Which method of examining the skull will demonstrate the petrous ridges in the lower 1/3 of the orbits the ethmoid and frontal sinuses and the Crista Galli?

The correct answer is: Bregma - D, Lambda - H, Frontal Bone - C, Greater Wing of the Sphenoid Bone - B, Temporal Bone - M, Squamosal Suture - G, Lambdoidal Suture - I, Styloid Process - O, EOP - K, EAM - N, Occipital Bone - J, Parietal Bone - F, Mastoid Process - L, Coronal Suture - E, Glabella - A

Anterior clinoid process
- M, Carotid sulcus
- G, Dorsum sellae - H, Foramen ovale - E, Foramen rotundum
- L, Foramen spinosum - F, Greater wing
- C, Lesser wing
- A, Optic canal
- D, Optic groove
- B, Posterior clinoid process
- J, Sella turcica
- I, Tuberculum sellae
- K

Occipital Bone - I, Foramen Magnum - J, Cristi Galli - R, Sella Turcica - O, Orbital Plate of Frontal Bone - A, Anterior Clinoid Processes - P, Temporal Bone - F, Cribiform Plate - Q, Foramen Spinosum - E, Greater Wing of the Sphenoid Bone - C, Foramen Lacerum - M, Jugular Foramen - K, Dorsum Sellae - L, Clivus - H, Lesser Wing of Sphenoid Bone - B, Foramen Ovale - D, Petrous Portion - G, Posterior Clinoid Processes - N

Which central ray is used to demonstrate the petrous ridges which completely clear of superimposition of the orbits?

When a perpendicular central ray is used with this patient positioning, the petrous pyramids will be directly superimposed with the orbits; this is commonly termed as the petrous ridges filling the orbits.

What cranial structures are best demonstrated by the SMV projection?

A properly positioned SMV projection demonstrates symmetric petrosae, the foramina ovale, spinosum, mastoid processes, sphenoid sinuses, mandible with maxillary sinuses superimposed, and nasal septum.

Which of the following are demonstrated on an AP axial Towne method projection of the skull?

Skull - Facial - Sinuses.

Where are the petrous ridges seen on a Parietoacanthial projection?

skull/facial bones/sinuses/mandible/.


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