Which examination best demonstrates the functioning ability of the urinary system?


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Which examination best demonstrates the functioning ability of the urinary system?

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Ch 14 - Bontrager

Urinary System

The kidneys and ureters are located in the _____ space. A) Intraperitoneal B) Infraperitoneal C) Extraperitoneal D) Retroperitoneal D) Retroperitoneal
The _____ glands are located directly superior to the kidneys. suprarenal gland (adrenal)
Which structures create a 20' angle between the upper pole and lower pole of the kidney? Psoas major muscles
What is the specific name for the mass of fat surrounding each kidney? Perirenal fat (adipose capsule)
What degree of rotation from supine is required to place the kidneys parallel to the IR? 30'
Which two landmarks can be palpated to locate the kidneys? Xiphoid process and iliac crest
Which term describes an abnormal drop of the kidneys when the patient is placed erect? nephroptosis
List the three functions of the urinary system. 1) remove nitrogenous waste 2) regulate water levels in the body 3) regulate acid/base balance and electrolyte levels of blood
A buildup of nitrogenous waste in the blood is called: A) hemotoxicity B) Uremia C) Sepsis D) Renotoxicity B) Uremia
The longitudinal fissure found along the central medial border of the kidney is called _____. Hilum
The peripheral or outer portion of the kidney is called the _____. Cortex
The term that describes the total functioning portion of the kidney is _____. renal parenchyma
The microscopic functional and structural unit of the kidney is _____. nephron
TRUE/FALSE The efferent arterioles carry blood to the glomeruli. FALSE (afferent)
What is another (older) name for the glomerular capsule? Bowman capsule
TRUE/FALSE The glomerular capsule and proximal and distal convoluted tubules are located in the medulla of the kidney. FALSE (located in the cortex)
Which structure of the medulla is made of a collection of tubules that drain into the minor calyx? Renal pyramids
Which two processes move urine through the ureters to the bladder? 1) Gravity 2) peristalsis
Which of the following structures is located most anterior as compared with the others? A) Proximal ureters B) kidneys C) Urinary bladder D) Suprarenal glands C) Urinary bladder
What is the name of the junction found between the distal ureters and urinary bladder? Ureterovesical junction
What is the name of the inner, posterior region of the bladder formed by the two ureters entering and the urethra exiting? Trigone
What is the name of the small gland found just inferior to the male bladder? Prostate
the total capacity of the average adult bladder is _____. 350-500 mL
which of the following structures is considered most posterior? A) Ovaries B) Urethra C) Vagina D) Kidneys D) Kidneys
Intravenous contrast media may be administered either by: _____ or _____ Bolus injection or Drip infusion
TRUE/FALSE The patient (or legal guardian) must sign and informed consent form before a venipuncture procedure. TRUE
For most IVUs, veins in the _____ are recommended for venipuncture. A) Iliac fossa B) anterior, carpal region C) Axillary fossa D) Antecubital fossa D) Antecubital fossa
The most common size of needle used for bolus injections on adults is _____. A) 23 - 25 gauge B) 14 - 16 gauge C) 18 - 22 gauge D) 28 gauge C) 18 - 22 gauge
The two most common types of needles used for bolus injection of contrast media are _____ and _____. a) butterfly needle; b) over-the-needle catheter
In the correct order, list the 6 steps followed during venipuncture procedure as listed and described in the textbook. 1.Wash hands and put on gloves 2. Apply tourniquet, select site and cleanse the site 3. Initiate puncture 4. Confirm entry and secure needle 5. Prepare and proceed with injection 6. Needle or catheter removal
TRUE/FALSE The bevel of the needle must face downward during the actual puncture into the vein. FALSE (face up)
TRUE/FALSE If extravasation occurs during the initial puncture, a new needle should be used during the second attempt. FALSE (needle should be withdrawn and pressure applied)
TRUE/FALSE If unsuccessful during the initial puncture, a new needle should be used during the second attempt. TRUE
TRUE/FALSE The radiologist is responsible for documenting all aspects of the venipuncture procedure in the patient's chart FALSE (person performing venipuncture is responsible)
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for urography uses a parent compund of benzoic acid? Ionic
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for uregraphy will not significantly increase the osmolality of the blood plasma? Nonionic
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for urography incorporates sodium or meglumine to increase solubility of contrast media? Ionic
