Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

  • The Basics
  • Take Action

The Basics


One of the best ways to prevent back pain is to keep your back muscles strong. Follow these steps to help protect your back and prevent back pain:

  • Do muscle-strengthening and stretching exercises at least 2 days a week.
  • Stand and sit up straight.
  • Avoid heavy lifting. If you do lift something heavy, bend your knees and keep your back straight. This way, your leg muscles will do most of the work.
  • Get active and eat healthy. Being overweight can strain your back. Getting regular physical activity and choosing healthy foods can help you stay at a healthy weight.

Learn more about back pain.

There are different types of back pain.

Back pain can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). It can feel like a sudden, sharp pain or a dull, constant ache.

Acute back pain lasts from a few days to a few weeks. It’s often caused by an accident, fall, or lifting something that’s too heavy. Acute back pain usually gets better on its own, without any treatment. But there may be times when you need to get medical care. Find out when to call a doctor or nurse about back pain.

Chronic back pain lasts for more than 3 months. It’s much less common than acute back pain. Most chronic back pain can be treated without surgery. 

Find out about ways to treat back pain.

Am I at Risk?

Who gets back pain?

Most people have back pain at some point in their lives. It’s one of the most common medical problems. You’re more likely to experience back pain as you get older.

Many people hurt their backs when they lift, push, or pull something that's too heavy.

You may also be at risk for back pain if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have poor posture (don’t stand and sit up straight)
  • Aren’t physically active
  • Are overweight
  • Fall or have an accident
  • Have a health problem that can cause back pain (like arthritis or cancer)
  • Smoke

Take Action

Get Active

Take care of yourself to avoid back pain. Preventing back pain is easier than treating it.

Strengthen your back.

Physical activity can make your back stronger and lower your risk of back pain:

  • Do muscle-strengthening and stretching exercises at least 2 days a week. Try these exercises [PDF - 246 KB].
  • Try a yoga class. Yoga can help stretch and strengthen muscles and improve your posture. Get the facts about yoga. 
  • Stay active. Regular physical activity can help keep your back muscles strong. Aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. Learn more about getting active.

If you have an injury, health condition, or disability, ask your doctor or nurse which types of activity are best for you. Get tips on staying active with a disability.

Prevent Injuries

Focus on good posture.

Good posture can help prevent back pain.

  • Try not to slouch when standing and sitting
  • Sit up straight with your back against the back of your chair and your feet flat on the floor — if possible, keep your knees slightly higher than your hips
  • Stand tall with your head up and shoulders back
  • If you can, switch between standing and sitting so you’re not in the same position for too long
  • Find out how to have good posture while sitting at a computer

Lift correctly.

Lift things from your legs, not your back. Keep your back straight and bend at your knees or hips. Get help if the load is too heavy for you to lift alone. Get more tips on safe lifting. 

Prevent back injuries at work.

Staying safe at work can help you prevent injuries. Learn more about preventing back pain and injuries at work.

Healthy Habits

Content last updated July 20, 2022

Reviewer Information

This information on back pain prevention was adapted from materials from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

Reviewed by:
Trish Reynolds
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Science Communications and Outreach Branch
National Institutes of Health

August 2021

Original Editor ­ - Peter Copeland, George Smith, Bryn Roberts as part of the Nottingham University Spinal Rehabilitation Project
Top Contributors - Peter Copeland, George Smith, Lucinda hampton, Bryn Roberts, Laura Ritchie, Kim Jackson, Evan Thomas, WikiSysop, Wanda van Niekerk and Admin

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

Low back pain (LBP) is an umbrella of conditions with 80% of adults estimated to experience LBP at some point during their life [1]. Low back pain refers to pain between the bottom of the ribs and the buttock crease.

