Which is the best approach that HR should recommend leaders undertake after the results of an annual employee engagement survey show a significant decline?

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A company has been giving its employees automatic pay increases annually. Recently, however, production has decreased, resulting in less profit. The president tasks HR with implementing a new goal-oriented pay plan to incentivize employees to increase production.
HR designs a pay-for-performance plan and trains supervisors. HR also sends an e-mail to all employees explaining the change, referring employees with questions to their supervisor.
As part of the new program, goal development is handled by supervisors. However, some supervisors feel that the change in pay philosophy is unnecessary and tell employees that the new pay plan will not work.
Twelve months pass, and, upon review of performance evaluations, HR finds that some appraisals lack goals and do not objectively measure employees' work performance. The results are recommended pay increases that are subjective and unsubstantiated by metrics.
Rumors that pay increases will be provided to employees who are favorites begin to impact morale, and work production continues to decline. Leadership is disappointed with the results of using a pay-for-performance system.
HR is instructed to temporarily revert to the original pay plan and complete a further analysis of its continued viability. Employees are satisfied; however, the reputation of the company and HR has suffered by this rollout, and production has not increased and profits are still low.

Q1.) Which solution should the HR manager suggest to reinforce the organization's commitment to being a learning organization?
A1.) Request that the leadership hold a company-wide meeting to reiterate the mission of being a learning organization, and build performance metrics and incentives around the mission.
Q2.) Which strategy would help assess and correct the collaboration issues the IT department is facing?
A2.) Evaluate work relationships between employees and departments, clarify work expectations and reporting relationships, and assess the gap in operating expectations.
Q3.) Which key problems affecting the IT department should the HR manager present to the organization's leadership?
A3.) Behavioral and cultural problems, specifically related to communication, leader-employee relationships, workplace atmosphere, and collaboration
Q4.) Which approach should the HR manager recommend to the organization's leadership to address the IT director's behavior?
A4.) Provide both verbal and written feedback to the IT director, hold consistent meetings, stress the importance of accountability, and ensure that the IT director's job description is aligned with the organization's mission.

An HR manager receives a call from an employee who indicates that he feels harassed and needs to talk to someone immediately. The employee alleges that his supervisor treats him differently. He also accuses his supervisor of logging onto his computer and making program changes and sending inappropriate messages to others. When HR asks for proof, the employee indicates that all evidence has been deleted by the supervisor. The employee also shares his belief that other employees, including the marketing manager, are trying to discredit him. The employee further accuses the supervisor of making sexual advances toward him.
HR's speaks with the supervisor, who reports that there have been problems with the employee for some time. There have been several warnings, and the employee's behavior is becoming more erratic. The supervisor wants to proceed with termination of the employee. She is concerned that if nothing happens she will see high-performing employees leave. The HR manager mentions the accusations of harassment. The supervisor angrily yells "This employee is crazy!" and storms out of the HR manager's office.
The employee leaves work at the end of his shift, gets into a car accident, and sustains minor injuries that will cause several days of absence from work. As proof of temporary disability, he forwards the physician's notes. The notes, however, also refer to symptoms of mental illness.

A hospital has recently seen a significant increase in the turnover of nurses. Many recent hires have left to work at a nearby privately run clinic. This is puzzling since there have been rumors about this clinic's financial outlook.
The HR business partner for the hospital has been asked to design and oversee a recruitment campaign to attract ten new nurses and an additional five nurse trainees. One of the measures of success that has been given to the HR business partner is that these new hires need to remain with the hospital for a minimum of 18 months. The hospital is looking to have these individuals onboarded within six weeks.
While trying to manage recruiting and hiring, the HR business partner keeps thinking about the hospital's retention issue. In reviewing exit interview information, the business partner has noticed a trend: Many of the nurses who have left indicated that the private clinic has a more modern location, better hours, and great employee facilities that include a gym. Hospital leadership has also been criticized, in particular, the hospital administrator, for her negative attitude and lack of recognition.
Over lunch with an HR acquaintance who works at the private clinic, the business partner inquires about how the clinic has been so successful in attracting and retaining staff. To the HR business partner's surprise, the colleague shares that much of the feedback she hears as to why people leave the hospital is the hospital's wage and benefits structure. The business partner realizes that he has his hands full in addressing the many issues in order to achieve his hiring objectives, improve retention, and decrease turnover.

Sets with similar terms

Which approach is most effective for the HR manager to use to resolve his disagreement with the vice president of sales?

Which approach is most effective for the HR manager to use to resolve his disagreement with the vice president of sales? Suggest that HR conduct several focus groups and exit interviews to find out why employees are leaving the company and if they are dissatisfied with their jobs.

Which is the best first step in preparing for an HR audit?

Determine the scope: The first step of conducting an HR audit is to determine the scope of the audit. If an HR audit has never been conducted, a comprehensive review of all policies and procedures is recommended.

How should the HR manager respond to the report about the contract recruiters relationship with the call center manager?

How should the HR manager respond to the report about the contract recruiter's relationship with the call center manager? A4.) Talk with the contract recruiter and share that the company is aware of the personal relationship that creates a conflict of interest.

What should the HR manager recommend the director of business development do to build the relationship with the disappointed manager?

What should the HR manager recommend the director of business development do to build the relationship with the disappointed manager? A. Meet with the manager to understand his concerns, explain that bypassing her authority is not acceptable, and encourage him to share his ideas for the benefit of the department.