Which of the following are true about companies that are predominantly project organizations such as construction or software firms?





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Terms in this set (55)

Project management systems need to balance the organizational structure and that of the project group with respect to ___.

-scope creation


When projects are organized within the functional organization, coordination is maintained through __________________ management channels


Who typically coordinates a project when one functional area plays a dominant role, or has a dominant interest, in a project being executed with a functional organization structure?

-A high ranking manager from that area
-The project sponsor
-The entire management staff
-The project "customer" for an internal project

a high ranking manager from that area

What is an advantage of the functional organization structure?

-new skill sets gained by team members
-team members are fixed for the life of the project
-in-depth expertise is available

In depth expertise is available

When projects are completed using a functional project management organization, it typically takes ____________ to complete projects through its functional arrangement


When deciding on a project management structure, the needs of the parent organization and the project have to be balanced in all of these terms EXCEPT for:

-how authority will be delegated
-how team members will be evaluated
-how project outcomes will be used
-how resources will be allocated

how team members will be evaluated

_______________ project teams operate as units separate from the rest of the parent organization.


In a functional organization, coordination of projects is maintained through _____.

-normal channels
-the project portfolio office
-the project sponsor

normal channels

Which of the following is FALSE about companies that are predominantly project organizations, such as construction or software firms?

-personnel may work on multiple projects at the same time
-the organization is structured around the projects
-functional departments exist to be support staff for project teams
-functional departments, as in classic organizations, do not exist

functional departments, as in classic organizations, do not exist

A functional structure is best suited when a single department has what two things?

-dominant interest
-dominant role
-surplus of resources
-project sponsor

dominant interest & dominant role

Which are the two primary benefits of using a dedicated project management structure.


faster & simpler

The advantages of a functional project organization include what two things?.

-easy post-project transition
-focus on regular work maintained
-maximum flexibility in the use of staff
-quicker completion time

easy post-project transition & maximum flexibility in the use of staff

The lack of horizontal (direct) lines of communication in a functional project organization will generally cause a longer project completion time due to...

-delayed realization of the impact of other team members work
-team members not keeping their supervisor/manager informed

delayed realization of the impact of other team members work

What are 3 weaknesses of the project team approach?

-limited technological expertise
-it is less expensive
-lower levels of conflict
-it is expensive
-difficult post-project transition

limited technological expertise, it is expensive, difficult post-project transition

Which of the following is a characteristic responsibility of the project manager on a dedicated project team?

-the project manager works part-time on the project
-the project manager recruits project team members
-the project manager sets the budget for the project

the project manager recruits project team members

Matrix management is a _____ organizational structure, in which a horizontal project management structure is overlaid on the normal functional structure.



In the case of firms where projects are the dominant form of business the entire organization is designed to support project teams. This type of organization is referred to in the literature as a _________________ organization


The ________________ structure is designed to utilize resources optimally by having individuals work on multiple projects as well as being capable of performing normal functional duties.


What two reasons would a company choose to create a dedicated project team structure if that is not their normal project approach?

-concern about post project team assignments
-the need for speed
-the need for a high level of cross functional integration
-concern over excess project cost

the need for speed & the need for a high level of cross functional integration

What differentiates a weak matrix project management structure from a functional project management structure?

-functional managers determine team members work priorities
-the weak matrix has a formally designated project manager
-functional managers determine schedules and project plans

the weak matrix has a formally designated project manager

What is an advantage of the functional organization structure?

-new skill sets gained by team members
-team members are fixed for the life of the project
-in-depth expertise is available

in depth expertise available

What is considered a potential negative result of utilizing dedicated project teams, especially in a historically functional organization?

-a "we-they" attitude
-lack of personal responsibility
-cross-functional integration

a "we-they" attitude

True or false: Matrix organizations face their greatest challenge in post-project transition.


True or false: In the matrix organizational structure, project team members report simultaneously to both functional and project managers.


Experts feel it takes how long for a matrix system to fully mature.

-up to six months
-up to a year
-1-2 years
-3-5 years
-five or more years

3-5 years

Which PMO type has its primary function to improve project execution?

Control Tower

Which PMO type has its goal to provide the organization with a cadre of trained project managers and professionals

Resource Pool

Which PMO type had direct authority over projects

Command and Control Center

Which PMO type has its primary function to track and monitor performance

Weather Station

Of the three types of matrix organizations, which has the best chance to diminish internal power struggles within team members?



