Which AWS service is used to as a global content delivery network CDN service in AWS quizlet?

Amazon CloudFront

Securely deliver content with low latency and high transfer speeds

1 TB of data transfer out

Reduce latency by delivering data through 450+ globally dispersed Points of Presence (PoPs) with automated network mapping and intelligent routing.

Improve security with traffic encryption and access controls, and use AWS Shield Standard to defend against DDoS attacks at no additional charge.

Cut costs with consolidated requests, customizable pricing options, and zero fees for data transfer out from AWS origins.

Customize the code you run at the AWS content delivery network (CDN) edge using serverless compute features to balance cost, performance, and security.

How it works

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service built for high performance, security, and developer convenience.

Which AWS service is used to as a global content delivery network CDN service in AWS quizlet?

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Use cases

Deliver fast, secure websites

Reach viewers across the globe in milliseconds with built-in data compression, edge compute capabilities, and field-level encryption.

Accelerate dynamic content delivery and APIs

Optimize dynamic web content delivery with the purpose-built and feature-rich AWS global network infrastructure supporting edge termination and WebSockets.

Stream live and on-demand video

Start streams quickly, play them with consistency, and deliver high-quality video to any device with AWS Media Service and AWS Elemental integration.

Distribute patches and updates

Scale automatically to deliver software, game patches, and IoT over-the-air (OTA) updates at scale with high transfer rates.


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Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) that makes it easy to deliver websites, videos, apps, and APIs securely at high speeds with low latency. Built with developers in mind, CloudFront makes it easy to customize your delivery to find the perfect balance of speed, security, and cost suited to your organization’s needs. 

For on-demand pricing, CloudFront charges traffic served via data transfers out from edge locations, along with HTTP or HTTPS requests. Customers willing to make a one-year usage commitment can save up to 30 percent using the self-service CloudFront Savings Bundle. For steeper discounts, ask about custom pricing based on minimum traffic commitments (typically 10 TB/month or higher). Integrated with AWS, there are no transfer fees for origin fetches from any AWS origin such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), or Elastic Load Balancers. AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) also offers custom TLS certificates at no additional charge. Support for the CDN is included in your existing AWS Support subscription. Pricing varies by usage type, geographical region, and feature selection; options are priced below.

Discounted Pricing

Free Tier

Always free

1 TB of data transfer out

10,000,000 HTTP or HTTPS Requests

2,000,000 CloudFront Function Invocations

Each month

CloudFront Savings Bundle

Amazon CloudFront charges traffic served based on the following dimensions: The CloudFront Security Savings Bundle is a flexible self-service pricing plan that helps you save up to 30% on your CloudFront bill in exchange for a monthly spend commitment for a one-year term. This savings is not limited to data delivered by CloudFront but applies to all CloudFront usage types, including CloudFront Functions and Lambda@Edge. The CloudFront Security Savings Bundle also includes free AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) usage up to 10% of your committed amount.

Custom Pricing

Custom Pricing

Custom discounted pricing is available for customers willing to commit to a minimum of 10 TB of data transfer per month for 12 months or longer. Discounts vary based on the amount of the commitment. Interested in signing up for discounted pricing?
Contact Us

AWS Free Usage Tier

As part of the AWS Free Usage Tier, you can get started with Amazon CloudFront for free. When you use Amazon CloudFront, you will receive 1 TB of data transfer out, 10,000,000 HTTP and HTTPS Requests, plus 2,000,000 CloudFront Function invocations each month.

Your usage for the free tier is calculated each month across all AWS edge locations and automatically applied to your bill—unused monthly usage will not roll over. AWS Free Tier does not apply to custom pricing deals. Restrictions apply; see offer terms for more details.

