Which of the following group is not considered an external user of accounting information

External users of financial information may include the following: owners, creditors, potential investors, labor unions, governmental agencies, suppliers, customers, trade associations, and the general public.

Answer and Explanation: d) Managers are not considered external users of financial statements. Managers are internal users of the financial information for planning and decision making. Creditors and labor unions have a significant role in the business and are external users of financial statements.

Who are external users of accounting information 11?

External Users

Such users include investors, creditors, suppliers, customers, banks, financial institutions, government, existing shareholders, potential shareholder and supplier of raw materials etc.

Which of the following is the user of accounting information?

Users of accounting information are internal and external. External users are creditors, investors, government, trading partners, regulatory agencies, international standardization agencies, journalists and internal users are owners, directors, managers, employees of the company.

Which of the following is not an internal users of accounting information Mcq?

Creditors are not the internal users.

Which of the following is the example of external users of accounting information Mcq?

Government is an external user of the accounting information as it is not part of the business.

Who are the external users of information Short answer?

External users of information include present and potential Investors (shareholders), Creditors (Banks and other Financial Institutions, Debenture holders and other Lenders) , Tax Authorities, Regulatory Agencies (Department of Company Affairs,Register of Companies), Securities Exchange Board of India,Labour Unions,

What is internal and external users in accounting?

Internal users include managers and other employees who use financial information to confirm past results and help make adjustments for future activities. External users are those outside of the organization who use the financial information to make decisions or to evaluate an entity’s performance.

What is an external user?

Definition: An external user is a person outside of an organization who does not directly run its operations and uses financial or accounting information about that company to make decisions. In other words, it’s someone who doesn’t manage or work for a company but uses its financial information.

Which of the following is not a user of accounting information?

All of these answers choices are external users. Internal users are people inside the business. Examples include employees, management, and owners. External users are people outside the business.

Why external users need accounting information?

They need information so that they could make investment decisions. They use accounting information to decide whether to buy, hold, or sell ownership shares of a business entity. Their decisions might depend on the analysis of past financial performance of the company and its financial position.

Which of the following are considered external users of financial statements?

Banks, financial institutions and investors are considered as external users.

Which one of the following is an external user with a financial interest?

External users of financial information may include the following: owners, creditors, potential investors, labor unions, governmental agencies, suppliers, customers, trade associations, and the general public.

Which of the following is not an example of an internal user of accounting information?

Creditors are not the internal users.

Which of the following is not an external user of enterprises?

Management is not an external user.

External users typically include potential investors, principal shareholders, commodity suppliers, government officials, the general public, prospective customers, and key employees.

Which of the following is the example of external users of accounting information Mcq?

Government is an external user of the accounting information as it is not part of the business.

Who are the internal and external users of information?

Internal users include managers and other employees who use financial information to confirm past results and help make adjustments for future activities. External users are those outside of the organization who use the financial information to make decisions or to evaluate an entity’s performance.

Which of the following is not the users of financial statements?

Explanation: lenders are not internal user of financial statement.

Who are the external users?

External users are people outside the business entity (organization) who use accounting information. Examples of external users are suppliers, banks, customers, investors, potential investors, and tax authorities.

Which of the following is the external users of financial statements?

Investors. Investors are the most common external users of financial statements.

Which of the following is not considered an external user of accounting?

Answer and Explanation: d) Managers are not considered external users of financial statements.

Which of the following is considered an external user of accounting information?

Shareholders since not related to the management of business operations are considered as external users.

Which of the following is not a user of accounting information?

Creditors are not the internal users.