  • A high physical fitness level, and especially muscle endurance in the back muscles, is associated with lower risk of back pain[2]
  • A harmful misconception is that exercise should be avoided when LPB is present. Understandably, many patients are reluctant to exercise out of the fear that any exercises or stretching will aggravate their existing back pain. They may become reluctant to exercise and rely on medications.[3]
  • Physical activity (PA) to increase aerobic capacity and muscular strength, especially of the lumbar extensor muscles, is important for patients with chronic LBP in assisting them to complete activities of daily living.[4]

This article focuses on non specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP) and its relations with fitness.

Fitness [edit | edit source]

Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

Plank exercise, core activation

Physical fitness is a set of attributes that people have or achieve. Being physically fit has been defined as the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigour and alertness, without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and meet unforeseen emergencies[5]

Being physically fit depends on how well a person fulfils each of the components of being healthy.When it comes to fitness, these components are[6]:

  1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance - VO2 max per Kg of body mass [7]  
  2. Muscular Endurance - Currently no Gold Standard measurment for muscular endurance
  3. Muscular Strength - There are a number of ways to measure muscular strength. The Biering-Sorenson Test. is an easy to perform test for back strength. Isokinetic Dynamometry is the gold standard re back strength but is very expensive. [8]
  4. Body Composition:- The current Gold Standard is a Four-Compartment model of measurements most commonly consisting of Mass, Total Body Volume, Total Body Water and Bone Mineral Content.[9]
  5. Flexibility - Optical Gold Standards such as the Vicon Motion Tracking System[10]

The following sections will look at each of these components individually, relating it to LBP.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance[edit | edit source]

Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

Cardiorespiratory endurance indicates how well the body can supply fuel during physical activity via the body’s circulatory and respiratory systems.

Aerobic activities that help improve cardiorespiratory endurance are those that cause an elevated heart rate for a sustained period of time. eg swimming, brisk walking, jogging, cycling[6]

LPB relevance

  • Aerobic exercise increases the blood flow and nutrients to the soft tissues, including those in the back, hastening the the healing process.
  • Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise increases the body’s production of endorphins, a natural alternative for pain relief for the body. This helps with clients pain levels and may reduce reliance on medication for pain.
  • A low aerobic fitness level is associated with CLBP
  • Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) is found to be significantly lower by 10 mL/kg in men and by 5.6 mL/kg in women with CLBP compared to men/women without.[3]

Muscular Endurance [edit | edit source]

Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

Fitness also includes muscular endurance, which is the ability of a muscle to continue exerting force without tiring.[6]

  • Patients with low back pain have reduced lumbar extensor muscular endurance in comparison with non-sufferers.[11] [12]See Biering-Sorenson Test.
  • Abdominal muscular endurance in low back pain sufferers is significantly decreased in contrast to those in the normal health population [13]
  • Lumbar fatigue as a result of low muscular endurance has been shown to reduce the person’s ability to sense the positioning of the lumbar spine. People with chronic LBP have impaired ability in controlling the position of the lumbar spine after a fatiguing task, leading to lumbar instability.[14]
  • Patients with lower back pain, have a higher percentage of fast type I glycolytic fibres compared to the slow oxidative fibres. Fast twitch fibers contract quickly but get tired quickly, rendering them less resistant to fatigue. This makes these people more susceptible to back injury. Non-LBP people have a much higher percentage of slow twitch fibers, which are best for endurance work, as they can carry out tasks without getting tired, and are present in core muscles.[15][6]

Strength and Low Back Pain[edit | edit source]

Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

The core is the group of trunk and hip muscles that surround the spine, abdominal viscera and hip. Core muscles are essential for proper load balance within the spine, pelvis, and kinetic chain. Core strengthening has a strong theoretical basis in treatment and prevention of LBP, as well as other musculoskeletal afflictions. A reduction in core strength can lead to lumbar instability.[3] Muscle strengthening exercises form part of the NICE treatment guidelines for Early management of persistent non-specific low back pain.

The importance of the core relate to its function ie sparing the spine from excessive load and transfer force from the lower body to the upper body and vice versa.