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for urography creates a hypertonic condition in the blood plasma? Ionic
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for urography is more expensive? nonionic
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for urography produces less severe reaction? nonionic
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for urography is a near-isotonic solution? nonionic
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for urography poses a greater risk for disrupting homeostasis? ionic
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for urography uses a parent compound of an amide or glucose group? nonionic
Which major type of iodinated contrast media used for urography may increase the severity of side effects? ionic
What should the technologist do at first when a patient is experiencing either a moderate or severe level contrast media reaction? Call for medical assistance
What is the primary purpose of the premedication procedure before an iodinated contrast procedure? To reduce the severity of possible contrast reaction
Which of the following drugs is often given to the patient as part of the premedication procedure? A) Epinephrine B) Valium C) Combination of benadryl and prednisone D) Lasix C) Combo of benadryl and prednisone
Which type of patient is a likely candidate for premedication procedure before a contrast media study? A) elderly patient B) Asthmatic patient C) pediatric patient D) Patient with hypertension B) Asthmatic patient
In addition to notifying a nurse or physician when contrast media have extravasated into the soft tissues, what should the technologist do first to increase reabsorbtion? elevate affected anatomy and apply pressure - alternate heat and cold
TRUE/FALSE Tissue inflammation from extravasated contrast media peaks 1 - 2 hours after the incident. FALSE - peaks 24 - 48 hours after
TRUE/FALSE Acute renal failure may occur 48 hrs after an iodinated contrast media procedure. TRUE
List 10 contraindications that may prevent a patient from having a contrast media procedure performed: 1) hypersensitivity to iodine; 2) Anuria; 3) Multiple myeloma; 4) Diabetes; 5) Severe hepatic/renal disease; 6) Congestive heart failure; 7) Pheochromocytoma; 8) Sickle cell anemia; 9) Metformin//glucophage, etc; 10) Renal failure
A trademark name for a diuretic drug _____. Lasix
Why is the term IVP incorrect when describing a radiographic exam of kidneys, ureters and bladder after injection of contrast media? IVP or Intravenous Pyelography - technically refers to the renal pelvises only (pyelo - renal pelvis) The excretory urogram visualizes more anatomy.
What is the correct term/abbreviation for radiographic exam of kidneys, ureters and bladder after injection of contrast media? IVU - Intravenous Excretory Urogram
Which specific aspect of the kidney is visualized during an IVU? The collecting system of the kidney (minor and major calyces, renal pelvis, proximal ureters)
Which of the following conditions is a common pathologic indication for an IVU? A) sickle cell anemia B) Multiple myeloma C) Hematuria D) Anuria C) Hematuria
What condition is described as a tumor of the adrenal gland? Pheochromocytoma
Name the urinary pathologic condition passage of a large volume of urine. Polyuria
Name the urinary pathologic condition presence of glucose in urine. Glucosuria
Name the urinary pathologic condition excess urea and creatinine in the blood. Uremia
Name the urinary pathologic condition diminished amount of urine being excreted. Oliguria
Name the urinary pathologic condition presence of gas in urine. Pneumouria
Name the urinary pathologic condition indicated by the presence of uremia, oliguria, or anuria. Acute renal failure
Name the urinary pathologic condition constant or frequent involuntary passage of urine. Urinary incontinence
Name the urinary pathologic condition backward return flow of urine. Urinary reflux
Name the urinary pathologic condition absence of functioning kidney. Renal agenesis
Name the urinary pathologic condition complete cessation of urinary secretion. Anuria
Name the urinary pathologic condition act of voiding. Micturition
Name the urinary pathologic condition inability to void. retention
Name the urinary disorder enlargement of the prostate. Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Name the urinary disorder fusion of the lower poles of the kidneys during the development of the fetus. Horseshoe kidney
Name the urinary disorder inflammation of the capillary loops of the glomeruli of the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis
Name the urinary disorder artificial opening between urinary bladder and aspects of large intestine. vesicorectal fistula
