When the Business Software Alliance BSA finds cases of software piracy it can assess heavy monetary penalties?


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When the Business Software Alliance BSA finds cases of software piracy it can assess heavy monetary penalties?

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Compiled Quizzes 1-10

In the context of tenets of The European Union Data Protection Directive, what refers to an individuals right to seek legal relief through appropriate channels to protect privacy rights? Enforcement
In the 4th Amendment, courts have ruled Without reasonable expectation of privacy there is no privacy right
Cookies and tracking software is controversial because companies can collect information about consumer without their explicit permission True
In 1980, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Developments created ____________ which are often held up as the model of ethical treatment of consumer data Fair information practices
Which act outlines who may access a user's credit information, how users can find out what is in their file, how to dispute inaccuracies, and the time data is retained Fair Credit Reporting Act
The USA PATRIOT act grants the right to access certain information and records of federal, state and local governments upon request False
Which act enables the public to gain access to certain government records Freedom of Information act
Which act prohibits unauthorized access to stored wire and electronic communications such as the content of email inboxes, instant msgs, msg boards, and social networking sites Electronic Communications Privacy Act
National Security Letter is subject to judicial review and oversight False
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act describes procedures for the electronic surveillance of communications between foreign powers and agents of these powers True
The privacy act of 1974 extends to the CIA, US law enforcement agencies, and the private industry False
Which of the following acts restricts the governments ability tp intercept electronic communications such as email, fax, and msgs Electronic Communications Privacy Act
Doe v. Holder, the courts ruled that the NSL gag provision violates which of the following First Amendment
One purpose of which of the following is to capture and record data that can be used by the manufacturer to make future changes to improve vehicle performance in the case of a crash Event Data Recorder
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act does not cover the dissemination of information to children
Discovery is part of the pretrial phase of a lawsuit in which each party can obtain what from other party's by various means Evidence
Which act protects citizens from unreasonable government searches and is often invoked to protect the privacy of government employees Fourth Amendment
Title III of the WireTap Act allows state and federal law enforcement officials to use wiretapping without requiring them to obtain warrants False
Which of the following acts gave sweeping new powers both to domestic law enforcement and international intelligence agencies, including increasing the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, email, medical, financial, and other records USA PATRIOT
What act did the Federal Communications Commission respond to appeals from the DOJ requiring providers of Internet Phone services and broadband services to ensure that their equipment accommodated the use of law enforcement Wiretap Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
Typically, Internet Service providers (ISPs) have the resources to prescreen online content False
A strategy employed by corporations, government officials, and other against citizens and community groups who oppose them on matters of public interest is known as which of the following A SLAPP
Possession of child pornography is a federal offense punishable by up to how many years in prison 5
Internet filters cannot block users from accessing useful information False
The plaintiff in a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) can present themselves to the court admitting that their intent is to censor their critics. False
Each violation of the CAN-SPAM act can result in a fine up to $250 for each unsolicited email, and fines can be tripled in some cases True
Which of the following allows people to state their opinions without revealing their identity? Anonymous expression
What can be used against an anonymous defendant to reveal truths about the defendant's identity A John Doe lawsuit
A survey by Nielsen found that what percentage of the workforce accessed pornography from their workplace computer 25%
What involves the examination of Internet records in an attempt to reveal the identity of an anonymous poster Doxing
pornography purveyors are free to produce and publish whatever they want; however, if what they distribute is judge obscene, they are subject to prosecution under the obscenity True
In the US speech that is merely annoying, critical, demeaning, or offensive enjoys protection under which Amendment First
Although they may implement a speech code, which of the following entities are legally considered agents of the government and therefore must follow the First Amendment's prohibition against speech restrictions based on content or viewpoint Public schools and Universities
What statements is true of Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)? CIPA requires federally financed schools to use some from of technological protection to block computer access to obscene material
Although people have the right to express opinions, they must exercise care in their Internet communications avoid possible charges of Defamation
