Which of the following conclusions about the Treaty of Versailles is most directly supported by the passage?

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Terms in this set (52)

The passage is best understood in the context of which of the following political movements?

The fight for independence in South America

Which of the following best explains the motivation behind the Zimmerman telegram?

Commit Germany to military aiding Mexico

The reference to territory lost is best seen as evidence of which of the following in Mexican American relations?

U.S. expansion of its land borders by conquering neighboring territories.

The author of this text expresses a belief in which of the following as requirements for a properly functioning legal System?

Morality and justice

Taken together, the two sources best illustrate which of the following aspects of political philosophy in the period circa 1750-1900 c.e.?

Constitutions around the world decreed representative governments for their citizens.

Which of the following is most directly responsible for the creation of these constitutions?

Revolts organized by provincial elites in Latin American nations

What is the historical background for Adolf Hitler's condemnation of the Treaty of Versailles mentioned in Source 1?

A widespread belief in Germany that it had been unfairly treated at the end of World War I

Winston Churchill's speech in Source 2 is best understood in the context of which of the following?

British fears about a possible invasion attempt by Nazi Germany

The above political cartoon best illustrates which political concept?


The order of the countries shown in the cartoon—Serbia-Austria-Russia-Germany-France—supports which of the following statements?

Russia supported Serbia; France supported Russia.

Countries that also took part in World War I for varying amounts of time included which of the following?

Bulgaria, Italy, and the United States

The report best reflects which of the following goals of public education systems in the period before the First World War?

Instilling feelings of nationalism

The conditions referred to in the report were most directly a result of which of the following developments?

The emergence of new Balkan states as the Ottoman Empire declined

The petition best supports which of the following conclusions?

Peasant notions of social status and social hierarchy were at odds with Bolshevik notions of class formation and class consciousness

Which of the following was most directly a cause of the inequalities in land ownership among the Russian peasantry referred to by the petitioners?

The abolition of serfdom

The Bolshevik policies decried by the petitioners in the passage would be carried to their logical conclusion in which later Soviet policy?

The policy of liquidating the kulaks as a class and the formation of collective farms

The image above best illustrates which of the following conditions of World War I?

Combatants drew on their colonial populations to aid in the war effort

A historian researching the impact of World War I outisde of Europe would most likely find the image as a useful source of information about

who composed the colonial armies of European countries.

Which of the following best explains the motivation behind the Zimmerman telegram?

Commit Germany to military aiding Mexico

The reference to territory lost is best seen as evidence of which of the following in Mexican American relations?

U.S. expansion of its land borders by conquering neighboring territories.

Which of the following was an important contuity underlying the political inertaction between Germany and Mexico in the Telegram?

Twentieth-century military conflicts occurred on a unprecedented global scale.

Compared to the administration of colonies and territories described in the passage, European practices concerning colonial adminstration following World War I differ in that

there was little real effort to promote self governance, and Europeans often reneged on promised liberties

Which of the following conclusions about the Treaty of Versailles is most directly supported by the passage?

Despite grand ambitions to render large scale war obsolete, the treaty essentially reset the stage for other conflicts.

The ideas expressed in the excerpt differed from the prevailing United States approach to foreign policy issues primarily in that Roosevelt was

arguing to expand the role of the United States in the world

Which of the following best represents continuity in the years after 1945 with the ideas that Roosevelt expressed in the excerpt?

United States membership in an international collective security organization

The Industrial Revolution encouraged imperialism by creating a need for

raw materials and new markets.

The Wahhabi Islamic reform movement

wanted to return to Muhammad's original teachings.

Which empire was in decline when Britain began turning its eye towards India as a commercial and political interest?

the Mughal empire

What peasant rebellion in China almost toppled the Qing dynasty and caused between 20 to 30 million Chinese deaths?

the Taiping Rebellion

At the Berlin Conference, it was agreed that a European power could NOT claim any part of Africa unless it

had set up a government office in the area

The boundary lines on the map (Source 1) reflect which of the following?

European economic and political concerns

The reference in Source 2 to "superior races" and "inferior races" reflect which of the following attitudes?

The idea that African peoples would benefit from European cultural influence

Which of the following describes a negative short-term effect of the European colonization of Africa?

Famines occurred when African farmers were forced to grow crops for export.

The Indian National Congress believed in

eventual self-rule but supported Western-style modernization

Which African country was able to resist European colonization and maintain its independence?


Which imperial power relied on sultans, chiefs, or other local rulers to govern their colonies?

the British

How did British colonial rule affect Indian agriculture?

clearing new farmlands led to deforestation

In 1898, the new German empire hoped to increase its influence as an imperialist power by

building a Berlin-to-Baghdad railway

Frere's speech is best understood in the context of which of the following?

Governments expanding and consolidating their empires using their increasing industrial power

Which of the following best explains Frere's characterization of the time of his speech as the "Railway Period" in British India?

railways opened up access to interior markets and resources for British commercial interests.

Based on the map and your knowledge of world history, which of the following likely accounts for the westernmost end of the cable in Egypt?

The Suez Canal was a strategic outpost for communications with Europe.

Technologies like the telegraph cable depicted in the map above had which of the following effects on empires in the period 1750-1900 c.e.?

Empires were able to grow much larger as messages
and information could travel at very rapid speeds.

The interactions described in the passage are best understood in the context of which of the following?

New Imperialism

Which of the following conclusions about the period from 1750 to 1900 is most directly supported by the first passage?

Imperialism was driven by the need for raw materials

The passages above can best be connected with which of the following forms of violence?

Killing of civilians during wartime

According to the second passage, the Cawnpore Massacre

can be viewed as a reaction to the systemic brute force with which the British governed India

Which of the following best explains the overall population trend shown in the table?

The spread of epidemic diseases as a result of contact with Westerners

According to the passage and your knowledge of world history, this speech led to the creation of laws that did which of the following?

Established public health care and pensions

Otto von Bismarck likely made this speech in reaction to which of the following issues?

Negative effects attributed to industrial capitalism

The long-term effects of Otto von Bismarck's speech include which of the following?

Development of socialized programs throughout much of Europe

For which reason does the cartoonist imply that the United States discriminated against Chinese immigrants?

Revenge for the Boxer uprising

Which of the following would the cartoonist argue is an undesirable characteristic in a migrant coming to the United States?

Political radicalism

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