On-Demand Pricing

Regional Data Transfer Out to Internet (per GB)

 Per Month 

United States, Mexico, and Canada  Europe and Israel   South Africa, Kenya, and Middle East  South America Japan  Australia and New Zealand  Hong Kong, Indonesia,  Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam India 
 First 10TB  $0.085 $0.085 $0.110 $0.110 $0.114 $0.114 $0.120 $0.109
 Next 40TB  $0.080 $0.080 $0.105 $0.105 $0.089 $0.098 $0.100 $0.085
 Next 100TB  $0.060 $0.060 $0.090 $0.090 $0.086 $0.094 $0.095 $0.082
 Next 350TB  $0.040 $0.040 $0.080 $0.080 $0.084 $0.092 $0.090 $0.080
 Next 524TB  $0.030 $0.030 $0.060 $0.060 $0.080 $0.090 $0.080 $0.078
 Next 4PB  $0.025 $0.025 $0.050 $0.050 $0.070 $0.085 $0.070 $0.075
 Over 5PB  $0.020 $0.020 $0.040 $0.040 $0.060 $0.080 $0.060 $0.072
Customers willing to make minimum traffic commits of typically 10 TB/month or higher are eligible for discounted pricing. Contact us

Regional Data Transfer Out to Origin (per GB)

United States, Mexico, and Canada  Europe and Israel   South Africa, Kenya, and Middle East  South America  Japan  Australia and New Zealand  Hong Kong, Indonesia,  Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam   India 
All Data Transfer  $0.020 $0.020 $0.060 $0.125 $0.060 $0.080 $0.060 $0.160

Request Pricing for All HTTP Methods (per 10,000)

  United States, Mexico, and Canada  Europe and Israel   South Africa, Kenya, and Middle East  South America Japan  Australia and New Zealand Hong Kong, Indonesia,  Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam India 
HTTP requests $0.0075 $0.0090 $0.0090 $0.0160 $0.0090 $0.0090 $0.0090 $0.0090
HTTPS requests $0.0100 $0.0120 $0.0120 $0.0220 $0.0120 $0.0125 $0.0120 $0.0120

We charge less where our costs are less, so some prices vary across geographic regions and are based on the edge location through which your content is served. There may be higher fees associated with any new edge locations we add to the CloudFront network in the future. Usage tiers for data transfer are measured separately for each geographic region. The prices above are exclusive of applicable taxes, fees, or similar governmental charges, if any exist, except as otherwise noted. The prices for usage out of Australia edge locations are exclusive of Australia Goods and Services Tax (GST). For customers with a Japanese billing address, use of the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax.  Learn more >>

Feature Pricing

CloudFront Functions pricing details 

You are charged for the total number of invocations across all your functions. CloudFront Functions counts an invocation each time it starts executing in response to a CloudFront event globally. Invocation pricing is $0.10 per 1 million invocations ($0.0000001 per invocation). 

Lambda@Edge pricing details

Lambda@Edge charges you based on three factors: total number of function invocations, compute capacity required, and compute duration. Lambda@Edge counts an invocation each time it starts executing in response to a CloudFront event globally. Invocation pricing is $0.60 per 1 million invocation ($0.0000006 per invocation). Capacity and duration are calculated together in GB/seconds used. Duration is calculated from the time your code begins executing until it returns or otherwise terminates. You are charged $0.00005001 for every GB/second used. For instance, if you allocate 128 MB of memory available per invocation with your Lambda@Edge function, then your duration charge will be $0.00000625125 for every 128 MB/second used. Note that Lambda@Edge functions are metered at a granularity of 1ms. There is no free tier for Lambda@Edge at this time.

Origin Shield requests

If you set up Origin Shield as a centralized caching layer, request fees are charged based on the AWS Region you have configured to be your Origin Shield Region and not based on the Amazon CloudFront edge location serving content. Origin Shield is charged as a request fee for each request that comes from another regional cache to your Origin Shield; see Estimating Origin Shield costs in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

If you are interested in using Origin Shield in a multi-CDN architecture and have discounted pricing, additional charges may apply. Contact us or your AWS sales representative for more information.

