Which function of management is concerned with putting right man on the right job?

Importance of Staffing.

Introduction: - Staffing is that part of the process of management which is concerned with acquiring, developing, employing, appraising, remunerating and retaining people, so that right type of people are available at right position and at right time in the organization. Right man for the right job is the basic principle of staffing. In the simplest terms staffing is “putting right people to right jobs”.

Definition: - ““The staffing function pertains to the recruitment selection, development, training and compensation of subordinate managers”.           

Defined by… (Theo Haiman)

Staffing is one of the most essential functions for every organization. In fact, in the absence of a good staffing system no organization can exist for a long duration. Because in every organization all the resources like, money, material, machine etc are utilized properly through man power. Hence it is too important that all the personnel (employees) in organization should appoint at the job according to their ability, talent, aptitude and specializations which can only be possible through a good staffing system. Thus, it is clear that staffing is too important for every organization.

Some important points which shows how staffing is important for every organization:

Efficient Management of Personnel: -Human resource can be effectively managed by a system i.e. recruitment, selection, placement, training and development providing remuneration, etc. all this provides a motivational force to the employee leading to the betterment of the organization as a whole.

Maximum and Efficient Utilization of Resources: Staffing plays an important role in maximum and efficient utilization of resources. Because in every organization all the resources like, money, material and machine etc are utilized efficiently through specialized man power and specialized man power can only appoint in an organization through a good staffing system. Thus, we can say that it helps in maximum and efficient utilization of resources.

Important managerial function: - Staffing functions the most important managerial function along with planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The functioning of these four functions depends upon the manpower which is available through staffing function.

Reduces Cost of Production: Staffing also plays an important role in reducing cost of production. Because it helps in appointing right person at the right job, at the right, time so that no wastage and mistakes can be made by efficient personnel during the production of products. Hence, it is clear that it assists in reducing cost of production.

For Job Satisfaction- Staffing is an important source for employee’s job satisfaction. Because by means of this system jobs are allocated among the personnel according to their ability, talent, aptitude and specializations which give employees more satisfaction regarding their jobs. As a result of that they give their hundred percent efforts behind their jobs.

For meeting Present and Future Needs of Employees- Staffing is very important for fulfilling present as well as future needs of employees. Because it gives a clear picture to organization that in coming year how much positions will be vacant and new positions will be established. So that organization can fulfill those vacant and new positions by appointing the deserved candidates. Thus, it is clear that staffing fulfills present and future needs of employees in organization.    

For maintaining Co-ordination among the Employees- Staffing plays a prominent role in establishing unity and co-ordination among the employees. Because it assigns their jobs according to their ability, talent, aptitude and specializations which makes them involved in their tasks and ensure healthy and co-operative relationship among the employees.

1. Meaning of Staffing
It has been described as the managerial function of filling and keeping the positions filled in the organisational structure.
In other words, staffing is that part of the process of management which is concerned with obtaining, utilising and maintaining a satisfactory work force.

2. Definition of Staffing
According to Koontz and O’ Donnell, ‘The managerial function of staffing involves the organisational structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure’.

3. Importance of Staffing

  • Obtaining competent personnel.
  • Higher performance.
  • Continuous survival and growth.
  • Optimum utilisation of human resources.
  • Motivation and morale.

4. Process of Staffing
(i) Estimating manpower requirements It means to estimate the number and type of persons required in the organisation.
(ii)Recruitment It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs.
(iii) Selection It means to choose the best from amongst the applicants, majorly by interviewing and conducting selection tests.
(iv) Placement and orientation Once the employee is selected, he is given the post. This is known as placement. Orientation means introducing the new employee to the other employees and the organisation
(v) Training and development Training is conducted to increase the skill and knowledge of the person to do the specific job. Whereas development aims for overall growth of the employee.
(vi) Performance appraisal It means evaluating an employee’s current or past performance against the pre-determined standards.
(vii) Promotion and career planning Promotion refers to the advancement of an employeein the management hierarchy.                                    ”
(viii) Compensation It refers to all types of pay or rewards given to an employee, whether financial or indirect payments.

