When the budget for the General Fund is recorded, the required journal entry will include

Journal Entries- Fund Based vs. Government-Wide

1.       City council adopts an annual budget for the general fund with estimated revenues of $1,700,000, appropriations of $1,500,000, and approved transfers of $120,000.

General Fund

Governmental Activities

Estimated Revenues           $1,700,000

             Appropriations                               $1,500,000

             Estimated Other Financing Uses      120,000

             Budgetary Fund Balance                      80,000          

·         budget entries are not reported

2.       Property taxes of $1,300,000 are levied.  City expects to collect all but 3% of taxes.

General Fund

Governmental Activities

Property Taxes Receivable          $1,300,000

            Allowance for Uncollectible Tax        39,000

            Revenues                                         1,261,000

Property Taxes Receivable          $1,300,000

            Allowance for Uncollectible Tax        39,000

            Revenues                                          1,261,000

3.       Two new police cars are ordered for $150,000.

General Fund

Governmental Activities

Encumbrances                               $150,000

             Fund Balance Reserved                  $150,000

             for Encumbrances

·         purchase orders are not reported

4.       A transfer of $50,000 is made from the general fund to the debt service fund.

General Fund

Governmental Activities

Other Financing Uses- Transfer Out    $50,000

          Cash                                                            50,000

·         no journal entry needed

Debt Service Fund

Cash                                                 50,000

        Other Financing Sources                   50,000

        Transfer In                                           50,000

5.       A bond payable of $40,000 is paid along with $10,000 in interest.

Debt Service Fund

Governmental Activities

Expenditures- Principal    40,000

Expenditures- Interest      10,000

           Cash                                      50,000

Bonds Payable         40,000

Interest Expense     10,000

         Cash                              50,000

6.       A $2,000,000 bond is issued at face to acquire a building to convert to a school.

Capital Projects Fund

Governmental Activities

Cash                         2,000,0000

        Other Financing Sources-       2,000,0000

        Bond Proceeds

Cash             2,000,000

      Bonds Payable       2,000,000

7.       The two police cars are received with an invoice for $152,000.

General Fund

Governmental Activities

Fund Balance Reserved

For Encumbrances                150,000

             Encumbrances                        150,000

Expenditures                          152,000

            Vouchers Payable                    152,000

Vehicles                  152,000

         Vouchers Payable         152,000

8.       The building for the school is acquired for $2,000,000 cash.

Capital Projects Fund

Governmental Activities

Expenditure                  2,000,0000

            Cash                                      2,000,000

Building                 2,000,000

             Cash                           2,000,000

9.       Depreciation on the new police cars is computed as $30,000.

General Fund

Governmental Activities

·         no depreciation is recorded

Depreciation Expense                        30,000

               Accumulated Depreciation             30,000

10.   The city borrowed $100,000 on a 90-day note.

General Fund

Governmental Activities

Cash                              100,000

        Notes Payable                 100,000

Cash                              100,000

        Notes Payable                 100,000

11.   A special assessment project is begun.  The city sells $80,000 in bonds at face to finance the project.  If the debt is not paid by the assessments collected, the city has pledged to guarantee the debt.

Capital Projects Fund

Governmental Activities

Cash                                                80,000

        Other Financing Sources-                 80,000

         Special Assessments

Cash                               80,000

          Bonds Payable               80,000

12.   A contractor completes the assessment project and is paid $80,000.

Capital Projects Fund

Governmental Activities

Expenditures                80,000

           Cash                               80,000

Infrastructure Assets        80,000

             Cash                                   80,000

13.   Citizens are assessed $85,000 for the project

Debt Service Fund

Governmental Activities

Taxes Receivable- Assessment     850,000

             Revenues                                           85,000

Taxes Receivable- Assessment     850,000

             Revenues                                           85,000

14.   The assessments of $85,000 are collected in full.  The debt, plus $5,000 in interest is repaid.

Debt Service Fund

Governmental Activities

Cash                                                         85,0000

          Taxes Receivable- Assessment             85,0000

Expenditures-Principal                         80,000

Expenditures-Interest                            5,000

           Cash                                                         85,0000

Cash                                                         85,0000

          Taxes Receivable- Assessment             85,0000

Bonds Payable                                       80,000

Interest Expense                                      5,000

           Cash                                                         85,0000

15.   The city receives a $10,000 grant for repairing a park.

Special Revenue Funds

Governmental Activities

Cash                                        10,000

         Deferred Revenue                    10,000

 Cash                                        10,000

         Deferred Revenue                    10,000

16.   The city spends $4,000 on park repairs.

Special Revenue Funds

Governmental Activities

Expenditures                      4,0000

             Cash                                   4,000

Deferred Revenues           4,0000

              Revenues- Grants         4,0000

Park Expense                     4,0000

             Cash                                   4,000

Deferred Revenues           4,0000

              Revenues- Grants         4,0000

When the budget for the General Fund is recorded the required journal entry will include which of the following?

Terms in this set (65) Assume estimated revenues exceed appropriations. When the budget for the General Fund is recorded, the journal entry will include: A credit to Budgetary Fund Balance.

What is a General Fund in a budget?

General Fund. General fund refers to revenues accruing to the state from taxes, fees, interest earnings, and other sources which can be used for the general operation of state government. General fund revenues are not specifically required in statute or in the constitution to support particular programs or agencies.

What type of account is General Fund?

General Fund This includes the Budget Stabilization Account and accounts used to finance local projects, which are generally funded with bond proceeds and do not result in an asset owned by the state. Other Accounts in the General Fund - Used for accounts that have no balances or activity.

When the budget of a government is adopted and estimated revenues exceed appropriations the excess is?

In a government setting, a budget surplus occurs when tax revenues in a calendar year exceed government expenditures. The United States government has only achieved a budget surplus four times since 1970.