parties with conflicting goals can reconcile their differences through the lawmaking process.

What is a bicameral legislature?

A legislature with two chambers.

What is the difference between house and senate representation in Texas?

Legislators in the house represent smaller districts with fewer constituents and have shorter terms than senators.

How frequently, and for how long, does the Texas Legislature meet?

For 140 days every other year.

At the end of the last day of a legislative session, what happens to legislation that has not been approved by both houses?

The legislation is dead.

What is one reason the governor may use the threat of a special session?

To incentivize the legislature to focus on policy areas of concern to the governor.

Why were single-member districts uniformly implemented for the 1972 elections?

The previous system was detrimental to the voting strength of racial minority groups.

How long are the terms of members of the Texas House of Representatives?

Two years.

How often does Texas go through the redistricting process?

Every ten years.

What is the purpose of staggering terms of office for senators? Choose the BEST answer.

It prevents the disruption that a political or economic upheaval might cause the chamber.

What is one effect of having "citizens legislators" who maintain careers outside of their jobs as public officials?

The system creates potential conflicts of interest in which legislators may advocate for measures that benefit their own business interests.

Which of the following Texans would qualify for a position in the Texas Senate?

a 55-year-old U.S. citizen who has lived in Texas for six years and her district for five years.

In order to run for the Texas Senate, a person must be at least 26 years old, must have lived in Texas for at least five years, must have lived in his or her district for at least one year, and must be a U.S. citizen.

In what year did the Republican Party pick up the majority in both chambers of the Texas Legislature?


Which of the following made it easier for people of color to participate in politics and drove many conservative, White Texans to join the Republican Party?

The federal Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The diversification of the state's economy, the growth of cities, and national political party transformation have all contributed to which of the following?

The increasing diversity in the Texas Legislature.

What led to increased representation of historically underrepresented groups in the Texas Legislature?

A switch to single-member districts for legislative elections.

What is one factor that causes incumbents to be reelected at such high rates?

Voters tend to select candidates whose names they recognize on the ballot.

The 2010 elections saw incumbents defeated at higher rates than normal due to which of the following?

The rise of the Tea Party.

Which of the following is the principal power of the legislature?

The power to make laws.

What are the three types of bills that may be introduced?

General, special, and local.

How does a concurrent resolution differ from a law?

A concurrent resolution is a formal statement of opinion but does not carry the force of law.

Which of the following administrative powers involves senatorial courtesy?

Ratifying gubernatorial appointments.

In the Texas Legislature, the senate approves most bureaucratic appointments made by the governor. It is traditional for the senate to respect the wishes of the senator for the district in which the appointee resides; if that senator approves of the appointee, the rest of the senate usually follows.

Which chamber impeaches, and which chamber tries the case?

The house of representatives impeaches and then the senate tries the case.

What does it mean that legislators have certain "immunities"?

They cannot be sued for slander or otherwise held accountable for statements made during legislative proceedings.

What is the primary purpose of redistricting?

To balance the population and voting power among districts.

Who is responsible for redrawing congressional and legislative districts?

The state legislature

Which of the following statements BEST explains why the legislature takes redistricting seriously?

The success or failure of a redistricting plan can have a great impact on legislators' reelection prospects.

Not only can the drawing of district lines determine which voters will elect each legislator, but if a redistricting plan isn't adopted and becomes the responsibility of the LRB, lawmakers lose a great deal of control over the likelihood of their own reelections. Thus legislators have a vested interest in the redistricting process.

Which of the following makes the lieutenant governor such a powerful figure in the legislature?

The lieutenant governor can assign bills to specific committees.

What is one reason that the position of lieutenant governor lost some power in the early 2000s?

Governor Rick Perry's long tenure gave him unprecedented control over the executive branch.

How is the speaker of the house selected?

Members of the house vote to elect the speaker.

Which of the following is a duty of the speaker of the house?

Maintaining order during debate on the floor.

What does "pro tempore" mean?

For the time being.

What is the difference between a senate standing committee and special committee?

A standing committee is a permanent committee, while a special committee is a subcommittee of a standing committee.

Standing committees are permanent committees and deal with areas of public policy, while special committees are subcommittees of standing committees and are created to study a specific issue.

Of the temporary committees in both chambers, which one tends to play the largest role in affecting legislation?

Conference committees

Final revisions of a bill take place within these committees.

A committee established to study specific issues is called what?

An ad hoc committee

How are incumbents affected by committee membership, and why?

Committee membership confers advantages to incumbents because they can shape legislation in order to collect campaign contributions from interest groups.

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Which of the following is a power of the Texas Speaker of the House quizlet?

What power does the Speaker of the Texas House have? The Speaker and the lieutenant governor have major roles in appointing the membership of committees, appointing chairs of committees, and setting the legislative agenda.

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What are some special powers of the House of Representatives? pass legislation, override the veto, initiate amendments, declare war, confirm a newly appointed VP.

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Which of the following is true of members of the Texas House of Representatives? They serve terms of two year terms with no term limits. constituted a majority in both chambers since 2003. ​the Texas House may bring charges through impeachment, after which the Texas Senate would render judgment.

What are the powers of the Speaker of the House in the Texas House of Representatives?

As presiding officer, the speaker maintains order during floor debate, recognizing legislators who wish to speak and ruling on procedural matters. The constitution also requires the speaker to sign all bills and joint resolutions passed by the legislature.