Which of the following enables a single physical resource such as a server or a storage device to appear to the user as multiple logical resources answer choices?


Virtualization is a term that refers to the abstraction of computer resources. It is commonly defined as a technology that introduces a software abstraction layer between the hardware, operating system and applications running on top of it. More recently, virtualization at all levels (system, storage, and network) became important again as a way to improve system security, reliability and availability, reduce costs, and provide greater flexibility. Virtualization was first developed in 1960’s by IBM Corporation, which partition large mainframe computer into several logical instances and to run on single physical mainframe hardware as the host. Two primary benefits offered by any virtualization technology are ( Sahoo, J., Mohapatra, S., & Lath, R. 2010 ). (i)Resource sharing - Unlike in non-virtualized environment where all the resources are dedicated to the running programs, in virtualized environment the VMs shares the physical resources such as memory, disk and network devices of the underlying host. (ii)Isolation - One of the key issues in virtualization provides isolation between virtual machines that are running on the same physical hardware. Programs running in one virtual machine cannot see programs running in another virtual machine. Learn more in: An Evolutionary Approach for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing


Is the consolidation of operating systems deployed with several physical servers into one physical server for the better utilization of computer infrastructures (resources), that is, enables their simultaneous use in different systems. Computer networks, programs, and operating systems are virtualized. Learn more in: Application of Cloud Computing in Companies


The division of a computer into multiple execution environments so that one level (e.g. the physical) can be abstracted from another (e.g. the operating system). Learn more in: Cloud Computing


Virtualization is a key technology to create cloud computing platform. Unused resources can be effectively utilized, based on the requirement resources can be scaled using this technology compared to physical resource scaling. Entire existing OS along with all its application also can be moved to a virtual machine or vice versa also possible. Virtualization is simulating hardware and/or software to run on top of hardware and/or software. Learn more in: Security Issues in Cloud Computing


A form of abstraction that provides location- and technology-transparent access of resources to the consumer. It decouples the tight connections between providers and consumers of resources, thus allowing sharing of the same resources by multiple users as needs arise. Learn more in: Database Integration in the Grid Infrastructure


The passage from the actual state of being to the virtual. The actual is a manifest state that tries to solve a problem in a creative manner, but when this creative solution is questioned again it is re-articulated and virtualized. It is a process of dematerialization but at the same time of thinking, inspiring, reasoning, and connecting different (and often non-obvious) actors. Learn more in: Designing Pervasive Virtual Worlds


In computing, virtualization refers to the act of creating virtual resources, including virtual computer hardware platforms, storage devices, and computer network resources. Virtualization is as old as computer science but became very popular with the hardware improvement in particular in chipset industry and the development of Linux. The different virtualization technologies are heavily used by the cloud computing industry. Virtualization is also a key driver for the development of the web technologies especially on distributed storage, big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Learn more in: The Open Source Community Choice: Automate or Die!


Virtualization is the process of creating a software based (or virtual) representation of something rather than a physical one. Virtualization can apply to applications, servers, storage and networks and is the single most effective way to reduce IT expenses while boosting efficiency and agility for all size businesses (Vmware, 2016 AU129: The in-text citation "Vmware, 2016" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ). Learn more in: Resource Provisioning and Scheduling of Big Data Processing Jobs


A form of abstraction that provides location- and technology-transparent access of resources to the consumer. It decouples the tight connections between providers and consumers of resources, thus allowing sharing of the same resources by multiple users as needs arise. Learn more in: Accessing Grid Metadata through a Web Interface


Virtualization one of the key technology used in cloud computing. Virtualization allows multiple OS to run on a single physical machine. All computing resources are provided to the client through Virtualization. It increases the resource utilization because same hardware can be used by multiple user. One of the important features of the Virtualization is the live migration, a process of transferring the virtual machine from one physical machine to another physical machine. Since the load on the virtual machine can be changed dynamically, so there is a possibility when the current physical machine is unable to fulfill the resource requirement of the virtual machine. This problem can be addressed either by adding the extra resources to the physical machine or by migrating the virtual machine. Live migration of the virtual machine is useful in the case server failure, server maintenance, load balancing, hot spot mitigation and severs consolidation. Learn more in: An Overview on the Virtualization Technology


Is the process when the real processes and phenomena are replaced by the virtual forms. On the one hand, it deals with the creation of digital analogs and simulations of the real culture objects and on the other hand, it deals with the creativity of the new cyberspace and its phenomena. Learn more in: Existential Aspects of the Development E-Culture


Is mechanism to create virtual version of a real thing. Virtualization of a machine normally creates virtual versions of the machine, meaning several independent virtual machines for different purposes can be generated. In cloud computing, virtualization is used to generate virtual servers or virtual resources (such as storage) dynamically. Learn more in: Outsourcing Computing Resources through Cloud Computing


Is mechanism to create virtual version of a real thing. Virtualization of a machine normally creates virtual versions of the machine, meaning several independent virtual machines for different purposes can be generated. In cloud computing, virtualization is used to generate virtual servers or virtual resources (such as storage) dynamically. Learn more in: From Information Systems Outsourcing to Cloud Computing


Virtualization adds on to the hardware flexibility and makes software deployments and redeployments easier and more efficient, without actually being connected to a specific physical server. Learn more in: Cloud Computing in Tourism


A technique common in computing, consisting in the creation of virtual (rather than actual) instance of any element, so it can be managed and used independently. Virtualization has been one of the key tools for resource sharing and software development, and now it is beginning to be applied to the network disciplines. Learn more in: Network Functions Virtualization: Going beyond the Carrier Cloud

What is an integrated circuit which contains two or more processors to enhance performance and reduce power consumption?

A multicore processor is an integrated circuit that has two or more processor cores attached for enhanced performance and reduced power consumption. These processors also enable more efficient simultaneous processing of multiple tasks, such as with parallel processing and multithreading.

Which type of infrastructure service stores and manages corporate data and provides capabilities for analyzing the data group of answer choices?

Data management services that store and manage corporate data and provide capabilities for analyzing the data.

What uses individual atoms and molecules to create computer chips and other devices?

A field of science whose goal is to control individual atoms and molecules to create computer chips and other devices that are thousands of times smaller than current technologies permit. Current manufacturing processes use lithography to imprint circuits on semiconductor materials.

Which of the following involves practices and technologies to minimize the environmental effects of manufacturing and managing computing device?

Which of the following involves practices and technologies to minimize the environmental effects of manufacturing and managing computing devices? quantum computing.