Name the urinary disorder a large stone that grows and completely fills the renal pelvis. Staghorn calculus
Name the urinary disorder increased blood pressure to the kidneys resulting from atherosclerosis. Renal hypertension
Name the urinary disorder normal kidney that fails to ascend into the abdomen but remains in the pelvis. ectopic kidney
Name the urinary disorder multiple cysts in one or both kidneys. Polycystic kidney disease
Describe the radiographic appearance of malrotation. abnormal rotation of kidney
Describe the radiographic appearance of vesicorectal fistula. signs of abnormal fluid collections
Describe the radiographic appearance of renal cell carcinoma. irregular appearance of renal parenchyma or collecting system
Describe the radiographic appearance of BPH. Elevated or indented floor of bladder
Describe the radiographic appearance of renal hypertension. rapid excretion of contrast media
Describe the radiographic appearance of renal calculi. signs of obstruction of urinary system
Describe the radiographic appearance of cystitis. mucosal changes within bladder
Describe the radiographic appearance of Chronic Bright Disease. Nephritis - bilateral, small kidneys with blunted calyces
A condition characterized by regions or areas of subcutaneous swelling caused by an allergic reaction to food or drugs is termed _____. angioedema
Contraction of muscles within the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles, producing a restriction of air passing through them is a condition called _____. bronchospasm
Loss of consciousness resulting from reduced cerebral blood flow is termed _____ syncope
An eruption of wheals (hives), often caused by a hypersensitivity to food or drugs, is a condition called _____. Urticaria
What type of renal calculi is often associated with chronic urinary tract infections? Staghorn calculi
TRUE/FALSE The patient should void before an IVU to prevent possible rupture of the bladder if compression is applied. TRUE
What is the primary purpose of ureteric compression? To enhance filling of renal pelvic-calyceal system and proximal ureters with contrast media
List six conditions that contraindicate use of ureteric compression. 1) possible ureteric stones 2) abdominal mass 3) abdominal aortic aneurysm 4) recent abdominal surgery 5) severe abdominal pain 6) acute abdominal trauma
When does timing for an IVU exam start? At the start of the injection of contrast media
List the routine five step imaging sequence for a routine IVU: 1) 1 min nephrotomogram 2) 5 min full KUB 3) 10-15 min full KUB 4) 20 min posterior R/L obliques 5) Postvoid (PA prone or erect AP)
What is the primary difference between a standard and hypertensive IVU? hypertensive IVU requires a shorter time span between projections
In which department are most retrograde urograms performed? Surgery (in-patient or out-patient)
TRUE/FALSE A retrograde urogram examines the anatomy and function of the pelvicaliceal system. FALSE (non functional exam)
TRUE/FALSE A Brodney clamp is used for male and female retrograde cystourethrograms. FALSE (used for males only)
Which of the following involves a direct introduction of the contrast media into the structure being studied? A) retrograde urogram B) retrograde cystogram C) retrograde urethrogram D) all of the above D) all of the above
Which of the following alternative imaging modalities is not routinely used to diagnose renal calculi? A) nuclear medicine B) sonography C) magnetic resonance imaging D) CT C) MRI
TRUE/FALSE Urinary studies on pediatric patients should be scheduled early in the morning to minimize the risk for dehydration. TRUE
TRUE/FALSE The number of retrograde urography procedures for urethral calculi has been reduced as a result of the increased use of CT. TRUE
Exposure factors used during CT procedure can be adjusted to compensate for a decrease or increase in body size according to _____ and _____. height and weight
TRUE/FALSE A patient does not require extensive bowel preparation before a CT scan for renal calculi. TRUE
Which imaging modality is used to detect subtle tissue changes following a renal transplant? A) MRI B) CT C) Radiography - IVU D) nuclear medicine A) MRI
TRUE/FALSE Nuclear Medicine is highly effective in demonstrating signs of vesicorectural reflux. TRUE
How will an enlarged prostate gland appear on a postvoid radiograph taken during an IVU? the floor of the bladder will appear elevated or indented
Where should the pneumatic paddle be placed for a ureteric compression phase of an IVU? medial to ASIS and lateral to spine (over outer pelvic brim)
What can be done to enhance filling of the calyces of the kidney if ureteric compression is contraindicated? Place patient in 15' Trendelenberg position
A retrograde pyelogram is primarily a nonfunctional study of _____. the renal pelvis, major and minor calyces
