When the stimulus presented is below the level of the consumers conscious awareness the result that occurs is called?


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

The process by which stimuli are selected, organized, and interpreted is called:

Daily we are bombarded by a symphony of colours, sounds, and odours. The immediate

response of our receptors to such basic stimuli is called:

Vasi, a product manager at Kraft Foods, is reading a focus group report on tests regarding new

ads for Kraft Peanut Butter. He has found that the messages consumers received are different

from what Kraft intended. This is most likely due to:

Ursula likes eggs that she buys from a grocery store to be refrigerated. While in the U.K., she

experienced that in some stores eggs are placed on the shelves unrefrigerated. She refused to

buy the product because it:

contradicted her expectations

relied on hedonistic consumption

violated her cultural backgrounds

Perception is not immediate. It takes time for the brain to process information, but sensations

can be immediate and continuous. This means that the perceptual process requires a person to

pay attention to some stimuli, and not to others, but it also implies that the process requires


Gestalt rules to organize information rapidly

some sort of temporary memory to store sensation

that the intensity of the stimuli must be strong

that habituation is needed to dampen the strength of stimuli

effective perceptual filters to increase concentration

What is the lowest level at which an individual can experience a sensation?

The lowest level at which an individual can experience a sensation is called the absolute threshold. The point at which a person can detect a difference between “something” and “nothing” is that person's absolute threshold for that stimulus.

When a stimuli is too weak or too brief to be perceived by the receptor cells of people what is it called?

Subliminal Perception stimuli without being consciously aware of it. 2. Stimuli that are too weak or brief to be consciously seen or heard, may be strong enough to. be perceived by one or more receptor cells. a) This is subliminal perception because the stimulus is beneath the threshold, or “limin,”

What is the minimum level of difference that a consumer can make out or perceive between two stimuli that he receives is known as?

Differential Threshold - the difference between two stimuli or between one level of a stimulus and another level of that stimulus, where stimulus refers to something that causes a change in an organism.

What is absolute threshold in marketing?

The absolute threshold is the lowest point at which an individual can experience a sensation, while the differential threshold is the minimal difference that can be detected between two stimuli (the just noticeable difference). For a marketing stimulus to be perceived, it must be above the absolute threshold.


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