  • Having a strong, stable core helps us to prevent injuries and allows us to perform at our best.
  • In order to protect the back, ideally we want to create 360 degrees of stiffness around the spine as we move, run, jump, throw, lift objects and transfer force throughout our body.
  • We do this when all of the muscles in our hips, torso and shoulders work together[16]
  • Exercises to activate the deep abdominal muscles including the superficial muscles, transversus abdominis muscle and the multifidus are important for CLBP patients[3].

Measures of Back Strength: For information here look at Physiotherapy Assessment section of Core Stability

Few of us will have access to a isokenetic machine to measure trunk strength, as shown in video below.


Body Composition  [edit | edit source]

Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

Obesity can lead to altered body positions eg exaggerated lumbar lordosis

The body is composed of water, protein, minerals, and fat. A person can potentially maintain the same weight but radically change the ratio of each of the components that make up their body.

A two-component model of body composition divides the body into a fat component and fat-free component. Body fat (storage fat) in excess can increase susceptibility to chronic illness, health complications, and LBP. Numerous studies have been conducted highlighting the relationship between increased fat content and the likelihood/prevalence of lower back pain.

  • A study conducted in 2003 [18] found that there was a moderate positive relationship between obesity and lower back pain, however the results were based on the BMI calculation which does not definitively measure body fat content.
  • In a study conducted by Urquhart 2011 which took into account the amount of body storage fat[19] and it was evident that there was a relationship between obesity and lower back pain
  • An increase in body weight alters spinal biomechanics and loading, creating excess strain to be put through certain structures eg Obesity can lead to altered body positions such as exaggerated lumbar lordosis which will cause an alteration in spinal loading mechanics.

Flexibility[edit | edit source]

Flexibility refers to the range of movement across a joint.

Flexibility is important because it improves the ability of the kinetic chain to work smoothly and can help prevent injuries. It is specific to each joint and depends on a number of variables, including the tightness of ligaments and tendons.

Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

Relevance to CLBP

  • Stretching the soft tissues in the trunk and lower limb eg Back and thigh muscles and the regions ligaments and tendons. This can help to mobilise the spine, and improve the range of motion of the spine, decreasing back pain. Stretching exercises decrease the muscle stiffness as a result of changes in viscoelastic properties, due to the decreased actin-myosin cross-bridges and the reflex muscle inhibition.[3]
  • Improved range of motion assists in the spine and related areas improves the ability to complete ADLs eg lifting and bending which require trunk flexion, a complex interaction combining lumbar and hip motion[3]. Spasmodic or shortened back muscles adversely affect the complex spinal mechanics [20].
  • Tightness in the hip flexors and hamstrings can lead to a Lumbar hyperlordosis, predisposing patients to lumbar facet sydnrome[21]

Conclusions[edit | edit source]

Which of the following activities is most commonly associated with low-back pain?

A Systematic Review of the Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain concluded thus:

A general exercise programme that combines muscular strength, flexibility and aerobic fitness is beneficial for rehabilitation of non-specific chronic low back pain. Increasing core muscular strength can assist in supporting the lumbar spine. Improving the flexibility of the muscle-tendons and ligaments in the back increases the range of motion and assists with the patient’s functional movement. Aerobic exercise increases the blood flow and nutrients to the soft tissues in the back, improving the healing process and reducing stiffness that can result in back pain.[3]

