Which of the following are levels of Maslows hierarchy of needs choose every correct answer?

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Terms in this set (81)

The psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior are collectively called ______.


Which of the following are personal factors in motivation? (Choose every correct answer.)




A person evaluates whether the selected behavior has satisfied the need and whether it should be used again during the ______ stage.


Janeen's boss is so pleased with her sales performance during the past quarter that he gives her a bonus. In terms of the model of motivation, the bonus represents a(n) ______.

extrinsic reward

Brittani has worked long hours putting the finishing touches on a presentation to a major client, but she has a strong sense of self-satisfaction with her work and feels good about what she has accomplished. In terms of the model of motivation, this self-satisfaction would be categorized as a(n) ______.

intrinsic reward

Which statements about motivation are true? (Choose every correct answer.)

Multiple contextual and personal factors create motivation.

Motivation can only be inferred from a person's behavior.

Managers should be concerned with motivation because it is tied to worker ______.


Which of the following are contextual factors in motivation? (Choose every correct answer.)

Leader behavior

Communication technology

HR practices

One model of motivation starts with an unfulfilled need. List the rest of the steps in the correct order, with the first step at the top.





Which are principal perspectives on motivation? (Choose every correct answer.)




Job design

Raises and other monetary incentives are examples of ______ rewards.


Match each major perspective on motivation (on the left) with its description (on the right).


Emphasizes needs as motivators

Match each major perspective on motivation (on the left) with its description (on the right).


Focus on thoughts and perspectives that motivate behavior

Match each major perspective on motivation (on the left) with its description (on the right).

Job design

Focus on employee satisfaction and performance

Match each major perspective on motivation (on the left) with its description (on the right).


Based on notion that motivation is a function of behavioral consequences and not unmet needs

The satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment, that a person receives from performing a task is known as a(n) ______ reward.


What theories of motivation would be characterized as content perspectives? (Choose every correct answer.)

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

McClelland's acquired needs theory

Herzberg's two-factor theory

Which of the following are ways that motivation plays a role in an organization? (Choose every correct answer.)

It helps good people remain in the organization.

It keeps workers engaged and producing quality work.

It encourages employees go beyond the call of duty.

Hillary knows she needs a full-time job so she can buy groceries and clothing for her three children. Which level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs does this describe?


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, in order for Josephina to seek fulfillment of her love needs, she must first satisfy which of the following needs? (Choose every correct answer.)



Liu wants to better understand how to motivate employees at her company. Because she knows there is no single leading theory accepted by everyone on what motivates people, she looks into the top four perspectives: content, process, reinforcement, and ______.

job design

How should managers approach Maslow's theory?

It should be applied cautiously.

Match each perspective on motivation (on the left) with the theory or idea associated with it (on the right).


Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Match each perspective on motivation (on the left) with the theory or idea associated with it (on the right).


Expectancy theory

Match each perspective on motivation (on the left) with the theory or idea associated with it (on the right).

Job design

Scientific management theory

Match each perspective on motivation (on the left) with the theory or idea associated with it (on the right).


Motivation is a function of behavioral consequences

How does McClelland view needs?

Needs are something we learn from our culture.

Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior are called ______.


What are the needs identified by McClelland as the basis for motivation? (Choose every correct answer.)

Need for affiliation

Need for power

Need for achievement

The theory of motivation that asserts that people are motivated by physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization needs is ______ theory.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Regarding Maslow's theory of needs, which statements are true? (Choose every correct answer.)

Needs at the lowest level in the hierarchy must be met before an individual will seek to achieve needs at higher levels.

Needs are met in order from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy.

Actions are aimed at fulfilling the deprived needs.

Power that is used as a means to further organizational goals is known as ______ power.


Which statements about Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory are correct? (Choose every correct answer.)

Managers should first focus on meeting level 1 and level 2 needs.

Maslow's theory is popular with managers.

Maslow's theory shows that workers need more than a paycheck.

What is true of people who are motivated by the need for achievement?

They want fair and balanced feedback, both negative and positive.

The theory of motivation that asserts that achievement, affiliation, and power are the major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace is called ______.

McClelland's acquired needs theory

Which statements about employees who are motivated by a need for power are true? (Choose every correct answer.)

They like being publicly recognized for their responsibilities.

They enjoy being in control of events and people.

John has a strong desire to perform difficult tasks well. He is motivated by personal standards of excellence. John has a high need for ______.


People with a high need for affiliation ______.

seek social approval

Which of the following are levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? (Choose every correct answer.)





According to self-determination theory, people's behavior and well-being are influenced by what three innate needs?

Competence, autonomy and relatedness

According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, ______ power is expressed in an individual's desire to dominate others.


What is an example of an intrinsic reward?

Feeling independent

Leslie likes working on tasks that are challenging but still within her abilities. Leslie is most likely motivated by a need for ______.


