Which condition is an indication for a primary health care provider to prescribe Danazol for a female patient?

Which action of finasteride helps in the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy?

A) It relieves male urine retention.

B) It relaxes the prostatic sphincter.

C) It increases the penile blood flow.

D) It inhibits the growth of the prostate.

D) It inhibits the growth of the prostate.

What are the clinical uses of sildenafil?

A) Treatment of hypoglycemia

B) Treatment of liver disorders

C) Treatment of hypothyroidism

D) Treatment of erectile dysfunction

E) Treatment of pulmonary hypertension

D) Treatment of erectile dysfunction

E) Treatment of pulmonary hypertension

A patient who is taking terazosin for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) reports symptoms of hypotension. Which drug should the nurse expect to be prescribed to the patient as an alternative to terazosin?

A) Sildenafil

B) Doxazosin

C) Finasteride

D) Tamsulosin

D) Tamsulosin

Which is a contraindication to the use of nandrolone?

A) Metastatic breast cancer

B) Androgen-sensitive tumor

C) Male hormone replacement

D) To reverse muscle debilitation

B) Androgen-sensitive tumor

While reviewing the medical records of a patient, the nurse learns that the patient has taken finasteride in the past. The patient does not have a history of difficulty with urination. What is the probable reason for administering finasteride to this patient?

A) Baldness

B) Infertility

C) Hypertension

D) Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)

A) Baldness

The nurse will administer testosterone to a patient. Which route will provide the best absorption?

A) Oral

B) Buccal

C) Injection

D) Transdermal

B) Buccal

The nurse is caring for a patient receiving androgen therapy. For which conditions is androgen therapy indicated?

A) Priapism

B) Endometriosis

C) Prostate cancer

D) Hypergonadism

E) Refractory anemias

B) Endometriosis

E) Refractory anemias

A patient receiving finasteride has increased hair growth. What is the nurse's priority action?

A) Continue to assess.

B) Hold the medication.

C) Measure testosterone levels.

D) Call the health care provider.

A) Continue to assess.

The nurse notes that a patient is prescribed dutasteride. Which condition should the nurse suspect in the patient?

A) Impotence

B) Hypogonadism

C) Testicular cancer

D) Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

D) Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

A patient who reports difficulty passing urine is prescribed finasteride by the primary health care provider. What condition should the nurse suspect to have caused difficulty in urination?

A) Renal calculi

B) Neurogenic bladder

C) Urinary tract infection

D) Benign prostatic hyperplasia

D) Benign prostatic hyperplasia

The nurse is assessing an elderly patient who has angina pectoris who has been prescribed nitroglycerin. After reviewing the patient's medical history, the nurse advises the patient to avoid vardenafil. What is the reason for giving this advice to the patient?

A) Vardenafil reduces the efficacy of nitroglycerin.

B) Vardenafil may cause erectile dysfunction in patients.

C) Vardenafil is contraindicated for use in elderly patients.

D) Vardenafil causes hypotension if taken with nitroglycerin.

D) Vardenafil causes hypotension if taken with nitroglycerin.

A patient who is pregnant tells the nurse, "My husband is losing his hair, and I apply finasteride cream on his scalp daily." Which test should the nurse discuss with the patient's health care provider?

A) Lipid profile

B) Liver function test

C) Exercise tolerance test

D) Ultrasonography of the fetus

D) Ultrasonography of the fetus

Which conditions are contraindications for treatment with testosterone?

A) Pregnancy

B) Oligospermia

C) Renal disease

D) Hypogonadism

E) Hepatic disease

A) Pregnancy

C) Renal disease

E) Hepatic disease

Which condition is an indication of saw palmetto use?

A) Dysuria

B) Back pain

C) Gastrointestinal upset

D) Benign prostatic hyperplasia

D) Benign prostatic hyperplasia

The nurse should inform a male patient about which potential type of cancer associated with testosterone therapy?

A) Kidney cancer

B) Prostate cancer

C) Bladder cancer

D) Intestine cancer

B) Prostate cancer

The nurse is teaching a patient about finasteride therapy. How long will the drug take to achieve its full effect?

A) 1 to 2 weeks

B) 2 to 4 weeks

C) 1 to 3 months

D) 3 to 6 months

D) 3 to 6 months

Which drug is a Schedule III drug?

A) Goserelin

B) Minoxidil

C) Doxazosin

D) Testosterone

D) Testosterone

The nurse is planning to administer vardenafil to a patient with a past history of a myocardial infarction (MI). What intervention should the nurse perform first?

A) Assess the patient's blood pressure.

B) Perform a thorough history, including medication.

C) Instruct the patient to take all cardiac medications first.

D) Call the health care provider to change the prescription.

B) Perform a thorough history, including medication.

What primary roles does testosterone play in the male body?

A) Helps in production of red blood cells

B) Helps development of facial hair in men

C) Triggers better metabolic bodily functions

D) Helps develop the male sex characteristics

E) Triggers erectile dysfunction (ED), leading to delayed ejaculation

A) Helps in production of red blood cells

B) Helps development of facial hair in men

D) Helps develop the male sex characteristics

The nurse is assessing a patient at a follow-up visit after starting treatment with sildenafil for erectile dysfunction. Which assessment finding would indicate that the treatment needs to be revised?

A) The patient's cardiac output is 5.6 L/min.

