When revising their papers first year college students are more likely than expert writers to quizlet?





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Ch. 10, 11, & 12

Terms in this set (95)

One reason that psychologists conduct relatively little research on language production is that

it is difficult to manipulate the relevant independent variables

According to Dell's explanation, a slip-of-the-tongue occurs because of

interference from inappropriate sounds that are highly active

A narrative usually concludes with

a signal that the narrative is complete

Which of the following students provides the best information related to the concept called common ground?

Ruth: "For people to achieve common ground, the speakers need to clarify misunderstandings."

Chapter 10 discussed a study by Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs in which two people try to communicate about the order in which various geometric figures are to be arranged. The research showed that

people soon developed a shorthand communication system

In discussing the social aspects of language, psycholinguistics researchers sometimes use a metaphor of two people dancing. Why is this metaphor appropriate?

Because two people must coordinate their efforts

Compared to writing, speaking is more likely to

use relatively simple syntax

According to the discussion of writing in Chapter 10:

good writers are more likely than poor writers to spend time carefully planning a writing assignment

When revising their papers, first-year college students are more likely than expert writers to

approach the revision phase one sentence at a time

Your textbook discusses a recent study, with bilingual Arab Israeli students who were enrolled at a university in Israel. The fluently bilingual researcher spoke to students in either Arabic or Hebrew. The results of this study showed that these students:

had more positive attitudes toward Jewish individuals when the researcher was speaking Hebrew

Jason is an infant whose parents speak English at home. When his parents are at work, Jason stays in a family day care home where all the employees speak only Spanish. Jason is experiencing

simultaneous bilingualism

The early research and theory on bilingualism

argued that bilingualism produced a cognitive deficit

Chapter 10 examined a study by Flege and his colleagues (1999), concerning the pronunciation skills of people who had emigrated from Korea to the United States. According to this research

people who had come to the United States during childhood were least likely to speak English with an accent

Hsi-Yen came to the United States from China when she was 14. Compared to her brother, who was 5 when he arrived, Hsi-Yen is most likely to have difficulty with


You are testing the cognitive abilities of three groups of bilingual French-English speakers in Montreal, whose native language is French: university students, English teachers, and French-English interpreters. On a test of reading span, administered in English, you would expect that

The interpreters would perform significantly better than the teachers and students

What can we conclude about age of acquisition and mastery of a second language?

The research is not clear-cut; instead, the findings seem to depend upon factors such as the similarity between the first language and the second language

The Tower of Hanoi experiment by Cook and Tanenhaus is important because it demonstrates that:

speakers can use gestures to transmit information that they did not knowingly intend to convey.

Recent research on bilingualism reveals that

bilinguals often display better cognitive skills

Simultaneous interpreters (often misnamed "simultaneous translators"):

seem to have superb working-memory skills

When people speak, they begin in

a top-down fashion

Suppose that you want to say, "red bugs," and instead you say, "beg rugs." This kind of slip-of-the-tongue error is called a

sound error

The term discourse refers to

language units that are more than a sentence in length

What can we conclude about the accuracy of speech production?

Even high-status speakers may produce a large number of speech errors

Knowledge of the social rules of language is called


Stephen is describing an explosion in an action film, and pushes his open-fingered hands violently into the air to simulate the outward force. Stephen has made a(n)

iconic gesture

According to the discussion of word production in Chapter 10

If you try to produce a particular noun, you will often retrieve it more effectively if you make a hand gesture

Suppose that you decide to adopt the advice suggested in the discussion of writing in Chapter 10. You are likely to write a better paper if you

Construct a written outline before beginning

According to the research about the writing process

The components of working memory are all active during writing

What can we conclude about the comparison between experts and nonexperts, with respect to writing?

An expert writer pays more attention to transitions between ideas.

Which of the following is true about bilingual individuals?

They perform better on concept-formation tasks than monolingual individuals.

What can we conclude about the relationship between attitudes and proficiency in a second language?

People who are positive toward speakers of another language are likely to learn that language more quickly than those who are neutral or negative about that group

Imagine that an elementary teacher has two classes, one monolingual and the other bilingual—though their other characteristics are similar. The bilingual class is more likely to

Have a better understanding of the structure of their first language

Chapter 10 examines the relationship between age of acquisition and ability to learn a second language. Before we can draw conclusions about this topic, which of the following questions needs further attention?

Do the same findings hold true when the second language is something other than English?

