Which of the following is a basic criterion for successfully segmenting markets?

Market segmentation is a marketing technique that almost all companies practice. The process provides marketing strategists with data for a better understanding of their market, allowing them to create more personalized and profitable strategies. This practice is important for companies because it minimizes the amount of time, money, and effort marketing strategists put in certain campaigns.  

So what are the requirements for effective market segmentation? Effective segmentation should be measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable, and actionable. When a company has segmented their market accordingly, there is a higher chance that it will become more profitable and successful in the long run. 

5 Requirements for Effective Segmentation

Identifying the requirements for effective market segmentation allows companies to create marketing campaigns that are essential for their growth and development. Here are the five criteria for effective market segmentation:  


The size and purchasing power profiles of your market should be measurable, meaning there is quantifiable data available about it. A consumer’s profiles and data provides marketing strategists with the necessary information on how to carry out their campaigns. 

It would be difficult to create advertisements for markets that have little to no data or for audiences that can’t be measured. Always ask whether there is a market for the kind of product or service that your business wants to produce then define how many possible customers and consumers are in that market. 

2. Accessible

Accessibility means that customers and consumers are easily reached at an affordable cost. This helps determine how certain ads can reach different target markets and how to make ads more profitable. 

A good question to ask is whether it’s more practical to place ads online, on print, or out of house. For example, gather data on the websites a specific target market usually visits so you can place more advertisements on those websites instead. 

3. Substantial

The market a brand should want to penetrate should be a substantial number. You should clearly define a consumer’s profiles by gathering data on their age, gender, job, socio-economic status, and purchasing power.  

It doesn’t make sense to try and reach an unjustifiable number of people — you’re just wasting resources. However, you also don’t want to market the brand to a group too small that the business doesn’t become profitable. 

4. Differentiable

When segmenting the market, you should make sure that different target markets respond differently to different marketing strategies. If a business is only targeting one segment, then this might not be as much of an issue. 

But for example, if your target market is college students, then it’s essential to create a marketing strategy that both freshman students and senior students react to in the same positive way. This process ensures that you are creating strategies that are more efficient and cost-effective.

5. Actionable

Lastly, your market segments need to be actionable, meaning that they have practical value. A market segment should be able to respond to a certain marketing strategy or program and have outcomes that are easily quantifiable. 

As a business owner, it’s important to identify what kind of marketing strategies work for a certain segment. Once those strategies have been identified, ask yourself if the business is capable of carrying out that strategy. 

CRM Solutions at Commence

Market segmentation is one of the most important components of your business’ marketing strategy. Commence CRM provides businesses with CRM solutions and programs to help them effectively reach their target market. Our experts equip companies with the proper technology and software to make it more profitable and successful. Find out how Commence CRM can help your business by giving us a call today. 

Alessandro Iannuzzi

Alessandro Iannuzzi

UX Lead at Deloitte FA Ventures | ADPList Mentor

Published Jul 30, 2014

Market segmentation is practised by most businesses in one form or another, as a way of streamlining their marketing strategy by dividing broad-based target markets into specific groups of consumers, and devising marketing methods that will appeal to each group.

Identifying viable segments

Clearly defined market segmentation criterianot only ensure that customers are more likely to identify – and purchase – the product that is right for them; it also minimises wastage of resources, reducing the time spent marketing the wrong products to the wrong customers. It is important, however, to focus resources on market segments whose size, growth and profitability is good, both immediately and in the long run. The following 5 market segmentation criteria should be useful when planning your own company’s market segmentation strategy.

A market segment should be:

  1. Measurable: Market segments are usually measured in terms of sales value or volume (i.e. the number of customers within the segment). Reliable market research should be able to identify the size of a market segment to a reasonable degree of accuracy, so that strategists can then decide whether, how, and to what extent they should focus their efforts on marketing to this segment.
  2. Substantial: Simply put, there would be no point in wasting marketing budget on a market segment that is insufficiently large, or has negligible spending power. A viable market segment is usually a homogenous group with clearly defined characteristics such as age group, socio-economic background and brand perception. Longevity is also important here: no market segmentation expert would recommend focussing on an unstable customer group that is likely to disperse, or change beyond recognition within a year or two.
  3. Accessible: When demarcating a market segment, it is important to consider how the group might be accessed and, crucially, whether this falls within the strengths and abilities of the company’s marketing department. Different segments might respond better to outdoor advertising, social media campaigns, television infomercials, or any number of other approaches.
  4. Differentiable: An ideal market segment should be internally homogeneous (i.e. all customers within the segment have similar preferences and characteristics), but externally heterogeneous. Differences between market segments should be clearly defined, so that the campaigns, products and marketing tools applied to them can be implemented without overlap.
  5. Actionable: The market segment must have practical value – its characteristics must provide supporting data for a marketing position or sales approach, and this in turn must have outcomes that are easily quantified, ideally in relation to the existing measurements of the market segment as defined by initial market research.

A good understanding of the principles of market segmentation is an important building block of your company’s marketing strategy – the foundation for an efficient, streamlined and ultimately successful approach to customers, and a means of targeting your products and services accurately, with the minimum of wastage.

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