Which is the principle of design is connected with the size of relationship of parts and composition to each other and the whole?


This indicates the relative visual size and weight of particular graphical elements in a design composition.

Proportion in art is the comparative harmonious relationship between two or more elements in a composition with respect to size, colour, quantity, degree, setting, etc.; i.e. ratio. A relationship is created when two or more elements are put together in a composition. This relationship is said to be harmonious when a correct or desirable relationship exists between the elements. This refers to the correct sizing and distribution of an element or object, which creates good proportion. Good proportion adds harmony and symmetry, or balance, among the parts of a design as a whole.

Check out this short video which looks at scale and proportion:

When the principle of proportion is applied to a composition it is usually to the relationship of size. That is, the size of one element of the composition as compared to the size of another related element. In the instance of a relationship of size a comparison is made between the:


Height, width and depth of one element to that of another.


Size of one area to the size of another area.


Size of one element to the size of another element.


Amount of space between two or more elements.

Proportion is usually not even noticed until something is out of proportion. When the relative size of two elements being compared seems wrong, or out of balance, it is said to be "out of proportion". For example if a person has a head larger than their entire body, then we would say that they were out of proportion.

Which is the principle of design is connected with the size of relationship of parts and composition to each other and the whole?
Which is the principle of design is connected with the size of relationship of parts and composition to each other and the whole?

In the "Bad Proportion" examples on the right of the illustration above, the top row, which uses equal division of the shapes, creates monotony, and in the bottom row the very unequal division creates a lack of harmony.

There are times when proportion is exaggerated to convey a message. (see the examples below.) It is impossible to hold the world in your hand yet this composition does exactly that. White out can be used to cover all sorts of things but it is unlikely you would paint cross-walks with it.

Which is the principle of design is connected with the size of relationship of parts and composition to each other and the whole?

Good ProportionThere are several ways for achieving good proportion:


Place together elements which are similar in character or have some feature in common.


Create major and minor areas in the design since equal parts can quickly become monotonous and boring. However, the differences in size must not be so great as to make the parts appear unrelated and therefore out of harmony with each other.


Arrangement of space should be in such a way that the eye does not perceive a standard mathematical relationship. Dividing up the composition in halves, quarters and thirds should be avoided. A subtle relationship creates a more dynamic design.


Create harmony in the composition. Harmony is an agreement between the shapes that stresses the similarities of all parts. In other words, the shape of one part should "fit" the shape of the adjoining elements. Shapes should "fit" properly in their positions and spaces.

Which is the principle of design is connected with the size of relationship of parts and composition to each other and the whole?

Which is the principle of design is connected with the size of relationship of parts and composition to each other and the whole?
Try This:

While no one but you may see this hands on exercise, take the time to do it just as if you were turning it in for a grade. It will help reinforce what you have learned.

1. Look for poor examples of proportion from a media of your choosing. Explain why they are poor examples in your own words. Then suggest ways in which you would improve them.

2. Find 3 examples of exaggerated proportion and explain how it helps to visually communicate what the designer wanted. In your opinion, were they successful and why? Would you have changed anything?

What principle of design is concerned with the size of relationships of parts of a composition to each other and to the whole?

Proportion - A principle of design, proportion refers to the comparative, proper, or harmonious relationship of one part to another or to the whole with respect to size, quantity, or degree; a ratio.

What principle of design refers to the relationship of one part to another part or to the whole area?

Proportion refers to the relationship between one part of a design and another part or to the whole design.

What is the principle of design that refers to the relative size of parts within a whole?

Proportion refers to the relative size and scale of various elements in a design. The issue is the relationship between objects, or parts, of a whole.

What principle of design means a relationship?

Unity: A design principle that produces a harmonious relationship among all the parts of an object or space. Repetition: A design principle characterized by a regular recurrence of features or elements. Scale: The relative size of an object as related to a familiar standard, i.e., the human body.