Which of the following additional facts contributed most to the collapse of the soviet union?





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questions from the book, 8.1-8.8

Terms in this set (24)

(with regards to a chart about nuclear weapons stockpiles)
The data in the chart best supports which of the following claims?
A - The soviet union was primarily responsible for the escalation of the arms race in the 1950s and 1960.
B - The soviet union and the united states usually had about the same number of nuclear weapons.
C - The soviet union was behind in stockpiling weapons until about 1980, when it overtook the united states in the number of weapons.
D - The soviet union conceded defeat in the arms race when the united states had a large enough lead in the number of weapons.


(with regards to a chart about nuclear weapons stockpiles)
Who predicted that increases in weapons stockpiles in the soviet union and in the united states would have significant political and economic consequences?
A - President Franklin Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference
B - Several leaders of anti-colonial movements after WWII
C - President Dwight Eisenhower, who described a military-industrial complex
D - President Harry Truman, who insisted on free elections for Eastern EU countries.


(with regards to a chart about nuclear weapons stockpiles)
Which accurately describes an effect of the change shown in the table?
A - Both countries saw little change in their leadership as a result of the increase in the number of nuclear weapons during this period.
B - People around the world supported the buildup of nuclear weapons and agreed it was the best way to ensure peace.
C - The stockpiling of nuclear weapons actually strengthened the economies of both the USA and the USSR.
D - The arms race was distressing to many around the world, and a strong antinuclear movement was established.


What was the context in the USA in which Truman issued the statement included in the passage?
A - people were increasingly supportive of a policy of open imperialism
B - people feared the spread of soviet communism in EU
C - people argued for a return to isolationism after the loss of so many lives in WWII
D - people were calling for the USA to actively overthrow undemocratic governments


Which individual most clearly showed through thoughts or actions that he held ideas similar to those expressed by Truman in the passage?
A - US Diplomat George Kennan
B - US Secretary of State George Marshall
C - UN Secretary General Trygve Lie
D - US General Douglas MacArthur


What was the most important similarity between the comments of Truman and the Marshall plan?
A - Both emphasized military aid to prevent the spread of communism.
B - Both created coalitions to finance rebuilding EU infrastructure.
C - Both provided economic aid to rebuild nations after WWII.
D - Both required the implementation of democratic elections in order for a nation to obtain aid.


The map above most clearly reflects the context of the ongoing efforts of...
A - the marshall plan to stimulate global economic growth
B - the USA to contain communism
C - the European Economic Union to unify the EU economy
D - the USA to improve relations with the Soviet Union


Which best describes the Warsaw Pact bloc shown on the map?
A - A soviet-led government based in Warsaw, the capital of Poland
B - A military alliance created in response to NATO by the Soviet Union and other communist nations
C - an economic union among Soviet-bloc countries created to counter the economic power of the European Economic Community
D - a military alliance of non-aligned nations of Europe, Asia and Africa.


Which countries represented most closely the declared position of Jawaharlal Nehru, Kwame Nkrumah, and Gamal Abdel-Nasser?
B - Warsaw Pact
C - Non-communist, non-aligned
D - Communist, non-aligned.


Which row in this table most clearly supports the conclusion that China's Five Year-Plan from 1952 to 1957 was successful?
A - Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing
B - Industry and Construction
C - Government
D - Other


The size of China's government between 1952 and 1957 became
A - smaller in absolute size
B - smaller as a percentage of the economy
C - larger in absolute size
D - larger as a percentage of the economy


Which statement provides the context for understanding this table?
A - China was following the path of Soviet economic development
B - China viewed the USA as an economic model to follow
C - China wanted consumer spending to lead economic growth
D - China believe that it would soon move away from communism


(paragraph about Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, 1945)
Which words in the passage most directly reflect Marx's fundamental criticism of capitalism?
A - "They have set up three distinct political regimes."
B - "They have built more prisons than schools."
C - "They have forced us to use opium and alcohol."
D - "They have fleeced us to the backbone, impoverished our people."


(paragraph about Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, 1945)
Which movement would have most likely influenced Ho Chi Minh's sentiments expressed in the passage?
A - the Enlightenment
B - abolitionism
C - mercantilism
D - Social Darwinism


(paragraph about Ho Chi Minh, Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, 1945)
Ho Chi Minh's eventual declaration of Vietnam's independence most directly resulted in
A - a negotiated resolution that partitioned Vietnam into North and South
B - an election in France in which the majority of the people voted for Vietnam to be granted independence
C - a war between South Vietnam and the USA, after which France granted independence to North Vietnam only
D - a war for independence from France, followed by an armed conflict involving the USA.


(with regards to a passage about the Camp David Accords, 1978)
According to the above passage, what basic element is required for peace in the Middle East?
A - demilitarization
B - secure borders
C - economic cooperation
D - territorial fluidity


(with regards to a passage about the Camp David Accords, 1978)
Who rejected the proposed peace treaty?
A - Anwar Sadat of Egypt
B - Menachem Begin of Israel
C - Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
D - US President Jimmy Carter


(with regards to a passage about the Camp David Accords, 1978)
Which was the intended consequence of the Camp David accords?
A - an election defeat for Menachem Begin
B - an alliance between Egypt and Iran
C - peace between Israel and Egypt
D - an invasion of Gaza by PLO


(with regards to passage about Bobby Sands, who died in a prison hunger strike in Belfast in 1981)
How did the author of the above passage view himself?
A - as a terrorist
B - as a freedom fighter
C - as a victim of terrorism
D - as a political theorist


(with regards to passage about Bobby Sands, who died in a prison hunger strike in Belfast in 1981)
What organization was the author most likely affiliated with?
A - Ulster Defense Association
B - Basque Homeland and Freedom (ETA)
C - Irish Republican Army (IRA)
D - Royal Irish Constabulary Special Reserve


(with regards to passage about Bobby Sands, who died in a prison hunger strike in Belfast in 1981)
Was the conflict in Northern Ireland ever resolved?
A - A cease fire was reached, and the IRA renounced violence
B - The British withdrew from Northern Ireland
C - The violence continues but less intensely
D - A wall was built between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic


(with regards to a passage from "Empire Falls: The Revolution of 1989" by Suny)
Based on the passage, it can be inferred that Suny might also support which of the following assertions?
A - Had the socialist economies performed better, communist governments might have stayed in power longer
B - The use of terror and abuse of human rights worsened as communist governments faced internal challenges
C - The public's distaste for socialism doomed the communist governments from their beginnings
D - The communist regimes were purposefully undermined by Western interference in their economies


(with regards to a passage from "Empire Falls: The Revolution of 1989" by Suny)
Which of the following additional factors contributed most to the collapse of the Soviet Union?
A - Pro-democracy protests during the Prague Spring
B - Increased state spending on the arms race and proxy wars
C - The success of NATO-led military operations
D - The establishment of the non-aligned movement


(with regards to a passage from "Empire Falls: The Revolution of 1989" by Suny)
The events described in the passage contributed most directly to which of the following developments in the late 20th century?
A - The spread of free market capitalism and economic liberalism
B - The expansion of social welfare states and socialist economies
C - A rejection of Western European culture and consumer products
D - Increased Cold War tensions between the US and the Soviet Union


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Long Term Causes. •Low output of crops and consumer goods. •Cold War led to high military spending. •Ethnic and Nationalist movements. ... .
Immediate Causes. •War with Afghanistan. •Food and fuel shortages. ... .
Effects. •Soviet Union breaks up into 15 republics. •Russian republic approves of a new constitution..