Which of the following best describes European entry into the trade in African slaves in the 1430s?





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  1. Arts and Humanities
  2. History
  3. History of the Americas

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Terms in this set (60)


What was the capital of the Songhai Empire?


Prior to 1400, what was the most valuable commodity exported by West African states?

European use of African slaves transformed the trade.

Which of the following best describes European entry into the trade in African slaves in the 1430s?

Europe was no longer dominated by a single religion.

Which of the following best describes the impact of the Reformation on European Christianity?

Spanish territory in North America was much larger than English territory.

Looking at Map 1.4 "Spanish, English, and French Settlements in North America in the Sixteenth Century," which of these was true by 1600?

to find a rumored inland empire

Why did Spain send expeditions into what is today the American Southwest?

Plains Indians

What people found their way of life most transformed by adopting the horse for travel?

His writings led to a revival of interest in colonization.

What was the main impact of Richard Hakluyt on English colonization in North America?

The Aztecs were one of several groups inhabiting Mesoamerica.

According to Map 1.1, "North American Culture Areas, c. 1500," which of the following statements was true of Mesoamerica around 1500?

river systems

The factor which seems to have played the largest role in the trade networks of the Mississippian culture was the __________.

Caravels were built for ocean voyages.

Why was the caravel important to the voyages of discovery of the 1400s and 1500s?

The Americas had experienced contact with other world regions prior to 1492.

Which of these would have lessened the impact of the Columbian Exchange

the Aztecs

Which of the following groups were dominant in the 1400s in what is present-day Mexico?

Great Basin

The Utes, Paiutes, and Shoshones all inhabited which culture area?


Which country was united by the union of Isabella and Ferdinand?


What was Columbus's planned destination in his voyage of 1492?


Which of these were the soldiers that became an important element in the Spanish conquest of the Americas?


English colonization of North America first took place under which monarch?

dwindling returns from hunting and fishing

Agriculture among Native Americans was apparently spurred by __________.

trade networks

Which of these linked Native American groups across North America prior to 1500?

The Plains Indians tended to move more frequently.

How did the Plains Indians differ from groups such as the Zunis and Mississippians?


Prior to 1600, what natural resource attracted French voyages to North America?

New Netherland

Peter Stuyvesant was governor of __________


Who came to control Parliament under Charles I?

New Netherland

New York and New Jersey were formerly what colony?

New Netherland under Dutch rule became a haven for religious refugees.

The Jewish community established in what is today New York City illustrates which of these?

expanded settlement of the Virginia colony

What was the impact of the establishment of the headright system?

pressure from the Protestant majority

What spurred the passage of the Maryland colony's Act for Religious Toleration?

colonial representative assemblies

The Virginia House of Burgesses was an example of __________.

a gender imbalance and high mortality rates

In the Chesapeake colonies, a society developed that differed substantially from that of England. What was the main factor in this development?

They wanted a chance to establish a society according to their religious ideals.

Which of these explains the arrival of the Puritans in the New World?

were banished from the Massachusetts Bay colony

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson both __________.

was founded as a proprietary colony

Pennsylvania differed from Plymouth Colony because it __________.

New England had the largest population by 1700.

Looking at Figure 2.1, "European Populations of New France (Quebec) and English Colonies in 1650 and 1700," which of the following is an accurate description of the growth of North American colonies?


Unlike immigrants to the West Indies and the Chesapeake colonies, immigrants to New England were likely to be __________.

As British imports of tobacco increased, the price of tobacco declined.

Looking at Figure 2.2, "The Supply and Price of Chesapeake Tobacco, 1620-1700," which of the following is true?

in loss of population from 1650 to 1700

Looking at Figure 2.1, "European Populations of New France (Quebec) and English Colonies in 1650 and 1700," how did the Caribbean colonies differ from other English colonies?

the Appalachians

Looking at Map 2.3, "English North American Colonies, c. 1685," what limited western expansion of the English colonies in North America in 1685?

beaver pelts

What North American product was the focus of the most intense competition in the 1600s and 1700s?

converting Indians to Christianity

"Praying towns" were established in New England for what purpose?

indentured servants

Which of the following were largely replaced by black slaves in the late 1600s and early 1700s?

religious persecution

What was the cause of increased emigration from France in the 1700s?

free labor

Which of these forms of labor dominated in New England around 1750

Indians profited from interaction with the French.

How did French interaction with Native Americans differ from that of the Spanish?

indirectly, through trade

How did Europeans provoke increased conflict among Native Americans in the Great Lakes region?

Europeans helped to expand a preexisting system of enslavement.

Which of the following best describes the impact of European slave traders on slavery in Africa?

expanding use of slaves—more rigid racial distinctions

Which of the following reflects the correlation between slavery and race relations in North America in the 1600s and 1700s?

Slavery was most common where commercial farming dominated

The existence of slavery in southeastern Pennsylvania illustrates what pattern concerning slavery in North America in the 1700s?

isolated regions

Where were maroon settlements most likely to appear?

being unsuccessful

The Stono Rebellion of 1739 resembled the other major uprisings in __________.

Virginia was committed to slave labor by this time.

Looking at Map 3.2, "Ethnic Distribution of Settler Population in British Mainland Colonies, c.1755," which of these patterns is apparent?

French missionary activity followed French trading routes.

Looking at Map 3.1, "Spanish and French Missions in Seventeenth-Century North America," which of the following is true?

The slave population of the Chesapeake colonies increased tenfold between1700 and 1750.

Referring to Figure 3.2, "Estimated Population of Black and White Settlers in British Colonial Regions, 1650-1750," which of the following is true?

The Spanish control was much more direct and coercive.

How did the Spanish influence over Native Americans differ from the French influence?

greater distinctions between slaves and free people

The slave codes established __________.

tensions among English colonists

Bacon's rebellion was an expression of __________.

It established peaceful relations with neighboring Indians.

How did the Pennsylvania colony differ most from the other English colonies?

religious asylums

Rhode Island and Maryland were both founded as __________


What empire grew largely by controlling trade across the Sahara?

The Portuguese tried to circumvent trade routes monopolized by Muslim merchants.

How did Muslim traders in Africa spur Portuguese exploration of sub-Saharan Africa?

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