Which of the following best explains the changes seen in S Pistillata in response to the changing water conditions?

1. Many species of corals are threatened by theincreasing temperatures and decreasingpHofocean waters. One species,Stylophora pistillata, has been found to thrive inwater that is warmer and has a lowerpHthanthe water that corals typically thrive in.Additionally, researchers have found that thetolerance for the new water conditions isheritable.Which of the following statements best explainsthe changes seen inS. pistillatain response tothe changing water conditions?Which of the following best supports theresearcher’s claim?(A)The corals’ adaptation is an example ofnatural selection because the tolerance isin response to a changing environmentand has a genetic basis.(B)The corals’ adaptation is an example of thefounder effect because the majority ofcorals do not have a tolerance for warmerwater.(C)The corals’ adaptation is an example ofgenetic drift because the change was achance event and not the result ofselection in response to environmentalchange.(D)The corals’ adaptation is an example ofadaptive radiation because it has resultedin a wide range of species adapting to thenew ocean conditions.(A)The bonds between guanine and cytosineare covalent bonds, which require moreenergy to disrupt than those betweenadenine and thymine.(B)Guanine-cytosine pairs denature at a highertemperature because they have morehydrogen bonds between them thanadenine-thymine pairs do.(C)Adenine-thymine pairs require less energyto separate because adenine and thymineare both single-ring bases.(D)Guanine-cytosine pairs require moreenergy to separate because one is a purineand one is a pyrimidine.2. A researcher measured the temperature at whichtwo different samples of double-strandedDNAdenature (separate into single strands). Sample1denatured at a significantly lower temperaturethan sample2did. Based on the data, theresearcher claims that theDNAin sample2iscomposed of a higher percentage of guanine andcytosine than theDNAin sample1is.

Which of the following best explains why this particular strain of bacteria is resistant to antibiotic treatment?

Which of the following best explains why this particular strain of bacteria is resistant to antibiotic treatment? The bacteria have high genetic variability and high reproductive rates.

Which of the following best explains the mechanism that maintains the reproductive isolation between goats and sheep?

Which of the following best explains the mechanism that maintains reproductive isolation between goats and sheep? The two species have a different number of chromosomes, resulting in a postzygotic barrier.

Which of the following provides the best explanation of the scientists claim regarding the threat to the Cavendish?

which of the following provides the best explanation of the scientist claim regarding the threat to the Cavendish banana? he lack of genetic diversity of the Cavendish banana decreases the chance..

Which of the following provides the best explanation of the scientists claim regarding the threat to the Cavendish banana ?'?

Which of the following provides the best explanation of the scientists' claim regarding the threat to the Cavendish banana? The triploid genome of the Cavendish banana makes it susceptible to the negative impact of recessive alleles.