The closer an internet service provider (ISP)is to a pure service provider than to a content provider, the more likely that the section 230 immunity of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) will apply. True
Anti-SLAPP laws are designed to protect children from pornography False
Proponents of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) argued that Internet filters are highly flexible and customizable
The supreme Court has ruled that the Fifth Amendment protects the right to speak anonymously as a part of the guarantee of free speech False
What best describes the reason why social networking companies cannon be sue for defamation for user posting that appear on their sites Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) is not considered unconstitutional
A security policy outlines exactly what needs to be done to safeguard computers and their data, but not how it must be accomplished True
What exploit is characterized as the abuse of email systems to send unsolicited email to large numbers of people Spam
Computer viruses differ from worms in that viruses can propagate without human intervention, often sending copies of themselves to other computers by email False
In computing, a term for any sort of general attack on an information system that takes advantages of a particular system vulnerability is known as a Exploit
Even when preventive measures are implemented no organization is completely secure from a determined computer attack True
An antivirus software scans for a specific sequence of bytes that indicates the presence of specific malware. This sequence of bytes is called Virus signature
What enables remote users to securely access an organization's collection of computing and storage devices and share data remotely Virtual private network
Before the IT security group can begin an eradication effort, it has to Collect and log all possible criminal evidence from the system
Ransomware is malware that stops you from using your computer or accessing your data until you meet certain demands, such as a paying a ransom or sending photos to the attacker True
The cost to repair the worldwide damage done by a computer worm has exceed $1billion on more than one occasion True
What type of viruses have become a common and easily created form of malware that are created using applications such as Visual Basic or VBScript Macro viruses
The CAN-SPAM Act states that it is legal spam, provided the messages meet a few basic requirements True
Which organizations offers a number of security-related policy templates that can help an organization quickly develop effective security policies SANS Institute
A network attack in which an intruder gains access to a network and stays there, undetected, with the intention of stealing data over a long period of time is known as APT
Whenever possible, automated system rules should mirror an organization's written policies True
The cost of creating an email campaign for a product or a service is typically more expensive and takes longer to conduct that a direct-mail campaign False
Today's computer menace is much better organized and may be part of organized groups True
It is not unusual for a security audit to reveal that too many people have access to critical data and that many people have capabilities beyond those needed to perform their jobs True
Software/hardware that monitors system and network resources and activities, and notifies network security personnel when it identifies network traffic that attempts to circumvent the security measures of a networked computer environment is known as Intrusion detection system
Installation of a corporate firewall is the least common security precaution taken by businesses as it does not provide sufficiency security False
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) makes it a crime to bribe a foreign official
Currently no one IT professional organization has emerged as preeminent, so there is no universal code of ethics for IT workers True
The goal of the standards set by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is to prevent companies from Using slush funds or other means to disguise payments to officials
Gifts come with no expectation of a future favor for the donor True
To qualify legally as a bribe, the gift or payment must be made directly from donor to recipient False
Vendor certifications require passing a written exam, which usually contains multiple-choice questions because of legal concerns about whether other types of exams can be graded objectively True
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is legally binding global treaty to fight bribery and corruption False
There is a potential conflict of interest when IT consultants or auditors recommend their own products and service or those of a n affiliated vendor to remedy a problem they have detected True
What occurs when a party fails to preform certain express or implied obligations, which impairs or destroys the essence of the contract Material breach of contract
There are many industry association certifications in a variety of IT related subject areas True
A vendor certification may focus too narrowly on the technical details of the vendors technology
Members of the internal audit team must be expert in detecting and investigating financial statement fraud False
A survey by the Fawcett Society on the use of computing resources at work found that 20% of men admit to viewing porn while at work
Under what circumstance might a gift be considered a bribe When the gift has not been declared
What is a trade group that is funded through dues based on member companies' software revenues and through settlements from companies that commit software piracy Business Software Alliance (BSA)