Origin Shield Request Pricing for All HTTP Methods (per 10,000)

  United States Europe South America Japan  Australia Singapore South Korea India 
Origin Shield Requests $0.0075 $0.0090 $0.0160 $0.0090 $0.0090 $0.0090 $0.0090 $0.0090

Price classes

Price classes provide you an option to lower the prices you pay to deliver content out of Amazon CloudFront. By default, Amazon CloudFront minimizes end-user latency by delivering content from its entire global network of edge locations. However, because we charge more where our costs are higher, this means that you pay more to deliver your content with low latency to end users in some locations. Price classes let you reduce your delivery prices by excluding Amazon CloudFront’s more expensive edge locations from your Amazon CloudFront distribution. 

Amazon CloudFront will deliver your content from edge locations associated with the price class you selected. You will only be charged fees specific to the edge locations from which the content was actually delivered within the selected price class. From time to time, your content may be served from an edge location that is not included in your price class. In these cases, Amazon CloudFront will only charge you the rate for the least expensive location in your selected price class. 

If performance is most important to you, you don’t need to do anything; your content will be delivered by our whole network of locations. However, if you wish to use another price class, you can configure your distribution through the AWS Management Console or via the Amazon CloudFront API. If you select a price class that does not include all locations, some of your viewers, especially those in geographic locations that are not in your price class, may experience higher latency than if your content were being served from all Amazon CloudFront locations.

Invalidation requests

No additional charge for the first 1,000 paths requested for invalidation each month. Thereafter, $0.005 per path requested for invalidation. 

Note: A path listed in your invalidation request represents the URL (or multiple URLs if the path contains a wildcard character) of the object(s) you want to invalidate from CloudFront cache. For more information about invalidation, see Invalidating Objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

Real-time log requests
Real-time logs are charged based on the number of log lines that are generated. You pay $0.01 for every 1,000,000 log lines that CloudFront publishes to your log destination.

Dedicated IP custom SSL
You pay $600 per month for each custom SSL certificate associated with one or more CloudFront distributions using the Dedicated IP version of custom SSL certificate support. This monthly fee is pro-rated by the hour. For example, if you had your custom SSL certificate associated with at least one CloudFront distribution for just 24 hours (i.e. one day) in the month of June, your total charge for using the custom SSL certificate feature in June will be (one day / 30 days) * $600 = $20. For other SSL options, please visit the CloudFront Custom SSL detail page.

Origin server to Amazon CloudFront (origin fetches)
Amazon CloudFront requires you to store the original, definitive version of your content in an origin server. With Amazon CloudFront, you can use an AWS service (e.g., Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Elastic Load Balancing) or your own server as the origin server. You are responsible for the separate fees you accrue for your origin server.

If you are using an AWS service as the origin for your content, data transferred from origin to edge locations (Amazon CloudFront origin fetches) are free of charge. This applies to data transfer from all AWS regions to all global CloudFront edge locations. Data transfer out from AWS services for all non-origin fetch traffic (such as multi-CDN traffic) to CloudFront will incur their respective regional data transfer out charges. Pricing for all AWS services is available here.

Amazon CloudFront to origin server
Data transfer out of Amazon CloudFront to your origin server, such as POST and PUT requests or WebSocket traffic flowing from the client to WebSocket server, will be billed at the regional data transfer out to origin rates listed in the Regional Data Transfer Out to Origin (per GB) table above.

WebSocket pricing
Amazon CloudFront supports using WebSocket, a TCP-based protocol that is useful when you need long-lived bidirectional connections between clients and servers. There is no additional charge for sending data over the WebSocket protocol. Standard charges for using Amazon CloudFront apply.

Field Level Encryption requests
Field-level encryption is charged based on the number of requests that need the additional encryption. You pay $0.02 for every 10,000 requests that CloudFront encrypts using field-level encryption in addition to the standard HTTPS request fee.

