Which of the following are agencies that perform services rather than regulatory functions:

  • A person whose employment in an agency is subject to selection by the president and confirmation by the Senate is __________. (p. 405, objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. A political appointee
      b. A civil servant
      c. Part of the Senior Executive Service
      d. A governor
  • A system in which individuals receive positions in the government through noncompetitive means is known as __________. (p. 405, objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Government by gentlemen
      b. Patronage
      c. The civil service system
      d. The Senior Executive Service
  • A system that stresses the ability, education, and job performance of government employees rather than their political backgrounds is known as __________. (p. 407, objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Government by gentlemen
      b. Patronage
      c. Merit system
      d. The Senior Executive Service
  • When the U.S. Department of Education hires a company to administer the federal student loan program, this practice is an example of __________. (p. 409, objective two, CO5 and CO10, application)

      a. . Cronyism
      b. Proxy administration
      c. Discretion
      d. Appropriation
  • Federally initiated organizations designed to operate as if they were privately owned are known as __________. (p. 410, objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Independent agencies
      b. Government departments
      c. Regulatory commissions
      d. Government-sponsored enterprises
  • The agency that supervises matters relating to program and budget requests is the __________. (p. 411, objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Office of Management and Budget
      b. Congressional Budget Office
      c. Department of the Treasury
      d. Bureau of the Budget
  • Agencies that are led by presidentially appointed boards that make and enforce policies affecting varying sectors of the U.S. economy are known as __________. (p. 412, objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Independent agencies
      b. Government departments
      c. Regulatory commissions
      d. Government-sponsored enterprises
  • Government agencies that carry out specific economic or service functions and are organized in the same way as private corporations are __________. (p. 415, objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Independent agencies
      b. Government departments
      c. Independent regulatory commissions
      d. Government corporations
  • An alliance among apple farmers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and members of Congress is an example of a(n) __________. (p. 419, objective four, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Policy subgovernment
      b. Tricameral legislature
      c. Reelection coalition
      d. Political party
  • An employee who reports corruption in his or her agency to oversight officials is a __________. (p. 424, objective four, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Risk-taker
      b. Whistle-blower
      c. Person who will most certainly be fired
      d. Person whose actions are not protected by federal, state, or local laws
  • The idea that the Constitution gives the president the authority to oversee and manage the work of federal agencies to ensure that their priorities and actions are consistent with the views of the White House is known as the __________. (p. 422, objective four, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Unilateral presidency
      b. Bargaining presidency
      c. Unitary executive theory
      d. Bureaucracy-centered presidency
  • The law that generally requires federal agencies to release information on written request is the __________. (p. 426, objective four, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Congressional Oversight Act
      b. Public Accountability Act
      c. Ethics Reform Act
      d. Freedom of Information Act
  • The official advisory board to the president, made up of the heads (secretaries) of the major departments in the federal government, is __________. (p. 405, objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. The Cabinet
      b. An independent regulatory commission
      c. A government corporation
      d. Independent agency
  • There were approximately __________ million employees who worked for state and local governments in 2013. (p. 418 , objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. 10
      b. 15
      c. 20
      d. 25
  • The collective name for several agencies, councils, and groups of staff members that advise the president and help manage the federal bureaucracy is the __________. (p. 411, objective two, CO5 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Executive Office of the President
      b. Cabinet
      c. Independent Regulatory Commission
      d. Government Reform and Oversight Committee
  • What are 3 examples of regulatory agencies?

    These include the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

    What are the 4 bureaucratic agencies?

    In the U.S. government, there are four general types: cabinet departments, independent executive agencies, regulatory agencies, and government corporations.

    Which are considered regulatory agencies?

    Regulatory Agencies: Federal, State and City.
    Center for Disease Control..
    Environmental Protection Agency..
    Department of Transportation..
    Food and Drug Administration..
    National Institute of Health..
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission..
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration..
    National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health..

    What are the three types of independent agencies?

    There are three main types of independent agencies: independent executive agencies, independent regulatory commissions, and government corporations.