What are 4 reasons a scout projection is taken before the injection of contrast media for an IVU? 1) determine acceptable exposure factors 2) verify patient prep 3) Verify positioning 4) Detect any abnormal calcifications
What specific anatomy is examined during a retrograde ureterogram? A) primarily the ureters B) Primarily the renal pelvis and calyces C) entire urinary system D) urinary bladder A) primarily the ureters
Which specific position is recommended for a male patient during a voiding cystourethrogram? 30' RPO
What kV range is recommended for IVU? 80 (+/-5) kV
TRUE/FALSE There is a change in SID recommendations when placing a patient erect versus supine for an IVU AP projection. FALSE (both are recommended at 40")
TRUE/FALSE Male and female patients should have the gonads shielded for an AP scout projection. FALSE (would obscure female pertinent anatomy)
TRUE/FALSE Nephrotomograms produced during an IVU most commonly use an exposure angle of less than or equal to 10' TRUE
How many tomograms (focal levels) are usually produced during a routine IVU? 3 tomograms or focal levels
At what stage of IVU is the renal parenchyma best seen? A) 5 min post injection B) 10 min post injection C) after postvoid D) within 1 min post injection D) within 1 min after injection
Where is the CR centered for a nephrotomogram? A) at the xiphoid process B) Midway between the xiphoid process and the iliac crest C) At the iliac crest D) At the axillary costal margin B) Midway between the xiphoid process and the iliac crest
Which specific position, taken during an IVU, places the left kidney parallel to IR? RPO
How much obliquity is required for LPO/RPO projections taken during an IVU? 30'
Which position best demonstrates possible nephroptosis? Erect
What CR angle is used for the AP projection taken during a cystogram? 10 -15' caudad
TRUE/FALSE Contrast media should never be injected into the bladder under pressure but should be allowed to fill slowly by gravity in the presence of an attendant. TRUE
What are the routine projections for IVU? Excretory Urography - *AP (Scout and series) *nephrotomogram, *RPO/LPO 30', *AP postvoid
Describe an AP Scout for IVU. 14x17; 40" SID; 80-85 kV; CR - perpendicular to IR; center to level of iliac crest and MSP; Patient supine with no rotation; visualize entire urinary system (KUB) including upper border of symphysis pubis
Describe nephrotomogram (procedure technique) 11x14; 40" SID; 80-85 kV; CR - 10' caudal to IR; center midway between xiphoid process and iliac crest and MSP; Patient supine with no rotation; visualize entire renal parenchyma with some filling of collecting system with contrast
Describe RPO and LPO for IVU. 14x17 portrait or 11x14 landscape; 40" SID; 80-85 kV; CR - perpendicular to IR; center to level of iliac crest and MSP; Patient supine with 30' rotation, elevated arm across upper chest; visualize elevated kidney parallel to IR and downside ureter.
Describe AP postvoid for IVU. 14x17; 40" SID; 80-85 kV; CR - perpendicular to IR; center to level of iliac crest and MSP; Patient erect (or prone) with no rotation; visualize entire urinary system (KUB) including upper border of symphysis pubis with only residual contrast visible
Describe AP ureteric compression for IVU 11x14; 40" SID; 80-85 kV; CR - perpendicular to IR; center midway between xiphoid process and iliac crests and MSP; Patient supine w/no rotation, compression device in place; visualize entire urinary system, enhanced pelvic calyceal filling
Describe the optional Lateral position for IVU. 14x17 portrait; 40" SID; 80-85 kV; CR - perpendicular to IR; center 2" superior/posterior to symphysis pubis; Patient in true lateral with no rotation; visualize distal ureters, bladder, proximal urethra (male)
Describe the voiding cystourethrography. 10x12; 40" SID; 80-85 kV; CR - perpendicular to IR; center to level of symphysis and MSP; Patient (female) supine/erect with no rotation separate legs, Patient (male) 30' RPO; visualize contrast filled urinary bladder and urethra
What are the Routine projections for IVU (Intravenous Urography) Excretory? AP (Scout and Series), Nephrotomogram, RPO and LPO 30', AP Postvoid erect or recumbent
Describe the Intravenous (excretory) Urography: AP (scout and series). SID-40"; IR-14x17/11x14 (nephrogram); 80-85kV; Pt position: supine, bladder empty; Part position: no rotation, include KUB; CR - perp IR, iliac crest and MSP; Nephrogram - center to midway between xiphoid and iliac crest; expose suspend expiration
Describe the Intravenous (excretory) Urography: Nephrotomography and nephrography. SID-40"; IR-11x14; 80-85kV; Pt position: supine; Part position: no rotation; CR - Caudad, 10' for larger section of tissue in focus, 40' thinner sections of tissue in focus, center to midway btwn xiphoid process/iliac crest; expose suspend expiration
