Which form of assessment is used to determine the border size and consistency of the organs?

-Use adequate lighting.
-Use direct lighting to inspect body cavities.
-Inspect each area for size, shape, color, symmetry, position, and abnormality.
-Position and expose body parts as needed so all surfaces can be viewed but privacy can be maintained.
-When possible, check for symmetry.
-Validate findings with the patient.

(-To inspect, carefully look, listen, and smell to distinguish normal from abnormal findings.
-Recognize normal and abnormal.
-Inspection is the simplest of the five assessment skills.
[Ask the class: Why is olfaction an important part of your assessment? Discuss: Olfaction helps to detect abnormalities that cannot be recognized by any other means. For example, when a patient's breath has a sweet, fruity odor, assess for signs of diabetes.]
[Table 30-4 (on text p. 493) provides a list of characteristic odors and the conditions that they may indicate.])

Sets with similar terms

Which assessment technique will be used in assessing organ location?

Percussion involves tapping your fingers or hands quickly and sharply against parts of the patient's body to help you locate organ borders, identify organ shape and position, and determine if an organ is solid or filled with fluid or gas.

Which method of examination will be used to determine the placement and size of an organ?

Palpation is the use of tactile pressure from the fingers to assess contours and sizes of organs. Inspection is close observation of the details of a client's appearance, behavior, and movement.

What are the 4 assessment techniques?

The four basic methods or techniques that are used for physical assessment are inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.

What technique is used with palpation?

7 Palpation. Palpation is the technique of using your hands/fingers to assess the client based on your sensation of touch. It provides the opportunity to use your sense of touch to assess the body and further examine cues that were identified during inspection.