Pricing Examples

  • Pricing example 1: Static website

    In this example, you are delivering a static website for a small production workload or testing your application. You have 100 GB of data egressing out to the internet from a CloudFront cache per month and make 1,000,000 HTTPS requests when fetching content from CloudFront and delivering to your viewer.

    In this example, you are delivering a static website for a small production workload or testing your application. You have 100 GB of data egressing out to the internet from a CloudFront cache per month and make 1,000,000 HTTPS requests when fetching content from CloudFront and delivering to your viewer. 

    You also use CloudFront Functions for lightweight processing of web requests, such as cache-key manipulation or URL rewrites. 

    Assuming your account has less than 1 TB of data transfer out to internet and fewer than 20,000,000 total HTTPS request, DTO and HTTPS request will be covering by the AWS Free Tier, incurring no charge. Your CloudFront distribution uses a viewer request and a viewer response function on each request. This would invoke two functions per request, no charge will be incurred by the first 2,000,000 request, then you will be charged at $0.1 per million requests.

    Discount: You can save up to 30% on your CloudFront bill in exchange for a set monthly minimium spend over a one-year committment. Note: If you are using an AWS origin, data transferred from origin to CloudFront edge locations will be free of charge.

  • Pricing Example 2: Dynamic e-commerce application

    You use CloudFront real-time logs to get information about requests made to a distribution in real time. You also need to invalidate objects from CloudFront Cache when there is an update to your website content.

    You use CloudFront real-time logs to get information about requests made to a distribution in real time. You also need to invalidate objects from CloudFront Cache when there is an update to your website content.

    For Mexico, the data transfer out to internet is charged at $0.085 per GB after the first TB. HTTPS requests are charged at $0.01 per 10,000 requests after the first 20,000,000. Real-time logs are charged based on the number of log lines that are generated. You pay $0.01 for every 1,000,000 log lines that CloudFront publishes to your log destination; every request generates 1 log line. Finally, let’s assume you make a total of 2,000 invalidation requests per month for all your distributions. The first 1,000 invalidation paths that you submit per month are free. Thereafter, you will be charged $0.005 per path requested for invalidation.

    Note: Data Transfer Out (DTO) charges from AWS services to CloudFront are $0/GB. What this means is that you can put CloudFront in front of AWS origins such as Application Load Balancers (ALB), AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon S3, and other AWS resources to deliver HTTP(S) objects and save on DTO costs, roughly $77 in this example.

  • Pricing Example 3: Media streaming application

    When streaming video, you use a Lambda@Edge origin response trigger for response customization. You also use Origin Shield to reduce load on your origins by providing just-in-time packaging for live streams and on-the-fly image processing.

    When streaming video, you use a Lambda@Edge origin response trigger for response customization. You also use Origin Shield to reduce load on your origins by providing just-in-time packaging for live streams and on-the-fly image processing.

    For USA, the data transfer out to internet is charged at $0.085 per GB after the first TB. HTTPS requests are charged at $0.01 per 10,000 requests after the first 20,000,000. Let’s assume your Lambda@Edge function executed 60 million times in one month, and it ran for 10ms each time. L@E charges are calculated based on compute and requests. Monthly compute price is $0.00000625125 per 128 MB-second, and the monthly request price is $0.60 per 1 million requests. Origin Shield request pricing for origins configured in USA is $0.0075 per 10,000 HTTPS requests. Let’s assume the total number of dynamic requests going to Origin Shield is 10 percent of all your HTTPS requests: 10% x 200M = 20M.

What service does AWS use to provide a content delivery network CDN for its customers quizlet?

Amazon CloudFront - Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) service that gives businesses and web application developers an easy and cost effective way to distribute content (such as videos, data, applications, and APIs) with low latency and high data transfer speeds.

What is content delivery network in AWS?

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a critical component of nearly any modern web application. It used to be that CDN merely improved the delivery of content by replicating commonly requested files (static content) across a globally distributed set of caching servers.

Which of the following are defined as global services in AWS?

EC2 and RDS are regional services. Route53 and CloudFront are global services.