When the Business Software Alliances (BSA) finds cases of software piracy, it can assess heavy monetary penalties True
Which trade group protects the intellectual property of member companies and advocates a legal regulatory environment that benefits the software industry Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)
Compliances means to be in conformance with a profession's core body of knowledge False
While no policy can stop wrongdoers, it can establish boundaries for acceptable and unacceptable behavior and enable management punish violators True
In which steps of the decision-making process should the decision makers consider laws, guidelines, policies, and principles that might apply to the decision Choose alternative
Which steps of the decision-making process gathers and analyzes facts and also identifies stakeholders affect by the decision Identify alternatives
The board of directors of an organization is normally responsible for day-to-day management and operations of the organization False
The corporate ethics officer should be a well respected , senior level manager who reports directly to the CEO True
In the case of US v. Newyork Central and Hudson River Railroad Co., the US supreme Court established that An employer can be held responsible for the acts of its employees even if the employees act in a manner contrary to their employers directions
In the decision-making process of implementing the decision what, plan must be defined to explain to people how they will move from the old way to the new way of doing things Transition
In the business world, important decisions are too often left to the technical experts; general business managers must assume greater responsibility for these decisions True
Which of the following positions provides an organization with vision and leadership in the area of business conduct Corporate ethics officer
To extend to all people the same respect and consideration that you expect from them is considered which of the following character traits Integrity
A set of beliefs about right and wrong behavior within a society is known as which of the following ethics
Lawrence Kohlberg found hat the most crucial factor that stimulates a person's moral development is monetary reward for good behavior False
In an environment where employees are encourage to do "whatever it takes" to get the job done, employees may feel pressure to act in which of the following ways unethically
Someone who stands to gain or lose, depending on how a situation is resolved is known as which of the following stakeholder
Standards or codes of behavior expected of an individual by a group (nation, organization, profession) to which an individual belongs is known as which of the following Ethics
Which of the following statements best describes a reason why organizations pursue corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals and promote a work environment in which employees are encouraged to act ethically when making business decisions To gain the goodwill of the community
One's personal beliefs about right and wrong are known as which of the following Morals
The goodwill that is created by which of the follow can make it easier for corporations to conduct their business CRS activities
What is the most critical step in the decision-making process Development of a problem statement
What activity describes when an organization reviews how well it is meeting its ethical and social responsibility goals, and communicates its new goals for the upcoming yearr Social audit
Legal acts conform to what an individual believes to be the right thing to do False
Companies that develop and maintain strong employee relations enjoy lower turnover rates
2013 National Business Ethics Survey, the amount of employees who reported misconduct in the workplace saw what type of movement when increase from 2011 to 2013
Malpractice lawsuits, many courts have ruled that IT workers are not liable for malpractice because they do not meet the legal definition of a professional
The BSA has a few dozen lawyers and investigators who prosecute only the 100 or so most egregious cases of software piracy each year False
The USA PATRIOT Act made it so the FBI can issue a National Security Letter to compel banks, ISPs, and credit reporting companies to turn over information without a court order because they need the information on their customers for a case True
Communications Decency Act (CDA) problem is broad language and vague definition of "indecency" a standard left to individual communities to determine
Proponents of Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) argued Internet filters are highly flexible and customizable
Virtually untraceable level of anonymity to email messages Remailers
dynamic content filtering means each website's content is reviewed immediately before it is displayed using methods like object analysis and image recognition True
1735 a defining moment in the history of freedom of the press in the US came when jurors refused to convict WHO for seditious libel. John Zenger
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty of 1996 eliminated many of the original copyright protections for electronic media False
Because organizations can risk losing trade secrets when key employees leave they often try to prohibit employees from revealing secrets by adding non-complete clauses to employment contracts True
What is the name of the agreement that prohibits a departing employee from working for any competitors for a period of time? Non-complete agreement
Industrial espionage and competitive intelligence are essentially the same. False
Open source code is any program whos source code is made available for use or modification, as users or other developers see fit True