B) The patient's blood pressure is 90/60 mm Hg.

C) The patient verbalizes the ability to maintain an erection.

D) The patient does not have dry mouth, nausea, or vomiting.

B) The patient's blood pressure is 90/60 mm Hg.

Which medication is an alpha 1-adrenergic blocker?

A) Alfuzosin

B) Goserelin

C) Nilutamide

D) Nandrolone

A) Alfuzosin

Which condition is an indication for a primary health care provider to prescribe danazol for a female patient?

A) Facial hair

B) Endometriosis

C) High testosterone levels

D) Cardiovascular disorder

B) Endometriosis

The nurse is assessing a patient who is taking fluoxymesterone to treat reduced testosterone levels. The patient has gained weight 1 week after beginning the medication. What is the likely cause for weight gain in the patient?

A) Impaired liver function

B) Impaired thyroid activity

C) Increased fluid retention

D) Impaired lipid metabolism

C) Increased fluid retention

Of which adverse effect should the nurse be cognizant while providing care for a patient taking finasteride?

A) Depression

B) Hypotension

C) Loss of libido

D) Peliosis of the liver

C) Loss of libido

Which statement by the nursing student regarding endogenous testosterone indicates effective learning?

A) "It promotes male catabolic metabolism."

B) "It helps eliminate nitrogen from the body."

C) "This drug is used to treat alcoholic hepatitis."

D) "The seminiferous tubules produce testosterone."

D) "The seminiferous tubules produce testosterone."

The nurse is caring for a patient who has prostate cancer who has been prescribed finasteride. After continuing the medication for a few months, the patient's prostate-specific antigen (PSA) value is less than 2.5 ng/mL. What should the nurse infer from this?

A) The patient is nonadherent to the medication.

B) The patient may have hypersensitivity reaction.

C) The patient may have increased risk of liver failure.

D) The patient is responding effectively to the treatment.

D) The patient is responding effectively to the treatment.

Which is a benefit of synthetic androgens?

A) Prolonged erection

B) Increased hair growth

C) Relief from fluid retention

D) Enhancement of the male libido

D) Enhancement of the male libido

A patient is sterile because of low testosterone levels. Which other complication should the nurse suspect in this patient?

A) Anemia

B) Fatty liver

C) Hyperacidity

D) Hypoglycemia

A) Anemia

A patient has been diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Why will the primary health care provider prescribe finasteride?

A) It helps relax urine retention.

B) It helps stop a growing prostate.

C) It helps treat erectile dysfunction.

D) It helps increase penile blood flow.

B) It helps stop a growing prostate.

Which medication is used to treat baldness in both men and women?

A) Sildenafil

B) Minoxidil

C) Finasteride

D) Methyltestosterone

B) Minoxidil

Which is an off-label use of oxandrolone?

A) Anemia

B) Alcoholic hepatitis

C) Hereditary angioedema

D) Metastatic breast cancer

B) Alcoholic hepatitis

Which group of college students does the nurse need to include in a teaching session on the risks of androgen abuse?

A) Students who are often tardy

B) Students who are on athletic teams

C) Students who do not socialize well in school

D) Students who perform extraordinarily in class

B) Students who are on athletic teams

A male patient is taking sildenafil. What health problem should the nurse expect in the patient?

A) Gynecomastia

B) Decreased libido

C) Low sperm count

D) Erectile dysfunction

D) Erectile dysfunction

Which method of administration is used for testosterone cypionate?

A) Oral

B) Topical

C) Transdermal

D) Intramuscular

D) Intramuscular

Which drug requires wearing gloves during administration?

A) Minoxidil

B) Stanozolol

C) Dutasteride

D) Tamsulosin

C) Dutasteride

A patient is prescribed sildenafil for erectile dysfunction. Which is the best time to take the dose?

A) 1 hour before sexual intercourse

B) 2 hours before sexual intercourse

C) 30 minutes before sexual intercourse

D) 10 minutes before sexual intercourse

A) 1 hour before sexual intercourse

The nurse is providing care for a patient taking oxandrolone. Which test should the nurse evaluate to help prevent complications in the patient?

A) Glucose

B) Hematocrit

C) Hemoglobin

D) Liver function

D) Liver function

A nurse is teaching a patient how to self-administer sildenafil. Which patient statement indicates effective learning?

A) "I should apply it to my abdomen."

B) "I should apply it onto the scrotal skin."

C) "I should push the suppository into my urethra."

D) "I should take the tablet 1 hour before intercourse."

D) "I should take the tablet 1 hour before intercourse."

For which reason does the health care provider prescribe finasteride?

Finasteride is used to treat men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and male pattern hair loss, also called androgenetic alopecia. BPH is caused by an enlarged prostate.

Which condition is a contraindication to the use of nandrolone?

When should Nandrolone not be taken? (Contraindications) Nandrolone should not be used in patients with prostate cancer, breast cancer especially with high calcium levels, severe kidney impairment, pregnancy or in patients allergic to the drug.

Which drug will be prescribed for a patient who presents with erectile dysfunction?

There are currently three oral medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED): sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra).

Which side effects would the nurse monitor for in a patient who has been administered Finasteride for treatment of an enlarged prostate gland?

What side effects can this medication cause?.
inability to have or maintain an erection..
decreased sexual desire..
problems with ejaculation (including decreased volume of ejaculate).
pain in the testicles..