Which organizational structure works best for projects?

-the functional organization structure
-the projectized organization structure
-the matrix organizational structure
-depends on the project and the organization

depends on the project and the organization

Which two are primary benefits of using a matrix type of project management structure.

-Dysfunctional conflict is avoided
-Relatively fast project completion
-Efficient use of resources
-Strong project focus

Efficient use of resources & Strong project focus

Which type of project management structure is preferred If a primary concern is resource availability and the continuation of business operations while implementing projects?

-Dedicated Project


With a matrix type of project management structure, ___________ may emerge as the members develop a strong team identity.


This type of PMO has direct authority over projects.

-Command and Control Center
-Resource Pool
-Control Tower
-Weather Station
-Control and oversight office

Command and control center

In general, what two reasons should be considered when selecting a management style for a project?

-type of project
-project managers expertise
-Organizational culture

type of project & organizational culture

There is empirical evidence that project success is directly linked to the amount of ____________ and _____________ project managers have over their projects.

autonomy & authority

Which 3 project factors should lead an organization toward a dedicated project team structure?

-large project size
-tight time restrictions
-repetitive project type
-type of industry
-high strategic importance

large project size, tight time restrictions, and high strategic importance

If large percentage of work involves projects, then an organization should consider a fully _______________ organization.


Which statement best describes the connection between corporate cultures and project management structure for success?

-Project structure influences corporate culture.
-Corporate culture and project structure are mutually exclusive in determining success.
-Culture influences project structure.

Culture influences project structure

Which are the project factors that should guide an organization in determining the type of project management structure to utilize?

-Type of industry.
-Strategic importance.
-External organizations involved.
-Number of departments involved.
-Project size.
-Stability of resource requirements.
-Budget and time restrictions.
-Type of product.

Project size.
Strategic importance.
Budget and time restrictions.
Stability of resource requirements.
External organizations involved.
Number of departments involved.

______________ projects are low-risk, short-term projects that involve minor adjustments in existing products and processes.


Which statement best describes the connection between corporate cultures and project management structure for success?

-Functional project management structure do not work in cultures that support cross-functional integration.
-Independent project teams should not be used unless the culture supports the need for speed and innovation.
-Matrix management structures are highly dependent upon company culture.
-Corporate culture will take a "back seat" to project management structure.

Matrix management structures are highly dependent upon company culture.

True or False: Evaluation of individual factors will clearly define company culture.


Which factors in organizational culture bind people together and create shared meaning?



A ___________ or ____________ culture is one that is not widely shared or practiced within a firm.

thin; weak

All of the following are good clues to determine an organization's culture except for?

-Personality stereotypes by geographic location
-Determining if the organization focuses on the people who make up the company
-Direct observation of how people interact with each other
-Studying the physical characteristics of the organization

Personality stereotypes by geographic location

All are the key reasons project managers have to be able to "read and speak" the culture in which they are working except for....

-To hire the vendors which best fit the organizational culture of the project team.
-To get buy-in from internal and external stakeholders.
-To influence team members to complete the project to the client's specifications.

To hire the vendors which best fit the organizational culture of the project team.

______________ helps define what is permissible and inappropriate behavior


No single organizational culture can guarantee project success, however it is clear that ___.

-the most successful cultures operate at the extremes of the various factors.
-an optimal culture would balance success with process.
-risk avoidance is key to project success.

an optimal culture would balance success with process.

Under adverse cultural conditions, to succeed, a project manager's authority of a project team should ___.

-operate using the weak or balance matrix model.
-be "significant", such as a strong matrix or a dedicated project team.
-operate using a functional organization.

be "significant", such as a strong matrix or a dedicated project team.

Research suggests 10 primary characteristics that can define culture. What can be said about how these organizational characteristics define company culture?

-The factors will have varying degrees of influence/utilization.
-All employees would exhibit common attitudes for each factor.
-Evaluation of individual factors will clearly define company culture.

The factors will have varying degrees of influence/utilization.

As an employee, which best describes how to define corporate culture?

-Seeing how people act to achieve career success.
-Paying close attention to the company's profits.

Seeing how people act to achieve career success.

The metaphor the textbook choose to describe the relationship between organizational culture and project management is that of a riverboat trip. _________ is the river and the _____________ is the boat.

culture; project

When the dominant organizational culture inhibits collaboration and innovation, it is advisable to insulate the project team from the dominant culture. Here it becomes necessary to create a ___________-____________ project team.


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