Match the innate need identified by self-determination theory (on the left) with its description (on the right).


Feeling qualified, knowledgeable, and capable of completing a goal or task

Match the innate need identified by self-determination theory (on the left) with its description (on the right).


Feeling as though you have the freedom and discretion to determine what you want to do

Match the innate need identified by self-determination theory (on the left) with its description (on the right).


Feeling a sense of belonging and attachment to others

Most effective managers ______.

are motivated by a high need for power

What three experiences should managers foster when applying the self-determination theory to motivate employees? (Choose every correct answer.)




Darius works in sales. For him, the most important thing is to build satisfying personal relationships with his co-workers and clients. Darius is primarily motivated by a need for ______.


A survey showed that while most employees were pleased with the company's advancement opportunities and merit system, they were dissatisfied with factors such as pay scale and sharing an office with someone they disliked. These results exemplify which theory of motivation?

Two-factor theory

The theory of motivation that asserts that people are driven to try to grow and attain fulfillment, with their behavior and well-being influenced by the three innate needs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness, is known as the ______ theory.


According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, ______ are associated with job dissatisfaction.

hygiene factors

Self-determination theory is largely focused on ______.

intrinsic rewards and motivation

Which of the following would be characterized as motivating factors by Herzberg's two-factor theory? (Choose every correct answer.)



According to self-determination theory, what are the innate needs that people need to satisfy to achieve psychological growth? (Choose every correct answer.)




What is a current trend in employee engagement in developed countries?

It is declining.

How can managers use self-determination theory to foster the feeling of competence?

Provide tangible resources

True or false: According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, employers should first eliminate dissatisfying elements in the work place and then focus on adding incentives to motivate workers.


Which theory proposes that work satisfaction originates from motivating factors, and dissatisfaction originates from hygiene factors?

Herzberg's two-factor theory

Which perspectives on motivation are concerned with the thought progression that leads to people deciding how to act?

Process perspectives

Which of the following would be characterized as hygiene factors in Herzberg's two-factor theory? (Choose every correct answer.)

Working conditions


According to Herzberg, ______ factors are more frequently associated with achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and love of the work itself.


What does research show about job satisfaction? (Choose every correct answer)

More people were happy with their jobs in 2019 than in 2009.

Job satisfaction is strongly related to employees' experiences of meaningfulness.

Job satisfaction is lower when fewer jobs are available.

The basic lesson of Herzberg's research is that ______.

employers should attempt to eliminate job dissatisfaction before addressing job satisfaction

Equity theory is focused on explaining how people work to achieve which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)



Which theories of motivation are characterized as process perspectives? (Choose every correct answer.)

Equity theory

Expectancy theory

Goal-setting theory

In equity theory, the education, experience, and skills that individuals contribute to their organizations are examples of ______.


When analyzing the pay scale of her staff, Nanci saw that several equivalent positions in the department were paid at various rates. She felt that they needed to be balanced. Which aspect of equity theory is Nanci taking into consideration?


In equity theory, people compare their ______.

ratio of inputs and outputs to the ratio of others in similar jobs

The model of motivation called equity theory is based on which of the following ideas?

Employees want to see fairness in how they are rewarded for task performance.

When Jose compares his input/output ratio with that of his co-workers, he is satisfied that he is being treated fairly. What is Jose most likely to do as a result?

Support organizational change

According to equity theory, which of the following would be characterized as inputs? (Choose every correct answer.)




What types of justice are the components of organizational justice? (Choose every correct answer.)




In equity theory, the outputs received from an organization include which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)




What is a question that would be asked to evaluate procedural justice?

How fair is the method that management uses to determine the size of our performance bonuses?

According to equity theory, when people believe there is equity, they will ______.

continue their current behavior

According to equity and justice theories, organizational decisions ______.

should include input from the employees they will affect

What are the stages of Victor Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation? (Choose every correct answer.)

Performance to outcomes

Effort to performance

The concept of fitting jobs to people is based on what ideas? (Choose every correct answer.)

Employees are underutilized.

Employees want more responsibility, challenges, and variety.

Which traits are associated with job enlargement? (Choose every correct answer.)

It is the opposite of scientific management.

It increases variety.

It increases the number of tasks in a job.



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Which of the following are levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs choose every correct answer?

From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological (food and clothing), safety (job security), love and belonging needs (friendship), esteem, and self-actualization. Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs higher up.

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Hence, we can conclude that Individualism and collectivism are not included in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

How many levels are there in need hierarchy theory of motivation?

How many levels are there in Maslow's pyramid of needs? There are five levels in Maslow's pyramid. The bottom two levels are physiological needs and safety needs which, together, make up basic needs. Next are social and esteem needs—also referred to as psychological needs.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory identifies five levels of individual needs, ranging from physiological needs at the lowest level, through safety, social, and esteem needs, and finally to self-actualization needs at the highest level.