Which company leveraged paid search advertising to become the world’s top advertising company?

Digital marketing has become one of the top methods to reach prospective customers in your area and working with a paid search advertising agency is the best way to set yourself up for success.

Whether you want to build brand awareness, build your marketing funnel, or generate more leads, there is no doubt that paid advertising can help you produce fast and effective results.

With the above in mind, successful pay-per-click (PPC) ads management requires an in-depth understanding of how paid channels work in order to provide results right away.

As part of the management process, you’ll need to choose the platforms that provide the most relevant traffic, make an upfront investment, and monitor your campaigns. Additionally, you have to create compelling ads, control PPC costs, and optimize your targeted ads to improve your chances of long-term success.

Fannit is a full-service paid search company that provides management services for a variety of PPC marketing channels. We have more than a decade of experience helping local companies connect with their audiences through dedicated paid ads management services.

Get in touch with our team and book an appointment to learn what our paid digital services can do for your marketing channels.

  • Importance of Paid Search Advertising
  • Types of Paid Advertising Services We Offer
    • Google Ads
    • Bing Ads
    • Google Local Services Ads
    • Google Shopping Ads
    • Retargeting Search Ads
  • Our PPC Advertising Process
    • Keyword Research
    • Campaign Budget Analysis
    • Competitor Ads Review
    • Campaign Strategy Development
    • Landing Page Creation and Optimization
    • Ad Copy Creation & Testing
    • Campaign Set Up
    • Conversion Rate Analysis
    • Content Review. Modifications, and Optimization
    • Ongoing Bid Adjustments
  • Benefits of Paid Search Marketing
    • 1. It’s Cost-Effective
    • 2. Drive Web Traffic Instantly
    • 3. Engage Warn Leads
    • 4. Improve the ROI of Your Marketing Efforts
    • 5. Boost Your SEO Performance
    • 6. Experience Fewer Fluctuations Due to Algorithm Updates
  • Partner with FANNIT for Best Quality Paid Advertising Services
  • Why Choose FANNIT as Your Top Paid Advertising Agency Service Provider?
  • Ready to Create a Great Paid Campaign? Fannit Is Here to Help

Importance of Paid Search Advertising

Working with the best PPC company will help improve the results you get from your paid campaigns. That said, the only way to ensure that your paid search marketing agency is producing results is to understand the importance of PPC marketing.

There are many online marketing methods you can leverage, but these can be classified into two major groups. These are organic marketing and paid advertising.

Organic marketing consists of all online channels that don’t require direct payment or the creation of ads. This type of digital strategy depends on non-paid methods like search engine optimization (SEO) to improve search results rankings, organic social media that boost visibility, and email marketing sequences.

While all of these provide stellar results, organic marketing is a gradual approach that takes some time to engage the target audience and produce results.

Pay-per-click advertising, on the other hand, is a type of digital marketing approach that allows you to create paid ad campaigns and publish content throughout the internet. PPC campaigns require the creation of ads and the selection of ad placement options. You’ll also have to choose among different advertising platforms and adapt our content. For example, creating video ads for YouTube Ads campaigns.

Like all other forms of digital marketing, creating a successful PPC advertising campaign requires in-depth knowledge about the platform being used. Instead of putting pressure on your internal team, you can always partner with a team of experienced paid search consultants that have experience with Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) and other platforms.

Types of Paid Advertising Services We Offer

Our PPC specialists have created successful paid search campaigns across a wide range of industries and channels. From search engine marketing (SEM) to paid social media ads and video content platforms, our PPC management agency can create ad campaigns from scratch using the formats that will engage the audience the most.

Like the paid search marketing campaigns we create, our pay-per-click advertising services are fully tailored to your requirements.

If you don’t have a paid search system already set up, our PPC company can create all of the basic materials and manage your social media as well as Google Ads campaigns. In case you already have several ad campaigns running, we can provide support at all levels — from simple support for your internal PPC advertising team or complete campaign management.

Our paid search services include:

Google Ads

Google is the world’s most popular search engine, and the technology giant has also built the largest PPC network available today. Our Google Ads management services focus on creating paid ads campaigns either for search ads as well as the Google Display Network.

As part of our Google Ads PPC management services, we take the time to analyze your business and your target audience. We determine which major search engines and paid social media marketing platforms give you the chance of success. Then, we focus on creating ads and claiming the top placements, right at the top of search engine results pages.

Bing Ads

Bing Ads can help you connect with almost 700 million individuals every month. Not only this, but it’s estimated that Microsoft’s advertising network can help you reach more than 200 million individuals through native ads, which have a much higher conversion rate than conventional paid campaigns.

Simply put, Bing Ads is extremely similar to Google Ads. The most important things for the success of your Bing PPC project are to understand the search results ranking factors that impact your ad placement, monitor your marketing performance closely, and ensure that your paid search specialists create ads tailored to your audience.

Google Local Services Ads

Booking local jobs and getting leads from specific service areas has always been a major challenge for small businesses running multi-channel PPC campaigns.