And remember the important message is that embarking on any regular exercise will be of benefit to an overall person’s health including reducing back pain. With exercise they will look and feel better.[6]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Palmer KT, Walsh K, et al. Back pain in Britain: comparison of two prevalence surveys at an interval of 10 years BMJ 2000
  2. E spine Exercise and Fitness to Help Your Back Available:https://www.spine-health.com/wellness/exercise/exercise-and-fitness-help-your-back (accessed 1.2.2022)
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Andersen LB, Wedderkopp N, Leboeuf-Yde C. Association between back pain and physical fitness in adolescents. Spine. 2006 Jul 1;31(15):1740-4.Available: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16816772/ (accessed 1.2.2022)
  4. Gordon R, Bloxham S. A systematic review of the effects of exercise and physical activity on non-specific chronic low back pain. InHealthcare 2016 Jun (Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 22). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.Available:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4934575/ (accessed 21.2.2022)
  5. President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports: Physical Fitness Research Digest. Series 1,No.1, Washington DC,1971.
  6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Medical news today What does being physically fit mean? Available:https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/7181 (accessed 2.2.2022)
  7. Mota, Jorge, et al. "Association of maturation, sex, and body fat in cardiorespiratory fitness." American Journal of Human Biology 14.6 (2002): 707-712.
  8. Stark, Timothy, et al. "Hand-held dynamometry correlation with the gold standard isokinetic dynamometry: a systematic review." PM&R 3.5 (2011): 472-479.
  9. Wilson, J. P., Mulligan, K., Fan, B., Sherman, J. L., Murphy, E. J., Tai, V. W., ... & Shepherd, J. A. (2012). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry–based body volume measurement for 4-compartment body composition. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 95(1), 25-31.
  10. Mohamed, Abeer A., et al. "Comparison of Strain-Gage and Fiber-Optic Goniometry for Measuring Knee Kinematics During Activities of Daily Living and Exercise." Journal of biomechanical engineering 134.8 (2012).
  11. Andersen, J. S. (2007). Physical fitness and low back pain: Performance-based and self-assessed physical fitness as risk indicator of low back pain among health care workers and students. Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø; Københavns universitet. Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige fakultet.
  12. Biering-Sorenson, F. (1984). Physical measurements as risk indicators for low back trouble over a one-year period. Spine, 9, 106-119.
  13. Foster, D. N. & Fulton, M. N. (1991). Back pain and the exercise prescription. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 10, 187-209.
  14. Taimela, S., Kankaanpää, M., & Luoto, S. (1999). The effect of lumbar fatigue on the ability to sense a change in lumbar position: a controlled study. Spine, 24(13), 1322.fckLRChicago (lumbar positioning)
  15. Mannion, A. F., Weber, B. R., Dvorak, J., Grob, D., & Müntener, M. (1997). Fibre type characteristics of the lumbar paraspinal muscles in normal healthy subjects and in patients with low back pain. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 15(6), 881-887.
  16. Physiopedia Core Stability Available:https://www.physio-pedia.com/index.php?title=Core_Stability&utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=related_articles&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal (accessed 1.2.2022)
  17. Isokinetic System Con-Trex. 08 Isokinetic measurement trunk on Con-Trex TP trunk module.mov. Available from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEhLr5y0wBE [last accessed 29/11/15]
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  20. Farfan, H. F. (1975). Muscular mechanism of the lumbar spine and the position of power and efficacy. Orthopaedic Clinics of North American, 6, 135-144.
  21. Swedan, N. (2001) Women's Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, UK.

Which of the following activities are associated with low back pain?

Some of the most common activities that could cause lower back pain include:.
Working a Desk Job. While work may seem like a calm activity if you have a desk job, it can also be a likely cause of back pain. ... .
Lifting Heavy Objects. ... .
Shopping. ... .
Cleaning. ... .
Gardening. ... .
Eating a Poor Diet. ... .
Smoking. ... .
Living an Inactive Lifestyle..

Which of the following are common underlying causes of low back pain?

Low back pain caused by spinal degeneration and injury..
Muscle or ligament strain. Repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement can strain back muscles and spinal ligaments. ... .
Bulging or ruptured disks. Disks act as cushions between the bones in the spine. ... .
Arthritis. ... .

Which of the following activities are generally good for someone with back pain?

Aerobic activities, such as walking, elliptical training, or riding a bike, increase blood flow to the muscles and spine, which promotes healing. Individuals with back pain should avoid high-impact aerobic activities, such as running, and activities that require twisting of the spine, such as playing tennis.

Which of the following types of exercises are best for low back health?

There are many types of exercise recommended for back pain, including:.
Daily activities such as housecleaning and gardening..
Low-impact aerobics..
Resistance exercises..
Stationary cycling..
Stretching exercises..
Tai chi..