Previous Years Examination Questions

1 Mark Questions
1. How does staffing improve job satisfaction and morale of employees? State. (Compartment 2014)
Ans. Staffing helps in improving job satisfaction and morale of the employees by employing right people at right job, train them and developing their abilities, evaluating their performance and promoting them.

2. How is staffing a continuous process? State. (Compartment 2014)
Ans. Staffing function is described as filling and keeping filled the positions in the organisation. Staffing is a continuous process because new jobs may be created and some of the existing employees may leave the organisation.

3. State how staffing ensures ‘continuous survival and growth of enterprise’. (All India 2013)
Ans. Proper staffing ensures continuous survival and growth of an enterprise through succession planning for managers.

4. Give the meaning of ‘orientation’ as a step in the process of staffing. (Delhi 2012)
Ans. Orientation refers to introduction of new employees to the existing ones in the organisation and familiarising them with the rules and policies of the organisation.

5. What is meant by ‘estimating manpower requirement’ as a step in the process of staffing? (Delhi 2012)
Ans. ‘Estimating manpower requirement’ means finding out the number and their types of persons or employees needed by the organisation in near future.
6. Give the meaning of ‘placement’ as a step in the process of staffing. (All India 2012)
Ans. Placement refers to the employees occupying the position or post for which the person has been selected.

7. Give the meaning of ‘compensation’ as a step in the process of staffing(All India 2012)
Ans. Compensation refers to all forms of pay or rewards offered to employees. It may be in the form of direct financial payments like wages, salaries, incentives, commission and bonus or may be in the form of indirect payments like employer paid insurance and vacations, etc.

8. What is meant by staffing? (Delhi 2010c)
Ans. Staffing has been described as the managerial function of filling and keeping filled the positions in the organisation structure. In other words, staffing is that part of the process of management which is concerned with obtaining, utilising and maintaining a satisfactory work force.

9. How does staffing help to ensure higher performance of employees? (All India 2010)
How does staffing help to ensure optimum utilisation of human resources? (Delhi 2010C)
Ans. Staffing helps in ensuring optimum utilisation of human resources by putting right person on the right job. It prevents under-utilisation of personnel and high labour cost. At the same time, it avoids disruption of work by indicating the shortage of personnel.
3 Marks Questions
10. Give the meaning of placement, orientation and training in the process of staffing. (Delhi 2012)
Ans. Placement refers to the employees occupying the position or post for which the person has been selected.
Orientation refers to introduction of new employees to the existing employees of the organisation and familiarising them with the rules and policies of the organisation.
Training refers to the systematic development of knowledge, skills and attitude required by an individual to perform efficiently a given task/job.

11. Why is staffing considered as an important function of management in all types of
organisations? State any three reasons. (Delhi 2011; All India 2011)
Ans. Staffing is considered as an important function of management because of the following reasons:
(i) It helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various jobs.
(ii) It results in improved performance by putting right person on the right job.
It ensures the continuous survival and growth of an enterprise through the succession planning by managers.
4/5 Marks Questions

12. Sahil, the director of a garments company, is planning to manufacture bags for the utilisation of waste material for one of his garments unit. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be set up in a rural area of Orissa, where people have less job opportunities and labour is available at a very low rate. He also thought of giving equal opportunities to men and women.
For this, he selected S Chatterjee, Indeijeet Kaur, Aslam and Sarabjeet as heads of sales, accounts, purchase and production departments.

  • Identify and state the next two steps that Sahil has to follow in the staffing process after selecting the above heads
  • Also identify two values which Sahil wants to communicate to the society by settingup this manufacturing unit.