Copyright infringement is the act of stealing someone's ideas or words passing them off as one's own. False
Firefox and OpenOffice are all examples of which of the following? Web browsers
Copyright and patent protection was established through which of the following? the U.S Constitution
The Fair Use Doctrine is defense often employed by the defendant in trademark infringement False
Which of the following is a logo, package design phrase, sound, or word that enables a consumer to differentiate one company's products from another's Trademark
The fair use doctrine denies portions of patented materials to be used without permission under any circumstance. False
Software, video games, multimedia works, and web pages can all be copyrighted True
A copyright is the exclusive right to distribute, display, perform, or reproduce an original work in copies or to prepare derivative works based on the work. True
Reverse engineering can only be applied to computer hardware, not computer software False
Which of the following was a legislator and former singer and entertainer who co-sponsored the Copyright Term Extension Act? Sonny Bono
Defining and controlling the appropriate level of access to intellectual property are complex tasks True
Which of the following established the minimum levels of protection that each country must provide to all WTO members? Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
Patent law protects which of the following? Inventions
Which of the following claims as its invention some feature or process embodied in instructions executed by a computer? Software patent
Which of the following increase trademark copyright enforcement and substantially increased penalties for infringement? Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO-IP) Act
In the context of development of safety critical systems, if an undesirable event has 10% probability of occurring and a potential cost of $50,000, then the risk can be calculated as which of the following? $5,000
From 2007 to June 2016, the percentage of organizations determined to be at a high-maturity level is 50. False
Which of the following can be oral, written, or inferred from the seller's conduct? Express warranties
There s no federal product liability law. True
Software quality is defined as the degree to which software product meets what? the needs of its users
An important technique used to develop ISO9001-compliant quality systems by both evaluating reliability and determining the effects of system and equipment failures is which of the following? Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
In integration testing, special software programs called static analyzers are run against the new code False
A failure mode describes how a product or process could fail to perform the desired functions described by the customer. True
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMM) is a process improvement approach that defines the essential elements of effective processes True
A primary cause of poor software quality is that developers do not know how to design quality into software from the very start or do not take the time to do so. True
Software product liability claims are typically based on strict liability, negligence, breach of warranty, or misrepresentation True
When sued for which of the following, a software supplier is not held responsible for every product defect that causes customer or third-party loss? Negligence
After an organization decided to adopt which of the following it, must be conducted an assessment of its software development practices to determine where they fit in the capability model? CMMI-DEV
Software suppliers attempt to limit their liability by specifying that although software is warranted to run on a given machine configuration, no assurance us given as to what that software will do True
Risk mitigation involves the reduction in either the likelihood or the impact of the occurrence of a risk. True
User acceptance testing is preformed by trained end users to ensure that the system operates as they expect. True
Software developers do not typically work closely with safety and software engineers. False
When software is well-designed, programmers make no mistakes in turning the design specifications into lines of code False
Which of the following is a standard, proven work process that enables those involved to make controlled and orderly progress in developing high-quality software Software development methodology
The first release of a software product typically meets all its users' expectations False
The primary areas where IT has been applied include all of the following except Medical language processing
How often does The Bureau of Labor statistics track U.S productivity? Quarterly
Electronic medical records captrue data on the total health of the patient and include more than just the standard clinical data collected in the provider's office thus enabling a broader view of a patient's care. False
Which of the following involves acquiring data, sound, images, and video from a patient and then transmitting everything to a medical specialist for later evaluation? Store-and-forward telemedicine
Natural language processing is an aspect of artificial intellogence that involves technology that allows computers to understand, analyze, manipulate, and/or generate "natural" languages, such as English True
The types of work-related activities best suiting for automation include activities associated with managing others, applying expertise in making decisions and offering recommendations, interacting with stakeholders... False
In the early days if IT in the 1960s, productivity improvements where difficult to measure. False