Suppose that you are listening to a lecture by a speaker who supports the critical period hypothesis for a particular motor skill in children. The speaker is likely to say that

children will show an abrupt drop in acquiring the skill competently, as the age of acquisition increases

Chapter 10 discussed a study that compared the working-memory skills of three groups of Dutch-English bilinguals. This study concluded that

the simultaneous interpreters had the best working-memory scores

Sequential bilinguals are bilinguals that

learned one language before initiating the acquisition of a second language

The critical period hypothesis asserts that a person's ability to acquire a second language is based on a biologically based "deadline." Recent research related to this hypothesis

does not support it

According to Dell's theory of speech errors

slip-of-the-tongue occur because each sound can be activated by several different words

Suppose that a psychology professor begins a lecture by saying, "OK, do you all remember the concept of 'ecological validity'?" The students all nod their heads. During this interaction, the professor was primarily interested in

establishing common ground

The concept of common ground was discussed in connection with the social context of speech. Common ground means that

the speakers share somewhat similar information and experiences

The cognitive model of writing proposes that the central executive plays an important role when we write. Specifically, the central executive

integrates information from different components of working memory

Sara has spoken English all her life. In high school and college, she takes French and eventually becomes fluent in that language. This is an example of

sequential bilingualism

On which of the following tasks is a bilingual child likely to have some difficulty, compared with a monolingual child?

Processing language quickly

Issues such as common ground and directives relate to an aspect of language called


One reason why there are more psychological studies on language comprehension than on language production is that:

it is difficult to manipulate the ideas that a person wishes to say or write

When people speak, they begin in:

a top-down fashion

A psychological understanding of slip-of-the-tongue errors:

has been advanced with a connectionist theory that includes spreading activation.

True or False: When viewing asked to describe a scene, people take approx. 900 ms after fixating on object to begin speaking the name for the object. This is taken as evidence that sentence planning takes 900 ms?


The assumption that participants in a conversation have similar background knowledge is known as:

common ground

Issues such as common ground and directives relate to an aspect of language called:


Recent research on bilingualism reveals that:

bilinguals often display better cognitive skills

True or False: Bilingualism is more the norm than the exception when considering the world's population.


The critical period hypothesis asserts that a person's ability to acquire a second language is based on a biologically based "deadline." Recent research related to this hypothesis:

does not support it

For which of characteristics of language does age of acquisition of a second language matter most?


The age of acquisition of a second language affects:

the speaker's accent in the second language

Simultaneous interpreters

seem to have superb working-memory skills

Imagine that you are currently trying to solve a problem. Which of the following statements about attention would be relevant to your situation?

You may experience divided attention because of distracting ideas.

In problem solving, the term obstacles refers to

restrictions that are encountered in problem solving

Suppose that you want to make a chart that lists the possible combinations that can be formed with four basic flavors of cake and three basic flavors of frosting. This chart would be called

a matrix

A major problem with using the analogy approach to problem solving is that

people pay too little attention to structural features

In problem solving, a method that always produces a problem solution (though not necessarily very efficiently) is known as

an algorithm

In a means-ends analysis

we divide the problem into a number of subproblems

In problem solving, heuristics

are strategies that examine only some of the alternatives

In functional fixedness

we assign a particular use to an object, and that use tends to remain stable

Which of the following would be an example of functional fixedness?

Wanting to use a rope to tie your car trunk closed and failing to realize that you could use a coat-hanger for the task

Heidi is taking an online class with timed exams, and Heidi complains that the exams are not fair to her because she reads more slowly than the average student. Heidi's instructor tells her that reading speed and comprehension are skills that can be improved with practice, and encourages her to overcome this obstacle instead of using it as an excuse. Heidi's instructor is encouraging her to adopt

a growth mindset

Suppose that Ramón is a Latino college student who is taking a course in engineering. He is about to take the first exam in this course. He looks around the room and notices that he appears to be the only Latino student in the class. Ramón is likely to experience

stereotype threat

Research on problems such as the Elves-and-Goblins problem reveals that people:

are reluctant to move away from the goal state—that is, move backwards temporarily

Concerning problem-solving performance, recent research reveals that the stereotype threat:

may be heightened and performance made worse. if a person is made aware of a link between group membership and poor performance

Suppose you have just read over an algebra problem, and you have now created an internal representation of the important information. According to the discussion of problem solving, you have mastered the stage called:


When people have a growth mindset, they are more likely to believe that:

people can improve their problem-solving skills by challenging themselves

Which of the following statements about factors affecting conditional reasoning is correct?

