Which gross motor skills would the nurse expect children 3 to 5 years of age to develop Quizlet

A, B, C, D

(Childhood communicable diseases requiring strict transmission-based precautions (Contact, Airborne, and Droplet Precautions) include diphtheria, chickenpox, measles, mumps, tuberculosis, adenovirus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, mumps, pertussis, plague, streptococcal pharyngitis, and scarlet fever. Strict isolation is not required for parvovirus B19.)

A, B, D

(To promote imaginative play for a 3-year-old child, the nurse should provide: dress-up clothes, dolls and dollhouses, housekeeping toys, play-store toys, telephones, farm animals and equipment, village sets, trains, trucks, cars, planes, hand puppets, and medical kits. A 100-piece jigsaw puzzle and a jump rope would be appropriate for a young, school-age child but not a 3-year-old child.)

Which developmental skill would the nurse expect a 3 year old child to be able to do quizlet?

Three-year-olds are able to accomplish the fine motor skill of drawing a circle. Tying shoelaces, using scissors or a pencil very well, and drawing a person with multiple parts are fine motor skills of 5-year-old children.

What skill that the nurse should expect a 5

A useful skill that the nurse should expect a 5-year-old child to be able to master is to: Tie shoelaces. The nurse is guiding parents in selecting a day care facility for their child.

What fine motor skills would a child age 3 be able to?

At age 3, children are developing fine motor control: they're more able to move their fingers independently, using them in more complex tasks such as holding writing utensils like an adult, cutting with scissors and making more complex and precise drawings.

Which of the following fine motor skills can a 3 year old preschooler perform?

Fine Motor Development Checklist.