(HOTS; VBQ; All India 2013)

Ans. (i) Selection is done in the third step, in which a prospective candidate is chosen from the pool of candidates. It ensures that the organisation gets the best among the available and it enhances the morale of the selected candidates. The next two steps are as follows:

  • Placement and orientation In this step, employee occupies the position or is placed, for which he/she has been selected. After this a brief presentation about the company is given and employee is introduced to his superiors, subordinates and colleagues.
  • Training and development In this step, training is imparted to the selected candidates, by which he/she can enhance his/her skills, knowledge and through this, one can also explore the opportunities.

(ii) By setting up a manufacturing unit in the rural area of Orissa, Sahil wanted to communicate following values to the society:

  • Manufacturing bags from the waste material, will help in reducing pollutants from the environment and will also reduce wastage.
  • Giving equal opportunities to men and women, will increase the standard of living of rural area labourers.

2. Define staffing as a function of management and state its importance. (Delhi 2011c)

Explain staffing as a function of management. Also explain by giving any four reasons why proper staffing is required in an organisation.(All India 2010)
Staffing is an important function of management in all organisations. Why? (Delhi 2009)
State any four reasons why staffing is needed in an organisation. (All India 2008)
Ans. According to Koontz and O’ Donnell, ‘The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organisational structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure’.
Staffing function of management helps in obtaining right people and putting them on the right jobs.
Proper staffing ensures the following benefits to the organisation: (Any four)
(i) Obtaining competent personnel In all organisations, there is a need for people to perform work.
Staffing function helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various jobs.
(ii) Higher performance Staffing finds the right person for the right job. It ensures higher performance of the employees as work is assigned according to their capabilities and at the same time, organisational objectives are achieved in the most efficient and effective manner.
(iii) Survival and growth By appointing efficient staff, staffing ensures the continuous survival and growth of an enterprise. An organisation grows with the sincere efforts of its employees only.
(iv) Optimum utilisation of human resources Through manpower planning and job analysis, we can find out the number and types of employees required in the organisation. So, there are no chances of overmanning, shortage or under-utilisation of personnel.
(v) Motivation and morale Staffing as a separate function, is needed to motivate employees for better performance, incentive plans, staff welfare and for other personnel activities. If there is a separate personnel department in the organisation, it motivates employees and develop higher morale in them.

14. Explain in brief the various steps involved in the process of staffing. (All India 2011; Delhi 2008C)
Ans. Various steps in the process of staffing are as follows:
(i) Estimating manpower requirements It refers to finding out the number of persons or employees and type of employees needed in the organisation in near future. As both overstaffing and understaffing are undesirable, the manager tries to find out the manpower requirement by equating work load analysis to work force analysis.

  • Work load analysis Finding the number and type of employees required to perform various jobs.
  • Work force analysis Analysing existing work force already occupying the job positions.
  • Comparison The manager compares both the excess of work load over work force indicated under staffing, and thus fulfils the gap.

(ii) Recruitment It refers to the process of inducing the people to apply for the job in the organisation. After assessing the number and type of required employees, the manager tries to get greater number of applicants for the job, so that the organisation can select better candidates.

(iii) Selection It refers to the choosing of most suitable candidate to fill the vacant job position. Selection is done through a process, which involves tests, interviews, etc.
(iv) Placement and orientation In this step, employee occupies the position or is placed, for which he/she has been selected. After this a brief presentation about the company is given and employee is introduced to his superiors, subordinates and colleagues.
(v) Training and development In this step, training is imparted to the selected candidate, by which he/she can enhance his/her skills, knowledge and through this, one can also explore the opportunities.
(vi) Performance appraisal It refers to evaluating the performance of employees against some standards which are known to employees in advance.
(vii) Promotion and career planning Promotions are an integral part of people’s career. It means people placed in positions of increased responsibility or it usually means more pay, responsibility and job satisfaction.
(viii) Compensation It refers to price of the job. It includes pay, rewards and other incentives given to all the employees. It includes direct as well as indirect payments.