People typically make more errors with abstract problems than with concrete problems

Suppose that you are given several pieces of information, and you must infer whether the logical consequence of that information is correct. The task you are performing is called

deductive reasoning

Which of the following kinds of propositional reasoning is actually valid?

Affirming the antecedent

Here is a reasoning problem: "Some vegetables have seeds. Some things that have seeds are fruits. Therefore, some vegetables are fruits." What kind of reasoning does this represent?

A syllogism

Why is the embodied cognition approach important when people are trying to solve certain kinds of problems?

Your gestures often encourage you to express abstract thoughts and terms

According to your textbook, cognition is the acquisition, storage, transformation, and use of knowledge. Compared to more basic cognitive processes such as working memory, problem solving makes more use of which of those four processes?

Transformation of knowledge

Suppose that you have solved a problem by letting the letter x represent one unknown and by letting the letter y represent another unknown. Which problem-solving method have you used?


According to the introduction to the chapter on problem solving,

people typically use problem-solving strategies that can produce a solution fairly quickly

Which of the following circumstances is most likely to encourage the successful use of analogies in problem solving?

Having people try to solve several problems that are structurally similar, before they see the target problem

Which of the following is the best example of the hill-climbing heuristic?

You want to become a social worker, so at each choice point, you choose the option that appears to lead most directly toward your goal

According to the discussion of problem-solving approaches, the hill-climbing heuristic

is often used if you do not have information on how to reach your goal, so you select the best option at each choice point

Jane is given an anagram to solve: DFROJ In attempting to solve the anagram, Jane takes out a sheet of paper and methodically begins to write down every possible combination of these five letters: DFRJO, DFJOR, DFJRO, DFORJ, and so forth Jane's strategy would be described as

an algorithm

The discussion of insight in problem solving pointed out that

gestalt psychologists emphasized the importance of insight in solving problems

According to the research on mental sets,

people may produce inferior problem solutions if they are shown examples of possible solutions before they try to solve the problem

Suppose that you believe you can increase your cognitive performance by challenging yourself to work harder and more effectively. According to your textbook, you would have

a growth mindset

In which of the following areas are expert problem-solvers and novice problem-solvers likely to be most similar?

General memory skills

A problem-solving strategy in which a person ignores some alternatives and only explores those that are most likely to produce a solution is called:

a heuristic

Supporters of a situated-cognition approach argue that a person's ability to solve a problem is closely linked to the:

specific context in which he or she learned to solve that kind of problem

As Chapter 11 discussed, attention is important during problem solving because:

divided attention may arise if you have competing thoughts while trying to solve a problem

In the process of arriving at a solution to a problem that initially seems difficult, but results in a rather sudden discovery of the correct solution:

metacognitive judgments of confidence increase dramatically when the correct solution is discovered

Julio has been told, "If your name appears on the list outside Dr. Forest's office, you'll be in the psychology honors class next semester." Julio's name does indeed appear on the list. Julio concludes that he will be in the psychology honors class next semester. Julio is using

conditional reasoning

Consider the following problem: "Some college students are bright. All bright people are hard working. Therefore, all college students are hard working." What kind of thinking task does this problem represent?

A syllogism

Here is a reasoning problem: "If today is Tuesday then my cognition class meets this morning. Today is not Tuesday. Therefore, my cognition class does not meet this morning." What kind of reasoning does this represent?

Denying the antecedent

Here is a reasoning problem: If Mary is a psychology major at your college then she must take statistics. Mary graduates from your college without taking statistics. Therefore, Mary is not a psychology major. What kind of problem is this?

Conditional reasoning problem

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What can we conclude about the comparison between experts and nonexperts with respect to writing quizlet?

What can we conclude about the comparison between experts and nonexperts, with respect to writing? An expert writer pays more attention to transitions between ideas. Which of the following is true about bilingual individuals? They perform better on concept-formation tasks than monolingual individuals.

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What can we conclude about the relationship between attitudes and proficiency in a second language? People who are positive toward speakers of another language are likely to learn that language more quickly than those who are neutral or negative about that group.

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It is easier to conduct research on language comprehension than on language production. you are likely to preplan the organization of the narrative before you speak. you are likely to interrupt your story several times to ask your listeners whether they have had similar experiences.