The good news is that Google has created a specific tool designed to help you get local leads. This type of paid advertising is called Google Local Service Ads.

Google Local Service Ass are different because they feature a unique format that includes a Google Guaranteed badge and the ability to book an appointment. The best part is that we provide a full range of management services, so you can focus on converting local leads and growing your business.

Google Shopping Ads

You’ve likely seen Google Shopping Ads before. This type of paid search campaign allows you to place ecommerce-style ads directly on Google search engine results whenever there’s a relevant query in your service area.

As a leading PPC management company, Fannit can provide support in all areas of your Google Shopping Ads. We can organize for professional photography, build a fast ecommerce website, and manage your paid digital marketing efforts regardless of which channels you use.

Additionally, our paid search agency will closely monitor your paid digital; marketing efforts to ensure that your ads only appear on relevant results pages.

Retargeting Search Ads

A major advantage of PPC advertising is that you can create retargeting campaigns to convert prospects who have shown interest in your services before.

Even if a prospect doesn’t engage with your pay-per-click advertising ads, the way this user interacts with your content can provide a huge amount of information.

Our retargeting PPC campaigns focus on generating leads from customers who were close to converting before by making slight adjustments to your ads in order to address your audience’s main pain points.

Our PPC Advertising Process

We’ve been polishing and adjusting our PPC digital marketing services for more than 10 years in order to stay updated with consumers’ demands as well as the ever-changing world of online advertising. This is the reason why our team implements a segmented approach that’s tailored to each one of our clients.

This process can be broken down into four major stages, which are:

  • Build: During this stage, we create both branded and non-branded ads that need to be strategically placed in your traditional and display advertising campaigns. We also create personas, set targeting parameters, implement a solid bidding strategy, and create special pages. By the end of this step, we’ll have a better idea of what your PPC campaigns will look like on Google and other pay-per-click advertising channels.
  • Launch: Next, we move onto the launching stage. At this point, we submit your ad campaigns for approval in search engines and other paid channels. After the platform ensures that the ads adhere to their requirements, your pay-per-click advertising ads are launched. Here, you’ll start seeing traffic and preliminary results from your paid search marketing campaign.
  • Measure: One of the best parts of digital marketing is that it allows us to monitor your efforts, including every PPC campaign we create for you. In addition to ensuring a positive ad-spend-to-revenue ratio, we also make sure that you’re generating the right type of conversion at a high clip.
  • Scale: Lastly, the scaling stage. The reason why we’ve earned a reputation as a great digital marketing PPC agency is our ability to grow campaigns exponentially. Our team analyzes, optimizes, and ensures that your ad spend goes down while your results keep climbing.

Let’s take a deeper dive into our search engine marketing and paid advertising process.

Keyword Research

The first step in our paid digital marketing process is to perform keyword research. This step in itself can be broken down into three parts: understanding your brand/offerings, studying your target audience, and identifying the keywords these individuals use to look for your products.

Our team of PPC management experts employs top-of-the-line SEM tools that allow them to see keyword search volumes and trends.

Campaign Budget Analysis

After creating an initial list of keywords that will be used throughout your PPC campaign, it’s time to create a budget estimate.

One of the biggest benefits of running a PPC campaign is that you can adjust it based on your budget. If you only have limited funds available, you can build a relatively simple paid digital marketing strategy that only employs a few landing pages.

With the above in mind, the bigger the investment, the more reach your ads will have. If one of your business goals is to get results from your landing pages right away, your best alternative may be to start off with the biggest possible budget.

Competitor Ads Review

As part of our PPC services, we also analyze top competitors to determine which terms produce the best results for these businesses. Our PPC management experts are trained to identify any overlap with your own campaign and implement the relevant keywords that have produced the best results for the leading brand.

In addition to the actual keywords, we also monitor the leading brands’ adverts in order to figure out what creative strategies they have in place.

Campaign Strategy Development

Once we have all the initial information, we start creating a bespoke PPC campaign strategy for your company.

Every business is unique, so we’ll build a set of paid campaigns based on your specific goals. In most cases, PPC ads are designed to generate leads and drive revenue, so our team will focus on driving conversions. This varies from company to company, but these conversions can come in the form of calls, quotes, and even sales.

Landing Page Creation and Optimization

Landing pages are an essential part of the success of your campaign. The idea is to create independent pages that focus on converting every user that visits it.

Think of the landing pages of your PPC ads as specific areas within your digital store. If your ads revolve around your top-selling product, then their landing pages should focus specifically on the goods you’re trying to promote.

Ad Copy Creation & Testing

One of the biggest reasons why PPC ads come up short is because they haven’t been tested properly.

Many beginner marketers aren’t aware of this, but refining and finding the final version of a PPC ad is a trial and error process.

To get the best results, our team creates a set of beginner ads that are tested and compared head-to-head.

Once your campaign goes live we start evaluating which ads provide the best results, adjusting small variables until we achieve optimal performance.