Describe the Intravenous (excretory) Urography: RPO and LPO SID-40"; IR-14x17; 80-85kV; Pt position: RPO or LPO 30'; Part position: upside knee flexed, arm across chest; CR - perp to IR, center iliac crest and MSP; expose suspended expiration
Describe the Intravenous (excretory) Urography: AP Postvoid. SID-40"; IR-14x17; 80-85kV; postvoid marker Pt position: erect or (optional PA) prone, bladder empty; Part position: no rotation, include KUB; CR - perp IR, iliac crest and MSP; expose suspended expiration
Describe the SPECIAL Intravenous (excretory) Urography: AP Ureteric Compression. SID-40"; IR-11x14; 80-85kV; Pt position: supine, device placed, knees flexed; Part position: no rotation, upper edge paddles to iliac crest, just lateral to spine; CR - perp IR,Center to midway btwn xiphoid/iliac crest; expose suspended expiration
What is the anatomy demonstrated with IVU: AP Entire urinary system from upper renal shadows to distal urinary bladder, including upper margin of symphysis.
What anatomy is demonstrated with IVU: Nephrotomography and nephrography? Entire renal parenchyma, with some filling of collecting system with contrast
What anatomy is visualized with IVU: RPO and LPO? Kidney on elevated side is placed in profile or parallel to IR best demonstrated with each oblique. Downside ureter is projected away from spine
What anatomy is best visualized with IVU: Postvoid? Entire urinary system with only residual contrast visible - all of symphysis pubis (including prostate in males)
What anatomy is visualized with IVU: Ureteric Compression? Entire urinary system visualized, with enhanced pelvic calyceal filling
What are the routine projections for Cystography? AP (10 to 15' Caudad), Both obliques (45 - 60') and optional Left Lateral
Describe the Cystography: AP SID-40"; IR-11x14(child)14x17(adult); 80-85kV; Pt position: supine; Part position: no rotation; CR - Caudad 10-15', 2" superior to symphysis and MSP, or to Demo urinary reflux, center at level of iliac crest; expose suspended expiration
Describe the Cystography: LPO and RPO SID-40"; IR-11x14(child)14x17(adult); 80-85kV; Pt position: 45-60' body rotation, down leg flexed; Part position: CR - Perp, 2" superior to symphysis, 2" medial to upside ASIS, demo reflux, center to iliac crest; expose susp expiration
Describe the Cystography: Lateral SID-40"; IR-11x14(child)14x17(adult); 80-85kV; Pt position: Left lateral, knees flexed; Part position: true lateral, no rotation; CR - Perp, 2" superior and posterior to symphysis; expose suspended expiration
What anatomy is demonstrated for Cystography? Distal ureters, urinary bladder, proximal urethra on males; AP - no superimposition of pubis, OBLs - no superimposition of legs, Lateral - Hips and femurs should be superimposed INCLUDE PROSTATE distal to pubis
What are the routine projections for Voiding Cystourethrography? Male - RPO (30') Female - AP
Describe the Voiding Cystourethrography: AP SID-40"; IR-10x12; 80-85kV; Pt position: supine or erect; Part position: no rotation, legs extended and slightly separated; CR - Perp to IR and symphysis/MSP; expose suspended expiration
Describe the Voiding Cystourethrography: RPO SID-40"; IR-10x12; 80-85kV; Pt position: Oblique 30'; Part position: RPO, superimpose urethra over soft tissue of right leg; CR - Perp to IR and symphysis/MSP; expose suspended expiration
What anatomy is visible on Voiding Cystourethrography? contrast filled urinary bladder and urethra; females - urethra is visible inferior to pubis; males - urethra over soft tissue of rt leg

How can we check whether urinary system is functioning well or not?

A urine flow test is a quick, simple test that gives useful feedback about the health of the lower urinary tract. It is often used to see if there is blockage to normal urine outflow. Health conditions that can change normal urine flow include: Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

Which of the following examinations of the urinary system demonstrates function?

IV studies such as the IVU demonstrate function. Cystourethrography is an examination of the bladder and urethra, frequently performed during voiding. Nephrotomography is performed after IV administration of a contrast agent; it may be used to evaluate small intrarenal lesions and renal hypertension.

What is the basic method of examination for the urinary tract?

Urinalysis. The most common urine test performed is a urinalysis. In fact, in most yearly physical exams, urinalyses are done even if there is no cause for concern.

What is the visual examination of the urinary bladder?

A cystoscopy is a procedure to look inside the bladder using a thin camera called a cystoscope. A cystoscope is inserted into the urethra (the tube that carries pee out of the body) and passed into the bladder to allow a doctor or nurse to see inside.