Which of the following examples is a use of wireless technology in the healthcare field? Transmit ECG data to a physician's smartphone
More advanced artificial-intelligence based clinical decisions support systems can help doctors choose the proper dosage levels of medication based on a patients most recent test results. True
A process and a set of tools designed to enhance healthcare-related decision making through the use of clinical knowledge to improve healthcare delivery is known as which of the following? clinical decision support
Which process can reduce expensive redundant tests that are ordered because one provider does not have access to the clinical information stored at another provider's location? Health information exchange
Advances in which of the following areas are fundamentally changing the way work gets done and have the potential to affect the tasks, roles, and responsibilities of most workers? Artificial intelligence
Innovation is a key factor in productivity improvement. Which of the following has played an important role in enabling innovation? Information technology
What is another name for the tethered PHR Patient portal
Machine learning is a branch of engineering that involves the development and manufacture of mechanical or computer devices that can preform tasks that require a high degree of precision or that are tedious or hazardous for human beings False
Computers and robots can perform a wide range of routine physical work activities better, cheaper, faster, and more safely than humans True
An example of robotics can be found in which of the following examples? device used to move heavy pallets
Almost every job has partial automation potential, and research suggests what percentage of human work activities could be automated using existing technology? 45%
A computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system enables physicians to place order (for drugs, laboratory tests, radiology, physical therapy) electronically, with the orders transmitted directly to the recipient. True
Which aspect of artificial intelligence involves technology that allows computers to understand, analyze, manipulate, and/or generate english Natural language processing
Store-and-forward telemedicine involved acquiring data, sound, images, and video from a patient and then transmitting everything to a medical specialist True
an electronic medical record includes which of the following? A patients immunization records
Which is the following technologies employs a electronic information processing and telecommunications to support at-a-distance healthcare, provide professional and patient related training, and support healthcare administration? Telehealth
in hospital related settings, implementing CPOE is associated with a 10% decline in preventable drug effects False
Which of the following helps physicians keep on patients prone to life-threatening health crises Remote monitoring
What is the name of the Project the Georgia Institute of technology that uses stories to teach human values to robots? Quixote
Which of the following is not one of the major three components of machine learning systems a function
Machine learning has contributed to the development of a much more in-depth understanding of the human genome as well as practical speech recognition, improved web search results, and self-driving cars True
An example of robotics can be found in which of the following examples device used to move heavy pallets
One of the fundamental ways in which companies can try to directly increase productivity is by consolidate operations to better leverage economies of scale
Today most radiologist employ a personal health record system to review cases from a remote location True
Live telemedicine required the presence of patients and healthcare providers at the same sight False
The standard of living varies greatly among groups within a country as well as from nation to nation True
Which of the following systems include people, procedures, hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to develop computer systems and machines that stimulate human intelligence processes? Artificial intelligence systems
It is difficult to quantify how much the use of IT has contributed to worker productivity because many other factors influence workers productivity rates besides IT
A measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the number of labor hours used in producing those goods and services is known as which of the following Labor productivity
Which federal law protects children against online stalking by making it a federal crime to communicate with any person intent to solicit or entice a child into unlawful sexual activity 18 USC 2425
Social shopping websites earn money solely by sharing with retailers data about their members likes and dislikes False
Which is the following is an example of cyberharassment? Someone keeps sending you instant messages after you asked them to stop
Organic media marketing involved the use of social networks to communicate and promote the benefits of products and services False
An employer can legally screen applicants based on race/ethnicity False
Which of the following is an approach to social media marketing that encourages individuals to pass along a marketing message to others, thus creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence Viral marketing
The goal of the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act is to provide law enforcement and citizens with the location of all sex offenders in the community True
Abusive behavior, which involves the use of an electronic communication device, that is degrading, humiliating, hurtful, insulting, intimidating, malicious, or otherwise offensive to an individual or groups of individuals causing emotional distress is Cyberharassment