 6 Marks Questions

15. Explain the process of staffing. (Delhi 2010; All India 2009)
Ans. Various steps in the process of staffing are as follows:
(i) Estimating manpower requirements It refers to finding out the number of persons or employees and type of employees needed in the organisation in near future. As both overstaffing and understaffing are undesirable, the manager tries to find out the manpower requirement by equating work load analysis to work force analysis.

  • Work load analysis Finding the number and type of employees required to perform various jobs.
  • Work force analysis Analysing existing work force already occupying the job positions.
  • Comparison The manager compares both the excess of work load over work force indicated under staffing, and thus fulfils the gap.

(ii) Recruitment It refers to the process of inducing the people to apply for the job in the organisation. After assessing the number and type of required employees, the manager tries to get greater number of applicants for the job, so that the organisation can select better candidates.

(iii) Selection It refers to the choosing of most suitable candidate to fill the vacant job position. Selection is done through a process, which involves tests, interviews, etc.
(iv) Placement and orientation In this step, employee occupies the position or is placed, for which he/she has been selected. After this a brief presentation about the company is given and employee is introduced to his superiors, subordinates and colleagues.
(v) Training and development In this step, training is imparted to the selected candidate, by which he/she can enhance his/her skills, knowledge and through this, one can also explore the opportunities.
(vi) Performance appraisal It refers to evaluating the performance of employees against some standards which are known to employees in advance.
(vii) Promotion and career planning Promotions are an integral part of people’s career. It means people placed in positions of increased responsibility or it usually means more pay, responsibility and job satisfaction.
(viii) Compensation It refers to price of the job. It includes pay, rewards and other incentives given to all the employees. It includes direct as well as indirect payments.

16. Which function of management helps in obtaining right people and putting them on the right jobs? Explain any five points of importance of this function. (HOTS; Delhi 2008)
Ans. Staffing function of management helps in obtaining right people and putting them on the right jobs.
Importance of Staffing
According to Koontz and O’ Donnell, ‘The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organisational structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure’.
Staffing function of management helps in obtaining right people and putting them on the right jobs.
Proper staffing ensures the following benefits to the organisation: (Any four)
(i) Obtaining competent personnel In all organisations, there is a need for people to perform work.
Staffing function helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various jobs.
(ii) Higher performance Staffing finds the right person for the right job. It ensures higher performance of the employees as work is assigned according to their capabilities and at the same time, organisational objectives are achieved in the most efficient and effective manner.
(iii) Survival and growth By appointing efficient staff, staffing ensures the continuous survival and growth of an enterprise. An organisation grows with the sincere efforts of its employees only.
(iv) Optimum utilisation of human resources Through manpower planning and job analysis, we can find out the number and types of employees required in the organisation. So, there are no chances of overmanning, shortage or under-utilisation of personnel.
(v) Motivation and morale Staffing as a separate function, is needed to motivate employees for better performance, incentive plans, staff welfare and for other personnel activities. If there is a separate personnel department in the organisation, it motivates employees and develop higher morale in them.

Important Questions for Class 12 Business StudiesClass 12 Business StudiesNCERT Solutions Home Page

Which management of function put the right people in right place?

“The purpose of human resources management is to ensure the right people are in the right place at the right time in the organization.”

Which function is selection of right person for right job at right time?

Explanation: Staffing is an activity of enrolling the employees by assessing their knowledge and abilities, prior to extending them explicit employment opportunities or jobs accordingly.

Which functions helps in hiring the right people with the right skills?

Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified candidates for a job role and Selection is the process of identifying and selecting the right candidate for that job. The contributions of each employee play a pivotal role in the sustenance and growth of a business.

What is the meaning of right person at the right job?

There are a lot of elements to the system, including one tenet called "Right Person, Right Seat." The idea is that a member of a team should share core values with the company, feel a sense of ownership over his or her position and be equipped to fulfill what the role demands.