Which of the following is a benefit of social media marketing for businesses?

Which of the following is a benefit of social media marketing for businesses?

There are now more than 4.2 billion active social media users across the globe. And if you aren’t using social media as part of your businesses’ digital marketing strategy, you are missing out on a quick, low-cost, and effective way to reach nearly half of the world’s population. Social media marketing is a critical component of marketing success, and many marketers are waking up to recognize the multiple social media platform’s potentials for business growth.

For businesses that want to improve their online visibility and revenue, social media marketing is a goldmine. Due to the numerous benefits of Social Media Marketing for business, it is quickly becoming the most essential element of effective web marketing plans, and businesses all over the world are discovering innovative approaches to use social media to contribute to their success and help them build their online brand.

What is social media marketing for business?

Using various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others to sell your products or services is known as social media marketing. Social media marketing is becoming an integral aspect of every marketing strategy, and the advantages of doing so are so tremendous that anyone who does not take advantage of this low-cost resource is missing out on a fantastic marketing opportunity. The world is changing, and virtually everyone is becoming more eager to use the internet. As a result, numerous social media platforms have a large number of daily users.

Social media marketing for businesses allows an organization to reach out to a large number of people and gain more consumers. In many ways, the use of social media advertising for both products and services has proved to be offering tremendous benefits to many businesses.

Curious to know how social media marketing benefits businesses? – Below are the top-5 advantages of social media marketing for businesses.

Increases Brand Awareness

The power of social media for increasing overall brand awareness can not be underestimated. There are several winning social media marketing approaches that companies across the globe are using to improve brand recognition. An effective social media marketing campaign helps businesses to reach out to a larger audience base. You start interacting with your target audience when you create a social media profile of your businesses. Interaction raises brand awareness and improves your company’s reputation.

Every social media platform has a user base that can be used for varied types of business. Social media marketing is by far the most effective medium for communicating your brand to hundreds of thousands of people across social media platforms. Through shares, likes, comments, and direct messaging, social media allow you to publicize your brand and communicate with potential customers. The bigger your brand awareness the more sales you will make.

Improves Customer Engagement & Brand Loyalty

As per a recent report, companies that communicate well with clients on social platforms have higher levels of customer loyalty. A well-thought-out and transparent social media strategy could help turn customers into brand loyalists.

According to a study conducted by Convince & Convert, 53% of customers who follow brands on social media are more loyal to those brands. Each post you make on a social media network is an opportunity to convert your followers into customers. The advantages of using social media for organizations are truly impressive as it allows you to build a social media following and establish stronger connections with new, old, and recent customers.

According to a Forbes survey, 70 percent of customers who receive prompt responses on social media claim they will suggest the brand to others, increasing your fan base. Every blog post, status update, image shared, comments or video uploaded on social media creates an opportunity for someone to react, which increases your site visitors.

Increases Conversion Rate

Because social media has a 100 percent greater lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing, the benefits of social media marketing result in higher conversion rates in several ways.

Social media marketing allows brands and businesses to become more human by interacting with audiences on social media platforms, which influences prospects to convert and become loyal customers. Followers on social media have a higher level of trust in your brand, which encourages them to visit your website and to enjoy your products and services. If your target audiences are middle-aged working professionals, for example, you might include some social media perks for them in your updates to entice and persuade them to use your products or services.

Increases Brand Equity and Facilitates Long-Term Audience Growth

The exciting increase in long-term audience and brand equity is another benefit of social media marketing for businesses. The social media followers you gain through your social profile are more likely to stick with you for a long time, and they also influence more users, resulting in increased sales and ROI.

When your social media page has a following, you can be sure that all of your postings concerning a certain product or service will result in sales. If you want to understand how social media helps businesses, consider the following scenario: your social media page has 10,000+ followers who view all of your product and service updates that may be of interest to them and subsequently make a purchase.

An increase in the number of followers and proper interaction with them helps to boost a company’s brand equity. A good social media marketing plan helps companies develop a positive image in the minds of customers and increase brand equity.

Uses data analytics to target your audience in a conversion-oriented way

Because social media is so data-rich, it makes using data analytics tools to study your competition, learn your customers’ preferences, target different categories, and discover your target audience in the most competent and conversion-oriented manner.

Geotargeting, in which marketers target people within a particular mile radius of their business location, is another benefit of social media marketing for businesses. Social media is one of the few advertising tools that can identify people within a 10-mile radius of your particular company location, allowing you to attract more walk-in clients and increase your sales.

Another significant advantage of social media marketing is advanced targeting. This allows you to target people who are fans of specific brands. On Twitter, you can target people who work in certain industries, but on LinkedIn, you can target people who work in specific industries. With promoted pins on Pinterest, you can even target people who are looking for specific keywords.

One of the most valuable features of social media marketing for businesses is the ability to track results. The social media result monitoring function allows marketers to track sales, email subscriptions, and website traffic.


With so many benefits social media marketing for businesses has to offer, if your company doesn’t already have the right social media presence, this is the time.

To start gaining followers, fill out your company’s details and keep posting interesting content. Invite people related to your business to “like” and “share” your business profile. The appropriate social media marketing approach is sure to result in increased traffic, better SEO, higher conversion rates, improved brand loyalty, and much more with constant updating.

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Which of the following is a benefit of social media marketing for businesses quizlet?

A benefit of marketing with social networks is: companies can build brand awareness. A benefit of marketing with social networks is: companies can conduct market research. A benefit of marketing with social networks is: companies can use them as a distribution channel for marketing messages.

Which of the following is a benefit of social media marketing?

Increase trustworthiness and brand recognition. Increase levels of customer service and satisfaction. Foster online community and tell authentic stories. Become part of the zeitgeist.

Which among the following is the benefit of social media in business?

Benefits of social media for business attract customers, get customer feedback and build customer loyalty. increase your market reach, including international markets. do market research and reduce marketing costs. increase revenue by building customer networks and advertising.

What are the advantages of social media marketing for your business?

Why is Social Media Important For Your Business?.
Builds Brand Awareness and Recognition. ... .
Generates Conversation Around Your Brand. ... .
Helps Understand Your Target Customers' Interests. ... .
Provides Platforms to Tell Your Brand's Story. ... .
Helps You Gather Data About Your Audience. ... .
Helps Provide Responsive Customer Service..