Employers can legally reject a job applicant based on the contents of an individuals social networking profile as long as the company is not violating what laws discrimination
Two primary objectives of social media advertisers are driving traffic to a website to increase sales and what raise brand awareness
Currently, there is a fairly narrow range of social networking websites catering to internet users represented online False
The goal of viral marketing is to spread rumors and innuendo about a rival's product that will hurt its image. False
Most social networking websites have terms of use agreements that states the website has the right to Delete material that violated the sites policies
Which of the following social network platforms enables users to visually share and discover new internets by posting images or videos to their or others boards Pinterest
Which of the following is currently the most popular social network destination globally? Facebook
Twitter enables an organization to share short text updates, images, links, polls, and videos True
Global market research company J.D. Power claims that how many consumers have used a company's social media channel for customer service? 2/3s
An advantage of social networking advertising over traditional advertising is Ads can be targeted to reach people within specific demographics/characteristics
A majority of social shopping platforms generate revenue through which of the following? Retailer advertising
Which of the following is currently the world's largest professional network? LinkedIn
China is considered one of the best sources of programming skills outside of Europe and North America False
Which of the following is a true statement about the number of declared undergraduate computer science majors based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics? There are about 130,000 new computer science and IT graduates each year
Which of the following statements is true about the bureau of labor statistics forecast for employment between 2014 and2024 532,000 new jobs are expected to be added to IT related positions
There is no evidence that the hiring of H-1B workers has affected salaries of US IT workers False
In which of the following practices does a business transfer all or part of its workforce to another firm, which handles all human-resource-related activities and costs? Employee leasing
Violators of the False Claims Act are liable for how many time the dollar amount for which the government was defrauded? Three
For which of the following reasons has Egypt become less attractive country as a source of IT outsourcing? Political unrest
An H-1B visa is a temporary visa granted for people who Work in specialty occupations that require at least 4 year bachelor degrees
What term is used to identify a form of outsourcing in which services are provided by an organization whos employees are in a foreign country Offshore outsourcsing
Temporary employees must be treated like official employees of the company and are eligible for vacations, sick pay, and retirement benefits False
Which of the following terms is used to describe an effort to attract public attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by an individual or organization? Whistle-blowing
Depending on how closely wokrers are supervised and how the job is structured, contingent workers may ben viewed as permanent employees by the International Revenue Service, The Labor Department, or a state's workers' compensation and employee agencies True
A person can work for the US employer as an H-1B employee for a maximum continuous period of 10 years False
Companies are prohibited from exporting quantities of used electronics to companies in underdeveloped countries False
What classification is given to an individual who provides services to another individual or organization according to terms defined in a written contract or within a verbal agreement? Independent contractor
Which of these statements about contingent workers is true? They have neither an explicit nor an implicit contract for continuing employment
Which country is considered the best source of programming skills outside of the North America and Europe? India
Foreign professionals can convert their H-1B visas into permanent green cards True
If a whistle-blower wants to remain unknown , the safest courses of action is to leak information anonymously to the press True
A key requirement for using H-1B workers is that employers must pay them the prevailing wage for the work being preformed True

Under what circumstance might a gift be considered a bribe quizlet?

To qualify legally as a bribe, the gift or payment must be made directly from donor to recipient. Gifts come with no expectation of a future favor for the donor.

Which term distinguishes the person who uses a hardware or software product from the IT workers who develop install service and support the product?

In information technology, the term end user is used to distinguish the person for whom a hardware or software product is designed from the developers, installers, and servicers of the product.

What is the misstatement or incomplete statement of a material fact?

The misstatement or incomplete statement of material fact. Occurs when one party fails to meet the terms of a contract. Occurs when a party fails to perform certain express or implied obligations which impairs or destroys the essence of the contract.

Which term is used to describe the failure to act as a reasonable person would act quizlet?

Which term is used to describe the failure to act as a reasonable person would act? A breach of the duty of care is defined as a failure to conform to the code of ethics of a professional organization.