Campaign Set Up

After creating the set of ads that we’ll test first, we move on to the last stages of your campaign creation. This includes setting the initial targeting settings. The initial settings aren’t permanent but are changed based on the statistics during the first optimization.

In addition to targeting, we also set the best times for your campaign to run. Every audience follows unique behavioral patterns, so we run your ads on a relatively open schedule and gradually narrow down on the best parts of each day.

Conversion Rate Analysis

As we mentioned earlier, most PPC marketing campaigns focus on generating leads and similar results. This is the reason why our experts monitor the conversion rate of your campaign from the get-go.

Assuming that all other metrics are being met, the conversion rate tells us how engaged the target audience is. We take the time to experiment with a few key variables until we find the combination that produces the highest conversion rate for your campaigns.

Content Review. Modifications, and Optimization

Once we have enough statistically-significant information, it’s time to review, modify, and optimize your content.

In simple terms, the optimization process consists of improvements designed to boost your campaign performance. Our team makes adjustments based on the results your campaign has generated so far.

For example, if the campaign CTR is below average, we’ll experiment with different headers until we find a version that engages your audience.

Ongoing Bid Adjustments

PPC advertising through Google and other platforms is different from conventional paid setups because companies aren’t rewarded for simply placing the biggest bid. However, there is no denying that the bidding process is essential for the success of your campaign.

Our team constantly works on adjusting your bids to ensure that your ads are visible while also guaranteeing that you’re keeping your advertising costs as low as possible.

Benefits of Paid Search Marketing

Creating a paid digital advertising strategy for your business is a superb idea, especially if you’re looking to improve the way you engage your local audience.

As a matter of fact, PPC marketing brings a huge array of benefits and these are exponentially amplified when you work with a reliable search engine advertising agency.

Let’s take a look at some of the advantages that working with a PPC management agency can bring to your business.

1. It’s Cost-Effective

The first and most obvious advantage of PPC is that it’s cost-effective.

In other words, the cost of generating a lead through PPC is relatively shorter than most other methods, including traditional means like print media. The best part is that our team implements techniques that reduce your costs and keep them as low as possible while still getting stellar results from your PPC ads.

2. Drive Web Traffic Instantly

Driving website traffic is one of the biggest goals for any business. Search engines are superb channels, but organic methods can take time to deliver results.

The good news is that paid search engine marketing is much faster than search engine optimization, yet gives you access to the exact same traffic. Better yet, a PPC marketing agency can actually help you direct these users to your website consistently, which should translate to more sales as long as you have the right features in place.

3. Engage Warn Leads

PPC campaigns can help you engage users who are actively looking for a specific product or service. In other words, if you hire our paid search marketing services, we’ll make sure that your ads are engaging warm leads that have a higher chance of becoming conversions.

4. Improve the ROI of Your Marketing Efforts

The return-on-income or ROI of your campaigns is a metric that measures how much revenue is being generated for every dollar spent. With the right strategy, your PPC campaigns can significantly improve your ROI and make your ads as profitable as possible.

5. Boost Your SEO Performance

We want to be clear about this: the results of your PPC campaigns don’t directly impact your search engine optimization performance. With that said, the behavior of the users that visit your site through a PPC ad can still influence the output of your SEO efforts, albeit to a limited extent.

This is because your PPC campaign can help you drive huge amounts of traffic to your site. If the users are interested and spend a lot of time on your page, Google and other search platforms will see this as a positive sign. This, in turn, can lead to a small but measurable boost in your SEO results.

6. Experience Fewer Fluctuations Due to Algorithm Updates

Algorithm updates, specifically from Google, have become a major threat to the performance of your SEO campaign. Despite the fact that PPC platforms also employ algorithms, the updates on the ad networks implemented are not as impactful, so they tend to cause fewer issues for business owners.

Partner with FANNIT for Best Quality Paid Advertising Services

Many business owners overlook the impact that pressure has on their internal teams. Instead of pressuring your team members by adding another layer, you should find a reliable PPC marketing agency that can handle all aspects of your paid campaigns, like Fannit.

Why Choose FANNIT as Your Top Paid Advertising Agency Service Provider?

Our extensive experience, cutting-edge tools, and innovative approach allow us to give our clients an advantage over their competitors. At Fannit, we focus on the areas that will produce the best results and put our clients at the center of every decision we make.

If you’re looking for a paid ads and social media marketing expert, contact Fannit today to book a consultation today.

Ready to Create a Great Paid Campaign? Fannit Is Here to Help

Creating a paid advertising campaign takes a huge amount of time and effort. In addition to conducting research at several levels, you also need to create the actual ads and landing pages that potential customers will be redirected to. But, even though it requires a huge amount of work. PPC remains one of the best and most profitable digital marketing techniques today.

Developing a PPC marketing plan to help you meet all your business goals can take some time. As an alternative, you can always partner with an experienced PPC marketing agency that can help you generate results right away.

To learn more about working with Fannit, contact our team and book a free consultation today.

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